Category: Medical fetish phone sex

Medical Fetish Phone Sex: Torture In The Doctor’s Chair

medical fetish phone sex

Medical fetish phone sex is my guilty pleasure. Every time I go to the gyno’s office, I get a secret little thrill. Well, I honestly don’t know just how secret it actually is. My gyno probably notices that my pussy gets wet when she pulls on the nitrile gloves and gets out the speculum. But she’s never been so gauche as to say anything about it (even though part of me wishes she would!).

But that’s what phone fantasies are for. You can be my dirty doctor instead! And what can you do to me? Anything, really. It could be a standard pelvic exam with a happy ending, or it could be full-on medical torture, or anything in between.

Maybe I need to go to the fertility doctor because my boyfriend’s sperm is not doing the trick. And you, as the naught doctor, offer to do the impregnating FOR him, since he can’t manage it on his own. I’d love for you to exam my boobs and my pussy (and maybe even my ass, too, if you think it’s necessary) then pound the fuck out of me when you’re finished! And if you think the whole scene needs to be bloodier than that, well, you’re welcome to pull out the scalpel, too.

Giving thanks as I make a meal out of your family Jewels

Cannibalism phone sexCannibalism phone sex has me being very thankful to make a meal out of your family jewels. You wouldn’t think that I could hide dick and testicle meat and a nice sweet potato pie. But I can, And I plan to have your family eating parts of you unknowingly this Thanksgiving. 

Besides we all know that you are time with your balls in your cock has come to an end. All you really need is a permanent catheter they drain the piss out and you can live along healthy life. But there are other options to just losing your balls and pieces if not all of your cock. 

Cannibalism phone sex By Harper 

I could stop at mere Castration phone sex that one be as much finest killing you. Dissecting you what the finest medical scalpels and suturing you up after I made long deep cuts. Are you still can enjoy your Thanksgiving now I will shove cranberries in your belly than sew it back up? And when that turkey is too big for your asshole I’m going to have to cut open that ass cavity.

Oh yes I could just drop at having her family eat your mutilated genitals hidden discreetly in pies and desserts. But then I went and get to play with all my fancy medical equipment. And I know how much you love my statistic Medical fetish phone sex!

Tonight we feast on your flesh and give many  thanks to the victims who get us off!

Castration Phone Sex Calls Leave Losers with No Balls

castration phone sexYou might be surprised how many men call me for castration phone sex. But you might be even more surprised at how many men reach out to me on the dark net to get castrated for real. If a man wants to sever his balls from his useless dick, who am I to say no. His body. His choice. And if he wants to pay me to do it, even better.

Some men are self-aware. And then other men seem clueless that no one likes their dick but them. Men like that get a free ball removal. And sometimes, I even chop off the dick too. For tools, predators and annoying pricks, their body is my choice. And I choose cock and ball torture sex.

If you cannot use it properly, you do not deserve it at all. Too many men look at their cock and balls as an entitlement when it is a privilege. And sometimes, a privilege gets revoked. Just like suspending a drunk driver’s license. Not all men deserve their cocks.

I saw this neighborhood dick being cruel to his dog. And one thing I hate is animal cruelty. Pick a fair fight, loser. So, I plotted to steal his dog. I successfully liberated his big beast of a dog. However, he came looking for his dog having a suspicion that I was behind his missing pooch. I hid the dog in my underground bunker so that he would never find him.

Your Cock and Balls are a Privilege That I am Happy to Revoke

But I invited him in to look. However, before he left, I took his balls. Hit him over the head with a frying pan and knocked him out. Smelling salt woke him up. And when he woke up, he realized his pants were off. He quickly realized that I put a castration band around his balls and strapped him to a surgical table. With all my knives laid out in precision, I began the mutilation phone sex torture of his worthless junk.

His dog, sat in the corner watching me carve up the dick of his former owner. I carved his pup’s name on his cock to make him bleed and cry. After about 30 minutes of torturing his dick, his balls blackened form lack of blood flow, and I removed them with ease. Fed them to his dog while he watched in horror. That pup was all the payment I needed. Eventually, I cut that loser’s cock off too. But I left him a tiny nub for pissing. I am not completely heartless. Okay, yes, I am.

Fed the cock to his pup too. I cauterized the wounds and cleaned him up. Sent him home in agony. But I knew he would not call the cops on me or tell a sole. While I was in his home liberating his pup, I found a stack of homemade brat porn. And I took it as insurance. I find it more satisfying to make a loser live with the fact that a woman took his balls and his cock so he will never fuck or even jack off again.

Mutilation Phone Sex Includes Castration

mutilation phone sexMutilation phone sex includes a wide arrange of things. But my favorite would be castration. I love removing a man’s junk. Why? Because I can. It feels good to be a sadistic bitch. Now, I do not need a reason to castrate a man. Never need an excuse. But often, men ask for it. And I am not talking about just being rude or looking at me funny. I mean they hurt other people, try to hurt me or animals.

Oscar drugged and fucked a Goth girl friend of mine. She told me all about it the next day. And I began plotting my revenge quickly. With her help of course. If you don’t know how to use your cock properly, you deserve castration phone sex and more. Zia and I exacted our revenge last night. We have been going to the Goth bar this happened at for 5 straight days hoping to catch him and we did.

Zia acted like she did not remember him or anything. And he approached me. My Goth pal played her part well. And I did too. A man is not the only one who can drug a drink. I acted like I drank from the poison cup. But he was the one who started falling. Zia and I escorted him back to his place.castration phone sex

Women Like Me Find it More Fulfilling to Neuter a Predator Than Killing Him

When he woke up, he found himself tied to his bed, naked and on a plastic tarp. Makes cleaning up easier. He knew when he saw Zia that she remembered him. I read him his crimes. But told him he would have no trial. We went straight to the sentencing. I gave Zia a pair of sharp scissors and she cut his balls off. Sure, perhaps it seems cruel to give a man such extreme cock and ball torture sex, but he had it coming.

This time a man really had it coming. The way I see it, I am doing a favor for all women. Predators need put down. And I do not mean killed. I mean neutered for life. Oscar will be forced to think about what he did to Zia for the rest of his life. And neutering a predator seems more satisfying than killing them. We cauterized the wound before we left so he would not bleed out and die. And Zia took home her first pair of severed testicles.

You’re the freaky mortician in town.

Sex with dead bodies

Sex with dead bodies. You’re the new mortician in town. Handling dead bodies that come in from all kinds of deaths. Bodies that have been shot, burned, cut, car accidents, or elderly you’re the man. The desire was overwhelming and you can’t control the urge to use them. Before you became a mortician you would dig up bodies in cemeteries and fuck them, play with their snatch’s. Even if they were just bones. The cold cunts and deathly looking titty’s made your cock throb .

A young lady was hit by a car and there lye her naked dead body on the table. It’s your job to dress her up for her funeral. Put makeup on her as well as a dress. Her neck is barely hanging on and her guts are hanging out. Her flesh was still dripping and her eyes open. As she gazes straight at you with her broken neck you get on top and slip your dick deep up her snatch. It’s cold and your balls are covered in blood. You pound that dead pussy hard grabbing onto her swollen big tits. You want to give her her that good last fuck before she’s 6ft under.

Her arms were swinging around as you fuck the shit out of her dead broken body. This freakfuck took your big dick good, still tight even after life.  Death never looked as good as it does around your shaft, hugging your balls.

Castration Phone Sex With Dr. Swift

castration phone sex


Castration phone sex is one of those things a select group of people talk about. I never imagined that a doctor would have a thriving business cutting off balls, until my friend Emma told me that she worked in a private surgeon’s office that did at least twenty castrations a week. I couldn’t help but wonder and she told me that there were the men who had to get it done as a condition of release from prison and then there were the ones who got it to adhere to a program where they were being controlled. Whenever Dr. Swift saw a patient with a signed contract of consent, he knew there was a woman in charge who sent him there. The directions were always the same. The family jewels were to be sent back to the woman in charge with a note saying, “property of” and her name. It was a way to drive the point home that from this day his name would die, along with any control over his life and cock. Dr. Swift got a special thrill out of the act. After every surgery, she had her eunuch personal assistant come to her office and get on his knees in front of her with his pants down to show his ball-less cock, as he ate her very wet pussy. Being able to cut away the ability of men to get a woman pregnant got her so excited that she had to masturbate and ordered her assistant to as well. When she was near orgasm he was to repeat the words, ” Your fertile pussy is going to cum”, over and over, as she came all over his tongue. Her assistant would then stand up with his pants still down and his eyes fixed on the floor. He was not allowed to move until she told him to. When she addressed him as half of a man, he was able to retreat to the back office. Dr. Swift would come in to find him wearing a paper gown and nothing else. She would strap him to a gynecological table with his feet in the stirrups and a vibrating probe in his ass. His face was always red with embarrassment and she loved that, since he wasn’t allowed to shoot as he stroked before. If he had any balls they would be full and heavy. This time, he wouldn’t be able to stroke or control the useless spunk when it spurted from his fuck pole. She left him and closed the door. It was time to get a fresh scalpel and get to work. The eunuch would be waiting after she was done.

Bloody Phone Sex Exacts Revenge for Women and Girls Scorned

bloody phone sexBloody phone sex paints a vivid picture for you of what it might be like to hang with me. Mayhem often ensues wherever I go. But I would not want it any other way. Killing fills me with joy. I am not a altruistic person. But I do see killing as for the greater good. Usually, my victims have many folks who would cheer on their death.

However, as much as I enjoy ridding the world of tools and jackasses, I enjoy torturing them almost as much. If you neuter a man, you still make the world a better place, especially for women and brats. Plus, you leave the tool or the jackass alive to know his actions took his balls. And he must live with the knowledge that he will never fuck a woman or jack off ever again.

Torture sex still creates a euphoric feeling in me while making the world a better place. Sometimes, I let a young apprentice help me in neutering a man. This girl I know because she lives in the neighborhood recently survived a brutal attack. Although I do not like brats, this girl does not annoy me. In fact, I paid her to run errands and walk my pups for me over the summers when she’s off school. Not even two days after her attack, she showed up at my door covered in bruises. Her face looked like she fought Mike Tyson back in the day.

I Love It When I Can See Potential in a Young Girl

She got right to the point. When she broke her piggy bank, I knew she wanted my help with revenge. Apparently, she has heard some whispering about me. Always some truth in rumors. I found her assailant easier because she never told a sole that her attacker was her mom’ dead beat boyfriend.  She wanted revenge her own way. A little vigilante. Just like me. Well, her attacker will never attack her again. Or anyone because he got free and brutal castration phone sex. Happy to do it too.

I made it bloody and painful. No cauterizing his wound. That little girl delivered the final swipe that sent his useless balls flying across the room. He will never say a word either. If he did, it would come out what he did to that girl. Her mother is next on my list because she let it happen. The girl will live with me now. She has such potential to be a wicked butcher like me. Under my tutelage I can make her a sadistic killer like me. And the world needs more of us. We serve as population control.

Ass Rape Porn Star for Halloween and Every Day

ass rape pornThis Halloween I am going as an ass rape porn star. Oh, wait that’s not very original. I am a hardcore anal whore every day of the year. Holidays require more coke. Halloween does not stress me out like the big holidays, but I still need coke to deal with all the bitchy soccer moms who come to my house with their brats. Coke makes everything better. However, I needed more than Marcus had. He tells me I could out snort Pablo Escobar. Been doing coke since a teenager thanks to my mother.

So, I had to look for alternative dealers. I keep a list. And I have them in order of who will do the least amount of damage to me.  And the top three never returned my texts which means they didn’t have product, or they did not want to trade me for it. However, the fourth one on the list is this lesbian dealer. She can be cool. But sometimes, she can be brutal. I think it depends on the time of the month. I could star in a snuff porn with her, or just get my ass abused for hours. She has a ass fetish.

I Have Had All Sorts of Things Inserted in My Ass in Exchange for Coke

She agreed to help me. But for a price of course. I had to let her violate my ass. Not the first time. I’ve made some hardcore lesbian anal porn with her in the past for coke. One was a cheerleader hazing themed porn that went over big with her streaming audience. This time, less people were involved, but more brutal. She wanted a medical fetish themed porn. I have had speculums in my cunt. But my ass? I think that might have been a first. She lubed the speculum up with icy hot. Then she panned to a close up of my face to see the tears. That shit burns like hell.

While she gaped my asshole, she put all sorts of things in my gapped asshole. And things that should not be in an ass like knives. She told me to be still because one little jump and she might stab my asshole. Yeah, that scared me. My ass has seen a lot of violence, but a knife in it is not something I have experienced. Clearly, she likes medical fetish phone sex fun. But she tortured my ass for hours And I did get some nicks to my prolapse. But I got enough coke to dull it all. Thank goodness. But I did move her further down the list of surrogate drug dealers.

Rape phone sex fantasies has the best kept secret

Rape phone sex fantasiesRape phone sex fantasies, my favorite pastime. You might think you know what I’m all about just by looking at me  after all, I’ve got a hot, wet pussy that’s always ready for action. But there’s so much more to me than just that.

The real special surprise is the screams of mercy that come right before death. It’s those guttural, hoarse cries that gets me off like a rocket. The victims always think they’ll get out of it, even when they’re tied down and completely at my mercy. But they never do – and that’s what makes it so much fun.

I love holding the little whore down while you defile every part of her body with your tongue. The taste of her is always super sweet, just the way I like it. And when it’s time to fuck, I make sure she’s ready for the ride of her life. I want you pumping that bitch until she’s soaked your cock with cum and blood. And when she screams louder, I want you to fuck her even harder.

But don’t be fooled, my friends. These aren’t cries of pain or fear. They’re cries of pleasure, of release, of a depth of satisfaction that most people can only dream of. It’s the sound of Torture sex, the kind that makes you cum harder than ever before.


Get a heater for the thighs…

Medical Fetish Phone Sex

For all the sick and twisted fucks out there, can we all agree that sex with dead bodies has so many more benefits then trying to fuck a living one. Living ones tend to kick when they don’t want it. Which leads to a fight, a bloody ass mess. Another body to dispose of. I mean, that’s a lot of work, you know.

So I loved the times I worked at the morgue. Especially when a hot guy came in on one of the stretchers this one night. Dude was fucked up from the waist up. He was in a race with one of his buddies and was ejected from the car when he impacted the tree. So he wasn’t exactly something to look at.

But his dick. Holy shit. It was immaculate. And hard (thank you rigor). Like a little fuck stick that never goes soft. A dildo with hips that feel more real then any sex toy.

Now, you have to make sure you have lube handy for these moments. Because their skin tends to soak up more moisture, which can cause some pussy damage. So of course I lubed up for this one because I did plan on riding that pogo stick for some time. And ride I did.

It did start out cold. He had been dead for some time when he came in, so body heat was no longer there. But it doesn’t matter to me though, as my cunt is super juicy and wet. So it warms up as I keep bouncing off this specimen of a cock. It’s one of my favorite feelings too. Because as it warms up, you can still feel a bit of pulse in the muscles.

I know I’m done when I can feel the load blow in me like a squid releasing it’s ink. That sticky sweet fluid of dead come flowing into my graveyard of a womb as I sit for a moment and savor it. Dick still hard and stretching the walls of my pussy, I wait till I feel the balls drain completely.

And then, while still sitting on his dick, I proceed to start the autopsy. And continue using his cock at the same time to keep scratching that itch.