Mutilation phone sex is fantastic. I found a nasty little mall rat to play with last night. She was rude and disrespectful. You know the type of little bitch who thinks she is BETTER than everyone. She turned her prissy little nose up when she passed me. I could hear her loudly snicker and say gross like I was a piece of trash at her feet. Something I could not let pass. I followed her till she made it to her car. Of course she was parked in a handicap spot when she obviously just thought the rules didn’t apply to her. But she is about to learn. She didn’t notice me when I hit her. She feel like a sack of potatoes. I got her quickly in the car and I was off. I drove all night to my cabin. Very secluded. The two times she woke up I hit her with a brick to put her back down. When she finally woke up I had her stripped and tied spread eagle between two beams. She started screaming at me like I worked for her. Ordering me to untie her! AT once! Lol I picked up a box of bricks and threw one at her. She screamed at me and I threw another one. Every time she spoke I threw a hard brick at her! She was bleeding and turning black and blue before she learned to shut the fuck up. I held a brick in my hand when I walked up to her with the shears. I turned them on and shaved her pretty blonde hair. She started to scream and I picked up the brick she shut up instantly. Grown dogs can learn. When I had her shaven I picked up the knife. Time to have some fun. First I sliced up that pretty face. Long deep scarring slashes. Then I took out 2 razor blades. I walked behind her and spread her ass checks and wedged the blades in her ass. They lodged slicing deep in her checks. She was whimpering like a dog. But still hopeful I would let her live she didn’t scream at me. Stupid Bitch! I took great pleasure in leaving her that hope as I sliced her arms and leg.. Then moved to her stomach. I cut from her cunt to each of her tits. But the best part was when I pulled out the machete and walked up to her. I knew the second she figured out what I was gonna do. As I started to push that blade between her legs. The second she knew she was gonna die. Then she screamed. Loud and long. That is when I shoved the machete right up her cunt. I left it lodge in her. When I grabbed the baseball bat. That was shoved right up her tight ass. I have never heard someone scream so hard. I picked back up my brick and smashed that bitches face in. That’s what happens when a bitch needs a lesson.
Category: Knife play phone sex
Mutilation phone sex with Storm
Who’s the freak now.
I went to the park today to meet up with some friends.. When I walked by this ass hole called out freak and all his friends started laughing. He must have thought he was being funny cuase he followed me making little snide remakes about my ink and my clothes. Finally I had enough. I started walking back toward my car… and he follow. I acted hurt and afraid.. cause I knew he couldn’t pass that up. His friends all hung back in the park but he couldn’t let it go. I walked around the back of my car and popped the trunk. I waited for him to get close and and started crying. Just enough for him to move in for the kill.. lol He was so occupied with bullying me he didn’t realize he was out of sight from his friends. Or that no one was around. When he walked around the corner of the car he wasn’t expecting me to crack him over the head with a tire Iron. I was barely able to push in the the trunk of the car. I drove him deeper into the park. I found a very small old road and drove down it till we were in the middle of nowhere. Then I popped the trunk. He was awake but still loopy. Stumbling to get out of the trunk.. LOL I waited for him to regain so of his balance then I took the tire iron and hit him as hard as I could in his nut sack! Of course he fell to the ground screaming. Covering his dick with his hands. And I started to kick him over and over again in his nuts. This just wasn’t making me feel better. So I went to my trunk and pulled out some rope. I tied the tope to his hands and to a tree. Then tied his feet spread eagle to another tree. He was begging me to let him go. I pulled out my knife and cut his pants and underwear off. His dick was purple and black. He kept saying sorry over and over..but it was to late now. I took my knife a cut slits all the way down his dick. And then started kicking him again Over and over. His dick will recover. lol.. Now I guess we know who the freak is. He will never be able to piss right again. Fucking fag!
Cum PLay With Death
Now I know there are tons of twisted perverts out in this world that would love to get their cocks dirty in some sick pleasures. That would push the blade deeper into the flesh of that pathetic whore until you cum all over her nude body. Call me for the dark desires of Necrophilia phone sex while I cum with you to that type of Taboo phone sex. There is nothing I won’t hold back from the moment we catch her to when we are finished with the lifeless corpse. There is no limits to what we can accomplish together in our demented thoughts. Our victims can be any age, race, size, and height to whatever we are lusting after. In the end it boils down to the same result … explosive cumming death endings. Where we have exploit every craving desire we have with our victims. There is nothing that I will not talk about to make sure that we will both have a happy ending. Ha ha ha ha!
Home Invasion phone sex with Storm
Home invasion phone sex means much more to me now. My friend has been telling me for weeks how she hates her fucking ex. How he screwed her over and stole from her. She is always making up stories on how she wants to fuck him up. To break into his house and make that fucker PAY! I had finally had enough. We got so fucking wasted and went over to his house. I kicked the fucking door in and surprised him and his new little girlfriend watching a movie. I had to knock his ass out with a bat and tie him up. His girlfriend was easier. I was able to take her down with a few punches. I let my friend cut her ex boyfriend up like a roast as I made his pretty little girlfriend watch. Then I turned on her. Slicing up her pretty little face really turned me on. slow cuts to scare her as I worked up to the good stuff. By the time I made it to her perky tits I was really worked up. Cutting her up was pure heaven. And when I finally got around to killing her…mmmmm I haven’t cum that hard in a while. Cant wait to do it again.
Knife Play Phone Sex While Preping Dinner
When you are a connoisseur of the finer meats in life you find ingenious sources for food and your knives must be in top notch condition for butchering your meat.
Knife play for me has a different fucking meaning then it does for most. I went to a carnival last night and met a healthy looking man that was trying to get out of the bizz. We talked for a long time and I found out he was a loner. No family, no ties to anyone or anything except the carnival. The perfect fucking target for my freezer. I offered him a place and when the carnival closed he gathered his belongings and told his boss he quit.
We went back to my house and I showed him some wonderful hospitality. I fixed him a nice big dinner, which he gobbled up like a man that hadn’t eaten in forever. I let him take a nice hot shower and gave him my warm fluffy robe.
After he got a good nights sleep I decided to have some fun and took out my chains for some kinky, fucking before I snuffed his ass for dinner. I couldn’t think of anything but how he would taste while I sucked his huge cock.
This evening I had my friend come over , the one that helps me butcher my food. We feed our new friend one last meal and then the fun began.
I noticed as we were butchering him that my knives were a little dull so when we were done I ordered a new set. Just looking at the picture on line of the saw and the shiny, sharp blades my cunt began to gush cum.
Then I saw a knife set for the counter, and my twisted sense of humor couldn’t resist. Only my closest friends will know it’s meaning, It is a little man with knives stuck all in him. I had to have it!
My new knives will be here by next Thursday and then I will go hunt again so that I can play with my new knives while filling my freezer. I think I will plan a dinner party too!
Knife Play with Erotic Accomplice Aria
You never knew what hit you, you stupid bitch when you walked through your door. All at once he grabbed you and pulled you close to him and muffled your pathetic screams with his hand. You saw me waiting for you both in your very own bedroom waiting for the fun to begin.
Typically, this is when useless little cunts like you begin to cry and beg for us not to hurt you, God no matter how many times I hear them do this it still manages to get my little snatch dripping wet. When he pushes you face down onto your bed, I crawl in next to you with my devilish grin and tell you about the amazing dirty painful hard fucking you’re about to receive. Well…..aren’t you going to thank us, bitch? Hmm, as I pull out my long sharp buck knife I only use on very special occasions like this, your eyes widen and are filled with terror. Oh, now you’re getting with the program, aren’t you sweetheart? I knew you couldn’t be that much a brainless cunt.
I look over to him and know it’s time, we switch positions and climb on top of you and he pulls your trembling face into his lap. I laugh and tell you that you had better start to suck his cock the way he likes it or this evening to turn really bad for you. He pulls his hard throbbing dick out and forces it to your lips and you gag and choke and finally begin to suck it and take it like the worthless whore you are.
“I really think this slut is enjoying this,” I say to myself as I’m slicing through your flimsy little skirt and top exposing your leopard print panties and bra.” I knew you were a cheap whore all along.” and In a couple of quick slices you are completely stripped and splayed out, and ready for some fun.
As your busily getting mouth fucked, you feel me glide my cool steel blade down your back over that sweet ass and down your creamy thighs. Such a pretty picture this is and I can’t resist having a nice long lick of your little fuck hole. “My, my, my, your snatch is delicious… don’t mind if I do.” I smile to myself and devour that tight cunt of yours as I fuck you so hard and deep with my expert tongue.
“Oh baby, we’re gonna have so much fun with this one, she may occupy us the whole evening. Let’s see if she can break the record and make it through the entire evening with us, cross your fingers bitch…..oh right never mind.” *giggle*
Fucking Liars need to PAY
I spent days picking out the best bikini. I went to so many different shops to make sure I got only the best one! The girl at the last shop said that MY bikini was the only ONE and I go it. They had ordered some but wouldn’t be in for weeks! had to have it. It looked fantastic on me and I didn’t have to worry about everyone having one. So I was pretty surprised when I saw SEVERAL of them on the beach. And then when I saw the same BITCH who sold me my bathing suit… wearing my fucking bathing suit! The fucking slut LIED to my face. And everyone wearing this fucking bathing knows I fell for her shit! I am fucking pissed. I saw the slut jump into one of the cabanas and I moved in. I slide on a mask and I slipped in before she even realized it I jumped the Bitch. I had my hands so tight around her throat she couldn’t fucking scream! I pulled her top off and shoved it in her mouth! I reached in my bag and pulled out a knife. I cut her panties off and shoved them in her mouth as well. I could just make out her chocking. Her naked body weathering beneath me. The little fucking liar had to pay. I took my knife and carved LIAR in her fucking for head. The punched her over and over in her face and chest. I punched her till I was no longer pissed! Fuck that bitch. Then I got up and left. With her bleeding and chocking on the ground. I jumped in the water and swam out to a group of guys.. keeping an eye on the Cabana. It was almost an hour before someone found I wish I could see her face the moment she see what she looks like now!
Does It Hurt When You Bleed?
It’s so disappointing to me you even think of blowing me off when we have plans. Do you think I care if it’s your fucking grandma’s 80th birthday party? You really should have gotten your priorities straight sweetheart, it’s really a shame.
Your entire family gathered together having such a wonderful time, sharing old family stories you’re heard over and over and over….. fucking boring! Your family never really warmed up to me did they, they keep telling you to be careful because I just seem so cold. Maybe for once you should’ve listened to those assholes and been a little more careful around me.
I warned you that if you cancelled our date you’d be sorry, but you just shook your head and said you loved me and you would make it up to me. You were warned love, so since you think a day kissing your wrinkled up grandmother ass all day sounds like such fun, let me make even more fun for you. well maybe more like for me.
Your cunt of a mother and too stupid to live sister of yours were wheeling out granny’s cake but nobody can find her. She sure has been in the bathroom a long time, even for older than dirt people like her. Finally you volunteer to see if she’s okay, knocking at the bathroom door you’re getting a sick feeling in your stomach. All of a sudden my words are making sense, you’d be sorry if you cancelled. When you burst open the door you were met with such a lovely scene. I decided to get Granny dressed up fancy for her big birthday blow out. Finding her shaking and bloody tied up to the toilet in her new leather corset, fishnet stockings and latex boots! Oh she never looked so good, who knew Granny was such a fucking slut, lol. For a special touch I had to carve a Happy 80th into her forehead, red always was her color wasn’t it?