Category: Killer phone sex

Sadistically Hunting A Trophy Wife

Mutilation Phone SexWhen I hunt, I like to take trophies from my victims. I want to relive the sweet sadiction of my victory again and again. I remember every single whore I’ve ever snuffed out, and my cunt is grateful for the never ending spank bank material, if you know what I mean.
Listen closely, sweet pet. It’s story time; do you remember the tooth fairy? Yeah, that little creature that trades your baby teeth for money? Think of me as the older sister of those sweet, innocent fae. I’m a bone fairy, and baby I’m here to collect my due.
I keep a menagerie of curiosities: mummified starfish, dried tarantulas, taxidermy sharks. My human collection is all my favorite, and all home made. I always dismember my prey in a field so their blood may feed into the cornstalks.
I see you watch me, your eyes cold like jade as I show you my toys; a femur from a young girl, the teeth of some old bitch, preserved organs, a liver, a heart.
Sometimes, when I’m hunting I only attack and take a trophy. I want my victims to fear that I’ll come back to collect the rest of what I’m due. I will. Tonight, I’m going to go match these ring fingers with the red headed bitch they belong to. Are you tagging along to help, or just to jack off while you watch me work?


Kill Your Cunt Of A Mother

Murder Phone Sex FantasiesMy pets know exactly how to keep my killer cunt dripping. I adopted a new boy, and he is as sadistic as he is sweet. He wants me to help him kill his rich bitch Mommy, and no request has ever sounded sweeter to my sadistic slut ears. Listen now, beloved. Goddess is going to be very fucking clear; if you fuck this up, I’ll flay you myself and leave you for the crows, do you understand? Grow a backbone, baby. Your first kill is always the hardest.
Your mother, she’s immobile and unresponsive. Her in-home nurses take such good care of Mommy dearest, but those little nurse whores cost a pretty penny, don’t they? My boy wants his inheritance, and he wants it now; so listen up and don’t fuck up.
Wait until her naughty nurses go, and then give mommy a sip of water. She’ll thank you, with her eyes since her bitch body has betrayed her. This is easy prey, baby boy. Do what Goddess says. Slide into bed with Mommy like you do, and ram a short stem funnel in her stupid cunt mouth, and pinch her ugly fucking nose closed. Pour water, and give her a real drink. Oh yeah, we’re dry drowning this bitch.
Pour, and pour, and pour for that whore. Her medulla oblongata will make her swallow, but eventually it will make her breathe too! She can only drink for so long, isn’t that right?
When she is forced to breathe in, she’ll get a lung full of water. Pull that funnel out, and clamp a strong hand over the mouth that humiliated you so much as a brat. Don’t let her choke it out. Make her drown. And when you watch her monitor, her blood pressure will shoot up, her heart beat will skyrocket. Watch her oxygen levels dwindle, and her heart flat line.
Call the nurses and cry. Turn that fear into the best acting moment of your life. No one will question her poor baby boy. Smile inside, sweetness. You took your first victim, and filled your pockets at the same time. Remember to Worship Goddess. I know exactly what you’ll buy me as thanks.

Medical Fetish Phone Sex

Installment Payment #2

Ass rape porn

It has been hours since the mechanic left me in this room. My body is sore and mutilated And I think I might die in here!

Then I hear the door open!

It’s him! The light hurts my eyes and I can’t hardly see but he is holding something that looks like a drill!

He walks over and yanks the filthy panties out of my mouth. I start to whimper and beg him for something to drink.

Then he back hands me and splits my lip!

He finally unhooks the restraints and my limp body falls to the floor.

I can hear the drills start to hum as he plops his naked ass on my face, suffocating me with his smelly fat balls! I try to move to catch some air but he is too strong!

Then I feel it! My tiny dehydrated ass is being turn apart by the drill! But he is not done! He stuffs a second one in my tiny shit hole, fulfilling his ass rape fantasy!

At this point his fat cock is choking me as he rides my face and all I can do is lay there.

He kept saying, “Eat it bitch! It’s the only meal you’re going to get!”

I did as I was told and swallowed every but of that chunky cock spit. And then swallowed the vomit when I threw it back up in my mouth.

He stood up and gave me a golden shower as he told me what a filthy whore I was and then laughed as he turned and locked the door.

My body just laid there in the piss and blood. But I did not mind. I was just happy to be alive. At least for now.


Jezabels’ Evil Snuff Phone Sex

snuff phone sexJealousy sometimes fuels my snuff phone sex. I see these whores around town with big round beautiful tits and I get enraged. I need to have these tits to play with for myself! I may be young still but my tit set will never be as round and beautiful as theirs.

By the age of 19 most chicks have what they will have. I refuse a tit job, and prefer to make my jealous rage into something that will get my pussy off at the same time! I lure these bitches into death but first a bit of torture will sustain me and my longing to have the perfect rack.

My long thin scalpel is perfect for slicing nipples and into the flesh of a slut. The nipples’ perfectly cut off like a piece of pepperoni and shoved up their ass so you can fuck then into that anal cavity where they belong.

Then you and maybe a few buddies with similar fact cocks can fuck large tit holes until they swell with cum and explode all over me. Blood and cum some of my favorite things. Don’t forget she has other holes and we can always carve out some more for a gangbang rape porn session!

Addicted to Snuff Porn Since High School

snuff pornWhen I was younger, I did not watch Disney movies. I watched horror films. I had no interest in princess type or romantic movies. Age appropriate movies were boring. Horror and Snuff porn turned me on. I read sexy stories about girls dismembering boys. When I was a teenager, girls my age were experimenting with sex and drugs. I was disfiguring neighbor girls and sexually mutilating the mean girls in my school. I am a sociopath, but I never harmed animals. I like them more than people. I was inspired by movies like Hostel and Saw. Torture movies made me want to cut and disfigure stupid and bitchy girls. I remember my first victim like it was yesterday. Ashley. The queen bee of my school. The girls at my school either wanted to be her or they feared her. I just hated her. After one partially brutal day of her harassing me for being different, I stabbed her 102 times in a mall bathroom, 50 of those stabs to her bitch cunt. I had done it a million times in my head. This was the day it happened. It was sloppy and violent. I could have been caught, but her murder was pinned on a local pervert with a penchant for hot teen sluts. It was just my luck he was at the mall the same day and caught on camera chatting her up. I got a taste for murder that day and I did not even have a driver’s license yet. I got away with it and that emblazoned me. I took it as a sign I was meant to murder. Now, I am a snuff sex addict. I love the smell, the feel and the taste of a young girl’s blood. Bloody violence turns me on. From stabbing and cutting to castrating and chopping to eviscerating and gutting, the bloodier the better. If you are a worthless fuck pig, then I will kill and gut you like Ashley. If you are a sadistic like me, let’s go hunting and see what kind of trouble we can get into.

Ass Rape Porn Fantasies

ass rape porn

You probably ended up here when you were looking for some hot ass rape porn, right? Well, you’ve hit the jackpot, Sir, because I am really the biggest pain slut you could ever hope for. Just imagine this – I crave the pain that you bring me and pray for it every day. But I have to confess that it makes me happy when you take a break from spanking me, torturing my nipples and clit, etc. When you tell me you are going to “take it easy on me”, I know exactly what those words mean and it makes me wet.

When you tell me to bend over and grab my ankles, I know what’s going to happen. I feel you walk up behind me and push the head of your throbbing cock right up against my puckered asshole. You know it’s too big and it makes me scream every time you try to fuck my asshole. Do you think you’ll actually be able to push it in this time, even though I’m wiggling and begging you to stop? I guess we’ll just have to see if tonight is the night. You keep telling me that it’s gonna feel better, but I’m still waiting.

Ass Rape porn for Ice and Me

ass rape porn

I helped turn teen whore Ice into a ass rape porn whore! I have been working for Mr. B in making a new stream with some much younger victims than usual. Seems as if even the most powerful men have little fuck meat that they want to have shredded by us. Ice was willing and had the knife work that I so admired. About as much as I admired her sweet juicy hot pussy. All it took was some good blow a fifth of maker’s mark and we were ready to be killing and drilling Machines. Now the men we brought over were happy to test those cocks on our cunts first. Six men who had a desire to be involved in our snuff porn and were hard and able to be just as sadistic as we were. Ice is a great cock sucker and my mouth on her cunt as she got each of them hard was the beginning of our debauchery! 

When I went to the cage and let all three of the fresh faced brats out destruction was soon under way! I adore the quick way Ice had the first spread out and her blade slicing into her sweet young flesh as she got pounded hard. Screams echoed off the concrete walls as the video started streaming. I was quickly looking for a high paying request. “Piss in her mouth Jezabel, $300,” So I got on top and pulled my panties to the side as I dribbled my piss into a brat victim. 

“I have $1000 to see two cocks in that hole while Ice smothers her with that pussy! One and one with each brat getting forced fucked and sliced apart. Arms cut off, hearts stuck with and Ice pick and fucked. There would be no end to the amount of pain these two teen phone sex accomplices could inflict!


snuff phone sex

Killer Phone Sex Fantasies

killer phone sexSnuff is urban legend is what people think.  I know folks have more than just killer phone sex fantasies. Snuff flicks are real. I have been forced to make it with men.  Do you like Japanese schoolgirl sluts? I have a sick pervert friend who does. He made me kidnap one for him. He wanted one with long legs in a little schoolgirl outfit. I owe him more money than I can pay back, so I must do sadistic favors for him. I had to get creative to lure a schoolgirl away when no school in session and everyone social distancing.  I acted like I was selling knock off purses out of the back of my van. When these two Japanese girls took the bait, I drugged them. Two is better than one right? I sprayed chloroform in their faces and shoved them in the van. They would not wake up until I got to the location. Asian snuff porn is a money maker and I knew I was driving these innocent girls to their death. But better them than me. As soon as they woke up, they started screaming in Japanese. It aroused my pervert friend. He told me to club them. I did not want to, but he would kill me if I did not. He wanted me as an accomplice, so my hands were just as dirty. Disoriented from the blow to the head, the girls crawled around on the floor bleeding while he jacked off. He fucked them before killing them. The camera was rolling the entire time. They had shrill voices as he jammed his dick in their assholes. I still felt bad. These were young girls. He retarded them with the blows to the head. He sodomized them, prolapsing their assholes. And he eventually broke their skinny necks like chickens. He made me burry the bodies. I am just as guilty as he is in the crime, but I am alive still and closer to being out of his debt.

Evil Phone Sex Snuff Victim

evil phone sex

Daddy Luke used this filthy fuck whore good. I never knew that I could spill so much, and stay conscious enough to bliss out on the pain that it causes. Daddy Luke knows precisely what he is doing to his blonde homecoming Queen masochist. I lay in bondage that’s on the dangerous side of restrictive while he stands over me sharpening his blades. Once one is to its peak sharpness, he puts it to my lips for me to kiss and bless. His fallen baby doll Faith will bless his devices in the name of the dark one, Lucifer, Nema.

When each of his blades is ready for my tender sun-kissed flesh, he begins the evil phone sex session with me. Daddy Luke Presses the tip to my stomach and scratches up, cutting around my tits and smiling as the blood rises out.

“Lick it!” He commands, and I lick the blade, slicing my tongue as I obey. He leans in and jams his tongue deep into my injured mouth. He sucks my bloody tongue and bites when the demon fills his body. When he raises, I can see the difference. Behind him his the magnificent shadow of Lucifer himself.

Bloody Phone Sex Sacrifice

bloody phone sexI love bloody phone sex. You would think I was a vampire for as much as I love blood. Crimson red blood is so beautiful to look at. It tastes even better than it looks too. The blood of little girls is my favorite It is coveted. I like to bathe in it as well as drink it. I sacrificed three super young tarts this week, so I could feast on their blood. I lured them away from the park. I drugged them and exsanguinated them. Drained them of every inch of their blood until they bodies concaved, and their bones collapsed. If you were with me, you could have fucked them first. I do not like to be wasteful. Human flesh should be enjoyed to its fullest, but I was alone and have no desire to fuck some little dumb slut with no pubes or tits yet. That is your type though, right. I just wanted their yummy blood. I drained their little bodies into the tub. I sat naked in the porcelain claw foot tub while three dead bodies bled out into the tub covering me in their sweet red liquid. I scooped out some in a wine glass and toasted their sacrifice. I am into the occult. I will be able to live longer and look younger drinking and absorbing the blood of virgin girls. I am in my thirties, but I look 10 years younger. I keep this up and I will be 60 looking 30. Little girls are born every year. Too many of them. A few times a month, I kidnap a few pretty young things and give them a higher purpose. Their snuff porn death is not for nothing. I get stronger. I get younger looking and I get more powerful with every yummy ounce of virgin blood.