Category: Killer phone sex

Killer Phone Sex

Jezabel copy

Killer Phone Sex is something most don’t take serious. I take it very seriously.
I love take hearing someone take their last breath. It is the one sound that truly turns me on.

Last night I went to the supermarket to get me some different spices to cook with. As, I going down the isle to get some, this stupid blonde haired cunt cut me off with her cart and did not even say excuse me and then just laughed it off and kept shopping.

I could just feel my blood boiling I was so mad as I was finishing my shopping. I went to the register to pay and she was standing there. i tried to say something to her to let her know that she needs to learn to say excuse me. The fucking little bitch just rolled her eyes. I could feel my blood boiling over again.

As I walked out into the dark parking lot I put my groceries in the car. She was parked right beside me. I noticed she was all alone and no one was in the parking lot to even witness a thing.

I reached into my purse and put a little bit of stuff I use to put little cunts like this to sleep. I put the cloth over her mouth till she lightly passed out and I shoved her right in the back on my car.

As I drove home I could feel the rush of the fun that I was about to come overwhelm me. We drove into the drive way she is still completely out of it I drug her to my back porch grabbed my baseball bat from the garage and beat the fucking little bitch all over her body. Not killing her I wanted her awake. I wanted to hear her take her last breath.

As she woke up I asked her if she wanted to say she was sorry now. She started begging me for her life telling me she was sorry. Evil Laugh. She should of thought about that before hand. I took the bat and beat the bitch in the head till I heard her take her last breath. She won’t be cutting no one else off NOW! LOL


Master Piece

knife play phone sexSometimes I need to blow off steam. Sometimes I do it just for fun. The hunt, the thrill of the catch. The Omnipotent grace that washes over me.  Covers me as their blood covers me.  It is perfection. An art of sculpting with my blade and painting their blood on a clean pure canvas that makes me realize just how perfect life can be. The feel of the cold metal placed in my hands as the warm blood pouring over my instrument. Washes over me as I create my ballad of pleasure and pain. The smell of fear and life fills my senses.  As I  bask in the glory of life as it slips thru my  fingers one cut at a time. The sweet anguish of its cry’s as I empty the vessel of it life force.  And when I am  done I get to look at my  finished master piece and know that I created the single most important even it its life. And no one will ever forget what I have done.  The art I have created with my hands and my knife.

Drowning ~~ The “easy cleanup” method…

Little girl dispenser

Having a dispenser of hot underage cunny such as the above would be ideal but in part I believe it would be boring.  Half of the fun is in the hunt.  Planning and plotting, observing.  Finding that perfect little morsel of goodness and then following her, casing her up persay.  I guess a little underage flesh snack machine would be good for those desperate times.  Times when I am craving young flesh and the time or opportunity isn’t there to hunt it down.

Accomplice phone sex Roxy

The reality is no matter how it is I happen to find our victim, I will find her.  Of that there is no doubt.  The only questions that remain is how much will she suffer?  How long will we have to enjoy every morsel of her tiny flesh?  I tend to like to take my time.  Enjoy every scream until she couldn’t possibly hit a higher decibel.  The acoustics of her shrill screams caressing my pussy and getting me wetter and wetter.

Speaking of wetter…. I just decided how she shall finally meet her demise...


Pure Perfection

snuff phone sex storm

She use to be so pretty. Her hair was so long. Her eyes were the deepest darkest blue. Her lips were the pretest pink. I can still see her creamy white skin. Her pink perky nipples. The way she got goose bumps all over her body when she got scared. Even over her bald little pussy. She use to be so pretty. But now.. now she’s beautiful. I had to tie her hair into the chains that held her down. She pulled so hard to get up, even though it ripped  some of her hair out by the roots. Just beautiful.  Her white creamy skin really set off all those beautiful purple burses. Like a living stained glass work of art. When I sliced up that perfect skins and mixed all those deep dark reds. OOOHhhhhh pure perfection. Even when her eyes swelled shut you could still see the hint of blue. Even her voice was perfection.  Soft and innocent. When she begged and pleaded. It never got harsh. Normally the ending is the best.  Watching the life drain out of them. But with something so perfect. I didn’t want to end it. I have such plans. Letting her go. Letting her heal. Waiting and watching till she feels safe again. Till she gets that light back. Then I’m gonna take her again. Pure perfection should always be cherished!