They were such a typical fucking suburbia family. I watched them for months. Playing fetch in the yard with the fucking dog. Playing ball with the little ones. Having cook outs and being the perfect little fucking family. Every passing day the need to torture them became stronger. I would sit and watch from my vantage point. Masturbating to the images of torture, disfigurement and destruction I could administer to them. Each day the yearning to reek havoc on their perfect little fucking life becoming stronger and harder to resist. I had to implement a plan soon or I was going to explode. The dark thoughts and images in my head were becoming to hard to fucking control and it was driving me crazy!.
Finally last night I put my plan in motion. I watched them all day, laughing, fucking oblivious to what was to come. The thought just made me hotter then ever. As I sat watching, masturbating and imagining my plan coming to fruition.
I didn’t think they would ever go to bed, but finally the fucking lights go out!
I have everything I need and the time is near. I wait patiently and then make my fucking move.
As I approach the door my heart is pounding, my pussy is throbbing in time with my pulse and the juices are flowing like a fucking river. I reach the garage and to my surprise the door isn’t closed all the way. I lift it just enough for me to slide under and the door to the inside is unlocked! Hell fucking yes!
I creep into their room and they are sound asleep, one crack in the fucking head each with the crow bar and they are not getting up any time soon. This is so easy. Now to the little ones. First his room. It doesn’t take much to gag the little bastard and tie his hands behind his back. I love taking little ones. I rip his fucking clothes off and show him what it feels like to have your dick sucked, he enjoys it, until I bite the fucking little pecker off and spit it in his terror filled face, cumming all the while. I leave him there knowing he won’t be going any where and move to her room.
She is even easier and once gagged and tied I fuck her ass with my crow bar, watching her bleed and cower under my touch.
Now for the big fun!
Back to their room I squirt lighter fluid all over their fucking bodies and light the match, moving quickly I reach his room and repeat the process, before going to her room. The little ones bring me pleasure because they aren’t knocked out and the pain and fear in their eyes is such a fucking rush!
In no time I am out and back to my vantage point as I watch the inferno knowing they are all charred, even the fucking dog!
Bye Bye perfect little suburbia family!
Category: Killer phone sex
Inferno Torture
Late Night Cravings
It was late into the night when everyone in the house was sleep when I arose having one of my late night cravings. I knew there was no more in the freezer. I dressed and decided to go for a late night stroll. As I was walking along I came across two girls all alone barely being able to walk from being so intoxicated from their college party. I walked over and offered to help them home they were both lost and did not know which way they were going. I told them that if they walked home with me I would give them a ride back to where they live the next town over. As we got to my house they came inside and had a seat on the couch before long they were both passed out cold. I called my friend Liz over to help me carry them one by one to the basement where we placed them in the tub where we shaved and them washed them down. Once they were both cleansed we took them and placed them both in our large baking pans and chopped from delicious veggies and potatoes to bake them with. As we were doing so the slowly started to awake that is when Liz told them they were going to be the main dish, as she stuffed each of their mouths with a apple. We placed them in the over. After just a few hours you could smell the wonderful aroma of two delicious young girls that were going to make the best meal for Liz and I.
Soak and Die Bitch
Just imagine the solace a warm, relaxing bath brings. The mood is set with a gentle glow of candles, the fragrant aromas of kiwi and bergamot and smooth jazz fills the air. All the stress and cares from the day are submerged and washed away. All is well, peaceful, serene and pure bliss ignorant of a strangers’ presence looming nearby. The last moments of this lucky victim are enviable; so few people get to experience calm right before their lives are taken from them. She’s lovely, lying there with her eyes closed and a slight smile touching the corners of her luscious mouth. She embodies absolute perfection as you pick up the radio and hover your grasp above the still surface enjoying the view. You’re ready for the moment and finally it comes as she flits open her lids to discover you. The split second of horror in her eyes is all you need before you release your grasp allowing the radio to plunge into the tub. What a display…
Karma is a bitch!
Karma is a Bitch and so am I. I’m done with people pissing me off! I take shit all day long from complete strangers. Cashiers and waiters. Throwing all kinds of SHITTY attitudes. Being bullies or punks. And I am just the wrong Bitch to mess me. So I am going to start teaching all these cock suckers some fucking manners. Like today. I go to the mall and wait for a space.. This little old lady is taking for ever to move her car. But.. I have to pick up a present for my grandmother and this is the only place to get it. So I wait. After she leaves a little fucking BMW Z3 whips into the spot I was pulling into! So blonde Bitch gets out ON her phone and walks by me smiling. I find another spot and when I am walking by her car puncture all 4 of her tires and then carve CUNT on the side of her door. I go into the store feeling better… Until that fucking perfume sales girl asks if I want to try on some stinky shit. I said NO very loudly and she sprayed me anyhow. When I looked at her she smiled and said ” Isn’t that better.. You smell nice now” Like I fucking smelled bad So I walk up to her and say can I see that please when she goes to hand it to me I move my hand the bottle drops to the floor and spills all over her. I move away quickly.. now the shit smells better. And then… I finally buy my grandmother the perfume she wants. I go to my car and some ass hole is leaning against my car talking on his phone. I ask him to move and he tell me to wait a fucking minute while he is yelling at someone… so I do. While I am waiting I pull out my tire Iron and the second he hangs up the phone I smash his fucking head in. He falls to the ground bloody and mutilated… Lessons learned
Torturing Victims
Ever since I took care of my pathetic little sister I have been needing someone else to torment. Today,while getting in my car to leave the mall where I work. I noticed the prettiest girl that would make the perfect victim get out. I decided to wait for her to come back to her car. I sat there for a few hours when I noticed her walking back to her car soon as she was behind mine I backed out. I jumped out of the car to make sure that she was okay but had dropped her phone and broke it. I apologized and then turned around like I was going to just get back in my car but then I took the cloth that I had covered in chloroform and put it over her nose and mouth till she passed out and I stuffed the little slut in my trunk. I drove her back to our house and waited till my parents left for work. Soon, as they were gone I opened the trunk where I noticed she was waking up so I placed the chloroform soaked cloth back over her mouth and took her down in our storm cellar. Where no one goes anymore. I tried the little bitch up in the chair tying the rope around each wrist and each ankle. I waited for her to be wake up. I do not like sleeping victims. I took the old photo album out and showed her all the pictures of my sister and her friends when I tortured them and pulled their teeth out on by one till she was all bloody. She was so scared she started screaming and crying so I stuffed a sock in her mouth as I pushed her back in the chair. I took a sharpie and drew dotted lines on her forehead as I told her my plan was to cut her little scalp off. She started crying and begging me to stop that is when I told her the story about me tormenting my sister and the stupid bitch dying in our cellar and that after that I needed another sister to torment so every week I find me another victim to torment and each one of them I take something from, and it just so happen I am going to scalp you. and well your sister that I have in the other I will be taking her lips. I take something from each victim a little at a time till the little cunt is dead just like my sister.
Torture Phone Sex In The House of Hell
Francis, Storm and I love to get together with our victims and enjoy the pleasure of mutual torture and pain. We fucking get off hearing the sound of the screams in unison as we stand back and make each other cum, basking in the glow of our torture. Last week when we were driving around looking for victims, we came across a house with an overgrown yard and menacing appearance. We had to go check it out. Once inside we were delighted to find blood stained floors and walls. The smell of death was in the air and we were thrilled. We decided to do some more research and get the scoop on this place. We found out that a master mind mass murderer used this place for his fucking and killing zone. He would bring his victims here and torture them, dismemberment the bodies and burring them next to the house. They found twenty bodies, chopped up into pieces here and the place is reported to be fucking haunted. It is known now as The House of Hell. Tonight we are taking our victims to this house we are going to torture and molest them from sun down to midnight while we fuck each other to their screams. We have metal skewers that we are going to insert into their dicks, tits and pussies and a truck battery with jumper cables to give them electric shock. We have several bottles of alcohol to pour on open wounds and cuts that will be strategically applied. We have fish hooks and whips and branding irons to burn their flesh. It is going to be exquisite. At midnight we are going to dismember them at the same time. We aren’t going to use saws they are to fast and easy, we are going to hack them with axes, blood flying as it takes several blows to remove each limb. When we are done we will bury them by the house. This is going to be a night of fun! I love girls night out with my wicked fucking friends!
Killer phone sex with Storm
Killer phone sex is what I offer! I don’t just mean Im good at what I do.. but I am! I mean I am going to fucking KILL someone! I going to rip them apart. Make them Bleed! I want to watch them suffer. Beg and plead! But in the end they won’t live. I even cum from the pain I give! Every cut, bruise and slash. Brings me closer to heaven. Makes me feel so alive. As your life slips away. Until you finally die. But that is the way it goes! Some people are here to hunt. Some are here to be prey. The natural order of thing. That is just the way. And if you are very very lucky… I may let you cum along. I don’t mind sharing my hunt. Something so good cant be wrong.
Evil Video Games
My parents would never let me play the video games except for the ones that my brother wanted to play and normally that would be the Dark Knight. While, watching and playing the game with him I became infatuated with The Joker. The scene where him and a few other guys went in and robbed the bank and then shot all of them is where I got my next demented idea.
A few days after watching the movie, and played the video game for hours. I went and called my friends Natasha and Storm to come over and we all had a few drinks I told them about my twisted idea of doing what The Joker did on the video game. The next morning we all got ready and walked into the bank and put our guns up in their faces and told them to get down as Storm tied them up one by one and made them sit up against the wall. They were all crying and screaming, they pushed the panic button thinking that I wanted the fucking money.
They just had no idea how twisted and demented I was feeling at that very moment. We each took a gun and took turns shooting them in the head one by one until all these beautiful dead bodies just lay in front of us. As we started to walk away Natasha said that she could not resist the urge to not at least take one of them with us. Just one would be enough for us to eat for weeks. Watch out The Joker may get in your mind next!
Psycho, My Favorite Movie
I fucked him till his balls were drained. It was kinky. There was bondage. There was S&M. I gave him my special brand of cock and ball torture. Of course I received my pain as well. I let him whip me. I let him rip the nipple clamps off my hard and straining tits. I let him pierce my body with needles and lick my blood. Oh it was fun, but it didn’t satisfy me. I came but not that hard deep orgasm that I need. Until I told him to go take a shower and I knew I would re-enact the scene. I entered the bathroom. I could see his shadow against the shower curtain. The butcher knife I took from the kitchen clenched in my hand, my bare feet feeling the cold tile of the floor. I know it is only a matter of seconds before I will be reliving my favorite scenes from my favorite movie. It always brings me to the brink of orgasm. My cunt gets wet as soon as I see the squirt of blood. The feel of my blade sinking into flesh, the slight resistance of the skin as I force my blade in. The smell of the blood, that faint iron scent, there is nothing at all like it. And then to watch as the life leaves the body, the muscle contractions, the jerking, the gurgling sounds in the throat as the last breath leaves the body, all serving to increase my pleasure. All making my nipples hard and my cunt soaking wet. And as I fill my hands with his blood and cover my naked body in it’s warm, sticky wetness, it happens. That orgasm that starts to build deep inside me and spreads like a wild fire from my core to the very tips of my fingers and toes. I am drained, I will leave him here, in the tub until the morning. After that orgasm I need sleep. Be very careful in the shower….you never know who may be lurking in the shadows!
Psycho Bitch and Proud of it!
Yeah im a psycho Bitch! And everyone fucking knows it! I don’t fuck around with all these dumb asses. I take what I want. And I enjoy making you suffer while I do it. I want to see your fucking fear. I want to hear you beg and plead. You are nothing to me. Less than nothing. I don’t care if its some pissy little young one. Or some old fucker. They all bleed the same. Yeah.. sometime I crave extra young.. just the way the scream is so fucking hot. But really I don’t give a shit. You got some bitch you want me to get rid off… Im the psycho bitch for the job! If you want to watch… That turns me on. If you want to fuck me over there still warm bleeding body. Im good for that to. If Im to much for you.. stay the fuck out of my way. Or you will be on the wrong end of my temper.