Category: Killer phone sex

Dinner Tonight

dinnerHe abducted both of them on Halloween, tonight we prep her for the cauldron. It is filled with water, potatoes, carrots and fresh herbs. she is so meaty and fresh. we have her shaved and ready. first he will take her cunt and empty his load deep inside her. Her friend is scrawny but we will save her for another day. she is going to help prepare her friend for the pot, we have some nice olive oil and we will let her friend oil her up and watch as we drop her in the pot. This is going to be her nourishment so she will be nice and plump when we cook her. She won’t get the rump roast or the thighs, the meaty and juicy parts, we will feed her the feet and calves and arms and save the best cuts for our selves. The tears are flowing down both their cheeks and they know what is about to come. We lower the plump one into the water slowly, watching as her skin changes from white to red, lowering her inch by inch into the cauldron until we push her head down under the water and watch her stew to perfection. The table is set, the house is filled with the delicious aroma of fresh meat and tonight we feast!

Will You Join Us???

torture phonesex angieThis is the craziest fucking idea that my girl has ever thought of. It is so fucking out there that it would have my panties in a knot, if I wore panties. In honor of the bewitching season we are going to have a two day festival that is going to be like no other. Each of us are bringing a victim and on the first night of fesitvites we are going to beat and torture them and then fuck their lifeless bodies. Then we are going to harvest their meat but each of us must keep one body part in tact. On the second day of our festivities we will prepare our fresh meat for a feast and after dinner the real fun will begin. Each of us must have our severed body part and we must fuck that body part in front of the others, Topping off the whole thing we are going to have a seance where we are going to attempt to conjure up the spirits of our victims. With luck they will be angry and seeking revenge just the way we ant them. Just thinking about the possibilities makes me tingle all over and I just want to fucking cum all over the place. This is going to be the best Halloween celebration that we have ever put together. I don’t know where my girl comes up with these ideas but I love her for them!


torture phonesex karma4The night is pitch black except for the glow of the new moon high in the sky. Not one star flickers in the sky and the thrill and anticipation is heavy in the air, looming like the thick fog that surrounds my naked body. I am glistening with a mixture of sweat and dew as the pulse beats hard and steady in my neck.
She is laying there on the alter, eyes staring blindly upwards. I have shaved her head, her arm pits and her sweet little pussy. I was surprised to find that her clit is pierced and has a silver ball through it. I decide to leave it in, I think my lord of evil will be pleased with the ornament.
The moon must rise just a little further so that it is directly center in the dark sky before I begin my decapitation and sacrifice. I speak to her softly and offer her a dip of red wine as I wipe her brow. She has long since stopped fighting and has accepted her fate as inevitable. I thank her once again for her gift and kiss her gently on the lips before raising my machete high into the air. I can’t help but notice as the moon light glistens off the blade before I bring it down to sever the first limb. She lets out a ear piercing scream before loosing consciousness and I cum hard as the blood pours from her body.decap

Rid Yourself of Her

Torture Phone Sex


She is a stupid cunt, one in which you married.  Now you want done with her.  Divorce isn’t an option, and plus you think this parasitic bitch is getting cock elsewhere.  Let me tell you something, get rid of her.  Not just kick her ass out, but GET RID OF HER.  Can’t do it yourself, fine, I’ll do it for you.

I will take this piece of slut meat and do with her what I will.  You are free to watch.  What do you want?  Do you want me shove a feeding tube down her nose, and force a mixture of pig shit and ground up tit meat; from the last bitch I had to deal with; down the tube?  Or would you rather I pack her useless ragged out pussy with rock salt, douse it with rubbing alcohol and set it on fire? Or would you rather I just beat the holy fuck out of her?  There are many other ways I could get her to fess up.  That’s not the point though is it? Even if she didn’t have another dick inside of her, she will say she did, just to get me to stop.  Ah, the double edged sword of torture…delicious, isn’t it?

Then after she is done screaming, and confessing, the fun begins.  It will be slow, it will be bloody, it will be painful, and it will make me a very happy girl.  All the while, you can sit there, drinking champagne, smoking a Cuban, and watching the show, but I must warn you.  Doing dirty work such as this makes me horny as hell, so you will be fucked, and depending on how nasty you want it to get, we might even give in to our carnal desires over her still warm, twitching body.


Im gonna bathe in that Bitches Blood!

Accomplice phone sexI know what you like. You like them young. Young and sweet. A tiny little morsel. Something small and petite. I will ripe her clothes off so you can see that pristine body. Her little pink nipples and soft smooth pussy. Look at how delicious she is. Her skin is as soft as a baby blanket. Her hair billows around her body like a halo. She is purity at its finest. I have a special table of little ones like this. It has groove to funnel all the blood to a big bowl under the table. I will let you have some fun by shoving your dick in all her little wholes. I want to hear your rip her apart as she screams. And while you are deep inside her. I am going to pull out my knife and slice the bitch up. Just deep enough to make her bleed. To make her scream louder. To cover you in her blood. And when you are ready to fill her little body with cum. I am going to slice her neck open. I am going to bleed that bitch out while you are pumping your cum deep into her. I will let you fuck her dead little body while I take the bowl of blood and poor it all over my body! OOOH a perfect night. AND when you get doing playing with that TOY… Then you may fuck my bloody body!

Tear Her To Shreds

torture phonesex angie1I have noticed the wolves coming closer to the house as the weather gets closer. I don’t know if it is out of curiosity or in search of food or why they are creeping closer and closer but it is to my advantage. I had a bit of fun last night with a sweet young thing. I brought her in and gave her a good meal with a plan in mind. I made sure to put a good dose of a special herb I have that paralyzes the consumer yet they remain conscience, they are completely aware of everything going on around them and they can feel everything as well, they simply can not move. Once the potion took effect I had some good old fashioned fun torturing the little bitch. I ripped her clothes off and branded her with a nice hot iron that I put in the fireplace, relishing the smell of her burning flesh. I took out my knife and had a great time making her scream as I cut her flesh and drank the blood while it poured out of her. And finally I gagged her and drug her out to the yard where the wolves have been cumming and sat in my window watching. It wasn’t long before I saw the glow of their eyes as they approached the tree line. I watched with delight while my pussy got wetter and wetter the closer they got to her. I knew she would feel every agonizing minute of their feast and I would sit and enjoy every minute of it. She couldn’t scream and scare them off with the gag in her mouth and I watched as they sniffed her bloody body. I began to feel the orgasm work it’s way up my body as they began to rip bits of flesh off of her body jerking her and slinging her paralyzed form as they tore at her. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen and I will be feeding them more in the future.

Feel The Heat

torture phonesex angieDon’t you love the screams and the smell of burning flesh as a building burns down with people trapped inside? Do you get that tingling feeling from deep inside listening to the agonizing sounds, watching the thrilling sight and enjoying the smell of death that comes from a well planned well executed pyromaniac episode? All I can do is stand back and watch while the pleasure is intensified with every sensation, from the increasing heat and the rising flames to the panic of the people outside the building as they are horrified by what they are witnessing and hearing. If only they could enjoy this like I do as I cum in my pants and smile while I watch it all unfold. I felt it from the second I watched them go in the building. I waited till all was quiet and there was no more sign of activity. Then as I poured the excellent in all the right places, knowing that once lit they would be trapped and burn alive, I felt that familiar heat build up in my pussy and move up to the pits of my stomach, only to end in the hard tips of my nipples. Standing here now I am satisfied as I masturbate in the middle of the frenzy and no one notices due to the panic. Ahhh yes, how I love the mayhem and madness, the pain and the torture that I caused.

I Watched Her Go…

torture phonesex karmaHell fucking yes! I have snuffed plenty of fucking bitches but never have I watched a bitch go. I don’t think I have ever been more fucking turned on by anything in my life. Just thinking about it makes me cum over and over again.
The bitch lived in a creepy old fucking house. I had a blast exploring that old fucking place while she was out and I waited for the fun I was going to have with her. I stayed hidden when she came home and fucked myself while I watched her from the closet. If she only knew what was going to happen when the sun went down and the day was over.
She took her shower and laid down in that big old wooden bed, thinking she was safe and sound in her room…NOT BITCH.
I came out of the closet and stood by the bed watching her sleep. My pussy just aching to see the bright red blood on the white sheets as it oozed out of her body.
I put my hand over her mouth and got right up to her face, staring into the wide frightened eyes of hers. My wild eyes meeting her stare as I contemplated if I wanted to make this fast or slow. I so wanted to see and smell and feel the blood.
I couldn’t wait I had to do it, taking out my knife and cumming as it glistened in the moonlight cumming in the window I put it to her throat. I cut that bitches throat so deep that her head was attached by only a mall piece of flesh at the back of her neck. The blood flowing out of her life less body like a river on the white sheets.
I got it all over my hands smelling it, tasting it, rubbing it on my face. But what happened next made me cum harder then I ever have. As I stepped back and admired my handy work I watched her leave her body. It was the hottest fucking thing I have ever seen!
This just gives me one more reason to kill, and that is the hope that I will see this again when I snuff my next victim.

Nasty Fucker

Castration phone sexI have that feeling. That urge that has been creeping up on me. I have learned to enjoy the urge. I start the hunt for the perfect prey. What type of mood am I in today? bitch… Cunt… What do I want to do? I have so many choices today. The fucking little cunt down the street who was throwing rocks at my dog. Or… How about the little bastard show knocked over my mail box last week…mmmmmm No I know. I caught that guy… That fucked up guy down the block looking into my windows. That guy who slinks around the neighborhood peeking and watching all the girls. I would be doing my civic duty. He is perfect! I find the fuck wad. It wasn’t hard. He was at the playground watching the brats. I tell him I need his help. I will pay him. He comes with me willingly. I take him to the house… I told him there were some box’s in the basement. When he went down stairs I hit him over the dead with a weight. He went down hard. When he woke up I had him tied tight to a poll. I explained he was a blight on the community. A waste of our air. I was gonna make him pay for his sins. I picked up a spoon and popped his eyes right out of his head. They were just dangling on bloody cords from his eye socket. I put a little battery acid on a plate and dipped his eyes in the acid. He was screaming! It is the last time he tries to peek at shit he shouldn’t. I noticed this sick fuck was getting hard at the pain! And I am NOT doing this for his fucking amusement. So I pick up my blade and start slowly sawing off his hard cock And balls. After I free them from him I slip them in his mouth and tape them firmly in place. Let him chock to death on his own cock. Nasty fucker deserves that. I don’t have much time before he bleeds out or chokes to death. so I use my time wisely. I cut him up really good. Getting out all my frustrations. I feel much better now.

The Worms Crawl In…..

decompThe worms crawl in, the worms crawl out, through your stomach and out your mouth….I fondly remember my mother singing this to me as a young one It was my favorite nursery rhyme. After snuffing my last victim I remembered the little tune and as the rush of taking her life was subsiding and the last spasm left my cunt, I came up with a brilliant idea.
I laid her limp ass body on the ground instead of burring her and set up my camera. I decided to film her decomposing body so that I could watch it over and over again while reliving her last moments and enjoying the thrill of the kill and all that comes after it.
As I sit here watching my little film and my cunt starts to flow I realize I should win an award for my little flick. It shows all the stages of decomposition in all it’s glory. I keep rewinding it and watching it in slow motion. I find that I get the greatest thrill watching as the body swells and bloats only to be eaten to the bone by bugs and maggots. I can’t stop fingering my cunt as I watch my handy work over and over again. I think it’s time to pop some pop corn and watch my film again!torture phonesex angie