I love fantasy phone sex. Well, sick fantasies of course. I am not the vanilla fantasy kind of girl. I want to be the devil on your shoulder telling you to do sick and depraved things. I have this friend Alex. We go back to high school. He helped me get some extreme revenge on a group of mean girls. I was always able to get him to do my dirty work. I was a sick bitch even back then, but I l had a fear of being busted. I no longer have that fear. Alex has dirty thoughts about young girls that he is afraid to act on. I used his computer recently and there was all the evidence. I decided that I needed to be his dirty accomplice; his cheerleader to get that sweet bald pussy he yearns for. I took him to the mall. He thought we were seeing a horror film. Instead I took him around shopping for the perfect victim. Once we found this super young, super cute little girl, I told him how tight her cunt would feel on his dick. I assured him I owed him a few favors, so I could get rid of her tiny body easily once he was done having his fun. I wanted him to force fuck her tiny bald cunt. I wanted to watch, and I wanted to make a snuff porn of the event. It took some convincing, but before long we were at my kill shack and he was making his dark desires a reality while I filmed him. He shredded her cunt and ass. I had no clue my friend had such a punisher cock. He bloodied her fuck holes up. She passed out from the pain. I made sure she never woke up again. I mean, what are friends for, right?
Category: Kidnapping phone sex
Sick Fantasy Phone Sex
Made for Snuff Movies
I was made for snuff movies. That is what he told me when he kidnapped me. I was so scared. I had no clue how I got to this guy’s place. I had no idea who he was, but he knew everything about me. I was shaking like a caged animal. I could hear him talking on the phone. He was haggling prices for a side of beef. I suddenly got the idea that I was that side of beef. He kidnapped me to sell me on the black market. The best case scenario would be sex trafficking. The worse case scenario would be snuff porn. I was sold to be a sex slave or a dead whore. There were other women in the room with me. They were passed out. I figured they drugged them, like they would me too. Easier to smuggle meat that is quiet. After a few hours, a man in black came to talk to my captor. He gave him a large sum of money and the mystery man hand selected me. The man revealed himself once I was in the back of his van. I knew him. He was a friend of my father’s. He forced fucked me many years ago when I was a small school girl. Was I bought to be returned to my prick of a father? Turns out he wanted me all to himself. We pulled over somewhere so he could fuck me in the back of his cold, rusty perv van. I fought, but he was strong. I didn’t want him then, and I didn’t want him now. After he nutted in my ass against my wishes, I knew I had an advantage. I grabbed his balls and squeezed so hard, I severed a testicle. I kicked him in the face and fled out the back of the kidnap mobile. I know I am in a lot of trouble now. I was bought and sold by two men who will hunt me down and kill me. I just need to hide out for awhile until things cool down. Maybe you can hide me. I will be your willing slave in exchange.
Predators just seem to be able to sniff me out, like a cat hunting a mouse. I’ve always been a victim. Years ago when I was a lot younger, I was walking home from school when a man took me. I guess he saw a cute little redhead walking alone and he just couldn’t help himself. He pulled me into his car and drove me to his house. He duct taped my mouth and tied my ankles and wrists. He held a knife to my throat and told me if I screamed he would carve out my jugular. He took the tape off my mouth just so he could jam his cock into it and fuck my throat until I vomited on myself. He forced himself into my virgin pussy and fucked me until I was bleeding. I could feel his hard cock ripping apart my hymen. When he was done with me, he warned me not to tell anyone or he would come back for me. He dumped me out onto the road in front of my house the next day and drove off. Sometimes I would see his car parked outside of my house at night and I knew he wanted me to see him, he wanted me to know he was watching me. I never told anyone for fear he would make good on his word about coming back to take me out. I still look over my shoulder when I’m walking alone. I’m just waiting for the day I see his car slowly driving down the road, coming to get me and drag me back into his basement to abuse all of my holes and hold a knife to my throat. Will he let me go again when he comes back for me? Or will he finally snuff me out for good?
I was startled awake to the sound of broken glass from my bedroom window. Before I could even scream for mommy and daddy to help me, I was bound and gagged and shoved back out of my window. I was pushed into a van and that was when I blacked out. When I woke up, I was in strange warehouse. Tied up and bound with rope so tightly it dug into my skin. I realized I was completely naked with my bald pussy pinned back and my perky teen tits tied up and turning purple. My kidnappers brutally beat my crumpled body until it was black and blue. They whipped my quivering clit until it was swollen and bleeding and then performed their brutal rape fantasies on my virgin cunt and rosebud ass. They fucked me so hard until my asshole prolapsed and then they whipped it and kept fucking me until I bled. For days, they made me the star of their teen ass rape fantasies. Every single day.
Snuff Sex Follies of Anal Pleasures / Gray
It’s always going to be most beneficial to us both if my accomplice is attractive -in my opinion- and has a nice dick that can get hard from the torturous things we do with our snuff sex fun. I love to get the adrenaline boosting as we snatch the little fuck doll from the streets and I get to subdue the dick toy. I get so hot i just want to smother the brat with a nice long turd going down her throat as I sit on her and take a big fucking cock in my cunt.
If at the end of the night and all the torturing and penetrating of the brother and sisters’ little holes, you can sustain a nice throbbing erection, then my ass is yours to pound. But first how are we going to destroy these fucking brats? The bone saws are close by when we need them.
Macey Is My Teen Rape Porn Star
She was my victim, a perfect blond for teen rape porn. I only wanted to make you happy. This evil accomplice had no Idea what I was working with when I slipped that liquid into her salted caramel latte. She was chatting with her friends and when I came to ask her if I could sit with them she looked at me in disgust. Little Bitch don’t she know I was wet and aching with the desire to tear her in little pieces. As Macey and her blonde curls stumbled to the bathroom her friends chatted and laughed, never paying attention to me sneaking behind her. I grabbed her mouth and bit her neck as she squealed into my palm. My blade at her neck, I whispered come with me. I thought the shivers were from fear but soon I would find out otherwise.
The van and you waited as I shoved her in. Her head bobbed as I put her a form-fitting latex outfit. I zipped up the crotch and made sure I had her pussy lips between the teeth of the zipper. Oh, how Macey moaned and her tears dripped down. The warehouse was cold and dark as You and I drug her out and pushed her to the floor. I was impressed as the equipment and cameramen looked professional. I started to feel uneasy as I realized these black me were here for more than production. I felt pain in the back of my head. and blackness descended upon me. I woke up beside Macey as she screamed and moaned with her bald pussy getting double penetrated by two meaty dicks. Only she seemed to be enjoying herself and I could hear the squish of her pussy juices. Her tits were black and blue and I was being force fed two black cocks. My pussy hurt so much as I was being hammered. I looked for you and you spit in my face and said this would just one of the snuff movies snuff movies Macey and I starred in. Each would be darker and bloodier. Just what had I got myself into.
Snuffed out
I was blind folded and my hands and ankles were zip tied. I didn’t know where I was, but I wasn’t alone. I felt my jeans pulled down and my shirt ripped off, exposing my naked body. Rough hands pulled at me and slid across my skin. Every time I tried to move, it was met with a hard punch or slap. The hands tugged at the cheeks of my ass and I felt a rough finger poke at my rosebud. I heard a deep voice say, “Let’s get you loosened up down here.” A moment passed and I felt something sharp poking my asshole, just lightly grazing it at first, but then in one swift movement a knife was jammed into my tight asshole. I screamed in agony and the faceless attacked just laughed. He stuck his cock into my bloody and ripped asshole. The knife had cut me from my asshole to my pussy, leaving a wide open gash and creating one bleeding and bloody hole. He fucked me as I screamed and I felt cold hands tightening around my neck. With each thrust, he tightened his grip until he choked me out and then continued to fuck my dead and lifeless body. I was already starting to grow cold by the time he came.
A Bad Seed
Things are getting worse ever since Todd moved back in with my mom he’s being disgusting but even more twisted than usual. Todd is always saying that there is something in our family house that has scared him half to death. My mom and dad are incredibly religious that makes it even worse because Todd is not religious at all he rebelled a long time ago right along with me. I went my way and became a gore-loving slut whore who gets fucked by guys whenever I want to. Todd is more of a secret horror enthusiast he doesn’t even like to tell people about his ghoulish nature. Todd was a fucking maniac last night he went into my mother’s room while she was asleep and he did something you would never believe. I always knew that my little brother was a bit more eccentric with himself. My little brother liked to cut up things at first he started with my dollies cutting off their heads cutting holes into their private parts cutting their little toes off and stuffing them into those holy new vaginas. That was my brother a real piece of sadistic work. What he did to Mommy it was unbearable, but I liked it. Poor Mommy, she should have known that she had a creature on her hands she should have known that was all she could breed was sadistic sexual Satanist creatures. I blame it all on Mommy because I love my brother and I’m so proud of him, he’s an artist. After what my genius brother did to Mommy we joined up, and now we are a team, treachery Incorporated and we’re the best at what we do. I’ll bet you thought that I had a problem with my brothers disgusting vulgar fiendish ways, but I guess you guessed wrong.
Murder Phone Sex Fantasies
Murder phone sex fantasies on your mind? They are always on my mind. No one gets out alive with me. So, don’t come to me with your vanilla dreams of fucking a little one and letting him or her go. First rule of being my accomplice, we get rid of the evidence. Once you fuck a sweet little girl pussy, she must die. Now don’t get me wrong. I am in no rush to execute her. I want you to have some fun with her tight little holes. I like watching you destroy her as much as you are going to enjoy destroying her. But make no mistake, the little slut we kidnap, is destined for a snuff porn. The younger the better, but I don’t judge. You can pick any girl young or old or somewhere in between. Whatever gets your dick hard. I just want to be clear that the bitch needs to die when you are done with your fun. I keep men like you out of prison. I keep you safe from being some big black dude’s butt pirate. So, trust me, killing your play thing is in our best interest. You can help me kill her or I can do it for you. I am a stand up girl. I don’t mind getting my hands dirty. What do you think? Want to find a young cunt and have some dirty fun with her?
Kidnapping Phone Sex Gone Wrong
Kidnapping phone sex calls get me wet. I guess it has always been one of my fantasies to be kidnapped by a handsome sadistic. Well, my fantasy became a reality the other night and it was not as hot as I thought it would be. For one, my kidnapper was not handsome. He was a fat man who hates redheads. I don’t think he was right in the head. He was mumbling mumbo jumbo and calling me Julie. When we got to his place, he ripped my clothes off and burned them while he hog tied me. I had no idea what was instore for me and that scared me. He circled around me for hours just mumbling and kicking me. At one point he put a cross to my head like he thought I was the devil or a vampire. He was clearly not right in the head, but he had all the power. I was the one on the ground tied up like a side of beef. When the torture sex started, I wanted to die. He used a cattle prod, a hot poker and various shop objects. He carved my flesh up, not enough to kill me, but enough to scar me for life. He kept calling me Julie still. I didn’t know how to respond. Then his phone rang. I heard him cuss up a storm. He came back to me, pulled out his cock and sodomized me. After he came in my ass, he untied me. He told me if I told a sold about what happened he would find me and kill me. He took a photo of my driver’s license. I was in bad shape when I got home, but I was a live. I still don’t know what happened, but I think he kidnapped the wrong redhead.