Category: Kidnapping phone sex

Stupid Fucking Bitches


Accomplice phone sex with StormStupid Fucking Bitch. I am tired of dealing with stupid fucking bitches! I am a nice person. I try hard to be nice to everyone. Just because I have some tattoos people think I am trash. Clerks who just walk away from me. Old bitches who come up and say I look like a whore with all my tats. When did the world get so fucking nasty! I can tell you this. I am DONE with it. I will NOT put up with it anymore. I tell the old bitches that mouth off that someone should cut their fucking tongues out. I make sure I make a big enough scene in the stores to where the managers have to come help me, and they BETTER fucking me nice. I have stopped just smiling at fucked up people who do fucked up things. Now I pay the Bitches back. FUCK them hard core. Time to teach some lessons! First I go into the coffee shop where the bitch refused to serve me. I waited until the shop was empty. The manager was in his office and the bitch was cleaning off the counters. I walked in and she huffed and turned around like she was going to ignore me again. Not this time! I told her I was sorry I accidentally ran into her car. Oooh she ran out so fast to check on her little pride and joy. I followed her out, and when we rounded the corner I picked up a brick and nailed the bitch in the head. I threw her limp body in my car, and drove her to the next town over. It is a much bigger town. With a VERY bad drug infested neighborhood. I stripped the Bitch down. Completely naked, and then shot her up with a VERY large dose of meth. Oh she wont be kicking that habit any time soon. More importantly she is going to learn how to service some one. I dropped her off buck naked, doped up in the middle of drug central. I watched from a few car lengths away as some gang bangers surround her. Then they drag her into an alley. I can only watch a little as they take turns teaching her how to SERVICE. They used her like a bitch needs to be used. I don’t know if she will make it home, and really I don’t give a fuck. To many other bitches needing lessons to worry about this one.

Teen Models Wanted

torture phonesex karmaWhat a wicked and well planed scheme. The warehouse was just out of town and had been abandoned for a long time. The exterior was in great shape and the interior was perfect for a fake set up in front and a glorious torture chamber in back.
The ad was short, sweet and cheap and the response was overwhelming!
I set up appointments as the secretary and was ready and waiting for them.
The first Mother/Daughter duo was stunning. Of course I started snapping photos and gaining their trust right away.
Then it was time for a break or so they thought. My heart raced as I took them to the back and used one against the other while recording the whole thing.
The poor Mother knew if she didn’t do as I said her Daughter would suffer and the Daughter knew the same.
I began by cutting their pretty little faces and making them lick the blood off each other. Keeping the torture simple for now, until the others arrived.
As the day worn on five Mother/Daughter duos showed up. More then enough for a night of hideous torture and mutilation, destroying their beauty, accompanied by my pleasure and endless orgasms.
All of it on film. Fucking the little ones with knives, removing nipples one at a time, cutting and slashing and delighting in the screams and pain.
Today I sleep amongst the corpses and tonight I get rid of all of them.
I love it when a plan comes together!

Extremely Evil Phone Sex

torture phonesex angie 01When I found Ms Brown she was a wee one. I fell in love with her simply because of her nature. I created a beautiful home for her in an aquarium. It was a paradise for her and she deserved nothing less. I have taken such good care of her, pampering her and making sure she stayed healthy and happy. Each time I tend to her my cunt secretes sweet juice just knowing she will do the same for me when she is big enough. My juices bring me pleasure and hers will cause excruciating pain rewarding me with more pleasure. Ms Brown finally grew to the size of a dime and it was time for her to show me some evil, twisted, love and pleasure. torture phonesex spiderI took her down to my basement where I have kept him for months, keeping him well fed and slightly tortured, in preparation for what he would endure. The plan was to start at the bottom and work my way up over a period of several weeks, or as long as he stayed alive. I carefully placed Ms Brown, my beautiful Brown Recluse, on his lower leg, just above his ankle. She did not disappoint me, injecting her venom with a nice bite. Returning her to her home in the aquarium, my cunt was alive with what was to come. As the days past the bite became inflamed and filled with the effects of her venom. I watched as it worsened and he became feverish, moaning from pain. Finally it was time. Using a dull and rusted razor blade, I cut it open and began digging at it with gloved hands. His screams of agony served their purpose, bringing me intense orgasm after orgasm. It has been several weeks now and I enjoy going down to the basement and digging my gloved hands into his growing and festering wound.torture phonesex bite I believe it is time to let my lovely pet have another taste of him.  This time on his inner thigh very close to his groin. I will allow this bite to fester and grow and will enjoy inflicting more pain on him. If he survives this one, his cock is next. I will continue to work my way up his body, giving Ms Brown delicious tastes of his flesh as I watch him decay and cause him more and more pain. I am hoping that he will survive long enough for me to get to his face so that I can watch that decay as well after my lovely Ms Brown pumps him with more venom. I am not sure how  many Brown Recluse bites a human can survive without treatment as the flesh is eaten away and falls from the bone. However I plan on finding out as I cum with delight throughout the process!torture phonesex angie 02

Release Needed


Murder phone sex Fantasies with StormI had to work of some bad fucking energy. I have just had a few days of shitty crappy luck! I mean EVERYTHING that could go wrong has gone wrong. My car and My cheating fucking boy toy. All of it is just a whirl wind of major FUCK UP! So… I need a release. I need to let off some major steam. So I decided it was time for some fucking pay back. First.. my cheating ex. I was extremely forgiving with him. I broke into his apartment. The whore was with him. I set off a little gas grenade to knock them out. Then I pulled out my super glue. Then I super glued his dick in her asshole. And just for the fun of it, I super glued her pussy lips together, and his ass hole shut. Then I got the fuck out of there. I would hate to be them when they wake up. Now. For my contractor neighbor. Who ALWAYS has fucking nails dropping out of her truck on the road. I have blown out 5 tires in the past 9 months.  I am fucking done with it. I still had a few good hours of darkness so I broke into her house. I had to blitz attack her with a bat to knock her out. I made sure I was completely covered from head to toe. Because I needed to leave her alive, she is after all dating my brother and could some day be in the family, so I tied the stupid bitch down, blind folded her and gagged her. Then I gave her some smelling salts to wake her up. I want her awake when I teach her how nails can hurt. When she is fully awake, I drive a nail through her perky nipples. First the left. Then the right. I use the big nails she is always dropping. Next I hammer several nails into her hands. I need them fucked up. If she cant use her hands, she cant be a contractor, and that means no more dropped nails. Good for me. Now I can sit back and relax. Looking at her naked bloody body. She really does have a nice body. Mmmmm Makes me want to have more fun. But that will have to wait. If she ever breaks up with my brother, I am going to fuck this whore to death. Mmm and somehow knowing that makes everything all better.


Evil is as Evil Does

Evil phone sex with BlazeSo I have my thing. And I do it well. I know I’m not a good girl. Hell no where close to it! I am down right EVIL. And proud of it. I know sometimes I go a little crazy. But fuck it. I love it to much to stop. And I am one of a kind. Now.. I have never doubted that. But I had some problems with this little bitch Katelyn. She rolled into town and stole all my baby sitting gigs. She is all cute with blonde hair and big blue eyes. Then she started stealing all my clients. Pimping out all the little whoreletts she was watching. MY little Whoreletts… My money! She is FUCKING with the wrong Evil girl! Well, time to teach the slut how much of a problem she made. I followed her for a few weeks. And I found out that she was VERY well protected. She was never open or alone. Is like she knew I was coming. So I just have to make her available. So I dropped a gold ball in her gas tank. Ooooh she started off driving fine.. but then the golf ball got sucked down and sputter sputter she ran out of gas. The second she saw me she knew. She didn’t run or scream the whore tried to fight me. She pulled out a knife and tried to kill me! The crazy bitch didn’t know who she was fucking with. I let her jab and try to stab me then I caught her hand and kicked her knee as hard as I could. I heard it break under my foot. She went down like a sack of potatoes. It was easy to take her to the cabin then. But … I was surprised by the amount of weapons she had on her. I had to strip the bitch all the way down just to make sure I found them all. Then to make up for all the money the whore had caused me. I called all my friends and let them all pay to have a ride on the blonde slut. She made more for me than I lost. And I loved watching the anger in her eyes! The stupid slut still thought she could fight me. Even after a week of passing her around. I loved the spirit but it was time to break it. So I started with a simple brick. I started on her feet. Breaking her toes. Then her feet. Her legs. And knees. Then her hips. By the time I smashed her pussy she was quite broken. But I didn’t stop. I broke each one of her ribs. Her collar bone and then worked my way down her arms. To each and every finger. The slut screamed and begged. But I was loving it to much to stop. Then I had show her how to use a knife. And I was going to make it last a good long time. Cutting a finger off.. A toe. Scream for me bitch. OOOh I will kill her. Or I will let her make more money for me and then kill her. I have plenty of time to make her pay.Evil phone sex with hot Blaze

Unmasked Lust=Evil Phone Sex

Evil Phone Sex

He didn’t even try to hide the lust in his eyes. The look was dark and as his eyes ran up and down me. I could feel him undressing me in his mind, imagining the curves of my body with out my clothes on. He looked like a wild animal ready to take his mate, hard and rough. I could tell by the way he looked he had it in him to demean his woman, he was used to being in control. He carried himself with an air of confidence and arrogance. Just the kind of man I love to tame. A challenge I am always up for!
I approached him with all the sickening sweetness i could muster without puking in my mouth. I wanted him to think I was demure and shy and oh so innocent.
My act worked perfectly. He invited me back to his place with a satisfied and evil smirk on his face. I accepted with cum soaked panties knowing I would take him down a notch, or two, or three.
As soon as we got to his place he made us a drink and I opened the pill into his drink, waiting for it to take effect, all the while creaming in my panties.
I knew he would be to heavy to move so I have to tie him up right there on the floor.
I find a nice sharp knife in the kitchen and take off all my clothes waiting for him to stir. When he opens his eyes I stand over his face and spread my pussy lips and ask him if this is what he wanted tonight. He is so confused; poor thing.
I begin cutting the clothes off his body and I can feel him shaking but his macho attitude is keeping him in control, or so he thinks.
I lick the blade and begin shaving his legs, he is a hairy one…
The closer I get to his penis the less he can maintain his composure…..ahhhhhhh yes this is what I have waited for….The tip of the blade touches his balls and he urinates all over himself, making me cum and earning him a nice big slice on his inner thigh. He cries out in pain, bad move. I go to the kitchen and cme back with a box of salt and pour it all into his wound.
“Don’t you enjoy demeaning women?” I ask. He nods his head but doesn’t speak.
“It’s going to be a long night for you” I say with a smile….

If He Only Knew

torture phonesex karma1When he told me how he thinks her body is so sweet, fresh and innocent. How his dick gets hard every time he looks at her. How he dreams about fucking the shit out of her tight, bald cunt while his hands are around her neck squeezing tighter and tighter till he feels her body spasm underneath him. My cunt began to pour hot, milky cum.
Then he told me that it was his daughter and I really got fucking hot. So when he told me he needed me to be his accomplice and wanted me to kidnap a little one so he could live out his fantasy I knew just what I would do.
I told him to meet me back at my place the next night and I would have a tight little bald cunt for him to take.
I am a woman of my word and the next night when he showed up I had her there. I had a hood over her head and under the hood she was gagged. Her hands bound behind her back, she was ripe for the taking.
My only stipulation was that he could not remove the hood until he was done with her, no exceptions.
I enjoyed watching him rip her clothes of and take her brutally, showing no mercy.
He fucked her like a worthless little whore, beating her through the hood for hours before he finally wrapped his hands around her neck and took her one last time, squeezing the life out of her.
I came hard as hell watching it all but the best was yet to come.
It took him almost twenty minutes to compose himself after he was done. That was when I REALLY got to cum.
I sat back as he removed her hood with my fingers deep in my cunt. The blood curdling scream and the look of agony on his face was the perfect ending to my little game.
There I sat cumming hard as he stared, horrified into the battered, lifeless face of his daughter.


Kidnapping Phone Sex

I saw a dumb little bitch today. Her face just pissed me off and I have been in a bad mood ever since. I was thinking about seeing if anyone wanted to play with me tonight. I followed the little bitch so I know where she is. I will go get her and bring her back to my place where you will be waiting. We are going to have fun fucking this dirty little bitch up. She starts crying wanting her mommy. I hate it when they whine and cry. Like I really give a shit what they want. I snatch her cute little panties off her and shove them in her mouth. Now the only noises she makes are muffled cries. I am really enjoying seeing her cry. You wanna feel my pussy and see how much I like the sight of her. I am so wet. Dip your fingers in me and get my juices all over your hand and then rub them all over this little girl’s face. I am going to string her up and get my big sharp knife. Oh my I am so excited! We are going to have some fun with this little one! 



torture phonesex angieThis bitch was sweet as honey. She had a certain glow that made her irresistible. She looked so healthy and happy it made my mind run wild with thoughts of what her smiling face would look like in twisted pain and agony. The images I conjured up in my mind drove me insane to the point of obsession.

I had to have her.

I would have her.

I followed her waiting for the perfect moment to present itself. Finally I was able to grab her. I placed my hanker-chief soaked in chloroform over nose and mouth feeling her body become limp in my grasp.

The rush of conquest always sends electrical shocks through my body and I always cum hard.

I carried her into the house and took her to my room of torture and pain. I secured her to my stone alter and sat back rubbing my cunt in anticipation, waiting for her to wake up.

She opened her eyes and looked at me with a glassy confused stare as she tried to focus. I could see her trying to focus and figure out where she was. And then it came, that moment of realization and the hoarse scream that is filled with terror . The one that fills my whole body with a satisfied orgasm making my legs weak with satisfaction.

I couldn’t help but let out a low and menacing laugh as I walked slowly towards her with a handful of knives. I wanted to slowly dissect her, dismembering her while cauterizing each wound to stop the bleeding, cause the most pain, and keep her alive through out the whole process.

I worked long into the night, watching her pass out from the pain, waiting for her to become conscience again so that I could cause her more pain. Masturbating while she lay there, her muscles twitching involuntarily while she is in the darkness, the only place that she doesn’t feel pain.

Saving her perfectly formed breasts for last she finally opened her eyes again. As I sliced into her right tit at the base cutting it with surgical precision, the blood begins to mingle with milk that is in her ducts. Oh how fucking sweet, she is a new mommy! No wonder she had that glow!

What a shame I could have gotten two for one if I had known. torture phonesex tit

I Have A Thin Mint Connection


torture phonesex thinmintI have been so fucking sick of these damned girl scouts and their fucking cookies. When a group of them approached me yesterday on the side walk I decided it was time to bake some real girl scout cookies. I mean what is a girl scout cookie with out the main ingredient, girl scouts?
So I smiled sweetly and told them I would love to, and then I invited them to camp out with me last night. I bought a box of thin mints and set up our meeting for camping out.
I went straight to the store to get all the ingredients for cookies, save one which would arrive later….and headed back to camp to get ready.
They showed up right on time. I told them we were going to make some special tea made of the herbs in the woods. They were delighted it seems that they are trying to earn their camping merit badge tonight and the tea could help them with their forage foods badge too.torture phonesex girlscout
Ha the only badge they are earning tonight is their cooking merit badge but they will never collect it!
The tea worked perfectly, they were high and laughing and eager to strip when I suggested it.
We mixed the cookie batter, they were mixing their own doom and the excitement of it all made me cum all down my leg. In their innocents they thought I had peed and got a laugh.
The laughter soon turned to screams as I began skinning them to get their flesh for the cookies.
I skinned each inner thigh, not a huge area, just big enough to get a chunk of meat out of each one. I wanted them alive and watching as I made the girl scout cookies.
It was orgasmic listening to them scream and cry in pain watching me grind their flesh and add it to the cookies. They cried the whole time they were baking, increasing my arousal.
And then I untied them and told them we were going to have milk and cookies.
For their bed time story, I put on my strap on and fucked each of them. Irritating their wounds, making them scream, getting the blood from their inner thighs on my hips, lubricating my thrusts until I was cumming hard over and over. Tying them up again, all I could think of was how many batches of cookies I could make keeping them alive.
This morning I feasted on the left over cookies for breakfast and have been helping them earn merit badges all day in my own way.torture phonesex karma