Category: Kidnapping phone sex

My Little Victims

torture phonesex karmaThey are little reminders of my sweet little victims. I play with them and love them and cum as I recall the horror I caused the ones that they represent. There is the sweet little one that I dismembered. Cutting her up and then carefully reassembling her limp and lifeless body piece by piece. Carefully stapling each body part back together until she resembled my own little Frankenstein. Ahhh remembering the screams of agony as I kept her alive as long as possible strategically cutting away. Then there was the lovely little one that looked so sweet and innocent. Bashing her skull and watching her brains and blood flow out and down her pretty little dress. I regret ending her so quickly. I should have made her suffer so much more. Then there was the mouthy little wench that I call Chatty Katie. She was so cheerful and oblivious to what was about to happen. A fucking little ray of sunshine. I had to sew her little mouth shut before I started on her.  The muffled screams were just what my evil heart needed after listening to her for far to long. And the cute little blonde whose eyes I gouged out with precision, causing her pain and agony. Watching her flounder around unable to see. Trying to run away and running into trees. That was a glorious afternoon of mayhem. And my favorite, my little demon son with his little bottle full of blood. The little one that I hope to have some day when my Master impregnates me with his demon seed.torture phonesex creepy doll


Everyone has a stupid little sister with an imaginary friend. They’re always whispering to themselves and it’s fucking annoying. I was at the park the other day lighting a joint behind the police station and wouldn’t you know it–little miss sally-who from the neighborhood was there, tugging along her little American Girl doll imitation RIGHT next to my spot behind the tree. If she kept her stupid loud mouth going, I’d be busted by the cops in no time. Finger in her mouth, eyes wide and innocent, looking around unsuspectingly; it just made me angrier and angrier. I decided to teach her a lesson about pissing off Alice. Grabbing the miniature cunt in training by her hair and yanking her toward me, I smiled wolfishly and invited her inside of my car. “C’mere pretty girl,” I beckoned to her, and she tried to scream, but I stuffed my hand inside of her little mouth and broke her jaw before the bitch could utter a word. Then I took her doll and stepped on it with my heel, cracking the porcelain head like I intended to do to the doll’s owner. “We’re going to have tons of fun together,” I cackled. Then I went in for the kill.

All Is Fair

torture phonesex karmaI love the lights and rides, the smell of food and little faces all sticky with cotton candy and candied apples. It is a variable smorgasbord of little flesh for the taking. So many people that bodies are one against the other and getting caught up in the crowd and excitement creates just enough confusion to let me snatch cute little innocent bodies with out being noticed. Until it is to late that is. I had my eyes on two little girls. Identical twins. Long dark hair. Big oriental shaped eyes. Hoping up and down on one foot with anticipation of what was coming next. Pulling this way and that and giving the adults with them a hard time keeping up. The perfect combination for a quick abduction. Following them in the crowd was easy for me. Waiting for just the right moment was a tad harder. My hand on my cunt the whole time, imagining what they were gong to look like with their hair matted to their skulls from the blood that would be covering their little bodies. As soon as I had them in my grasp I knocked their little asses out. Tonight will be full of cunt dripping fun for me, I can’t wait to hear their screams as I torture them until they pass out from the pain.


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I hated malls growing up, and I hate them even worse now. There are so many stuck up cunts walking around with their latte’s and coach bags, really pisses me the fuck off. I only went there to upgrade my cell phone since it was the only store local to me, but that’s when it happened. This stupid cunt with her pink everything asked me why I was dressed like it was Halloween. Then those bitchy friends of hers all started laughing. They wouldn’t be laughing for long. I simply stared at her and asked her name. “Honey.” she said, hmm fitting.

I followed that rich cunt home and waited till the wee hours of the morning and rang the doorbell. What a dumb whore. I quickly subdued her and dragged her to my car. It was time for a trip to my Daddy’s farm. His honey bee farm. A place for bitchy “Honey” too!

She was still passed out when I slapped her awake. Oh that look on her face was sheer terror! She tried to struggle, but I had her tied to that utility dolly good! I ripped her nightgown off and I started painting her with pure honey. Oh what a sight. I poured it in her mouth, shoved it up her nose and shot it in her ass and cunt. There was this cute apparatus that I stole from my gynecologist.  You know the one that opens up your cervix? Mm hmm… those bees were gonna find treasure up in there! I put honey on this “Honey” treat all spread eagle like, honey dripping from her gaping cunt,  and her asshole. Hell I even shoved it in her ears.  Can you just imagine how loud and hungry those buzzers are gonna sound in her actual eardrum! Maddening I tell you! My cunt was getting wetter and wetter!

I wheeled in that screaming teen and the crowd went wild! I literally jumped up and down with excitement as this young meat was stung, stung, and stung again. You could see those winged devils crawling everywhere they found a taste of honey. Her bites eventually turning to oozing bloody welts. There were so many bees in her cunt, and down her throat. It was sheer magic.

I bet you would love to have seen this!

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The Perfect Accomplice

torture phonesex karmaI love it when a plan comes together. My cunt gets all worked up as we grab the little bitch and carry her off. His dick is rock hard and he can’t even wait till I get home. He pulls his hard cock out and shoves it between her lips, in her mouth and all the way down the back of her throat making her choke and puke in my fucking car. For that I punch the bitch square in the face and blood spurts out of her nose all over the seat. When I get this cunt home I am going to fuck her up the ass with a wooden stake before my accomplice has a chance to touch her. We are a good team, he and I. We know just what the other likes and how to fuck up young girls that are born and bred for one thing and one thing only, to be our worthless fucking whores and be tortured for our pleasure. Her ass was so fucking bloody when I got done with it that he couldn’t resist shoving his cock up her and getting her blood all over it before making her lick it clean. And this is just the start of our fun today. Back to fucking her up I go with a fresh drink in one hand a cigarette in the other and one immediate goal in mind, to burn this bitch and pour alcohol on her open sores while we listen to her scream!torture phonesex bloody dick

My First Kill

torture phonesex karmaAre you an evil fucker that loves blood, torture and cumming while creating it? Then you are my kind of dark soul. Don’t you just love walking on the darker side of life? I know I do. So is your cock hard waiting for my next revelation? If it is, pull up a chair and let me take you back to my first kill. It was a cold day, the snow was fresh and white on the ground and the chill hung in the air waiting for me. I was walking along the sidewalk of our well manicured neighborhood when I saw him there. I was drawn to him immediately so small and frail, playing in the snow all by himself. He had a playful look in his eyes as he built that snowman. My body began to shiver but not from the cold, it was from the excitement I was feeling as I envisioned his blood spilling over the lily white snow, turning it red. I walked over to him and began helping him build his snowman, laughing wickedly as we worked. I started a snowball fight and as we ran and played I lured him further and further from his yard. In the distance we heard a woman calling his name but before he could run toward the sound I scooped him up, covering his mouth and as he kicked and fought I carried him to his doom. Once in the clear I held him down in the virginal white snow and picked up a huge tree branch. Lifting it high into the air I watched it connect with a sickening thud that made my cunt tingle and my heart flutter. Smashing it over his head over and over again I watched the blood poor out of him as his body fell limp and the snow became tinted with his crimson blood. The primal urge for more spurred me on and when I finally finished his face was not recognizable, his head split wide open and brains and blood mixed with the snow. I grabbed his dead, limp hand and used it to fuck myself until I came hard all over it. The clouds on the horizon told me that another heavy snow fall was quickly approaching so I left him there to be covered by the new virginal white snow.torture phonesex bloodsnow

Kiss Of The Dragon

torture phonesex dragonI have always been fascinated by the mystical creature, the dragon. A large flying scaled creature with claws sharp enough to slice a human in half and breath that shoots flames burning down towns and searing the flesh off the bones of anything it touches. I imagine it’s huge cock pointy and red like the flames it breathes, able to shoot gallons of thick milky cum that would cover my body several times over. It was no surprise when he showed me the dragon ornament that he bought for his cock that I wanted it deep inside my dripping cunt to help fulfill a life long fantasy. But first I wanted it to cause as much carnage as the creatures of folk lore. So I had to find a young virgin for him to fuck. I wanted her virginal blood to cover my dragon before it kissed my pussy lips and brought me to the heights of ecstasy. I watched as he held her down while she was kicking and screaming as he forced the dragon into her, ripping her tight pussy lips wide open before penetrating her sweet little cherry. The blood was every where and I couldn’t tell if she was bleeding more from her ripped flesh or the loss of her virginity, but it didn’t matter, my beautiful dragon was fucking her and soon it would be inside me covered in her blood. I could hardly keep myself from cumming as I waited to finally feel the kiss of the dragon. To finally live my fantasy even if it was in a small way. To finally feel his claws and teeth as he penetrated my waiting cunt!torture phonesex angie

Never Tease a Sadistic


torture phonesex angieWhen he called and asked if I would be his accomplice I didn’t even hesitate to say yes. He wanted to kidnap some brat that has been a prick tease for weeks now. He wanted to teach that little whore a lesson once and for all. He had several specific things he wanted to do with her and all of them were wicked and twisted and right up my alley. First we were going to beat her ass for being such a cock tease and then I get to hold her ass down while he lives out  his p rape fantasies on her, fucking every hole she has until she is horse from screaming and ripped wide fucking open. The more she screams the more severe the fucking will become. He has such a wonderful sense of fun! I can’t wait to help him torture this little prick tease and show her what happens when you want to be a naughty little girl. My cunt is aching to feel her flesh rip and tear as I beat the living fuck out of her and then hold her bloody little body down while he abuses every inch of her!

Glub Glub


torture phonesex angieDay two of torturing the perfect little family. The little girl did so well with boiling water yesterday I thought I would keep the theme up and show her some good old fashioned water torture. War supplies me with so many various methods of water torture and I love each and every one of them. However I have a select few in mind for this girl today. I think it is only fair that since I burned the little thing yesterday and gave her a taste of heat, that I show her the opposite end of the spectrum. Don’t you? I fill the tub with water and ice as they watch all cried out but shivering from the fear. Just looking at their fear filled, tear streaked faces makes my cunt so fucking wet I can barely stand it. As I grab the little one her parents let out desperate cries that make me tingle with goose bumps. I drag her limp body to the tub and throw her in shoving her head under as she struggles against my grasp. Pulling her up, her lips are blue and she is gasping for air. Again and again and again I dunk her under until she passes out. Pulling her out of the water I throw her to the floor with a hard thud bringing her out of her darkness. But I am not done with her yet. I pull the plug draining the freezing water and go to my shelf. One by one I empty jugs of urine into the tub. Not only is this going to be fun but the bacteria from the urine is sure to infect her burns from yesterday. The thought of watching the infection set in makes me cum again. Oh how fun it is to be twisted!

Your Pain My Pleasure


torture phonesex angieIt is time to inflict pain again and this twisted bitch is feeling extremely wicked. I am feeling like this should be a family affair. And that it should last a few days maybe even a week. I know just who is going to satisfy this wicked and twisted desire building in my heart, my head and my crotch. They are a story book family with a sweet little mommy and a rugged handsome daddy, the little boy looks just like his daddy and the little girl looks just like her mommy. They couldn’t be more story book then if they came off the pages of a rustic novel. Makes you want to gag doesn’t it? I took them this afternoon, a lovely Sunday, sun shining, birds chirping and them in their Sunday best returning from church. Fuck me I think I just puked a little in my own mouth. Once they are secured in the basement I start the fire pit in the middle of the room. torture phonesex caulronMy huge iron kettle filled with water is heating to a beautiful boil. They are all sobbing and scared just like I want them. I slowly undress in front of them rubbing and pinching my hardening nipples and licking my fingers covered in my juices while I wait for the the water to boil. As the steam begins to rise and the bubbles start to rise and pop I know it’s so hot it will burn the skin off of that cute little girls arms. Grabbing her by the hair while her parents and brother watch I take her arm and shove it in the boiling water. To my satisfaction she screams and pisses all over the floor and when I pull her arm out the blisters begin to form as soon as her arm hits the chill in the air. Her mother is hysterical, her father is furious and I am in my element. I go upstairs for a drink and dinner leaving them there. But I will be back for more. I think after dinner I will remove daddy’s balls and cauterize the wound. We shall see….torture phonesex arm