I was visiting a friend who has his own farm of sorts; he keeps a cage of young girls for his sexual pleasure…usually three at a time. But, the ones that he had were getting a little too old and starting to menstruate. We were having a beer and fantasizing about what to do with them. I told him that we should round them up like the cattle they were; he was so intrigued with the idea that he got up and began setting the plan in motion. He came back from the shed with two cattle prods and explained how to use them: clench the handle to ignite the iron at the end. At sunset, he rolled the cages out into a small gated area and released the girls. They ran in the dark, falling down on each other, as we laughed at their pathetic attempts to change their fate. One even tried to crawl over the fence but she was too weak and collapsed, spraining her ankle. We joined in the fun, poking them with the prods; I caught one in the buttock and held it for long enough to sear her flesh. I got tired of hearing the one girl with a sprained ankle sobbing; so, I took the prod and jammed it into her throat. Blood spurted everywhere, but she was finally quiet. I kept ramming the metal tip into her body and watching the coal-like tip of the prod gleam. I looked over at my friend who was sadistically laughing as he jammed the prod inside the girl’s pussy, blood dripping down her legs. His hand was around her throat while he kept the other girl on the ground by pressing his boot to her throat while she watched her friend. “That’s what you get for growing up, you stupid heifer!” he grunted at her and sent the last thrust that killed the bitch. As one last hurrah, he made the last girl suck his cock; I noticed that she had her teeth removed and he explained he hated to be bitten anywhere. Then, I had the pleasure of beating the girl while she gummed and sucked his dick; she was probably thinking she would survive if she did a good job. What an idiot! I put down the prod and chose a nearby whip. I lashed at her back and buttocks; I loved watching her wince as she tried to maintain sucking my friend’s cock. When he shot his load all over her face, he pulled her up by the hair and slit her throat. We dumped their bodies in the creek because we thought it was fitting, confident that the wildlife would finish the job we had started; but we took a few pieces of their hide to make into blankets.
Category: Kidnapping phone sex
The Hellcats Reunion
It’s that time of year again and the Hellcats are going to fuck up the town and paint it red. I have a super special treat for my fellow Hellcats, oh how we love some good unholy fun! I stroll into the church at the corner, it’s about 11pm and there’s a full moon. Inside I start gathering some of the items we’ll be needing for tonight’s “Mass”. Hurriedly I gather the holy water vials, a few of the gaudy plastic rosaries and put them around my neck six is my favorite number. Lastly I grab some candles and a bible.
Rushing out I almost forgot the key object of the night. I head to the basement of the church where I find the prize of the night still as I left him. Oh my what a mess my young priest is! Oh, did my holy man piss himself? It’s ok Father, for I will be doing a lot more sinning tonight!
Hauling my gift to the Hellcats out of the rectory where my hurse awaits I open the back door and shove him in the open coffin. Slamming the lid, “you’ll be fine oh Holy Father, I’ve just one more stop before your final destination”. Pulling up to the ER entrance my friendly surgeon awaits with a nice package for me. I peek in the box and it’s exactly what we need!
Back at the clubhouse where my sisters are waiting it’s a quarter to midnight, we better hurry. They help me with the supplies the alter is ready. Hauling our dear father out we set him on the alter where he is stripped bound and gagged. I pull out my utensils and oh the fun we are about to have!
I grab the biggest blade and love the fear in his eyes! I anoint his cock with holy water and we all take turns cutting at his cock and balls mmm castration at its finest!
Fresh Meat
I often frequent tent cities for meat to fill my freezer. It really is a brilliant plan. Homeless people that no one will miss. Runaways that are hiding and don’t wish to be found. Generally they are hungry and I can plump them up with good healthy foods, which makes their meat so much sweeter. I have been eying a nice fresh thing just the right age, with meat that is tender and perfect, However she has been rather difficult to catch. She is sharp and has her wits about her. Lucky for me her boyfriend likes to tip up the bottle. I caught him at just the right time, grabbed him from the cardboard box that they call home and left a note letting her know that if she wanted to see him again she would meet me at the specified place and time. She had no clue that she is the one I really want and that when she shows up I have no intention of letting him go. He is not good enough for consumption so he will be my slave for a while, until his usefulness wears off. She will be prepped for butchering and consumption. My stomach is rumbling and my mouth is watering just thinking about what she will taste like!
Evil Phone Sex with Blair: Held for Ransom
Mother Fucker:
We have your mother. We know she is your favorite fuck toy; the only thing you really own and without her you will be completely lost. We are holding her for ransom. As long as we have her, we own you and can get you to give us whatever we want. But we don’t want your fucking money. We know the only thing of any value you own is your whore of a mother. We have been watching you for weeks through your bedroom window. We know all the perverted kinky things you two do together; how you abuse her for you and your friends’ pleasure. We want that fucking machine you use on your precious mommy. We get so hot watching you tie her to the bed, shove a ball gag in her mouth and start fucking her cunt and ass till she screams and begs for mercy. We want to use it on the pretty prey we dupe into coming back to play with us. Your fuck machine is gonna be an accomplice to our twisted fun sex games with the chicks we pick up and abuse for our pleasure. We are gonna ruin asses and cunts with that fuck device. And until you fork it over, we gonna ruin your precious mommy’s ass. And if we don’t get it by 5 PM today, we will snuff your bitch out and enjoy watching her die a slow painful death. Your mommy’s life and tight ass are in your hands. Give us the fuck machine and you can have your fuck toy back still breathing.
Evil Lesbo Bitches
Please give these crazy bitches that fuck machine. My ass and life depend on it. I was waiting for you on our bed when they broke into the house and kidnapped me. They didn’t believe me when I said you keep all our toys and torture devices under lock and key and because you are my master; only you have the key. They keep me in a cage like an animal and are anally torturing me with all sorts of devices. If you don’t give them what they want, my ass will forever be ruined. I want my ass tight for your cock baby. My ass belongs to you, as does my cunt and my tits. These evil bitches are getting off on my screams and my pleas. I don’t know how much more I can take. Just give them the fuck machine so I can be back in your bed, being your bitch, being your whore. I love you so much. They said that if they don’t get it by the end of the day, they are going to use a choke pear to mutilate my rectum like in the medieval days. Baby, do you know what that is? It has sharp prongs on the end and they shove it in an orifice, and it expands, shredding the body. It will kill me baby, slowly and painfully. I am so scared. We can get another fuck machine. These bitches are demented and so sick they would kill me over a stupid sex toy. I’m pleading with you to give them what they want to save me. I belong to you and no one else. Please baby, this is not a joke. This is real. I’m in pain and I am really scared. Give them their ransom demands. My life depends on it.
Your Mommy
Ransom for Flesh
I found the perfect dinner! She’s lovely, round in all the right places and young. The only problem is that she is wealthy and Daddy keeps with her a bodyguard at all times. I captured her friend, a little less meaty but still worthwhile and I told my young, plump prize that her friend would be killed unless she swapped places. Sure enough, she slipped past her bodyguard and arrived at my house. I gave the stupid little girl my address because I knew she wasn’t going to call the cops, and I also knew that none of my prey ever walked out of my house. Meanwhile, I had been fattening up the friend, who was filling out nicely.
When my little prize walked through the door, I noticed that she had crumbs of Oreos around her luscious lips; poor thing had probably been stuffing her emotions, worried about her friend. I appreciated that. This was going to require a lot of work, so I enlisted the help of a friend. He bound my pretty little prize while I took her friend out of the cage. Relieved, she thought she had saved her friend; and, the friend thought she would be released. Stupid things. My mouth was watering as I began preparing my tools and heard her little whimpers. My friend had already started carving her friend and I was glad. The smell of blood and meat permeated the air and made me even hungrier for the young chubby thing that graced my table. She didn’t even struggle; I could’ve forgone the restraints, but I knew she would be flinching when I began using my knife.
Her beautiful eyes were even more beautiful in death; and, the blood that followed the trace of my knife matched her hair. I had to stop at several points and admire her, committing the scene to memory and also memorializing it on film. Her breasts, large and natural, were going to make an excellent soup. I decided to even leave the cute little nipples on them…confident that they would soak up flavor very nicely. After the long, worthwhile work, I had a friend who specialized in taxidermy and had her head stuffed as a trophy. I took her rings and laced them around her lovely curly locks of hair. She sits in my study and I still enjoy admiring her, recalling our time together and how savory she was.
Hunt, Bind, Kill, Eat
My hunger for flesh has been undeniable; and, yesterday, I had the great fortune of talking with someone who has my same unusual tastes. He shared a picture and several ideas that captured my interest; and, with the proper planning, I went out to execute it myself…even though it was risky alone. It was almost dusk, so I had to hurry to the local hiking trail. The pretty little families and coeds walked past; but, in the distance, I could see a large group and one particular meaty chick was lagging behind. I double-checked my trap and waited. One of her stupid little skinny friends stopped to help her; but, I breathed a sigh of relief when she returned to a boy that was further ahead.
I smelled the group as they passed; this catch would definitely need a bath before eating and I was glad that I set-up next to a creek. She was teetering and I was afraid that she would miss the spring that would trigger the net; so, I stepped out in front of her and asked if she could help me…that I had sprained my ankle. Oh, the ones with a little bit of body issues are so easy to snag! And, quickly, she was floating in the air in the net! I forced her to drink a concoction that would make her easier to maneuver; and that was easy because her mouth was open as she sobbed. She didn’t even scream because she knew that she was destined to be prey. I cut the rope and she lay there as I drug her and washed her.
Then, I bound her wrists and legs. Not correctly gauging her weight or tolerance, she began to come out of the semi-unconsciousness and began begging for her life, struggling against the ropes. I quit listening until she said that she had so many people that I loved her; looking up at her, I showed my doubt. She instantly burst into sobs and was quiet the rest of the time. I was going to attempt to roast her over a fire that I had recently created. I hadn’t realized that she’d be so heavy, though; as I carved her meaty flesh, I decided to take what I wanted. I’d leave a little of her hidden in the brush for a friend, whom I’d call and offer that part of the kill.
I happily returned to my vehicle and placed the backpacks of fresh meat in the trunk; her friends hadn’t even missed her yet. They were all huddled around a truck and drinking beer. Yes, she was better off where she was going; at least she’d bring pleasure this way, and I was quite certain that her own seasoning would be delicious.
Gas mask Torture
How many ways can I think of to torture someone? Sometimes I amaze my self with my creativity and the length to which I am willing to go to cum so hard that I can’t breath. I had a dream about a post apocalyptic world and everyone was wearing gas masks. They looked so dark and sinister and everything was destroyed and blown to fucking hell. The devastation alone made me cum in my sleep. So I went on a quest to find a gas mask and a victim and to cause as much devastation to her as I felt in my dream. I wanted to take her so far into darkness and delirium that she couldn’t separate reality from fantasy, all the while torturing her in every imaginable way. I found the mask and the victim, and some kick ass PCP and set my plan in motion. Grabbing her was easy, I have become very clever when it comes to obtaining my victims. When I got her tied up and in her gas mask I began filling it with the PCP smoke. Soon the angel dust took effect and true to her name she gave my victim the sensation of leaving her body, reality colliding with the drug. And I began to create the worst trip ever. Yes I sure do amaze my self….
Rape Phone Sex Fantasies with Cassandra: Hurt a Rich Bitch
Before waking up in this dingy disgusting bathroom, the last thing I remember is having a Pixie Stix Martini with this nice young guy at Malone’s. How did I go from an upscale bar to this? As I sat there on the floor trembling, I could hear guys peeing. I asked for help; asked where I was, but I was ignored. I started crying, sobbing actually. No chivalry in this dump. Suddenly the door slammed open, and a guy dragged me by my hair across a dirty tiled floor into a dungeon like room. I was in trouble and I was really scared. So scared, I peed my panties. I started begging for an explanation, pleading to be let go, offered up money. “My daddy is super rich” I said, “He will give you whatever you want.” I was met with a hard slap across the face, and a “Your daddy doesn’t have what we want.” That guy then ripped my clothes off and his friends surrounded me. They began tying me up, kicking me, spitting on me, calling me a stuck up rich bitch. I was so scared.
I actually passed out for awhile. When I awoke, I was tied up spread eagle and had a huge cock in my ass and every hole I have was being violated. Two cocks in my mouth gagging me. I tried to resist but they just got rougher with me. They punched me in the stomach, smacked me across the face, throttled my throat till I passed out from lack of oxygen and when I would come to, they just repeated the cycle of abuse. They kept saying I was a cock tease and a stuck up whore who needed to be put in her place. I have explored rape phone sex fantasies before, but this was no fantasy. This was real. I was drugged, kidnapped and abused for hours by complete strangers. I had cocks in every hole I got. I was covered in cum. I had bruises and restraint marks all over my body. My face was swollen and bloody from being battered. My ass was bleeding and I think they tore my vagina. I’m not a virgin, but my thighs were covered in blood too. When they were done using and abusing me sexually, they laughed and took pictures of me. I was in the fetal position, crying on that dirty floor, begging for mercy.
Mercy never came. Only fear, only pain, only darkness.
Breaking and Entering Blair
This pretty little thing named Blair mentioned at a BDSM club that she had this fantasy of being held captive in her own house. Who am I to deny someone a fantasy that involves fear and torture? Of course, there was one caveat: I couldn’t kill her because one of my friends fancied her and wanted to play with her himself when the time was right.
I watched her, got her routine down, and then waited in her house. She was so clueless that I was there that I had to stifle chuckles. I watched her bathe and get ready for bed; after she was fast asleep, I bound her hands and then hogtied her. I blindfolded her; then, I gave the signal.
Slapping her across the face, she startled awake. Silly little thing tried to get loose for a few minutes; but she finally relented. I whispered, “Don’t struggle, little girl. After all, this is what you want.” She bit her lip almost to the point of it drawing blood. “It’s scarier in person, isn’t it, baby doll?” I said and brushed her hair back. I brought down my crop hard against the white flesh on her ass and down her back. “Oh, you’re going to bruise nicely…” I remarked.
The guys arrived and were ready by the looks of the stiffening between their legs. I sat by her face, reveling in her expressions as the men took turns abusing all of her holes, sometimes all at once. One of my favorite moments was when she had a big black cock shoved in her mouth and another in her asshole.I tore off the blindfold, certain that all she could see was my face. I told her what a worthless piece of trash she was and how she deserved all of this! Oh, the tears were lovely as she gagged on that massive cock and absorbed all of my stinging remarks.
When we were done with her, we untied her; but, she was too weak to move. I used one of her lipsticks to write “See you soon” on the bathroom mirror. I enjoyed watching her the next day, walking around so proud of her aches…but startled by any sound and person who neared her! What a fun little toy…Blair.
The Gang House
The city gang owns an abandoned building where they keep me for months at a time. I barely got food to eat. The only thing that would satisfy my hunger was sucking all their cocks until they filled my belly. I hoped that my husband was going away getting the help he needed. In reality I know he was getting high and fucking all of the crack whores in the projects. I was his payment for a stable supply of dope. They would come to the abandoned house in the middle of the night drunk and high with hard dicks ready to fuck. This is one of the few places I can say was worse than being home with my husband. Only when I was tore up and needed to recover from their lack of care for me did I go home. The first week home is the worst for I am ignored and left to mend my own wounds. What is my husband doing? He does nothing but fumbling around trying to scratch up money to pay for his no longer funded addiction. Nobody cares about me. I should have just been left to rot in that abandoned house.