Category: Kidnapping phone sex

Tricks and Treats “Cannibal Anniversary Part I”

snuff phone sex magentaWhat’s my “trick”? I get her to go trick-or-treating with me, which isn’t easy. She thinks going out on Halloween to trick-or-treat is for little brats, not her. She’d rather dress like her friends who think they know what to do with their new curves, pert little boobs, and sweet untried pussies. Her costume is a “slutty vampire” and I have to bite my cheek to keep from laughing when she walks downstairs practically tripping over her high heels she’s never worn before. Her corset is cinched tight, pushing her small breast up into a hint of cleavage; her skirt is short, showing off long legs that would one day be a knock out on a more mature woman that she will never become .
She gets excited when I tell her we will be doing our own form of “treats”, by stopping at your house and picking up some weed before we go party (like FOR REALZ college girls!). She all but claps her hands and squeals, making her whoreish make up even more out place on her young, innocent face. I text you and send you a selfie with her arm around me. I tell you to get the room ready, that I was bringing you a romantic dinner for just the two of us.
On the ride to your house all I can think of is how much I look forward to watching the expression on her face when she realizes just how much danger she is in. My mouth salivates and my pussy gets wet when I imagine her struggling in the cuffs and ropes you are prepping at that very moment. She prattles on about things that are about to no longer matter; school, boys, her big life plans…unaware that she is about to get kidnapped, stripped, bound, abused, raped, snuffed, and eaten by a pair of cannibals for their romantic anniversary dinner!
To be continued….

Taboo Phone Sex with Venus on Halloween

taboo phone sex goth girlEvery full moon, something comes over me. I seem to become more homicidal. Like a werewolf, I cannot control my urges. Combine a full moon with Halloween night and I make Michael Myers look like Hello Kitty.  I know it’s taboo, but I want to kill some innocent young flesh on Halloween night. I have my knife collection out and ready. I have a bayonet, a switch blade, a dagger, an ice pick, a trench knife, a combat knife, a shiv, my rampuri, scalpel, butcher knife, machete and my straight razor. And, I have a ton of good candy to lure my little victim into my evil clutches. And, a ton of razor blades. I will be leading her like a lamb to slaughter.

taboo phone sex accompliceI just need my victim. Is it wrong to want to snuff out a young life? I mean in reality, I could be sparing her a life of abuse, drugs, poverty, pain….The real hell is on earth. The real devils are folks like me, with taboo, dark desires. I know there are lots of annoying spoiled brats or self entitled twats or little lost souls with devils as parents that I could take. I just have to find the right tender morsel to be the Angel of Death too.

I usually stalk my prey. The hunt is part of the fun. Like Michael Myers or Freddy Krueger. But tonight, on Halloween, I am going to be an opportunist. The streets will be paved with wee witches and goblins. In the darkness, no one will notice if a little one strays from the road, lured by a sick twisted bitch with a knife and candy. I think you need to help me capture and torture a little one. Taboo is fun. Taboo is hot. I can pierce her flesh with my knife; you can pierce her flesh with your big cock. I can give her candy with razor blades; you can give her liquid candy. Either way she bleeds. Either way she cries. Either way we win.

taboo phone sex knife play

A Gift Served Cold

torture phonesex angieI always prepare for his arrival. I enjoy the thrill of the preparation as much as the thrill of watching him, enjoying his gift. My hot cunt is ready to go find the perfect gift for him. She must not be to thin and must be a brunette. He likes her cold and loves it when her flesh is changing color and is that special pale blue that only death brings with lips that are almost black. Timing is everything, a day and a half before his arrival is just about right. I find her and bring her home. Having my way with her and torturing her with out any mutilation to her body is a challenge. I so love the sight of blood. But pleasing him and the joy of cumming while he enjoys his gift will make up for what I can’t have right now. Suffocation is generally the method I use for his gifts as it leaves no marks and does the trick.  He knows that I will fuck her and relish in the fear that I bring her before I kill her for him and he doesn’t mind as long as she is in tact when I give her to him. I put her in my stand up freezer when I am done and leave her there. He always calls a few hours before his arrival which gives me time to take her out and lay her out for him. I comb her hair and position her so that when he sees her his dick is instantly hard. Sitting on the floor I watch, my nipples hard, my cunt so wet I can smell it as he slides under her. Her body limp and cool to the touch he slides his dick inside her. He can’t hide the intense rush this gives him and with me he doesn’t have to. I fuck myself with the same intensity as he fucks my gift to him. Both of us cumming in hot waves. He will thank me later when he takes me to my dungeon and gives me rough sex using any device he chooses for as long as he likes. It is a mutually beneficial arrangement.torture phonesex necro

Sadist Accomplish Whore Wants to Double Team Victim on Halloween

snuff phonesex kieshaHey, guys, it’s almost Halloween! I hope all of you are as excited about it as I am because I can’t wait.

Some people like watching horror movies around this time of year. But me? I like making horror movie shit happen. I know some of you do, too, so I think that means we need to get together and see what we can do….

What do you think about some kind of accomplice fantasy? I love taking what men can dish out to me, but I also love getting a chance to dish it out sometimes, too. I wouldn’t want to take that away from you, either, though, so how about we find someone to torture together?

You know how sometimes you hear those stories about people doing terrible things to black cats during Halloween? I thought we could do something like that, just on a bigger scale. And, you know, with a girl instead of a cat, or maybe even a girl dressed as a cat. Hell, why not?

We will find the perfect one somewhere, in costume, leaving a bar or a party. She’ll be all by herself. I’ll go up to her and ask if I can walk with her so we both won’t be alone, and I’ll be so sweet and trustworthy and disarming that she can’t help but say yes. And you’ll be lurking in the shadows, waiting for the right time to strike.

You’ll have to do the heavy lifting part when we kidnap her, but I’ll be there to assist you in any way I can. Chloroforming her would probably be the easiest, but if you prefer to be a struggle, we could always do it the “hard” way. Then, when we get her to our lair, strip her, and tie her down, she’ll know for sure that she’s completely at our mercy.

Then what? There are just so many choices, aren’t there? I know you want to put your big cock inside all of her holes. Just let me get you nice and hard first, and you can stick it wherever you want. I want to see her choke on your dick, for one. Will you leave her pussy and her ass nice and bloody for me after you rape her? I want to see the dripping slowly defiling her milky-white skin.

I bet she doesn’t like girls, either, so I’ll sit on her face and make her lick me until I can’t take it anymore. And you know how I always have to pee when we’re done playing around? Well, there will be no need for me to get up and go to the bathroom, since I’ll have her face to use as my very own human toilet right there! You can use her that way, too, if you want.

And then, once she’s been kidnapped, raped, and tortured and is dripping bodily fluids everywhere, what are we going to do with her then? We could drug her so that she remembers nothing and turn her back out on the street. There’s no telling what might happen to her there. Or we could keep her as a little torture pet for the two of us, if you like. But if you really want to be sure to cover our tracks, we should probably get rid of her completely.

So who’s going to do the honors of snuffing her–me or you?

Let My Flesh Nourish You

cannibalism phone sex torture subbyMost women masturbate thinking about being eaten. But I bet they don’t get off thinking about being eaten how I think about it. I could care less about having my cunt eaten out or pussy worshiped. I want to literally be eaten. I want a master with a particular diet; one that requires human flesh to survive. I want to nourish my master and maybe his cruel accomplice. Look at me. I am tall, with big beautiful breasts and some meat on my bones. You could sustain yourself on my flesh for quite awhile.I bet I am delectable. 

cannibalism phone sex snuff blondeI want you to hunt me like a wild prey. Abduct me. Keep me locked up while you force feed me like a pig to fatten me up for slaughter. Then I want you to tenderize my meat, season and butter my skin. Shove and apple in my mouth and slow roast me over a fire. I wanna feel the flames engulfing me; I wanna feel my skin charring, falling off my flesh while I am slowly cooked to death for your sustenance, your survival. I wanna die slowly, painfully for your pleasure, your amusement. I want you to get off on my screams, my pain, my pleading for survival.

You know I look tasty. You know I would be scrumptious.  I bet we could cook up all sorts of yummy scenarios together. Let me feed you and your family.


Bad girls get punished


I’ve been a bad bad girl.

I thought it was ok to go outside today to have a bath in the rain.

I thought it was ok. 

I never really get baths unless it is raining or master says its ok. 

I was outside enjoying the rain as it washed away the blood, urine and feces off my bruised body.

I had my back to the house not thinking that master would see me standing there naked. 

I just thought it was ok to wash my body for him.

Make myself clean.

As i was standing there naked in the moon light running my finger through my hair, I felt the steal of his spiked boots.

He kicked me in my back so hard it felt like he broke something. 

I could feel the warm blood running down my back as he was dragging me back into the basement. 

I knew master was angry, so I sat there waiting. 

He locked my hands up way above my head, and had me facing him. 

He had the riding crop.

He told me to beg him for mercy, and not to stop. 

If I stopped he would get something else to hit me with. 

I started begging him to stop, 

He hit me over and over again. 

When he was done I could see the damage. 

Open sores, blood and bruising. 

When it gets this bad, he feeds me.. 

He treats me like his princess. 

Bloody Phone Sex with Venus: My Favorite Movie

bloody phone sex torture gothIt is pretty clear that I am not your typical girl. No amount of money would make me go to a Nicholas Sparks movie. Vomit. Eli Roth flicks are more my speed, especially Hostel 2. I enjoy the torture porn flicks. Bloody films with extreme violence, torture and sexual depravity get my cunt wet. Like all of the Hostel films,  the rich and the depraved pay for the thrill of killing some innocent lamb in whatever sick, twisted, perverted manner they desire. I relate to the female lead in this film, Beth.  A rich girl on vacation with her BFFS, meets the wrong people and finds herself kidnapped and in a room about to be prey to some submissive nerd who she rebuffed sexually because well, she has standards. But Beth turns the tables on Stuart; refuses to be his victim. She not only tortures him, but cuts off his worthless pecker and feeds it to the dogs, before snuffing him out and buying her way out of the torture chamber. My kind of girl. My hero. Beth and I are a lot alike, I torture and snuff out worthless pigs who have wronged me in some way. My victims are not so innocent. They are stupid, pathetic, weak, self entitled pricks who need to be taught a lesson, sometimes a deadly lesson.

bloody phone sex knife playNo man gets the better of me. And any dude who tries, finds himself castrated, bloody and likely no longer breathing like Stuart. Like Beth, I take no shit from men and I refuse to be a victim. Now, every now and then, I spare the life of a worthless prick just so he can become my torture doll. You can turn a dominate man into a submissive one. I have one Stuart like guy who tried to sexually assault me at a party once when I was intoxicated. Not only did I take his balls, which are in a jar on my mantle piece, I took his dignity. I own him now. He PAYS me to torture him. A rich motherfucker that until he met me, thought all women were on earth to service him and that his money could buy anything, and  anyone.

bloody phone sex evil killHis money can buy anything; it can buy the privilege of my sick, twisted attention. He pays me to bleed. In a twist on Hostel, he pays me to torture him, and he even tortures himself because he knows how much I enjoy it.  His neutered ass, slices his flesh and bleeds for me. He cuts hunks of his flesh off and gives it to me as presents. He even brings me sweet young things to play with, play with in my sick twisted way. Beth inherited her money; I was not so lucky to come from a wealthy family. However, I am rather cunning and crafty, so I am quite comfortable financially because I know how to milk pathetic losers like you. My love for money, however, does not outweigh my need to stalk and mutilate poor excuses for human beings. So, I will hunt and snuff you out for free. I don’t need to pay some Elite Hunting group in Slovakia for the pleasure of kidnapping, torturing and snuffing out pathetic losers. If you are reading this, you are fascinated by me. You have dark desires to hurt yourself for my pleasure; to pay me to cut and slice or even castrate you. Pay me to gut you like a pig and bathe in your blood.

Just like the woman in the opening scene of my favorite movie, I will suspend you above me, slice your arteries, and get off as your warm blood cascades over my body. I love it when you bleed for me. A goddess can never have enough loyal subjects to bleed and mutilate. I cannot wait to pierce your sweet, but worthless, flesh. And, I cannot wait to rape your wallet while I do it.

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Evil Phone Sex with Cassandra: House of Horrors

evil phone sex big tits subbyMaster is very fond of scaring me. He claims I constantly need broken in; calls me his stubborn Philly. Last week he had me kidnapped by a bunch of frat boys. He paid them some beer money and they snatched me right out of the mall and took me to this house of horrors. They left there and told me to find my own way home. There was no electricity, no heat, nothing. The house was so old too. Like I could fall though a floor at any moment. I was afraid I would hurt myself. That was not what I should have been afraid of however.

As I felt my way around every  corner, I encountered a horrific find that had my heart racing. My Master put me in a nightmare. He created a house of horrors just for me filled with everything that terrifies me the most. There was a room filled with slimy slithering  snakes. I had to crawl on the floor feeling them run  all over me. I peed my panties. Another room had spiders. Big hairy fucking spiders. I squished some with my fingers. So gross. I hate creepy crawly things. Master knows this. I was sure he was filming this and getting off somehow.

I had my cell phone with me, and although I could not get a signal to call for help, my flashlight app worked. I was trying to conserve the power, but I was getting more and more scared. The next room had something hanging from the ceiling, like punching bags that I had to navigate through. When I got something slimy on me I used the flashlight to see what exactly I was pushing my way through. Big mistake. It was like I was in a slaughter house. Dead pigs and cows everywhere. Gutted and bloody. The stench was nauseating. Master loves  playing survival games with me. Testing my will to live.

I have survived worse than a house of horror. I have been buried alive, submerged in water, forced to kill… I can get through a creepy house.  Suddenly, the floor fell out from underneath me. I was falling and landed in something wet and sticky. I fell hard too. I knew that smell, that taste. I was in blood. A vat of blood. No clue what kind of blood, didn’t want to know. I felt like Carrie at the prom. My long blonde hair was covered in blood. I fell in a tub. I crawled out and at least now I knew I was on the next level of the house. I crawled on the floor when pain hit. I was now crawling on broken glass. It hurt like hell. But I went as quick as I could. I was covered in blood, my own and someone or something else’s too.

I crawled right into a person, a live person. I thought it was my Master, but when I used the flashlight I saw it was something grotesque. A freak of some sort. It picked me up by the throat and throttled me. I was gasping for air, kicking frantically to free myself. Then the freak through me hard against a wall. I hit the wall, then fell through another floor. My Master and his friends were there waiting for me, laughing. I was  covered in blood, bleeding, banged up and they were laughing. My pain amused them. Does my pain amuse you?

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It Took Days

sadistic phonesex karmaI never dreamed that my latest wicked scheme would bring me so much pleasure and last so long. Her pain and agony has been delightfully satisfying giving me days and nights of pleasure. The long and agonizing process of poison ivy first becoming a rash that drove her crazy with it’s itching, swelling her body and bringing red whelps to the surface was just the beginning. As the hours passed the rash became small blistering sores. Watching the transformation made my cunt so fucking wet. Soon the blisters began to grow and fester becoming huge puss sores all over her body.sadistic phonesex poisen She has been tied to that tree for days now. I am keeping her hydrated so that she doesn’t die on me yet. The sores are starting to eat her flesh and I feel sure that she can’t last much longer. The poison has to be in her blood stream. She is feverish and delirious and it is the most wicked, evil, demented, twisted and sadistic torture ritual that I have ever administered. I will definitely be doing this again. The next time my victim will be a man. I can’t wait to see what the poison ivy does to a cock and balls over time. Just the thought of it is driving me crazy and keeping my cunt dripping wet. saadistic phonesex facebook

The Worms Crawl In……

evil phonesex angieI love Halloween. I can be evil and demented and people, especially the little ones think it is all fake and just a good trick. I always have the scariest shit in my yard for my little visitors. They always ask how I make it look so real and my answer every year is “How do you know it isn’t real?” They laugh and walk away and my cunt gets wetter as the night goes on, This year I have been preparing for the biggest, nastiest, thrill yet. He has been in my basement for going on a month now. I started by cutting his flesh and allowing the wound to fester. With the open sore becoming more infected by the day I finally added my little minions, a handful of flesh eating maggots. It didn’t take long for them to devour the rotting flesh of the wound and begin to move up the leg to fresh, delicious, tasty flesh. It’s OK I never waist food I could eat myself. He was a homeless bum from tent city by the tracks. An alcoholic that came willingly with me for the cheap booze I bought him. I never eat anything but healthy flesh. He is perfect however for my Halloween decorations. When he begins to moan I simply give him more cheap booze and he gets drunk and passes out while my little maggots do their job. My cunt has enjoyed many good orgasms as I have watched the maggots devour his flesh. By the time Halloween rolls around more then half his leg will be crawling maggots and bone. I will drug him so he looks like a prop and I will lay him in the yard by the front gate. Everyone that comes to my door will have to pass him. They will stop and stare and be amazed that I did it again. The worms crawl in…the worms crawl out and by the time I am done they will be through his stomach and out his mouth…..sinful perfection!evil phonesex maggots