Category: Kidnapping phone sex

How to Make Earrings

         Accomplice phone sex      

 I am a unique character. Do not get me wrong, there are those who are idiots and feel the world should know how dumb they are I but l am me. Every time I go out in public l can hear those pathetic maggots whisper about how scary I am. That’s right, be afraid of me! If I chose to I could slit your insignificant throats right now. Today I am shopping for the usual substances required to run a human body, Doritos, Mountain Due and pizza rolls. At the store there is always this real chipper house mommy who wants to preach the word of her worthless god to me, always so nice. I just want kill her firstborn to see if she still forgives then.

                She keeps nagging me about teaching her how to make my “charms” look so realistic. She is of course referring to the teeth and other mummified body Parts that I adorn my body with. Have never lied to the stupid bitch I tell her they are real, l don’t think she quite understands that. And am sick of listening to her wrenched voice. So, it is now time to invite miss faithful to her very own lesson.) Told her (was going to teach her how to make earrings. Those should be simple for her to comprehend. I give her he address to what l call my shop. It is an old abandoned building that is on the outskirts of the warehouse district. Naive as she is she shows up, and opens the heavy steel door stepping inside.

“Hello” She calls into the building. Her voice echoed through it’s emptiness, or mostly empty I should say. My stomach began to fill with butterflies like when you meet a crush for the first time. She walked into the middle of the room where a single chair sat with two tables, one on each side. On the left hand side, and the first table that Dr.Dumbshit approached contained all the supplies to create my beautiful art. She picked up the various wires and smiled to herself. She slowly walked over to the right hand side table. This table she approached with caution; taking her hand out she lifted the corner of the white sheet that covered it. Under it were all the devices that I liked to use on my play things. The smell of dried blood filled both her nostrils and my own as I now stood behind her. She went to turn quickly bumping into me. I smirk at her ear to ear. “I know what you’re thinking,” I said to her with a sarcastic tone “what kind of a women doesn’t clean her utensils when she is done?” She mumbled and stumbled over her words trying to find a path past me to dark towards the door. “Now…T T Terry, ha ha, I get it, April fools. I’ll be on my way now, ha ha.”  I stepped to the side long enough for her to take a half a hesitant step forward and then leaned into her ear and whispered “Then you better fucking run you fat ass bitch.” I followed this menacing advice with the evilest laugh a girl could give. She darted towards the door; I let her get about halfway before throwing a knife into the back of her knee. She instantly fell to the ground and tried to crawl towards her freedom.

Torture sex

I leaned down to her and dug my heal into the back of her hand, “Fucking cunt, too slow, I changed my mind.” She cried spastically, I could hardly make out any of her pathetic words. Her pants began to become soaked with her own urine as it pooled around her on the floor. “See I was going to let you go and then I remembered how eager you were for this lesson in crafting so I couldn’t let you down, thoughtful I know.” I chuckled at myself; I was such a sarcastic bitch sometimes. I stood up, my heel digging into her hand, she let out the bitchiest scream so I naturally reacted with a swift kick to her face. She whimpered trying to compose herself as I slammed the heavy door closed. I walked towards the top of her head and grabbed my hand into her brown overly permed hairdo. She continued to struggle as she dragged along the floor while I walked her to the chair. “I do not know why you are bitching so hard cunt, you wanted to know how this happened.You should be happy; I am doing you a huge favor.” I tied her into the chair and strapped her arms and head down. Prying her mouth open I pulled out all of her teeth. She screamed so hard, I laughed. I shoved a sock back into her mouth and went over to the table to craft her bloody teeth into earring. I went back over to her and showed her them. She screamed past the blood soaked sock in her mouth. “Let’s see how they look, shall we?” I studded her sitting on her lap in the chair. I removed the ugly gold earring from her ear and looked at her in disgust. “Clip ons? What the fuck bible humper. That is okay I will pierce them for you.” I grabbed my scalpel from the table. Blood was thick and dried all over it. “Now hold still you dumb bitch” I held her ear out and stick out my tongue a little as to keep my hands balanced. “one…two..” She squinted her eyes and SWINK “Oops I seemed to have cut your ear off…” I shrugged my shoulders as she squealed trying to shake her head that was strapped in place. I held out the other ear still attached to her head “Guess we better make it even then.” I removed it shoving one earring into each of the voids where her ear used to be attached. “Those look beautiful!” She started to seize and her eyes began to roll into the back of her head. She shook and convulsed and a liquid rose from her nose. “Oh look you are choking on your own vomit.” I giggled slitting her throat. The blood sprayed across my face. It was warm. I stuck my tongue from my mouth tasting it. MMMMmm “Whelp,” I began to talk to myself. “Looks like you will have to stay here till I get back; I need to finish my shopping.” I removed my clothing changing into a fresh pair I brought with me leaving her dead body, blood draining onto the floor. I would come back later to clean up her mess. Now it was time for pizza rolls. 

Sadistic phone sex

Suffocation Phone Sex: A Means to an End

It was a dark and dank confinement with little ventilation. It felt like suffocation phone sex as I felt as though I would die due to my claustiphobia. I was holed up in some sort of cement grave with a couple small grates for air. I was bound and gagged unable to make a sound. They came for me in the middle of the night while asleep in bed they were dressed like paramedics.

Suffocation Phone Sex

A large needle was injected in the back of my skull and was paralyzed. They bound me in a straight jacket and hauled me out into the night. I was shoved in the back of an ambulance but inside was not normal. All around me were different torture devices, knives, chains and rope. I was able to see everything going on around me but was helpless and mute. My eyes got big as I watched one of the masked men grab a drill and came towards me.

The back of my neck really hurt me and I had no cognative function. I fear I was labotomized and was being kept in this cement grave as they cultivated even more heinous torture. I heard voices outside of my chamber and the clanking of padlocks.

Torture Sex

Two men in butcher smocks stood before me with huge smiles as the grabbed me out. I was taken into what appears to be an abadoned asylum. Removing my straight jacket they laid me out on a steel operating table. The overhead light was glaringly intense I had to close my eyes. In moments I felt my legs parted and a speculum inserted in my vagina.

cannibalism phone sex

Without hesitation the man that inserted the speculum and stretched me open pulled out a huge fat cock from his pants. He stood before me jerking off into my stretched cunt, and soon followed by the other man. When they finished and removed the instrument what happened next I could barely believe. I felt a heavy furry musky smelling thing on top of me. I could not make out what this creature was that entered my pussy with the biggest fuck rod ever. The sperm of the men and the stretching with the medical instrument were all done to assist in this beasts huge furry shafted penis inside me.

I was stretched and fucked by a few of these creatures and left for dead. But they were’nt done with me yet. I felt warm breath on my overfucked cunt and felt teeth clamp down aroung it. The rough tongue of these creatures licked inside my pussy and they started literally eating my cunt. The guys had started slicing off pieces of my flesh like I was a deli loaf and tossed it into a stew pot of aromatic herbs and mirepoix (onions, garlic, carrots, and celery). They then fed me my own flesh stew before they finished me off. Making my limbs and organs into the stew which was fed to the creatures.

Just Another Day

torture phone sex aubreeI can’t believe my luck. It’s been really slow at work the past week or two. I hate being bored. My mind always wonders and gets me into trouble. As usual I was sitting there at my desk thinking about sex. So I pull out my cell phone and start visiting some of my favorite porn sites. My pussy was already wet and aching for some cock. I got into a chat with a really hot guy that said he was into the rough stuff. He wanted to call me so he could hear my voice.
I peered around the office and no one was in sight. So I gave him my number. When my phone rang I nearly jumped out of my chair. He had a sexy deep, gravelly voice and I could hear he was breathing deeply. We agreed to meet after work for drinks. I looked at the clock and it was 4:15. Nearly time to go! I took advantage of the fact that I was alone for a few minutes and rubbed my clit. It was hard and begging for attention. I heard the card reader beep so I had to stop, and cursed under my breath. It was my boss.
I smiled sweetly and he told me that since it was slow I could leave for the day! I was so happy I jumped up and gave him a hug! He laughed at me and told me to go. I grabbed my purse and keys and headed for the parking structure. Where the hell did I park? As I was walking around looking for my car, I felt someone come up behind me. Before I could react he placed his big hand over my mouth pinned my arms behind me. He told me not to scream. I recognized the deep voice – it was my caller!
I was terrified and my heart was racing. He dragged me to a van parked in the structure. The next thing I knew my arms were being tied and a blindfold was taped over my eyes. I was thrown in the back seat and could hear other sounds. There were people in the van! I felt hands groping at me and ripping my clothes off. My pussy was dripping with excitement at the thought of being the center of attention. I heard male voices and zippers being pulled down. My velvety mouth was forced down on someone’s big cock. I took as much of it into my mouth as possible. It was huge and hard and I gagged a bit as he thrust into my throat, balls deep.
While I was bobbing on his cock someone slapped my ass hard. It really stung and I knew there would be a bruise the next day. Someone pulled my legs apart and shoved his dick into my pussy. I groaned and thrust my hips back to receive the full force. What can I say, I am a willing victim? For the next several hours I was repeatedly fucked in all three holes. I was coated in sweat and cum. Finally after I was exhausted and sore, my arms were untied. The blindfold was removed and I was shoved out the door of the van. As the van pulled away someone threw my purse at me. I walked naked to my car and got in and drove home, with a mile wide smile on my face.

Spring Means Pig Roasts!

cannibalism phone sex snuffOne of the many things I enjoy about warmer weather are picnics. I am a huge fan of old fashioned pig roasts. I find the perfect pig, invite a few close friends over, and we set around the fire telling ghost stories and eating. Now, my pig roasts are unlike any other you have attended. I don’t actually roast pig. Pig is cheap and bad for you. I have a much more sophisticate pallet. I roast young women, sorta like veal. The younger girls are more tender, void of the toxins that plague more seasoned meat, and leaner.

We stalk the perfect “pig” for weeks. Learn her habits, determine if she is pure enough to devour. She has to be special to sacrifice. This year’s piggy is April. She is as smart as she is beautiful. She is a vegan who does not believe in dying her hair or tanning or using botox. It is rare to find a natural beauty in this day and age. But we are patient, and we do our research to find the perfect meal.

fantasy phone sex cooking fleshRight now she is in my basement getting prepped. Being fed healthy smoothies to plump her up. Having her body washed daily in pineapple juice to make her tastier. People think cannibals are savages, crazed killers, but there are many sound reasons for eating human flesh. It’s quite healthy. The bones can be ground up for many medicinal benefits, including good dental hygiene. Many diseases can be prevented by eating the human brain. It promotes  communalism. It helps with population control. One body can feed a family for several months , and provide well balanced nutrition. So cannibalism is cost efficient.

My friends and I are always looking for, um, fresh meat. Although it is fun to hunt your dinner, there is nothing wrong with pointing us in the direction of our next meal. Maybe you would enjoy helping me stalk my next meal or would like to offer yourself up as dinner. There is no higher purpose in life than sacrificing your life for others. When my next meal is served, will you be a guest or the main course?

Cock Worship

Domination phone sex MonettaI was in and out of conciseness all night. My arms were completely dead from the lack of blood flow up to the limbs, I did not mind, I could tell from the way the chains dug into them that they would hurt extremely bad if I could feel them anyhow. I looked around trying to let my sleepy eyes adjust. I could hear my new basement guest, and he was sobbing I think. Crying, from what seemed like a corner over in the shadows, like a little sissy boy. “Hello?” His voice called out to the unknown in the room. He must have been bagged still. Master loved to pay head games, and boy was he good at it. I could picture the little puke over there in the corner, piss soaked pants, bag on his head, all curled up in the fetal position. I bet he wasn’t so cocky now and I knew this wouldn’t be the worst of what was to come, neither for him or me.
I tried to stand with a little better posture so that my wrist would feel less pressure pulling against them. I stuck my feet firmly against the ground, I had not realized till now I was wearing heals. My knees quivered and I went to bring my legs closer together to help catch myself. The chains that held them made a clanging noise as to poke fun at me. Bag boy in the corner could hear me moving and shouted loudly like a little girl. I yelled at him to stop making that much racket or we would both get it. He just mumbled to himself silently.
It was then that I could hear the door open. The large metal door was solid and hard to move if you were emaciated at all. This door, to this chamber was actually located in the back of his closet in his gigantic bedroom behind a false wall.Sadistic phone sex monetta There were two basements, one that company saw and one where he tortured his victims. It was windowless, soundproofed and not included on any floor plans, his perfect little haven. He came down the stair from behind me, I could hear his footsteps as they got closer to me.
I whimpered at the sudden sting against my bare ass, I knew that sound that broke through the wind, it was his favorite switch. It was small and thin and resembled a twig. With all its sturdiness it never broke as he whipped me and was sure to leave large whelps with deep bruising. I could never understand how something so small could do so much damage against my white skin. Tears welled into my eyes, and I let out little whimpers in exhale with every swat. He eventually walked to the front of me, I kept my eyes to his feet. He did not say a word, just released the shackles that contained my dead hands. I fell straight to the ground on my full weight. Almost immediately I was met with a rough kick to my stomach. I let out an ‘OOPH’ as all the air left my body. I laid there against the cold concrete, feeling its cooling touch against my soar ass.
Leaning over me he took my throat into his massive hands and jerked me up. He was so rough, so strong; I laid dead weight choking in his grip till he threw me forward onto my belly. Master walked over and sat into a chair. He commanded me to crawl over to him like the useless cunt I was. He put me into a bind and chains. He hoisted my leg up so he could see my twat. He ordered me to worship his cock, to do my cum bucket duties. I did. I really worship his cock too, I was his and I craved it. I opened my mouth as I jerked for him. If I slowed he swatted me with the switch onto my cunt. He came into my mouth, he always tasted so good. I thanked him for the taste of his beautiful jizz. He reminded me that was my one meal for the day, and I thanked him again for his sustenance. He fed me at least and for that I was grateful. I knew this was not the last of our encounters down here and I knew that it was going to get much much worse. I cried as he went up the stairs, leaving me where I was, and turning off the light. I cried and bitch boy cried with me. It was a symphony to Master’s ears I am sure.Torture phone sex monetta

Master has a new Sadistic game for us PT 1

accomplice phone sex monetta 1 (2)

We have started to play a new game Master and I. He has grown quiet fond of it and with the new spring weather I could see it happening more often. The fact that Master involves me in these games goes to show how good I have been and accepting of his discipline. I am undeserving of his love or attention so I am glad I can contribute to his happiness. Now back to the sadistic game Master has developed for us. With the warmer weather comes the lack of clothing that follows and outdoor activities alongside it. So what better way to enjoy these outdoor activities than with Master allowing me to be his bait in a good ol’ game of torture the silly little boy who looks at his pet? Oh how I love this game, it brings my Master so much happiness and for that I will do anything. Master lets me dress super skanky with a little tiny skirt and slutty inviting pigtails and rollerblade around the park. My cunt feels so good as the air rushes past it up my skirt, I bite my lip as a jogger approaches. Master sits on a bench as I flash him a glance for his approval. He nods.

“Damn doll face you always roller blade like that?”
He tries to sound super slick as he approaches me. I can see his rape fantasies while he eyes looks through my clothes already. He is perfect for Master; I received the nod of approval, my heart races with anticipation. I giggle at him, seeming as though I am bashful.
“Only when it feels this great outside.” I replied. Then I questioned him, “You always approach random women at the park?”
I already anticipated the comeback; I knew this kind of boy, this kind of little tiny, pathetic, waste of human tissue that Master always ranted about. I raised my eyebrow and gave him a half cocked smile in anticipation for what was about to come from his wretched face hole.
“Only when they look this good out. HaHaHa.”
His chuckle made me want to vomit all over the sidewalk. This tiny boy who though he was a man was about to realize what a real man was, Master would show him, Master would show him what it meant to be a real man. What it meant to dominate and what it meant to have a good little pet to submit to every demand because they want to please.
“How ‘bout we take this back to my place. I don’t live far I promise.” And just like that I turned my back to him gave him a wink and wagged my finger in a come hither motion. And just like that the poor little puke of a puppy dog followed hot on my trails. I could see him uproot from his bench, Master was quickly steps ahead of me. A smile grew across my face. The douche behind me thought it was for him but my allegiance was with the brilliant mind of my masochistic Master waiting for the next step of our game. We take my car, I tell him I can drive him back to the park, but really I do not want any evidence in his douche rocket of a vehicle when they find it abandoned there.
When we pull up he points out how beautiful my house is, how “well groomed” my garden looks trying to flash his dull innuendos in my direction. I chuckle for him slightly, fake of course, but he doesn’t seem to notice. As we step across the walkway to the entrance of Master’s home a smirk began to reach the very corners of my mouth. Thinking of Master on the other side of the door, of what he was going to do with this piece of waste when he walked in, made me burst with love juices. My pussy throbbed hard for his hard cock to penetrate his pet, and we had not even got to the best part.
I reached for the brushed brass door handle furnished upon the heavy door painted red and gave it a turn. Slowly I pushed it open and held out my arm directing my pussy thirsty guest inside. I smiled from ear to ear, I was a good little pet, like a cat bringing home a dead bird to please it’s owner I brought mine home for my Master. He was dead already, he was just lucky to have a pulse.

Or were we the lucky ones…

Branching Out!

Accomplice phone sexI had to branch out ad find some new little sluts to babysit. So I put an ad on Craigslist. I know.. Who the fuck would hire some stranger off Craigslist to watch their little ones! It is like they were BEGGING me to make their little ones into sluts! And I am always ready to give someone what they want or deserve! Now the business is just pouring in! Last night I watched a sweet little piece of meat. She was so young and tender! I had her drugged and waiting when her parents left. She was so good to go. I let Mike have the fun. He ripped her little princess dress off and fucked her like a 2 dollar hooker. I am going to make a killing off this tape. And I loved watching that little piece of meat getting used like the slut she really is! The harder Mike fucked the whore the wetter I got! And when mike finally made that little slut his cum whore! I came so fucking hard!

Rape phone sex fantasies Langley’s Story

Rape phone sex fantasies


The Rape phone sex  fantasies are  awesome! Every time my daddy plummeted into my little cunt and made it seem real before coming to college I would say that.  What an idea to get my fix. I would do anything to feel good for a few seconds. I was trying so hard not to think about all the things that could happen to me or the why it would happen.  It was the matter of perspective  that it did happen  at all. I was so high most of the time in class I don’t know what was going on from one day to the next and  they say little ones shouldn’t be afraid of the boogie man! I was afraid more then you think and when he came  for me millions of miles away from  home .I tried to fight and too scream but nothing came out of  my mouth but a squeal.

      Quickly ,my hands and feet were tied and then mauled in the head by what was that a hook or brick?  No one could tell but I did feel  the rip of my skirt and my panties being pulled down and then the insertion of a needle or what was that metal hooks inside my little cunt. My legs were forced open and I felt the pressure of lips and teeth on my clit. I felt him spit out blood on to my face and I had to resist the urge to kick him. I would do anything and fuck anyone I had to  get the powder oh that powder would kill me but I didn’t care. His massive head sat at my fuzzy clit ripping it open with every thust. The blood that came from me did nothing to stop him from thrusting forward and pushing inside of me. I screamed but the words could not form in my throat.”You like that you are a filthy whore..” Taking a knife and cutting my skin off and then placing it in his mouth made me want to throw up. Blood seeped from me as his over-sized filling enveloped me. Turning me over, he put his hand near my ass and began to probe further with a needle. I was pass pain but I couldn’t say a word. Then I felt the piercing steel enter my flesh and him drinking my blood and then ….

     Have you seen this girl? My parents were canvassing the neighborhood looking for my remains I am sure by now. I had the brightest future of any of my pupils and I threw it all away for the sugar cane that went up my nose. He was coming for me and  I knew he would not stop until I was gone but it didn’t stop me from going and disappearing. My parents would never find me and him he would go back to his life my step daddy. My killer, who had held me  down and did these terrible things. But who  would believe it? The only evidence was this faded photograph and Rape fantasy phone sex tape that was destroyed by his accomplice. I was gone so will you call and retail my death things in after life can be sketchy and there is not a Damn thing I can do right now but maybe if you call you can!

Another Day of Hell on the Road

violent phone sex langleyIt was one of those times that I wish my boyfriend would shut the fuck up and just keep driving. It seemed that trucker was right on our heels. After eating Alpo for breakfast for over a month and trying to put myself through college after mommy and daddy cut me off, I was now looking out of the window at the stalker from hell! I mean it started out fun on the university us playing the game of chance on the computer and then me flirting back. I had no idea he was going to get pissed off and try to ram us off the fucking road! I was yelling at my boyfriend to go faster but that fucker was so high he would not have known what I was saying! All I knew was that we would have to get out of there fast before he did us in!
Looking out the window as he rammed the car and pushed us in the ditch I knew I was done for.My boyfriend was stone cold high and I saw the trucker running towards the window and the glass shattering. I didn’t even have a chance to breathe as he pulled my hair and dragged me out onto the pavement. I knew this was the end or the beginning as he dragged me back to the truck and pulled me in. Locking the doors I noticed the other women in the truck and began to scream and fight! Punching me in the face I felt the dark enclose the light and awoke to the smell of sulfur and powder. Trying to stand up was impossible I seemed to be kneeling down in white powder and there was an ax from above that was lowered every time I tried to pull up on the chain around my neck. Hearing boot steps approach I was ordered to sniff that white powder and then the clouds of dust entered my brain making me hallucinate to what was about to happen. I felt the press of the knife against my skin cut my flesh and blood fell onto the white dust causing a scene of agony. Forced up right I glimpsed the ax from above fall harder and the blood fall from me. The trucker pulled down his pants and pushed my mouth open it was all I could not to gag at the look of it. There was blood all over the tip and shape of the shaft had been cut to impose hooks that fell from its depths. Pushing my legs apart and looking at his toothless grin I knew I was in for more than I had bargained for as I felt the blood ooze and my soul lift into the clouds. The quick snap of my neck would be too easy the worse would come days later…

Wounded Slut

violent phone sex langley (1)My pussy was burnt raw and I could imagine that by the looks of things I was not going to survive. I was one of those people that knew when death was coming and I just didn’t know how I was going to spin this tale. Could I start with my time in England before I was taken? No that would be too easy let’s just go back to the fuckers who had tied my ankles to hooks, and watched as the bones cracked in my legs. He used an ax blade to cut into them and the end of a rod was stuffed up my tiny little cunt. It was something that I knew would kill me one day. My flirtations with people I didn’t know. But I wasn’t expecting it to happen so soon. He was coming and I could hear the hacksaw that was getting closer. I knew his ways very well. He would beat me with his fist and use that saw up my little ass cutting the flesh and pouring acid in the wounds.
He would then take down his pants and rub the blood all over his cock and put it in my mouth making me gag on the tip. If I threw up from the pressure of his cock he would use the five tail whip and lash it across my flesh and the sound would be heard in the air like a pounding hammer as it tore at my flesh.I don’t know why he liked using that five tail whip but from the stiff ridge of his cock it created such pleasure for him. Then his friends would take turns shoot darts on my tits and ripping my ass open with their bulging cocks. It was one of those things that I had grown accustomed to and it was one of those things that was allowing the darkness to fill up over my face and the world to become black.