Category: Kidnapping phone sex

Tortured and raped by Terry

I wandering down some road, my thumb out for a ride to somewhere… Anywhere really. I didn’t care. I was out to explore. I’d had a few cars pass me by when I finally got lucky and one pulled over for me. Climbing in I was happy to see it was a woman. She looked decent enough and I was just glad it was not some creepy old dude. We chatted along the way, she told me her name was Terry. It was a nice ride and she invited me to stay with her and a friend for the night. I thought well why the hell not.  Taboo phone sex

She took me to this nice looking place that was down a long road into the woods. And he introduced me to a guy friend of hers. We ate and chatted. They were super nice. After dinner they brought out some drinks and a few drugs. By night fall I was a bit wasted and high, so when their moods changed, I didn’t notice at first. They said they wanted to show me something, so I followed them down into the basement.


It was there I learned their real intentions as they got me to lay down on an old bed and they strapped me too it. As they removed my clothes, I thought it was just going to become a sex thing. Well.. just not sex for me. Spread eagle and strapped down, the man came to me. He fucked me while Terry was messing with some kind of bag of tools. When she came back, she had something in a pocket and a knife in her hand.


“Let’s give you something warmer and wetter to fuck.” she told the man and then she shoved the knife right into my thigh. I screamed with pain, which seemed to delight the man as he moved from fucking my pussy, to slipping his cock into the hole Terry had made him. It hurt so fucking much. While I screamed, Terry came to me and held my head down as she grabbed the pliers she’d put in her pocket. “Isn’t this so much fun!” she said with a happy smile on her face. “I love new friends.” And then she put the pliers in my mouth, gripping a tooth and with some twisting, yanking and pulling, she started ripping my teeth from my skull, one by one.  “Can’t have you biting anyone now, can we?” Her eyes were alight with such joy.


All night she kept making new holes from the guy to fuck while rubbing her wet cunt all over my bleeding mouth. What kind of hell have I gotten myself into?Evil phone sex

Ass Rape Porn Torture Me

I’m the one that will get the ass rape porn so tortured and true. You record everything as you set me up to cause my own demise. You ask me to find a sweet thing for you to play with and offer no specifics. I find out you are playing a game of Russian Roulette with me. My choice becomes dependent upon whether I am safe or if I will be tortured, raped and snuffed out. And the girl? Well she will likely be lucky or severely unlucky.

Ass Rape Porn

So in my blind moment of choosing the correct co-victim for this abductors game I return with one so innocent and sweet. I feel I did a great job in choosing after all he must desire such innocence… right? I was greatly mistaken. He handed me a hunting knife and demanded that I slit her throat. I was shaking as I had no idea what my own outcome would be. Before I slit her throat he had me strip her and hold her face down in my cunt. He had planned on smothering her face in my pussy as he started to penetrate her. As he was pushing inside her he commanded me to slit the little bitches throat. 

As the victim’s body started convulsing he was orgasming with such intensity I feared what was to come…

Rape phone sex fantasies


Who doesn’t love a bit of Chinese?

Cannibalism phone sexThe heat in the room was stifling, but it was only hints to what was so come. I was watching him at work, the master chef. He was at home in this room. Upon the large cutting board table lay a lovely little asian teen. Her skin was fair, her body small and her face pretty. She’d been hog tied and the man was slowly picking through his spice rack and fresh herbs. His strong thin hands seemed to caress over the dried spices, as if waiting for the right ones to cry out to him. “Let’s see here..” he said softly, mostly to himself I think. “Garlic, Onion, and a touch of Ginger… Ginger is perfect when making something Oriental.” He glanced over his shoulder at her and smiled. I noticed him pulling out a bottle of soy sauce and some rice vinegar. Turning back to the girl, he poured a little soy sauce onto her legs and ass, then gently he started rubbing it into her skin. “We must work the flavors into the flesh and that will help you taste so much sweeter my dear.” he cooed almost lovingly to her. “And once I have you all roasted, you make for some amazing stir-fry.” he liked one of his fingers before pour on more soy sauce, then a few drops of rice vinegar and then he started sprinkling on coats of the dried herbs with a touch of brown sugar.

Stepping back, he admired her for a moment. The cute girl now smothered and primed with flavors. Pulling on a rope beside the table, she was hauled up off the table. I could hear her crying. Big heavy sobs that were stopped by the orange that was forced into her mouth. He slowly tipped her so her face was aimed at the ground and my eyes widened as he slipped another full bottle of soy sauce right into her pussy. I swallowed hard as you could see the slight movement in the glass bottle as its contents were being emptied into her. As it drained, he was moving her towards what looked like a huge pressure cooker. He gently lowered her in and before she vanished inside of it, he reached in and pulled the now empty bottle out. “Sweet dreams dear.” he said before releasing the chains that bound her from the ropes he was using to move her. His smile grew as he lowered the lid and sealed it tight. “Who doesn’t love a bit of Chinese…” he whispered as he set the temperature and the timer.

Then he turned and his eyes were on me. “Now you lovely thing, you are not Chinese… No. You are full blooded American! You know what that means? Barbeque.” He licked his lips as he looked me up and down from where I hung from the ceiling. My hands and ankles bound in chains. He had an apple shoved so hard into my mouth it hurt to try and bite down on it. As he moved to me, he grabbed up a bowl from the table. In it was nothing but warmed butter and a little salt. Dripping a hand in, he reached out and started rubbing it onto my skin. So warm and slick, I tried not to moan as he gripped and squeezed my large tits but I couldn’t stop. “Such a fine piece of meat you are..” he murmured as he grabbed more and kept working it all over me. Once I was all buttered, he went back to his herbs and spices table, mixing up a batch of homemade barbeque sauce. He was so focused on his task, pouring in the tomato sauce, a bit of water, apple cider vinegar, brown sugar, some pepper, ground mustard and lemon juice. He was about to add the Worcestershire sauce when I started yelling and shaking my head. He looked my way and frowned as it was clear I was trying to say something.  

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Coming over to me, he pulled the apple out with a sudden jerk. I gasped and groaned as I moved my sore jaw. “Tabasco..” I moaned out. His brows came together.

“What?” he asked.

“Tabasco sauce… If you’re going to barbecue me I won’t have it done with such a weak sauce. It’s gotta have a kick to it.. Like me.” I said. I know it was stupid to help him, but damn it if I was going to be cooked and eaten, then I better well be cooked just right.

A smile started tugging at the corners of his lips, like my request was not what he was expecting. But he shoved the apple back in and turned away.

“Fine, Tabasco it is.” He went back to finishing it up. IT was almost a hypnotic process when he came to me and started brushing on the sticky sauce. I knew what was coming and I was afraid, my heart started pounding in my chest as he started moving me. I could feel the heat rising and then I was being lowered. The first contact I had with the hot grill was blinding white pain and then more as I was fully laid out over the hot coals. The pain was making me pass out, but the last thought I had was, Damn… I smell yummy…

Killer phone sex

The Gourmet’s Accomplice

accomplice phone sex I’d been watching the brunette for over a month. She was tall and muscular with a ponytail that bobbed when she ran. She should’ve known better than to run down by the swamps of Louisiana. It was a dangerous place, inhabited only by alligators, snakes, and drug dealers. I guess that little bottle of pepper spray that she carried gave her a false sense of security. Too bad that I would soon use it against her.
Rick and I had been friends for a while. We met at a gourmet cooking class in Baton Rouge. We discovered that we shared a taste for wild game and how to prepare it. It didn’t take long for him to share his special fetish with me. Rick had a craving for young, tender girl-flesh, cooked to a savory, smoky deliciousness on an open pit. And he had picked me to help him.
I eyed the brunette for a while, contemplating my move. She was young, firm, curvaceous, but slim. Her round bottom was evidence of her work-outs and she had a pair of tasty, muscular calves. She reminded me of one of the “perfect” girls in high school, the cute ones who wouldn’t give you the time of day. I hated her already. I could barely wait for our Barbie roast to begin.

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Rick waited in the car as the brunette swished past us. I fell in behind her, jogging at a leisurely pace. I was deciding to make my move when she bent to tie her shoe. I jumped on her, grabbing her pepper spray and giving it to her full-blast in her eyes. She screamed and I threw the burlap sack over her head, pulling the string tight. She fought me hard as I dragged her back to the car. We quickly stuffed her into the trunk and sped off, eager to begin our special feast.
Rickrick had this great commercial kitchen with oversized stainless steel appliances. His pantry was filled with every kind of seasoning and exotic spice. He even grew his own organic vegetables. He was more than stocked to prepare any type of cuisine. Today’s menu would be a feast of Cajun delights. cannibalism phone sex
I led her in and had her lie on the long steel table. It was more like a mortician’s slab than a table, really, in all of its sterile coldness. She was in shock and barely protested. I could smell her fear and it whetted my own appetite. I quickly snipped her clothes off with kitchen shears, revealing a Grade-A choice cut of flesh, all tanned and ready to roast. I ran my hands over her body and was pleased to find her pussy and legs freshly waxed. I would only need to shave her long locks.
Chef RickRick took over from there. He hung her head over the side of the table and quickly slit her throat, leaving her to bleed out into a washpan. Her heels drummed on the table as her lifeblood gushed from her. Her skin was deathly pale as her heart gave its final beat.
We had decided to just roast her whole in the indoor grill. I rubbed her body with coconut oil as he readied his special bourbon marinade. He began to snip off her toes and fingers for some Cajun-style chickenfoot soup. Next, he gutted her and gently pulled out her intestines for me to clean. I amused myself by looking at her poop to see what she had eaten. It looked like salad and cum!!! While I was doing that, Rickrick readied some rice and a piece of her liver to make some Cajun boudin. It’s a savory dish that is stuffed into intestine links. They would be returned to her carcass to simmer. He also placed her head into a pot of water to boil down into headcheese. Her lips, titty fat, and pussy lips would be deep fried into southern cracklings. Nothing would be wasted.
The grill was ready as we finished her seasoning. She looked very tasty, tightly trussed, under the coating of scallions, fresh garlic, cayenne pepper, and “Slap Ya Mama” Cajun seasoning. I had tucked a few garlic cloves and onions under each of her split breasts and her pussy was stuffed with large shelled shrimp. I’d also shoved carrots in her asshole to keep the juices from leaking out.  I could barely wait for the first bite. Neither could RickRick as his erect cock poked through his Chef’s apron. The final touch was a spurt of his “special sauce” for extra tenderness. Laissez les bons temps rouler.  (Let the good times roll!)

I poured us some wine as RickRick pulled her from the oven. She looked magnificent, all grilled to a toasty brown, crispy on the outside, moist on the inside. As he fed me the first bite, I almost orgasmed. It was so good. We both fell on the feast and fed like sharks in a feeding frenzy. Her fat dripped from our chins as we crammed chunks of girl-meat into our mouths. I was hooked.
Now I’m watching a fat chick who walks at the park. We plan to trap her and grind her into chili meat for the local chili cook-off. I’m sure our special recipe will win us the blue ribbon. Thank you, RickRick, for introducing me to the Joy of Cooking!!!

kidnapping phone sex

Dinner with Friends

Cannibalism phone sexWhen you have certain tastes, having an accomplice is key. Luckily, Rick and I both share a love for fine dining. I decided that he should accompany me on a little hunting expedition. I have discovered a new hunting ground: the nude beach. All these lovely girls frolicking about in their natural state allows us to pick out the perfect meal together. No guessing if her breasts are natural or if she dies her hair. No wondering about tattoos and piercings. Plus, you can see the rump, the thighs and the breasts so well. It is nice to see how succulent the meat is before your bring it home. So many coeds these days are just too sinewy. We found the perfect girl. Young twenty something with meat on her bones. Not fat, but healthy. All natural and in good physical shape. Grade A choice girl meat. Our favorite.

We already had a plan to grab her. Another girl never thinks of another girl as a predator. At least not until she feels the chloroform cloth around her mouth from her accomplice. Of course she woke up in a cage with a lot of questions. Why do young girls always assume we want to sexually assault them or torture them? Rick assured her we were much more sophisticated than that. “You have a much higher purpose sweetie,” he informed her as he pinched her flesh in various places checking out her ample breasts, thighs and rump. You need to be able to pinch skin on the perfect meal. We measured her ass and thighs, even her belly. Makes Rick’s mind spin when he sees how many inches of girl meat he gets to tenderize and marinate.

snuff pornI could already picture her a nice golden brown. I could already smell the seasonings blending with her natural aroma. Intoxicating. Made me moist in the panties. A yummy meal is almost as good, if not better, than a hot sexual encounter. This was the finest specimen in a long time. Didn’t need to plump her up. No silicone to remove. Beautiful round juicy ass. I am a breast girl myself, but Rick loves firm thighs with some jiggle to them. When properly tenderized and seasoned, makes for a most scrumptious meal. As we checked out our meal and discussed the different ways we could cook her, she became rather hysterical. I patted her head through the cage to calm her. “Don’t you work yourself up dear. It is not healthy for your body.” Silly girls don’t understand how increased adrenaline and blood pressure spoils meat.

snuff moviesI gave her a natural sedative to calm her, then pulled her out of her cage to prep her while Rick did his magic in the kitchen. He blends the right amount of seasonings and sauce to make girl meat taste out of this world. I washed her body and hair of all toxins. You can’t have any chemicals on a body before cooking for the best flavor. I even shaved her. She didn’t have much body hair, but a nice smooth firm body absorbs the sauce so much better. I returned her to her cage nice and clean and ready for basting. There are lots of way to prepare girl meat. Oven baked with some potatoes and veggies and an olive oil basting; takes awhile, but the meat is so tender and golden brown afterwards. Spit roasted with an apple in her mouth over an open flame permeates the yard with yummy smells. The meat is a bit tougher on the outside, but so tender on the inside. Girl stew. Big cast iron pot filled with water, seasonings and some veggies and your meat over an open flame. Really, with the right chef, the possibilities are endless.

taboo phone sexTonight, however, we opted for girl roast. Rick coat every inch of her succulent body with his special herbs and butter sauce. I used my knife to make a nice incision in her chest cavity so I could insert some veggies and potatoes. Stitched her right back up like a turkey. They taste so much better when they absorb some of the meat’s natural flavor. The poor thing was subdued but still criticizing our meat choices. It really is rude to make others feel bad for their tastes. I will not eat boxed and processed foods, but you don’t hear me being critical of what others eat. As I stitched her back up and told her how delectable she was going to be, and how she would feed us for weeks, I saw the look in her eyes. She was coming to terms with her fate. Rick finished basting her, while I poured us two big glasses of white wine. We put her in the oven with the light on so we could see her cook, sat back and reminisced about the other fine meals we have shared over the years.

torture phone sexThe house smelled wonderful. When she was ready to be severed, I cut him some thigh meat first. “Enjoy. I know it is your favorite,” I told him. I love a quiet fine dining experience with friends. It is the simple pleasures in life that are the most memorable.

Rump Roast!

Cannibalism phone sexI knew I had found the perfect piece of meat. I noticed her instantly. Those long legs strutting past me on the street. Her tiny little gray dress barley covering her round rump. So firm and full. I knew the second I saw her she was perfect for Rick. So fucking sexy! I followed her for awhile. Watching her strut. When it started to rain I knew I had the PERFECT excuse to talk to her! I told her I lived in the penthouse right across the street if she needed a dry place to wait out the rain. She seemed to hesitate. Perhaps she could feel what I have planned.

cannibalism phone sexSo I slipped off my 800.00 dollar pair of Dolce And Gannana pumps. I told her these things were KILLING my feet. Of course she had to say how sexy and perfect they are. I told her she could have them! I was done with my feet hurting. And actually… I do have a few more pairs she could have if she really wanted. Of course she really wanted! So she happily followed me to my house. I poured her a drink with a little extra in it! Just enough to make her complacent. She was putty in my hands. And I waited for Rick to arrive! I kept my self busy in the kitchen. Mixing up a fresh batch of Ex-virgin olive oil with just the right herbs. And I peeled and cored several apples. Then mashed them into some real butter. A nice marinade! Rick arrived just in time! I helped slip it’s gray dress right off so Rick could wash it down. He scrubbed her clean. I pulled out my biggest roasting pan. And Rick and I placed our guest in the pot. I let Rick rub every inch of her body down with the olive oil. And then Rick packed the apple butter into our guest pussy and ass. I even held her mouth open and force feed her the remainder of the butter. Rick and I slid her into the industrial over and watched as her skin started to glow. She shimmered in the heat. The smell of the slowly simmering meat was delicious! And the look on her face was divine, as her skin tightened up and browned. She was slowly cooking to death. I could hear her moans and whimpers as the time passed. It really was sexy! I could barely wait for the finally! But finally you could see her skin get almost see threw. You could see the bubbling juices rolling under her crisp skin, letting you know that she was finally done! Of course Rick went right for a piece of rump roast. She was so juicy when he cut into her delicious meat her juices squirted out! She melted in our mouths! Mmmmmm I do love a good rump roast!

Cannibalism phone sex

The Dinner Party

Taboo phone sex

There is nothing worse than going to the store and not finding what you want. I found the perfect vegetables, even the best golden and red potatoes. Then I was disappointed looking for the perfect kind of meat. Everything looked over processed and old.  Nothing seemed to reach out and grab me. I was having friends over for a dinner party to meet my new partner in crime. While I was searching through the meat department I saw the perfect rump roast. It was juicy and looked so tender. I could roast it in my oven, and watch the meat turn to a beautiful golden brown. She was underage and just perfect. If I could catch her off guard and take her home I knew my new friend would approve of her. He is a fantastic chef, he could make anything taste so fucking good.

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I wanted to impress him. I wanted to make something where the meat would melt in his mouth. I wanted his cock to get hard slicing into her golden brown skin.  I followed her to the same check out line, had some small chat with her. I thought I lost her as I walked out to my car. I saw her waiting at the bus stop, I didn’t want her to burn her beautiful white skin in this Vegas heat. I pulled up next to her and offered her a ride. Young girls are so trusting with another female. She got in the car and I started to drive, with all the construction going on it is easy to get lost. I pulled the car over and reached in the back seat “looking” for my phone. I grabbed my rag that was soaked in chloroform and covered her face. I don’t want any added stress to the meat, it makes it stringy and nasty. After I got her home and got her into the bath tub. I got right to work, washing her body and shaving every inch of her. After I had her all cleaned up I filled the bath tub full of a brine.

Killer phone sex

I wanted her to soak int here to get her nice and tender. As I was getting the veggies ready I heard her wake up. She was trying to scream, and trying to get out of the bathtub. Poor sweet angle, her eyes were red from her crying. I helped her up, pat dried every inch of her body off. She tried to get away but I had her tied up really well. I started to explain to her what was going on. “You see sweetie, I could not find the right kind of meat at the store. Then I saw you, and you look Delicious. I knew you would taste so yummy.” She tried to scream again. I shoved a onion in her mouth to stop her from screaming. I grabbed the olive oil and started rubbing her down with it. Rubbing her breast and ass cheeks. My fingers even slipped inside her tight cunt, making sure she would stay nice and juicy. I grabbed some spices and covered her oiled body. I even stuffed her pussy with some veggies.

Cannibalism phone sex

I kept telling her how good she is going to taste, how full she is going to make us but that didn’t seem to make her feel any better. I wanted to roast her in the oven so I could check on her as she cooked. Make sure she wasn’t drying out in some spots. I knew I was going to impress my new friend. I knew he was really going to enjoy her. Every bite was going to leave him wanting more. I am sure next time he is going to want to go shopping with me. We can prepare our next meal together, even play with her before we eat her. I can not wait for him to walk in the door and smell her cooking. His mouth is going to water as soon as he walks in the door.  

Blood Tears

angieIt all started years ago with a show called the Twilight Zone. I remember sitting there watching an episode where a race of aliens came to Earth. They had a manual that was called “To Serve Man” People were over the moon. They thought that the aliens were friendly and just wanted to serve the human race. Finally in the end as people were getting on the space ship to join the aliens, one man, who had deciphered the book and discovered it was a cook book, was yelling out side of the ship. snuff porn angie1At that moment when I connected the dots my pussy let out a gush of fluid. The idea of eating human flesh had never occurred to me before then. But the moment I had that thought I knew I would enjoy cannibalism for the rest of my life. Finding ways to obtain and serve human flesh has been a long road of trial and error. You see you have to pick the right person, you have to decide just what cuts of meat you enjoy, what herbs and spices taste right with what flesh type. Each ethnicity has it’s own flavor. Much like the difference between corn fed and grass fed beef. Being a cannibal is more then a life style it is an art. One must never take for granted the flesh that is being consumed and one must always be reverent in the treatment of the flesh as well as grateful for the gift of life that is given for nourishment. snuff porn angie3This brings me to my latest meal. It was an innocent day at the movies. I was not on the hunt for a meal (often my best meals are the unexpected ones) She was sitting a couple of rows in front of me. It was a sappy chick flick and as the lights came up in the theater almost every female was crying. When I looked at her she was crying tears of blood. My physical reaction to this was intense. I had never seen such a phenomenon and I had to have her. As I followed her down the street I noticed that she was plump in all the right places. Her rump was nice and fleshy but not fatty, her thighs were rubbing together just enough to have some good chunks of meat on them. The rest of her was healthy but not overly so. I knew that because she cried blood tears that she had to be special and that I would have to share her with the most special people in my life.snuff porn angie2 I began to ponder seasoning and preparation as my pussy pumped juices between my legs and the anticipation grew. I also began thinking of how I would “serve” her. I thought of leaving her whole and serving her like a pig with an apple in her mouth, allowing the most privileged guest to carve her for serving. I thought of removing her head and making it the center piece of the platter, especially if I could get some of those blood tears flowing before removing it. It would be very exotic to position her head in the center of a tray of her flesh with a smile on her face and blood tears staining her cheeks from where they flowed for the last time. So many choices, so many decisions, so much planning…….At last, the perfect time to take her and begin…..I can’t wait to share her with you!

Cannibalism Phone Sex: The Way to a Man’s Heart is Through His Stomach

cannibalism phone sexCannibalism phone sex gives new meaning to be being eaten out! I answered an ad on Craig’s List for a physically fit cage dancer. I’ve got meat on my bones. I workout. I have done my share of private dancing for extra cash. I showed up looking sexy for the interview. A nice older man invited me inside. Some wonderful scent permeated through the house. He saw my nose inhale and a smile come over my face. “My special meat sauce,” he said. He told me he was a private chef hosting a high end dinner party. His guests would enjoy special entertainment. We talked for a while. He asked about eating habits; my health history and then took my measurements I figured it was for an outfit.

I followed him to his basement to check out the cage I would be dancing in. The moment the cage opened, he shoved me inside, tied me up and locked the door. “Silly girl. Don’t you know it’s dangerous to come to a stranger’s home,” he said with an evil glean in his eyes. I started to plead for release. Begged him not to hurt me. “I’m not going to harm a hair on your pretty head sweetie. I never play with my food,” he chuckled. Food? Surely, I misunderstood him. Hannibal Lector is a fictional character. Then I saw his special kitchen. In his basement he had industrial size everything.

  taboo phone sexI could smell something cooking on the stove. Dear God. Was it some other girl who answered the same ad? “Now now Cassie, don’t panic yet. That is just the special meat sauce. A good meal is all about the preparation dear,” he spoke like he was talking about Arby’s special sauce. Suddenly, there was another man in the room, much younger than him. His son I thought. He started feeling my body, marking up certain parts of me like a side of beef. He circled the rump, thighs, stomach and breasts. When he realized I had fake tits, he got disappointed. I thought this was my out. But Dr. Lector handed him a big knife and he cut the silicon out of my breasts. I was bleeding all over myself and the cage. I felt a fire hose on me. I felt like a dirty caged animal.

I was getting weak from fear and blood loss. I passed out for a second, but awoke to being basted in a sweet smelling sticky substance. I was being marinated. “I told you honey. It is all about the preparation. You are going to be delicious,” he said softly in my ear as he coated my flesh with his special sauce. I passed out. Woke up to the pain of a metal rod being rammed up my ass. I felt so weak and sleepy, but the heat sensation revived me. I was being slowly roasted over an open flame. “Don’t cry pretty girl. You are going to make several men very happy tonight. Haven’t you heard that the way to a man’s heart is his stomach?”

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Taboo phone sex

Prissy bitches are afraid of bugs and shit. I love bugs, and spiders. Anything creepy crawly I love. I love feeling them all over my naked body, going in and out of me. I saved a roach one day at school. This preppy bitch tried to kill it. She called me a freak and said I was a nasty fucking roach lover. After that day I wanted to smash her like she did to all other roaches. After her cheer practice she was the last one to leave the school. I took the spark plugs out of her car and stabbed her tires. Poor princess had to fucking walk home. I figured she would take a short cut through the woods by the school. That was where I would make my move. I had my shotgun full of rock salt ready to fire at her chest. I wanted the bitch to go down, not to die. I dragged her home and into the shed where I keep all my friends.

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I cut off her clothes, and tied her up. I didn’t want her to hurt my friends when she woke up. After the bitch was tied up I went to work putting my friends all over her body. First was the maggots, then the roaches and finally my 8 legged freak. I loved the look on her face when she woke up. The bugs had worked their way inside of her cunt and her throat. I forced them into her ears. I wanted them to eat her. I fucked myself watching you squirming and listening to her scream. Then I heard a crunch. That fucking whore killed one of my friends. Now it was her turn to fucking die. My boots were nice and heavy, perfect to smash her fucking head like she smashed my friends. I was covered in her blood and brains. I let my friends eat on her for days. I fucking love feeding my friends. 

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