Category: Kidnapping phone sex

You really should be more careful!

kidnapping phone sexMan, parents should really be more careful these days. Letting their little brats run around unsupervised, not noticing when they are coming up missing for hours on end… they should really think about the consequences. Someone like me could find their little one all alone, some nice looking woman like myself… and it would be so fucking easy to get that little brat to come home with me. Too fucking easy, just like the one I have now. There is so much fucked up shit I am going to do to this little whore, she’s never going to see the light of day again. I think they make horror movies out of this kind of stuff, but this is the kind of thing that turns me on more than you know. I know it makes your cock hard thinking about all the massive cocks she was given, all those little holes ripped wide apart and raw. Turned into the perfect little fuck toy, if her parents won’t be responsible for her – I sure will. Make her my sex slave, my pathetic little pet. Until, of course she annoys me or bores me, but for now…she’s been a very obedient thing!

Ass rape porn

Ass rape porn

Makayla’s first time with Ass rape porn. After all this time he turned me into a mean whore. He tortured me, fucked me, forced me to be his dirty fuck toy for so long. Now it is my turn to help him find his next victim. He dressed me up and took me out. I got what he wanted. A whore in tight pants with a camel toe. He likes to slice that camel toe off with his sharp knifes. She was a drug whore just like me. She didn’t have a place to go and get high so I brought her with me. We started getting fucked up, drinking and getting out shit cooked. Once I had her needle loaded I tied off her arm, found a thick vein and shot her up. I knew it hit her fast, she started to pass out just the way I wanted her to. I loved the way she was screaming when she woke up with my arm half way into her asshole fucking her hard! 

Killer phone sex is what really turns me on!

killer phone sexI looked down and smiled, all I could see was red. I finally felt happy and at peace, all the anger gone, a bliss feeling it was. Her eyes were open, staring and unblinking, her pussy was sill dripping cum, her body was lifeless as it gets and saturated in blood. My pussy was starting to get wet all over again thinking about it, killer phone sex is what really gets me nice and turned on, the only thing that makes my pussy soaking fucking wet. It all started with a little thing I like to call boredom, I knew it was time to go out and find my next victim. I live in a town with a very big school, a party town that has stupid whores crawling around it all times of day and night, all I needed to do was find that one extremely drunk slut, and get her to my car and she was mine. It’s not hard, I’ve done it too many times to count, I wanted one that was especially deserving to be cut and bled out. As soon as she got in my car, she passed out, too trusting… She woke up soon after though, tied up and helpless as I was cutting her slowly on her exposed tits. I’ve never seen someone sober up so quickly! She was screaming, begging, crying the whole works but I just kept cutting her all over, feeling my pussy get wetter and wetter. I was feeling extra mean, my friends were there to fuck her, and they did. Filled her up with cum and made her choke on their bloody cocks. While I helped, of course. Mmm… that’s what you get for being a stupid trusting whore.

Cannibalism Phone Sex: Blonde Rump Roast for Thanksgiving?

cannibalism phone sex kidnapped submissiveCannibalism phone sex seems to pick up in popularity around the holidays. I think all those men with finer taste get hungry for an exotic meal. I’m a perfect meal, or so I have been told. I’m not too skinny, not fat, just got some meat on my bones. My callers have a lot of different ways of capturing me. Kidnapping, home invasion, duping me with a Craig’s List ad, hitchhiker, stranded motorist, drunk party girl… What remains constant however, is the preparation they take so I am ready to be served on Thanksgiving. I am caged; fattened up with protein shakes; my fake titties are carved out of me; my tats scrapped off me with sandpaper; my body washed of chemicals; my bleached blonde locks restored to my natural color or shaved; and all my piercings removed. Apparently, I will taste better natural.

snuff porn submissiveOnce restored to a natural state, the seasoning of my flesh begins. Sometimes I am basted in a herb and butter sauce. Other times, a seasoned marinade is used. I’m usually tenderized first so my flesh will hold the taste best. That is always very painful. There are lots of ways to cook me. Can tie me up like a turkey, stuff my ass and cunt with a sage dressing and oven roast me all day long. Bonus you get to hear my screams from the oven as I slowly cook to death. You can ram a spit roast though my ass and out my mouth, stuff an apple in my mouth and roast me over an open flame like a pig. You can listen to my blood curdling screams as the spit roast pierces my internal organs. . Being burned alive is nothing in comparison. You can even chop me up into little pieces and make a stew out of me. Get off as I bleed to death. Either way you choose to cook me, I am very delectable. Of course the way I taste, has everything to do with how you prepare me.

So what are you eating this Thanksgiving? May I suggest a nice blonde rump roast seasoned to your liking?

Cannibalism phone sex Thanksgiving feast!

cannibalism phone sex

I was excited to go home for thanksgiving this year. I missed my family so much. I am at my house packing my bags, making sure I have everything I will need. I realize that I need to run to the store really quick. When I arrive home I notice a strange car parked in my drive way. I got a weird feeling as I got out of my car and approached the random ass car. I looked inside the window to see if anyone was inside. There were no door panels on the door or door handles. The car looked well kept. I walked to my front door and noticed it was cracked open.

“Hello?” Bam! I fell on my face. As my eyes rolled to the back of my head I went unconscious. I can hear what’s going on around me but my body is not responsive for some odd reason. I hear the car driving, and the man next to me mumbling. He sounds like he is talking to me. “Oh baby I am so hard, I have wanted you for so long.” “Oh baby you feel so wet, you want me to don’t you, you little whore?” My eyes start to open and I can see everything now. Lights are making my vision blurred but I can make out stuff.

There is a table with thanksgiving decorations. There are side dishes; corn, mashed potatoes, bread, green beans, and a huge silver plate in the middle with nothing on it. It must be a big turkey that goes on the platter. The man gets on the floor next to me and licks my cheek. “Some rosemary and salt will do you good.” I look at him puzzled. My hands are tied up and so are my ankles.

He rips my clothes off of my body. He starts touching my smooth kissed by the sun skin. “Mm so soft.” He takes his fingers and puts them in my mouth, my saliva makes his fingers wet. He runs his sausage fingers down my chest, my belly, and unto my pussy. He feels inside of my cunt. “You are going to be so tender and delicious.” He gets a pole and puts me on my tummy.

He slides the stick in between the rope where my hands meet and my ankles. He picks me up and carries me to the back yard. There is a huge fire and a table full of ingredients and a baster. He puts me on the table and begins to rub seasoning all over my body. He puts an apple in my mouth and starts shooting juice and onions and fruit up my pussy. It finally connects in my head, I am his center piece turkey.

He puts my body over the fire, begging to roast my flesh. I can’t yell and in a matter of fact I am starting to choke on my saliva. “That’s right honey, keep those juices inside. We want to make you moist and savory.” Tears run down my face as I try to plead with my eyes. “Don’t worry I am very thankful for you.”

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Die, bitch, die. No one gives a Tweet.

mutilation phone sexLooking for that perfect accomplice who really likes it nasty and rough? I will help you find your latest victim and make your bloody dreams come true. My very favorite fantasy is kidnapping young girls and torturing them. Not your average run-of-the-mill kidnapping either. I cater to vicious and violent wanna-be psychos who like to hear girls scream. I cut off nipples, shove knives up cunts, and make the living wish they were dead. My latest victim was so innocent and so very dead. I made tiny knife cuts all over her body as she begged for mercy. I burnt her with cigarettes and shoved a curling iron into her pussy. On high heat, of course. She screamed so very loud, which made my Masters cock rigid with glee. Can you stand the dirty games that I play? Are they too much, coming from the dark recesses of your mind. You know you must sate your bloodlust. There’s a full moon tonight and I smell fresh pussy in the air. My theme song is playing and I’m ready to make someone bleed.

“Dirty Little Mind”  by Jackyl
Well I licked her clean from head to toe
I took her down for the count
She was ready for more
And you know she’s got a dirty little mind
The way she walks
The way she grooves
I have to strap her down to keep up with her moves
And you know she’s got a dirty little mind.

Writer(s): Jesse James Dupree
Copyright: Polygram Int. Publishing Inc. Cockster Music


knife play phone sex

Snuff phone sex Revenge

snuff phone sexI’d been starving him in the basement all week. He was begging now. Begging for his life and apologizing for molesting my 10 year old cousin. The fucker didn’t even get any jail time and revenge was mine. I wanted him to die slowly, painfully.
I brought him out in chains and hooked him to my “fun” table. I plopped his cock out on a wooden cutting board. “You see this cock, asshole. It touched something that belonged to me. My family, my flesh and blood. Now, I will take yours.” Fondling his cock, it begin to rise even though he was crying. I twisted it painfully, making small blood vessels pop in it. My own pussy began to twitch just a bit, the way it does when I go in for a kill.
I stretched his dick out on the table and reached underneath, bringing out a hammer and nails. He screamed, begging. “Please, ma’am, I didn’t know she was your niece. I’ll never touch a little girl again.” “Damn right, you won’t cause, you aren’t gonna have a cock to shove in helpless little pussies. You’re the helpless one now, aren’t you, asshole?” I placed the nail against his nutsac and twisted it a bit to make him wince. Then I brought the hammer down hard, piercing his scrotum and exploding his teste. Gooey cum and blood burst from his broken ball. Then I did the other one to match.
His screams died down as he bled profusely onto the table, pooling on the floor. His balls were crucified. Now came the fun part, watching him slowly die. Old fashioned snuff phonesex and justice for the victim. No, the blood loss wouldn’t kill him. It was the infection that would set in from the rusty nails that I’d dipped in shit. I would torture him some more first, making him wish he was already dead. Next would come the raging fever that would make him delirious. And, finally, the foul infection would make him leak bloody pus from his wounds, festering, and becoming full of maggots. By then his cock would be rotted off and he would feel nothing but sweet relief when he finally gasped and choked on his final breath.

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In The Name Of The Father

snuff porn angie1When I found this sweet little trinket in the bottom of a box, way in the back corner of the second hand store I knew that I had to use it. As I picked it up and examined it I felt my cunt twitch and quiver when I realized just what it was. I love sacrilege on any level. I went home and started on the wooden cross right away. I found the nails I needed and made sure that everything was just right. I found the perfect tea totaling dress for church and cringed as I put it on. but this was going to be worth it. I headed out for the local Catholic church with a handkerchief and some chloroform in my hand bag in search of the most chaste female I could find. Getting her alone after mass was easy and I could hardly wait to nail her naked and vulnerable to the wooden cross that I constructed before beginning to use the cross syringe to inject her with mind altering drugs and begin my abuse! I can’t wait to hear her denounce her god and curse him to hell while I defile her body, mind and soul.taboo phone sex angie

Thanksgiving Dinner Prep

Taboo phone sex

Each year I search and search for the perfect meat for my thanksgiving table. I don’t want her to be fat or too thin. She needs to be just right, so this year I have had my special human turkey tied up and force feed all the proper foods. I want to fatten her up just a little bit. She is tied up so she does not use those muscles and make her meat tough. I do not want my guests chewing and chewing on a whore. I want her meat to melt in their mouth as they take the fist bite.

Cannibalism phone sex

I want them to crave more of her. I want my meat to be decadent! That is why I have kept her here, locked away. She is going to be perfect. She makes my mouth and my pussy water. I just want to eat her now. But I am going to wait and continue to feed her everything that is going to make her body taste so amazing. 

Cannibalism Phone Sex: What’s Cooking in Your Kitchen?

Cannibalism phone sexI love cannibalism phone sex, especially during this month of Thanksgiving. I am so grateful that there are so many stupid bitches around that I can have for dinner. Literally. I have been watching cooking shows for months now to learn the proper seasonings for white meat. I like dark meat too, but there are far more dumb drunk white girls roaming the malls and bars of America. I have learned a few things over the years of preparing special holiday feasts. Always have back up meat. Sometimes you grab a meal on the go and don’t realize until you get home it is already spoiled or way past its expiration date.

Nothing ruins meat more than too many tattoos; or fake boobs and butt implants. Plastic surgery and a face full of Botox means you are a practice meal at best. I don’t serve my friends anything but the best, purest meat. I have a sweet young thing chained in the back yard as I type. She is free range, eating corn meal and protein so her meat with be extra juicy come Thanksgiving Day. I also have a not so sweet thing who is giving the Kardashian twits a run for their money in the fake department. She is a barely legal girl already addicted to plastic surgery and chemicals. Honestly, she will do society far more good as a practice meal. I am just putting her out of everyone’s misery, including her own.

snuff pornIt got messy, but I extracted her breast and butt implants. Shaved her head so the bleach would not ruin her flavor. I flavored her body in a yummy butter sauce. Slow roasted her over an open flame on a bed of veggies. Even put an ear of corn in both ends as a side dish. The key is letting the sauce absorb into the skin. This can be obtained with an overnight sauté or good meat tenderizing before roasting. I like a slow roast. Sure there may be some screams as the heat consumes your meal, but ultimately it just makes the meat so much more tender and sweet.

I applied some cooking tips I learned from Rachel Ray and I pretty much turned Spam into Lamb. Even golden brown. Tender and juicy all around. A nice aroma. And seasoned to perfection. She yielded way too much meat for me alone, and I never let a meal go to waste, so I put parts in my Ninja blender. Made some protein shakes for the real meal grazing in the backyard and some diced meat for sandwiches. I so can’t wait for Thanksgiving. Want to join me for a very special meal? You can bring a special side dish and we can trade recipes!

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