Category: Kidnapping phone sex

Surprising Domination and Snuff phone sex with Makayla

Snuff phone sex

There truly is a difference between being dominated by a man, and being dominated by a woman. Men are primal and rough. They assert their dominance through physical actions. A Domme, on the other hand, will cut you down and humiliate you more than you ever thought possible. My first experience being dominated by a woman was when a guy drugged me and brought me back to his Mistress. She wanted a fresh piece of ass to tear apart. When I woke up, I was tied up suspended by a metal frame. I was gagged and couldn’t move. Mistress saw me wake up and walked up to me and told me that I was her dinner for the night. Before she was done with me I would beg her to end me. I started dripping at just the thought of her having her way with me. She left me blindfolded and fucked my ass with a 9 inch strap on and no lube.

Rape phone sex fantasies

She then whipped me and fucked my ass again. God it hurt so good. She took my gag out and choked me with her 9 inch strapon that she fucked my ass with. I had tears and spit running down my face. Without saying anything she left. I don’t know how long I was suspended for, but my legs and arms went numb. All I could feel was my raw little asshole and how bad it hurt. She left me for what seemed like an eternity. After 3 days Mistress lived up to her word. I begged her to end me. My legs and arms seared from lack of blood, my asshole raw, ripped and bleeding. I couldn’t take it anymore. I was there for 3 days, and I lost track out of how many times I came after the first 8 hours. They just kept fucking all of my holes. 

Kidnapping phone sex

Strangulation Phone Sex – Stuffed

I knew the moment that his car pulled up beside me that I was in trouble. The car was old, almost decrepit, but the windows were nice and new-looking, clean, tinted so that you couldn’t see inside. I took off running, of course, but he drove the car into my side as I tried to veer away. As I was recovering, he got out of the car and made it to my side, lifting me up and all but throwing me into his passenger seat. Once he slammed the door, and I tried to open it, I realized that it was impossible. There was no handle, no opening mechanism at all. It had been completely removed. The only way to open it was through the outer handle, and the window mechanisms were also missing.

When he got me where he wanted me, he drug me out, tied me down with my head hanging off the end of a table, and proceeded to smack me around some for causing him any trouble. Then, he held a knife to my throat and told me to open my mouth. When, I did, he rammed his cock deep into my throat, cutting off my air. I felt his hands go around my throat and start squeezing to intensify the tightness around his shaft as he fucked me. I felt one of his hands move and twist a nipple til it felt like it tore right off of my body before his hand returned to my throat. I could feel my life slipping away with every thrust of his cock into my throat, even as I felt his cock swelling and getting harder as he got closer and closer to cumming…Strangulation phone sex

Kidnapping phone sex with Makaya can fulfill your Primal urges

I absolutely love it when men use me to feed the primal urges lurking deep down inside. I was lying in bed rubbing my wet little pussy last week and drifted off into a world of fantasy. I had an entire scenario play out in my head while I rubbed myself. I was out for a run one evening when suddenly a van appears out of nowhere and a guy jumps out and grabs me and pulls me inside. As the driver speeds off my blood surges in my veins. What is going on? Who are these people? In all of the excitement I blurt out “Who are you? What do you want?”. The only response I got was “Shut the fuck up, Bitch!” and a hard whack on the head with some sort of blunt object, and then black. I slowly open my eyes confused and head throbbing, trying to figure out what is going on. I quickly realize that I’m blind folded. I try to move my legs, but they won’t budge! I realize that my knees are pushed up to my tits and tied in place, exposing my pussy and ass completely. I could feel that my black lace thong was peeled back giving my attackers a complete and full view of pussy and ass. After what felt like hours I heard someone enter the room I was in. I hear footsteps coming my direction, stopping right next to me.

Kidnapping phone sex

A few seconds of silence and then it happens. A swift “whoosh” and a stinging sensation right across the middle of my ass. My body responds to the cane, habitually wanting more. My pussy starts to drip as I let out a slight whimper from the pain. I hear my attacker laugh. He leans down to whisper into my ear “I’m glad to see that you like this, I’ve got the next three days with nothing to do punish you for being a naughty little whore”. With that I climaxed, so unbelievably turned on that I squirted. Just thinking about being tied up and used as a fuck toy for 3 days sent me over the edge.

Kidnapping phone sex

kidnapping phone sexI started dating this awesome guy. He told me how he always wanted to get someone pregnant so that he could have a sweet girl that would come out of her tummy. He wants a girl really badly so that he can have his way with her whenever he wants. Sound really hot the thought of little holes that are so snug and juicy. Why not?

I told him about my niece and how we should play parents for a day. He like the sound of that so I convinced my little nieces parents that they could go out on a date night and I would watch her. Some girl bonding time. They have no idea that we are going to have some fun with her all night long. I brought my  niece in wearing a cute little red dress that flared out.

She had see through stockings on and little tiny high heels. She looked adorable. I checked what they packed her for her jammies and there was just a thin little white tank top and some booty shorts with princes undies. Oh the fun he will have.

I tell my niece to get on her hands and knees and open her little mouth. I take my boyfriends cock out and shove it right through her pie hole of a mouth. She lubes it up getting it all wet and sticky. Tears run down her face. I take this opportunity to strip her out of her dress. I can not wait to spread those soft little thighs open so that I can watch his huge cock sink into her soft little tight hole.

Violent Phone Sex – The Great Escape

Violent phone sexI escaped today. I guess I’d traveled a couple of miles before I heard the furries behind me, stirring up a lot of noise. I ran as fast and far as I could, but before long, they were on me. The 4 brothers looked pissed, and they took my still-naked body between 2 of them, and the other 2 laid into my ass, spanking and punching it until I know it’s bruised. Then, they started in on me. The one between my legs pulled back on me until he could ram himself into my dry, tender cunt, ripping me. I cried and begged to stop, told them that I’d never do it again, but they wouldn’t listen. They took their turns with me, ripping my ass, too. I could feel the searing pain of the tears with every thrust, the bruising areas on my backside taking a pounding, too. All I could do was retreat into myself, focus on their brother, and all the tenderness and kindness he’d shown me. I felt so horrible that I’d betrayed him after all he’d done for me. I had only wanted to be able to go home again. Now, I had no idea if he would ever forgive me.

Snuff Porn Wonderland

snuff pornSnuff porn Christmas is what naughty whores receive. I was at a bar last night getting drunk with random men. Last thing I remembered was doing lines of coke off some dude’s dick in the bathroom. I woke up hours later tied up in a basement. No memory of how I got there. No recollection of my captor. He was not the guy I was doing coke with when my memory last worked. I explained that he didn’t have to hold me captive. I was a sick pain slut; I enjoy rough sex. Fuck it, I even enjoy torture sex. He didn’t want to fuck me. In his words, “I don’t put my cock in diseased cunt.” He spoke with such disdain for me. He clearly was a woman hater. I tried reverse psychiatry on him. That just pissed him off. I had no clue what was in store for me, but I knew it wasn’t good. Suddenly, I heard screams. I think I heard chainsaws too. Maybe it was a power saw. But what I heard was some sort of power tool combined with blood curdling screams.  “Don’t mind that Cassie. Your turn will happen soon,” he seethed. I pissed myself. This was like a bad dream. Something straight out of Black Christmas.  A man came in the room, covered in blood splatter and said, “Next.”As my ropes were untied, I kicked and screamed to no avail. I was dragged by my hair across the cold floor, even through pools of blood and guts. I saw a pile of dismembered body parts in the corner. I told myself this was some sort of bad drug trip. I closed my eyes and prayed, but I was still in a bloody wonderland when I opened my eyes.  “You have been a naughty whore this year,” was the last thing I heard before the chainsaw cut my tits off…..

Taboo Phone Sex – Captivity

Taboo phone sexHe came in first thing in the morning, and informed me that I was being held captive by his 4 brothers, who were the ones who fucked me before putting me into this cage. He was amused that I couldn’t remember anything, and told me that he would be the one who would be willing to let me go, if I could follow instructions. He told me to come close to the bars and let him check my cunt and ass. His fingers prodding at those tender regions hurt, but I bore it. Then, he called one of the furries over and let the furry sniff me. When it started to clean me with its tongue, I tried so hard not to be turned on, but damn I failed. My would-be savior then shoved his fingers inside of me and told me how full of his brothers’ cum I was. He made met let one lick me out as he talked me through licking and fingering the ass hole of the other furry. He even made me kiss its little dick and suck on it. He spent hours having me do various such tasks. What finally did me in, though, was when he finally fucked me, sliding fingers inside along with his cock, and made me cum. I came without permission, so he forced me to be the toilet for both the furries. I have never felt so violated.

We’ll sing a slaying song tonight!

Ass rape porn

I threw the absolute best Christmas party this year. Of course, my idea of a Christmas party is a little bit different than most people. For this year’s festivities, I decided to put on some sexy clothes and go hunting down at a local frat-boy bar. They are all dumb and will fall for anything with a set of tits and a pussy. I found exactly what I was looking for. A group of guys celebrating Christmas break by killing as many brain cells as they can. After a few rounds of shots and a little flirting, I lured them back to my house. They all piled in thinking they were going to have a great time pulling a train on me, boy were they wrong. I distracted them with more booze while I moved on to step 2. Discreetly locking doors and slipping in to the bathroom to grab some nighty-night pills. I came back out to the living room where I told the boys to wait for me while I went and made us a round of shots to get the party started. I pour each of them a shot with a little something extra and stripped down to stockings, stilettos, a thong, and finger-less gloves. They all took their shots like good little boys not suspecting a thing. When they woke up they were bound and gagged in two columns of four each. I took the liberty of putting butt-plug tails and antlers on all of them. What could be better than singing Christmas carols while whipping all of Santa’s reindeer in to shape? Me and the boys truly sang a slaying song that night. And what better way to end a hunting trip than with a trip to the slaughter house? I usually just call it my basement. Give me a call if you want to go caroling with me!

Taboo Phone Sex Christmas: Naughty Brats Get Ass Rape Porn

taboo phone sexTaboo phone sex Christmas has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? I love the movies Silent Night, Deadly Night and Black Christmas. Those are my kind of holiday movies. I don’t spread cheer. I spread fear. I fucking hate Christmas. Annoying brats begging for expensive toys that they will grow bored of in a month. Cunts demanding expensive jewelry from poor bastards  they have on the hook. Folks slaving in stores at ridiculous hours for minimum wage when they should be enjoying time at home sleeping and eating. All the commercialism and entitlement that comes out this time of year makes me murderous.  I had some fun with fraternal twins at the mall last night. Spoiled brats were being rude to Santa. Who the fuck is rude to Santa? I decided that that the devil’s spawn needed to be on his naughty list. I showed them just what happens to bad little boys and girls. I snatched them right up in the crowded mall. No one was paying a lick of attention but Santa. I had his blessing to do very bad things to spoiled little brats. I punched them both in the face hard enough to knock them out. Carried them over my shoulders like sleeping angels. Dumped them in the family bathroom. I stripped them naked and invited perverts in to violate their tiny fuck holes. I had a naughty little girl for the P men who enjoy baby girl pussy. I had little boy ass for the dirty priests and boy lovers. I rewarded the perverts while punishing two naughty brats. When they woke up, I told them all they were getting for Christmas was their home made ass rape porn and a lump of coal. Told them Santa would slit their little throats if they told on his naughty Elf. The brats pissed themselves in fear. Merry Fucking Christmas.  Have you been naughty or nice?

Blasphemy Sex Gets Violent

Blasphemy sexI was scared as fuck!! They had me locked in that cage with the fur-babies; my heart was pounding and my blood was pumping so hard and fast. Then, I heard it: the sound of a key being turned in a lock. Apparently what I thought was solid wall had a narrow hallway at the furthest end, because that’s where the man came from. He held up a shackle and manacle set that would keep me bound and unable to run or move much. He opened the cage and put them on me, making it so I had to shuffle along behind him. He led me straight out into a dark night, lit up only by a bon-fire. There was what seemed to be a make-shift altar near the fire, and they tried to get me to lie down on it. I fought them, at which point 3 of them held my hands and feet over the fire until it really started to hurt. They wouldn’t move me away from it until I agreed to behave. Once they had me tied to the altar, they started slicing into my thighs near my cunt, draining blood from me, which I assume they were keeping, as they had some cups held to either side of the altar. Finally, I felt it. One of them had a finger in me, then added another, until he had his entire hand inside of me. He shoved it harder and further into me, until he reached my cervix. If I thought he was done, I was wrong. He shoved a finger up INTO my cervix, which hurt in and of itself. I felt his finger hook around, and I felt that first ripping pain before I passed out, knowing I would wake up without a uterus, if I woke up at all from this nightmare.