Category: Home invasion phone sex

Home Invasion Phone Sex


I was sitting at home alone all day wishing that I had a little fucking mutt to torture and cut up. My mom and dad use to bring little pets home all the time for us but they never made it past the first week. Sometimes I would chop them up in little pieces or I would just torture them till they would die. Sometimes I would even eat the fucking little things.

Now that we do not have any at home. i decided it was time to go find me some. The lady down the street has 4 dogs,2 cats and 3 ferrets. She went out of town for the week and guess who she asked to feed them. Yes me! She really has no idea of the little twisted shit I love to do to little animals.

When I got there it started with just me kicking the little mutts around. Then that night I was sitting at home having a few drinks and it crossed my mind. I wanted to know how it would feel to be in a room full of little animals all chopped up in pieces.

One by one I took each and every little animal and chopped them up and played in their guts. LOL I have never tasted ferret so I had me a nice fried ferret sandwich! I must say I will be having more of these. I have one in my freezer at home for later.

She came home crying and screaming so I told her that in the middle of the night I saw two really big men break into her house through the back window and I could hear glass breaking and then heard the animals whining. I knew she was so upset so upset so I took her a sandwich for lunch. She had no idea she was eating her little baby ferret.

Home Invasion phone sex with Storm

Home Invassion phone sexHome invasion phone sex means much more to me now.  My friend has been telling me for weeks how she hates her fucking ex. How he screwed her over and stole from her. She is always making up stories on how she wants to fuck him up. To break into his house and make that fucker PAY!  I had finally had enough. We got so fucking wasted and went over to his house. I kicked the fucking door in and surprised him and his new little girlfriend watching a movie. I had to knock his ass out with a bat and tie him up. His girlfriend was easier.  I was able to take her down with a few punches.  I let my friend  cut her ex boyfriend up like a roast as I made his pretty little girlfriend watch. Then I turned on her.  Slicing up her pretty little face really turned me on. slow cuts to scare her as I worked up to the good stuff. By the time I made it to her perky tits I was really worked up. Cutting her up was pure heaven.  And when I finally got around to killing her…mmmmm I haven’t cum that hard in a while. Cant wait to do it again.

Knife Play with Erotic Accomplice Aria

Aria black latex corset1You never knew what hit you, you stupid bitch when you walked through your door. All at once he grabbed you and pulled you close to him and muffled your pathetic screams with his hand. You saw me waiting for you both in your very own bedroom waiting for the fun to begin. 

Typically, this is when useless little cunts like you begin to cry and beg for us not to hurt you, God no matter how many times I hear them do this it still manages to get my little snatch dripping wet. When he pushes you face down onto your bed, I crawl in next to you with my devilish grin and tell you about the amazing dirty painful hard fucking you’re about to receive. Well…..aren’t you going to thank us, bitch? Hmm, as I pull out my long sharp buck knife I only use on very special occasions like this, your eyes widen and are filled with terror. Oh, now you’re getting with the program, aren’t you sweetheart? I knew you couldn’t be that much a brainless cunt. 

I look over to him and know it’s time, we switch positions and climb on top of you and he pulls your trembling face into his lap. I laugh and tell you that you had better start to suck his cock the way he likes it or this evening to turn really bad for you. He pulls his hard throbbing dick out and forces it to your lips and you gag and choke and finally begin to suck it and take it like the worthless whore you are.

 “I really think this slut is enjoying this,” I say to myself as I’m slicing through your flimsy little skirt and top exposing your leopard print panties and bra.” I knew you were a cheap whore all along.” and In a couple of quick slices you are completely stripped and splayed out, and ready for some fun.

As your busily getting mouth fucked, you feel me glide my cool steel blade down your back over that sweet ass and down your creamy thighs. Such a pretty picture this is and I can’t resist having a nice long lick of your little fuck hole. “My, my, my, your snatch is delicious… don’t mind if I do.” I smile to myself and devour that tight cunt of yours as I fuck you so hard and deep with my expert tongue.

“Oh baby, we’re gonna have so much fun with this one, she may occupy us the whole evening. Let’s see if she can break the record and make it through the entire evening with us, cross your fingers bitch…..oh right never mind.” *giggle*

Stupid Brat

DSC_0149God my neighbor’s fucking stupid brat gets on my fucking nerves! She is always screaming and running and stomping around like no one lives underneath her and her lazy mother doesn’t ever do anything about it so I figured it was time for ME to put a fucking stop to all the bullshit. I waited until they were sleeping before I silently entered their apartment, first I went into the mother’s room and tied her to the bed and even gagged her before the stupid bitch woke up. She was drunk as hell, the smell of alcohol was so strong I could practically cut it with a knife! I’m not bitching about it though because it made my job much easier. Once I had the mother taken care of I moved on to the fucking loud ass brat’s room, I didn’t tie her up I just dragged her into her mother’s room by her hair. Stupid bitch was crying and begging but I wasn’t going to stop, I was enjoying it way too much! I carved that stupid little brat up right there on her mother’s bed and forced her to watch her daughter die before I snapped her goddamned neck. I hope my next neighbors know how to be quiet…

Home Invasion Phone Sex With a Twist


I have been standing at the edge of the forest watching him, my cunt soaking wet with anticipation. I know his fucking schedule now. His ass is mine tonight.  I watch him get in his car and drive away. He has no fucking idea what his night will be like.  My fucking heart is beating out of my chest as I creep up to the house. I let myself in easily, locks only keep honest people out. It is time to case this fucking joint. I grab a snack out of the fridge and walk around mapping every inch of this fucking place in between bites, I fuck myself with this bright orange carrot.  I take a shower in his brightly colored bathroom as I plot and plan and get fucking worked up. The anticipation of the hunt and kill are so exhilarating.  He won’t be home for a while and as I nap on his bed I dream of blood and carnage. I will hide when he comes home and watch him for hours as my blood lust builds to a peek. Then I will show my self.  At first he will be scared out of his fucking wits, but I will seduce him and slip him some of the potion I just brewed. He will be under my control. I can’t wait to rip into his fucking flesh. I have picked out the sharpest knives in the kitchen and I will use them. As I am fucking him I will cut him from his breast bone down to his navel. Not deep enough to kill him, no not yet, just deep enough to enjoy the bright red blood that will ooze from the wound. I will ride his cock until it is just about to cum and then I will hop off and let him squirt his jizz onto his belly mixing his cum with his blood which I will lap up like a cat in a milk bowl. I will drag him bleeding and breathless, intoxicated by my potion back to my home in the woods. The alter and candles are all ready for him. Tonight while the moon is full and high he will be my sacrifice. The gods should be pleased he is a fucking fine ass specimen. I should increase my powers with this blood offering. When it is over I will castrate him and make him mine forever.  Tonight is going to be a good night!                                                                                                                           

Into the Rabbit Hole with Sadistic Teen Lydia

Not all teens are nice. I look so sweet and I sound even sweeter. Tell me Daddy, could you imagine my sweet little voice weaving the most nefarious and deadly schemes? You recognized a darkness inside me. I craved your attention and I knew I could get it. But that step monster and her innocent little cum stain have to go. She’s making you so miserable Daddy. I want to help you. We both have grown to recognize that evil inside each other. We’ve been hesitant until now to tell each other. After I heard how unhappy she made you, I just couldn’t stand it any longer! Someone has to pay. Your wife will be home shortly but innocent little Hailey is upstairs in her bedroom. I want to help you Daddy. I want to help you hurt her. Show me your monster and I’ll show you mine. Don’t forget the tools and the rope. The tarp was a nice touch you brought. it IS going to be very bloody after all. Hailey never saw it coming. I asked her nicely but she was too stupid to listen, so I bashed her head into the headboard. Bleeding and crying she soon knew not to tell me no. Daddy had his way and I helped him. I also helped him discover another rabbit hole that sweet Haily was hiding. I can’t wait for your wife to get home. ~Giggles~