Category: Home invasion phone sex

An Ass Rape Porn Star is Born Every Day

ass rape pornAlthough I have made a ton of ass rape porn movies in my life, I now help recruit the next generation of hardcore anal stars. Sometimes, I will be out shopping or having dinner out and I will see an ass to die for on a young girl. So, when I do, I snap pictures discreetly and send them out to folks who often hire me as their accomplice. Did you know for the right price, you too can hire a woman like me to help you with your dark needs?

At Target last week, I saw the perfect girl for one of my clients. When I sent her picture to him, he responded back, “Name your price.” I figured he would want her. So, I followed her home. Her parents were with her, so I tailed them to see where they lived. And for the next several days, I stalked the family. Learned their schedule. Figured out the code to the front door. Staked out the house. Basic recon skills an accomplice phone sex partner must have to fly under the radar.

Finally, Saturday night, I grabbed her. Pretty little thing. Parents never should have left her alone. Too young to be on her own even if for just an hour or so. The world is filled with bad people like me and my client. I drugged the girl so I could get her out easily and to my client’s place. He almost came in his pants when he saw her in the flesh. She slowly woke up, and once she realized she had been kidnapped, she screamed. But I put a ball gag in her mouth to muffle her.

Men Like You, Need a Woman Like Me to Fulfill Your Dark Needs

My partner in crime ripped her closes off and took her ass for a spin. She cried and screamed, but I muffled her. He took that ass for test ride while I set up the camera equipment. You cannot film such taboo and illegal things like young teen rape porn on your cell phone. That’s rule number 1. He lasted much longer on round two, which I filmed. According to him, he wanted to last longer in her ass when I filmed our illicit porn. Made sense. Get that first cum out of the way.

How long do you think you would last in a tight virgin asshole? He paid me more than triple my normal asking fee since I took this one rather quickly for him. Little anal cock tease cried and whimpered for the solid 30 minutes he lasted in her tight puckered hole. Another ruined asshole and another happy client.

Kidnapping phone sex it’s meant to be tonight.

            Kidnapping phone sex it’s meant to be tonight.  After all, it is New Years Eve. We bring out the baddies tonight. In fact, going to wear a mask, kidnap an unsuspecting victim. Who shall it be? Someone little? A little older? Man or woman. Will it be you. Are you going to be the victim? Perhaps the accomplice.

            At the present time, it works for you to be the accomplice. Coming in the dark of the night. The marauder carries the supplies and cares as little as I do. Snatch them from their beds. Take them into the night. While the parents are off drinking the night away. We slink into the house.

            Up the stairs, around the corner. The first room we come to is going to have the fantasy rape that you so long to have. The second room is the one where we take the brat along with us. To finish our Rape phone sex fantasies that to be sure will end in the snuff games we play.

            All the nasty ones. They will not only be taboo, but they will also have teens. Now is it going to be teen pussy or teen cock. Namely, either or will be fun for me. For the most part I don’t care which it will be like.

            I just want the accomplice by myside as we kidnap, torture, fantasy rape the little brat. All in all let’s bring in the new year with a BANG!Kidnapping phone sex

Fantasy Phone Sex Lets You and Me Explore Our Dark Desires

fantasy phone sexFantasy phone sex lets us go dark. And as dark as you want too. But I should warn you, I am not for the faint of heart. I will kill a man for calling me babe, honey, sweetheart or any other sappy pet name. You can be one of two things in my life. My accomplice or my victim. I do not participate in fuck calls. Not your girlfriend. Not your BFF either.

Sometimes I swear men bait me into killing or torturing them. I am clear about my rules. I know men seem accustomed to groping, kissing, and fucking women, but if you hire me as your accomplice or your dark mistress, you best keep your hands to yourself.

Nick understood my rules. Or so he said. However, when we met, the first thing he called me was “babe.” So, I gave him a gentle warning. And a look that should have signaled to him that he better not do that again. He hired me to make a snuff porn of his ex-wife. Apparently, she enjoys bleeding him dry and blackmailing him for embezzling some money from a charitable organization. This guy came across as a tool. But he paid me good money to kill his ex-wife.

Men Can Be My Victim or My Accomplice

However, when he grabbed my ass, I decided he could keep the other half of the money he owed me because I intended to kill him. But I wanted the ex to help me. So, I waited until we broke into her house in the middle of the night. And let me tell you she wanted to help me after I told her he hired me to kill her. But I had a change of heart.

I gave her the knives I planned on using on her. By this time, I had her ex-husband naked and tied to a living room chair. She agreed easily to kill her ex with my assistance. So, I told her extreme cock and ball torture sex first. Kick him in the balls repeatedly until he pisses blood. Then, I suggested neutering him. However, she just sliced his entire cock off. What happened next amused me. She shoved his severed dick in his mouth and told him to choke on it. Clearly, she held some hostile feelings for her ex that I could harness.

She tortured him for a couple hours before she gave him the fatal stab. I helped her dispose of his body so that he would never be seen again. And to explain the blood stains, I had her call the police about a home intruder who she stabbed but he fled. I felt confident that his body and severed cock would never be found.

Money is not everything. Because sometimes, a man is too stupid to live. Would that be you too?

Bondage Phone Sex Can Easy

bondage phone sex


Bondage phone sex is so much more fun when Ed lets me do the honors. Sure watching him and joining in is okay, but I like to tie them up and strap them down. That part doesn’t have to be elaborate, just so they’re secure and can’t get away. Hand cuffs or restraints can be enough, but I like to use rope sometimes too. There’s no wiggling away from me when you’re all tied up completely naked. I’ve got my riding crop and I’m ready to give you the hard spanking that you deserve. Seeing those red marks with every lash that I land on your ass is so hot. I’m getting wetter, the more you try to get away, but that’s not going to happen. Your ass needs to be filled with my strap-on as I flog your cheeks until thy are the best shade of red for me. If the skin breaks and you bleed, well that is even better. My strap-on is fucking you to make you remember who controls your pleasure and pain. I think, there will be plenty of both in your future.

Snuff movies make great gifts for Christmas!

Snuff movies

Snuff movies make great gifts for Christmas! Have your littles been really naughty this year? Well tell them Krampus is on the way to punish them. I know I have been positively bad and I should pay for my sins right alongside of your sweet little bratkins. Krampus is kind of visit your house, breaking in and destroying your sweet little darlings because they have been misbehaving.

I know when it’s my time he’s not going to take it easy in the camera so I’ve been set up in a house to capture how he’s going to hurt me with his snake like tongue and every orifice first. Krampus punish me and you get to watch on the most vile grotesque goat man snuff video.

Snuff movies make great gifts for Christmas!

Of course we have to start out with some ass rape porn opening up holes that are so small with a big giant monster cock.

Nope, Saint Nicholas won’t be anywhere near us but Krampus will be ripping us apart with his long talons snake tongue and goat body cock. It’s time to stroke your cock and watch as I, your daughter and the rest of your kinfolk are severely beaten fucked in the ass and turned into little dead sex dollies right on live video!

Home invasion phone sex wear the red suit.

  Home invasion phone sex           Home invasion phone sex wear the red suit. Dripping and soaked in blood. Big black boots. White pristine gloves. This time of year, breaking in, stealing them blind. It will not be noticed. Just like home alone. All the people are gone. Now we find the loot, take possession. Anyone left…oops be the bloody killer you want to be.

            The red suit will soak up the blood. Home invasions are a great way to kill someone, cut them up, suffocate them, at the same time get your dick wet. Now I know as the misses in the house the cunt will be dripping. Right alongside of you going to help your soak all in.

            Have that Killer phone sex with your whore. Edging you. Santa Claus is perhaps an elf. In some places called good old St. Nick. Dropping to my knees sucking your cock while you are strangling some little brat that is on good list to death.

            Feel the hardness as you wrap your hands around that scrawny neck. Squeeze with all you might. The saying might be Momma had a brat, and the head popped off but I do believe it good old St. Nick came a calling and a bloody massacre happened in the home invasion. It’s a killer time of the year.

Snuff Phone Sex Bitch Killed the Grinch

snuff phone sexChristmas brings out the snuff phone sex bitch in me. Perhaps, some people might see me as a grinch. However, I like to think of myself as a dark angel preserving Christmas for the little ones. I am a Goddam fucking Christmas angel. My neighborhood has reported many thefts this holiday season. Someone has been naughty stealing outside Christmas decorations and in some cases, the presents under the tree. So, I am not the grinch in my neighborhood.

I often catch criminals or predators long before the police ever do. That’s one of my many skills. I could have been a detective. I set a trap for the thief. It took a few days for the grinch to take my bait. And it turned out to be a woman. She broke into my home in the middle of the night to take the fake Christmas gifts under the tree.

She broke into my home. So, I had every right to defend myself. This could be the kill I could justify and get away with. However, she needed torture sex. And maybe a fatal gunshot wound or knife wound. Even a struggle that resulted in a fatal head injury or something   would have been justifiable homicide. However, what I did to her would be deemed sadistic and unjustifiable. Overkill.

I’m The Bitch Who Saved Christmas

I mutilated her body. Tortured the meth head bitch for hours before killing her. I like to play with my prey. What is the fun in a quick, justifiable death. Even for a criminal or a predator, I will not invite trouble by calling the police. Flying under the radar is my superpower. This meth head cunt pleaded with me. She babbled on about her addiction and selling the toys and gifts for money to purchase meth and smack.

But I did not buy her lies. A junkie will say and do anything for a fix. Now the world has one less grinch and drug addict in the world. I stabbed her cunt with a knife. Literally pulled her insides out with the blade. Her pain had to be off the charts. I stabbed her eyes out too. Carved her tits up. By the time I finished my little snuff porn, she was nothing but a pile of mutilated flesh and entrails.

I had to scoop up her remains with a shovel like she was horse shit. I tossed the piles of her in my back yard. But I knew the wildlife would eat her bloodied remains before I even woke up in the morning. I turned her into sushi.  And today, there’s no trace of that bitch. The neighborhood and the police will think she stopped her crime spree or moved on to a different town. So, in a way, I am the bitch who saved Christmas.

Caught Cumming During Home Invasion

A horny slut who lives alone is the perfect pussy for a little home invasion phone sex.

home invasion phone sexIt’s late and I’m fucking my cunt. My head phones are in while I watch horror porn. I didn’t hear the glass breaking in the kitchen. My moaning too loud to hear the footsteps coming into my room. I was so close to cumming. On my back pumping the dildo deeper and deeper in my asshole. I closed my eyes just for a second. When I open them, there’s a man standing there stroking a hard cock.

Horny Slut Gets Ass Fucked By Burglar

I try to scream but he closes the door behind me and walks to the bed. I’m tripping over the sheets trying to crawl out of bed, but he grabs my ankle and yanks me back. I flip over onto my back and he climbs on top of me. His hard cock is pressed against my stomach. He grabs the soaking wet thong that was in bed next to me and ties it around my face. I can taste and smell my dirty cunt. It’s disgusting.

His cock is rubbing up and down my smooth stomach. I shake my head no and beg him to stop but he reaches down and pushes his fingers in my cunt. Of course I scream into my filthy panties and say no. Then he looks over at the porn I was fucking myself to. I can feel the blood shooting to his cock when he realizes it’s brutal ass rape porn. 

Then his cock is tearing apart my asshole. He’s panting and sweating on me. Pushing his cock harder and harder. I try to kick and scream but he laughs and tells me he knows I like it. That I want to be a brutal ass fuck slut. And he’s not going to stop until he proves it. 

Let Santas helpers In yoru home to Rape Fantasy your family!

Home invasion phone sexHome invasion phone sex for men who tell their brats Santa is real. Letting a fat, hairy man in your home once a year to give them gifts? I bet he wants to give him his nice candy cane right in those little chimneys. So If you let your fucking brats believe a man can sneak in the house, I can exploit that to my best interest.  As your new student, I think it’s time for me to come and visit teacher’s house during the holidays. I mean, you did fuck me in the ass in a supply closet. So I think I should repay the kindness. And with sexy wife, little girl and teen boy we should have a lot of fun.

Home invasion phone sex

Breaking in your house around a holiday is bringing the gift of good orgasms for Big Daddy. I know you like I’m young baby because look at me, I would never pass for 18. You want to fuck my ass so much, I think you want to fuck your daughter’s ass and your son wants to fuck your wife. I’ll bring some big enforcements to help your wife get some massive cock just as well as your girl. Hey, do what I say, or they will get this knife cross their throats. Don’t fucking play with me, get me what I want. Because I think Daddy needs some cock from his son and my accomplice too! Don’t worry, daddy, I won’t forget you. I’ll make sure everyone gets their share of cock. Now, let’s get this show on the road.

Home invasion phone sex with Stephanie

home invasion phone sex

Let me share with you a kinky, home invasion phone sex scene that keeps replaying in my mind. Hopefully you have a fantasy that can make me as wet as this one or even more! I was hired by some dirty, old man to abduct his precious, little neighbor girl and deliver her to his torture dungeon. I needed the cash and didn’t give a shit what I had to do to get it. She was still a tiny thing so luring her away wasn’t going to happen. I was going to have to actually break into her house and take her in the middle of the night if I wanted the gig. Neighbor guy had been in the house a few times and knew enough about the layout to give me directions to her nursery. I broke in through an open bathroom window, crept down the hall and snatched the little brat right from her crib. I walked past her mommy and daddy’s open bedroom door just for the thrill of the risk of getting caught. That’s when something sparked in my evil mind and I got an idea so twisted that I had to act on it. I pulled the Daddy’s pants down and started to stroke him while he was still sleeping. He got hard almost instantly so I put his little brat right on his dick and let her latch her mouth around the head. He didn’t wake up and realize he was mouth fucking his own little brat until his wifes gurggling got loud enough to wake him. Oh, maybe I should have mentioned that I was kneeling on her throat with all of my weight, crushing her as I played with her husband and brat. Daddy woke up in time to see that the mouth he was about to cum in wasn’t his wife’s but instead his own daughter. Of course he tried to fight me off when he realized what was happening but I quickly snuffed him out with a bang and went on to deliver his little brat to the naughty neighbor creep who paid me to steal her in the first place. Call me if you want to know what happened once that old man got his hands on that tiny, baby fuck toy.