My earliest memories of being a sadistic go way back. It was really cold out and we were getting in the car to go to school. Daddy started the car and we heard the loud thud under the hood. When we got out of the car and looked there was a mutilated cat. That bitch was cut the fuck up, blood and guts everywhere. I felt a twinge of excitement and just laughed like hell while my father and sister where mortified. I couldn’t believe their reaction. After that I started grabbing every stray animal I could find in the neighborhood to take into the woods and torture and mutilate. The older I got the thrill went from just pleasure and enjoyment to sexual satisfaction. Fucking up the animals made my nipples hard, my pussy tingle and turned me the fuck on. When I finally learned about how to touch myself and finger fuck myself, making my pussy cum, I found that it wasn’t the same unless I was fucking an animal up or looking at and touching their mutilated bodies. I went on a couple of dates as a teenager and had vanilla sex with a couple of boys and they just couldn’t get me off. I always had to go find some animal to mutilate in order to get off. It seemed like a natural progression to fuck up people and the rush was even greater! I guess I was born a sadistic!
Category: Gothic phone sex
A Young Sadistic
Now You See Me Now You Don’t
I love Hitchcock movies but one of my favorite is “The Lady That Vanishes” I imagine myself being on a train, sitting next to a stranger. Her beauty is breath taking but as soon as she opens her mouth she is a bimbo. Her voice is high pitched and whinny and nothing she says makes any sense. She instantly gets on my nerves and the overwhelming desire to slit her throat is becoming more then I can stand. Knowing that I can vanish and no one will believe I was ever there, I wait till she falls asleep. As soon as she is in a deep slumber I tie her arms to the armrest on the seat and stuff her dainty, lacy kerchief in her mouth. I take out my knife and begin slicing her wrists. Her eyes fly open and her crys are muffled. I know I am not cutting her to kill her but enough to cause the blood to flow and the pain to be felt. As she stares at me wide eyed and the blood drips from her wounds, I bend down and lick the blood off her flesh. I sit up and wipe my mouth before smiling sweetly at her. As I pull the handkerchief from her mouth I vanish. Her screams bring the other passengers to her side and her incoherent babbling about the vanishing woman lands her in a padded cell at the next town’s psychiatric ward. I often visit her there, causing her pain, driving her crazy slowly as I smile and vanish each time. No one believes her because it is impossible for anyone to get in and out of her cell without being detected. What a perfect version of Hitchcock’s movie, with my own special twist!
Fright Night
It’s late and I am restless. I need release so bad I can taste it. So I decided to take a walk in the cool night air. Passing the house I looked up and saw the silhouette of a young woman. It was obvious that she didn’t have any clothes on and I could just make out her hard nipples. I could feel the familiar tingle in between my legs as twisted, evil fucked up ideas raced through my brain and I could not fight the urge to go to her. Breaking in was easy. There was no alarm and using a credit card to get the door open is something I mastered long ago. I quietly walked through the kitchen and living room taking note of the decorations and pictures. It appeared that she is a single young mother with a small girl. This was going to be more fun then I first anticipated. Locating the young girl’s room was also easy. Creeping to her bedside and rubbing my cunt while she slept peacefully, unaware of the nightmare that was about to begin just added fuel to the fire of my wicked desires. I placed my hand over her mouth and her eyes opened reflecting startled fear. I carried her to the room that was her mother’s. She didn’t see me enter with the girl in my arms. I watched, turning the girls head so she could see too, as her mother laid on her bed lost in masturbating. The hum of the vibrator filled the room and knowing that the girl was was watching her mothers pussy filled with the machine that would soon be filling her made me cum. Just as the her juices started flowing I emerged from the shadows with her young girl in my arms. I put my fingers to my lips and pulled out my knife putting it to her throat. “If either of you scream, you both die” I said quietly. Taking the vibrator from her hands I laid the little one next to her, they held hands and cried, softly sobbing as I shoved it deep inside that sweet little pussy. I stayed with them for hours, taking them both over and over again. Savagely feeding my lust for carnage, and then leaving them there to console each other. I made it perfectly clear that if they told a soul I would return and they would not survive.
Paper or Plastic
The ad was short and to the point: “Man that loves living on the edge I have extreme, and sometimes dangerous, always kinky fetishes, looking for female with the same”
It definitely peeked my interest. I read it several times and the possibilities seemed endless. I was way more then interested. I knew I would call. I just hoped I wouldn’t be disappointed because my definition of the words “extreme and dangerous” were definitely far different from the average persons.
I called and we agreed to meet. He wanted to meet at a hotel for the first time. I knew this would not be satisfying for me. My idea of a wicked and twisted good time could not be had at a hotel without someone calling the law.
But I was determined to meet the requirements of his ad, based on my standards of course. One way or another he would put up or shut up. And you can bet I would be the one to be shutting him up. Very probably for good.
My cunt is creaming at the thought.
Any way our first meeting at the hotel was like playing patty cake. I don’t know if he was testing me or just warming up or if this bull shit was his idea of extreme. But all he wanted to do is burn play. Candle wax, small branding, putting cigarettes out on each other, the kind of shit that is like the appetizer, before the salad that comes before the steak and rich dessert in a four course meal. It was just enough to make my mouth water and my cunt long for more.
It took me two more visits before I got him to my place. He got one look at some of my “kinky” accessories and began to open up some more.He didn’t even notice the sign on the door to my room.
I talked him into some strangulation play. Him choking me, not my idea of extreme but we were getting there. I could tell by his hard ass cock that he was game and it was game on. Surprisingly he didn’t wimp out and he choked me to the point of me passing out which gave me a fair orgasm before I went black.
When I came to he informed me that he still hadn’t gotten his rocks off only he wasn’t into strangulation as much as suffocation. He wanted me to put a plastic bag over his head .
It was my time! I laid him down with the bag securely behind his head. I made sure I could easily pull it over his face before mounting his throbbing cock.
I rode him in a frenzy imagining what I knew was to cum, what I had waited for, my moment of extreme orgasm.
He urged me on and I knew he had never been fucked like this, my desire to take his life urged me on and increased his need for more.
Finally I could tell he was close and even though I was supposed to wait for his word, I pulled the bag over his head. In his excitement he went with it and soon he was close to being out of breath and his dick began to jerk. He expected to cum and for me to remove the bag or cut a hole over his mouth.
Smiling and riding him harder and faster I held the bag tight, his cum spewing inside me, my orgasm was building, knowing what was going to happen. When he realized I wasn’t releasing the bag he began to panic, building the intensity for me.
I could see his eyes wide and full of fear thru the bag as he struggled. Again heightening the intensity of what was happening for me. I was going to cum all over him as he jerked and spasmed taking his last breath between my legs and deep inside my cunt.
As he lost the fight I gushed cum, in thick, milky, shots, squirting so hard it flowed down his hips and matted the hair on my cunt.
I Have A Thin Mint Connection
I have been so fucking sick of these damned girl scouts and their fucking cookies. When a group of them approached me yesterday on the side walk I decided it was time to bake some real girl scout cookies. I mean what is a girl scout cookie with out the main ingredient, girl scouts?
So I smiled sweetly and told them I would love to, and then I invited them to camp out with me last night. I bought a box of thin mints and set up our meeting for camping out.
I went straight to the store to get all the ingredients for cookies, save one which would arrive later….and headed back to camp to get ready.
They showed up right on time. I told them we were going to make some special tea made of the herbs in the woods. They were delighted it seems that they are trying to earn their camping merit badge tonight and the tea could help them with their forage foods badge too.
Ha the only badge they are earning tonight is their cooking merit badge but they will never collect it!
The tea worked perfectly, they were high and laughing and eager to strip when I suggested it.
We mixed the cookie batter, they were mixing their own doom and the excitement of it all made me cum all down my leg. In their innocents they thought I had peed and got a laugh.
The laughter soon turned to screams as I began skinning them to get their flesh for the cookies.
I skinned each inner thigh, not a huge area, just big enough to get a chunk of meat out of each one. I wanted them alive and watching as I made the girl scout cookies.
It was orgasmic listening to them scream and cry in pain watching me grind their flesh and add it to the cookies. They cried the whole time they were baking, increasing my arousal.
And then I untied them and told them we were going to have milk and cookies.
For their bed time story, I put on my strap on and fucked each of them. Irritating their wounds, making them scream, getting the blood from their inner thighs on my hips, lubricating my thrusts until I was cumming hard over and over. Tying them up again, all I could think of was how many batches of cookies I could make keeping them alive.
This morning I feasted on the left over cookies for breakfast and have been helping them earn merit badges all day in my own way.
Quench My Blood Thurst
My thirst for blood drives every fiber of my being, from my head to my toes and everything in between. I need to drink blood like most people need to breath air. For me it is life sustaining and orgasmic.
Today i went hunting for wild game just so I could drain the blood and drink it. I was lucky and got two huge wild bore that yielded a lot of blood for the drinking.
I have to drink it quickly so that it doesn’t spoil and I am now down to about a gallon. All that blood has made my pussy soaking wet, and made me long for human blood which is what I really love.
I guess tomorrow I will go to the hobo camp and find some poor homeless fucker. Not to skiny and not on drugs, to bring back home and enjoy.
I will hang him or her upside down from a tree, slit their throat and let the blood drain into the pot so that I can drink it while it is warm.
Human blood taste so different then animal blood and while animal blood will hold me over, nothing quenches my thirst like human blood does!
Gothic Phone Sex Queen Ivy
She tied me up in a way that I didn’t even know a bitch could be tied up. I couldn’t move. This lesbian Goth fuck slut is going to give me a run for my money I see. I’m not going down without a fight though. She wants me to submit to her. Maybe I will for a minute that is until I get a chance to munch on her magic carpet. When I get face down in her spread eagle she will bitch up and there will be no domination left. Sink my teeth into her sensitive clit, let’s see how big and bad she is now… next is her nipples if she doesn’t untie me. She will wish she stayed home in her oneiz tonight. I’m the queen of the Goths right now and nothing can stop me. I’m going to ruin her pretty black eye shadow when I stuff my huge rubber cock in her throat. Her eyes will water and bulge out from gagging so much. I wonder what I shall do next, this bitch needs to be punished. Should I stuff this metal rod up her pussy or ass? Either way after she bleeds all over it she will be licking it clean. I’m taking over this dungeon bitch, and there isn’t anything that can be done about it. Deal with it.
Ahhhhhhhhhhh-YES!!!!! I love the fucking Holidays!!!!!!!
I was asked to watch a couple of weak little brats while their stupid-ass parents went to a FUCKING HOLIDAY PARTY!!! So, it was my chance to give the little shit-bags a special gift-TEAR GAS IN THE EYES and SKIN!!!! I had to share season’s greetings and make it FUCKING SPECIAL FOR THEM!!!! (HAHAHA)
I stripped the little bastards naked-I tied the little fuckers up-ball gagged them-shaved of all of their fucking hair-made cuts in their skin with my razors and sprayed tear gas merriment and holiday fucking cheer!!!!!(HAHAHAHA)
I love the holidays-it makes me feel the love. FEEL THE LOVE MOTHERFUCKERS!!! They said their skin was burning like fucking FIRE!!!(HAHAHA). The MOTHERFUCKERS screamed uncontrollably, foaming at the mouth-telling me that they couldn’t see (HAHAHA) I didn’t give two shits!!!! The little fuckers were convulsing and their fucking noses were snotting and running like broken faucets (on full blast)-FUCKKKKKKKK!!!!! Their skin was bloody red and bruised from-fucking chemical burns HAHAHAHA! I rubbed scouring pad/steel wool into their chemical burned skin-AHHHHHHH feel the burn!!!!!
Stupid bitches were drooling like little fucking brats,-coughing their fucking lungs up-fuckers were choking-gasping for air!!!! (HAHAHA). The stupid fucks were confused-didn’t know where the fuck they were!!!(HAHAHAHA) They asked me their names-panicking as I sang Christmas Carols and threw confetti all over them……then the fucks got angry and started screaming at me-that’s when I FUCKING GOT PISSED!!! I sprayed tear gas in their piss holes and in their ass cracks-HAPPY HOLIDAYS BITCHES!!!!!
(HAHAHAHA) I decided to give them medical treatment-I soaked a few bandanas in lemon juice and vinegar and let the motherfuckers breath through it. Before leaving, I vigorously rubbed heavy duty sand paper all over their swollen and bruised cocks and pussies, and ass cracks. After I left, they were rushed to the ER-given oxygen, bandages and asthma medication. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!
Dont fuck with me
This time of the year everyone is fucking crazy! It is all sales and bargains and everyone is in a fucking hurry! I like to hunt around Christmas. There are so many assholes it makes picking the perfect person so much fun. I was supposed to go to the mall and find someone when my fucking mom said I had to babysit for my Jenkins. She knows I hate it when she offers me up like that. I don’t know what it is with this family going to my mom instead of calling me. It really pisses me off. And tonight I am going to do something about it. Oooh I will have fun fucking with their brats. BUT that is not what I have in mind. See I figure the only way they will stop bothering me to help their family, Is if they don’t have a family to help. So I am just going to make sure Mr. Jenkins fucks me. And his wife catches us. It’s the only way. That bitch will avoid me like the plague. Don’t get me wrong… I am not going let him stick his dick in me. Just suck on my nipples. Then tell his wife I am so sorry He said he had to have something younger to turn him on. And bamn. No more interruptions from them. And back to hunting like I really want. Fuck them. I will teach them to fuck with me.
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The lights in the night sky have been strange and unnatural of late. As I sit and watch fascinated I find my mind wondering to the possibilities. Could it be UFO’s? The idea of aliens brought wild thoughts to my mind and made me horny as hell. What could be better then fucking an alien? What do their dicks look like? Do they even have dicks? Do they abduct humans like in the movies and do grisly experiments on them? My pussy was alive and wet with the thoughts! Little did I know….
The lights continued to dance in the dark night sky over the next several days. They seemed to get closer each night. My thoughts got stronger, the fantasies in my mind more intense with each passing night as I laid on the ground watching and masturbating, cumming over and over again.
What is that sound? The leaves are rustling near by. I have lived out here for a long time and know the sound of the animals of the night. This was no animal. I got up and crept into the dense woods dimly lit by the moon light. I could not believe what I was seeing…they walked up right but they certainly were not human. I watched from my vantage point pinching my nipples which were now hard as hell while my pussy got wetter. Finally I lost site of them and went back home to fuck myself into a frenzy thinking about what I just saw.
I was fast asleep when I felt the warmth of the light and felt myself floating. I had to be dreaming right? Wrong! I was being abducted! I could not move, could not talk but I was aware of what was happening.
Once inside the craft I could see several bodies on metal tables being poked and probed. It was eerily quiet and smelled very sterile, almost like a hospital, but not exactly. I could feel my pussy getting ready to explode as they put me on a table. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a man in some type of device with a girl kneeling in front of him sucking his cock and I exploded uncontrollably. I felt their cold, clammy hands between my legs pushing into me, gathering my cum. Then I felt the searing pain of a metal rod being shoved into my abdomen. The rest was a fog, but when I woke up in the morning there were sores all over my stomach where they had their way with me. And I came again!
I hope they come again tonight!