Category: Fantasy phone sex

Rump Roast!

Cannibalism phone sexI knew I had found the perfect piece of meat. I noticed her instantly. Those long legs strutting past me on the street. Her tiny little gray dress barley covering her round rump. So firm and full. I knew the second I saw her she was perfect for Rick. So fucking sexy! I followed her for awhile. Watching her strut. When it started to rain I knew I had the PERFECT excuse to talk to her! I told her I lived in the penthouse right across the street if she needed a dry place to wait out the rain. She seemed to hesitate. Perhaps she could feel what I have planned.

cannibalism phone sexSo I slipped off my 800.00 dollar pair of Dolce And Gannana pumps. I told her these things were KILLING my feet. Of course she had to say how sexy and perfect they are. I told her she could have them! I was done with my feet hurting. And actually… I do have a few more pairs she could have if she really wanted. Of course she really wanted! So she happily followed me to my house. I poured her a drink with a little extra in it! Just enough to make her complacent. She was putty in my hands. And I waited for Rick to arrive! I kept my self busy in the kitchen. Mixing up a fresh batch of Ex-virgin olive oil with just the right herbs. And I peeled and cored several apples. Then mashed them into some real butter. A nice marinade! Rick arrived just in time! I helped slip it’s gray dress right off so Rick could wash it down. He scrubbed her clean. I pulled out my biggest roasting pan. And Rick and I placed our guest in the pot. I let Rick rub every inch of her body down with the olive oil. And then Rick packed the apple butter into our guest pussy and ass. I even held her mouth open and force feed her the remainder of the butter. Rick and I slid her into the industrial over and watched as her skin started to glow. She shimmered in the heat. The smell of the slowly simmering meat was delicious! And the look on her face was divine, as her skin tightened up and browned. She was slowly cooking to death. I could hear her moans and whimpers as the time passed. It really was sexy! I could barely wait for the finally! But finally you could see her skin get almost see threw. You could see the bubbling juices rolling under her crisp skin, letting you know that she was finally done! Of course Rick went right for a piece of rump roast. She was so juicy when he cut into her delicious meat her juices squirted out! She melted in our mouths! Mmmmmm I do love a good rump roast!

Cannibalism phone sex

The Dinner Party

Taboo phone sex

There is nothing worse than going to the store and not finding what you want. I found the perfect vegetables, even the best golden and red potatoes. Then I was disappointed looking for the perfect kind of meat. Everything looked over processed and old.  Nothing seemed to reach out and grab me. I was having friends over for a dinner party to meet my new partner in crime. While I was searching through the meat department I saw the perfect rump roast. It was juicy and looked so tender. I could roast it in my oven, and watch the meat turn to a beautiful golden brown. She was underage and just perfect. If I could catch her off guard and take her home I knew my new friend would approve of her. He is a fantastic chef, he could make anything taste so fucking good.

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I wanted to impress him. I wanted to make something where the meat would melt in his mouth. I wanted his cock to get hard slicing into her golden brown skin.  I followed her to the same check out line, had some small chat with her. I thought I lost her as I walked out to my car. I saw her waiting at the bus stop, I didn’t want her to burn her beautiful white skin in this Vegas heat. I pulled up next to her and offered her a ride. Young girls are so trusting with another female. She got in the car and I started to drive, with all the construction going on it is easy to get lost. I pulled the car over and reached in the back seat “looking” for my phone. I grabbed my rag that was soaked in chloroform and covered her face. I don’t want any added stress to the meat, it makes it stringy and nasty. After I got her home and got her into the bath tub. I got right to work, washing her body and shaving every inch of her. After I had her all cleaned up I filled the bath tub full of a brine.

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I wanted her to soak int here to get her nice and tender. As I was getting the veggies ready I heard her wake up. She was trying to scream, and trying to get out of the bathtub. Poor sweet angle, her eyes were red from her crying. I helped her up, pat dried every inch of her body off. She tried to get away but I had her tied up really well. I started to explain to her what was going on. “You see sweetie, I could not find the right kind of meat at the store. Then I saw you, and you look Delicious. I knew you would taste so yummy.” She tried to scream again. I shoved a onion in her mouth to stop her from screaming. I grabbed the olive oil and started rubbing her down with it. Rubbing her breast and ass cheeks. My fingers even slipped inside her tight cunt, making sure she would stay nice and juicy. I grabbed some spices and covered her oiled body. I even stuffed her pussy with some veggies.

Cannibalism phone sex

I kept telling her how good she is going to taste, how full she is going to make us but that didn’t seem to make her feel any better. I wanted to roast her in the oven so I could check on her as she cooked. Make sure she wasn’t drying out in some spots. I knew I was going to impress my new friend. I knew he was really going to enjoy her. Every bite was going to leave him wanting more. I am sure next time he is going to want to go shopping with me. We can prepare our next meal together, even play with her before we eat her. I can not wait for him to walk in the door and smell her cooking. His mouth is going to water as soon as he walks in the door.  

Blood Tears

angieIt all started years ago with a show called the Twilight Zone. I remember sitting there watching an episode where a race of aliens came to Earth. They had a manual that was called “To Serve Man” People were over the moon. They thought that the aliens were friendly and just wanted to serve the human race. Finally in the end as people were getting on the space ship to join the aliens, one man, who had deciphered the book and discovered it was a cook book, was yelling out side of the ship. snuff porn angie1At that moment when I connected the dots my pussy let out a gush of fluid. The idea of eating human flesh had never occurred to me before then. But the moment I had that thought I knew I would enjoy cannibalism for the rest of my life. Finding ways to obtain and serve human flesh has been a long road of trial and error. You see you have to pick the right person, you have to decide just what cuts of meat you enjoy, what herbs and spices taste right with what flesh type. Each ethnicity has it’s own flavor. Much like the difference between corn fed and grass fed beef. Being a cannibal is more then a life style it is an art. One must never take for granted the flesh that is being consumed and one must always be reverent in the treatment of the flesh as well as grateful for the gift of life that is given for nourishment. snuff porn angie3This brings me to my latest meal. It was an innocent day at the movies. I was not on the hunt for a meal (often my best meals are the unexpected ones) She was sitting a couple of rows in front of me. It was a sappy chick flick and as the lights came up in the theater almost every female was crying. When I looked at her she was crying tears of blood. My physical reaction to this was intense. I had never seen such a phenomenon and I had to have her. As I followed her down the street I noticed that she was plump in all the right places. Her rump was nice and fleshy but not fatty, her thighs were rubbing together just enough to have some good chunks of meat on them. The rest of her was healthy but not overly so. I knew that because she cried blood tears that she had to be special and that I would have to share her with the most special people in my life.snuff porn angie2 I began to ponder seasoning and preparation as my pussy pumped juices between my legs and the anticipation grew. I also began thinking of how I would “serve” her. I thought of leaving her whole and serving her like a pig with an apple in her mouth, allowing the most privileged guest to carve her for serving. I thought of removing her head and making it the center piece of the platter, especially if I could get some of those blood tears flowing before removing it. It would be very exotic to position her head in the center of a tray of her flesh with a smile on her face and blood tears staining her cheeks from where they flowed for the last time. So many choices, so many decisions, so much planning…….At last, the perfect time to take her and begin…..I can’t wait to share her with you!

Cannibalism Phone Sex: The Way to a Man’s Heart is Through His Stomach

cannibalism phone sexCannibalism phone sex gives new meaning to be being eaten out! I answered an ad on Craig’s List for a physically fit cage dancer. I’ve got meat on my bones. I workout. I have done my share of private dancing for extra cash. I showed up looking sexy for the interview. A nice older man invited me inside. Some wonderful scent permeated through the house. He saw my nose inhale and a smile come over my face. “My special meat sauce,” he said. He told me he was a private chef hosting a high end dinner party. His guests would enjoy special entertainment. We talked for a while. He asked about eating habits; my health history and then took my measurements I figured it was for an outfit.

I followed him to his basement to check out the cage I would be dancing in. The moment the cage opened, he shoved me inside, tied me up and locked the door. “Silly girl. Don’t you know it’s dangerous to come to a stranger’s home,” he said with an evil glean in his eyes. I started to plead for release. Begged him not to hurt me. “I’m not going to harm a hair on your pretty head sweetie. I never play with my food,” he chuckled. Food? Surely, I misunderstood him. Hannibal Lector is a fictional character. Then I saw his special kitchen. In his basement he had industrial size everything.

  taboo phone sexI could smell something cooking on the stove. Dear God. Was it some other girl who answered the same ad? “Now now Cassie, don’t panic yet. That is just the special meat sauce. A good meal is all about the preparation dear,” he spoke like he was talking about Arby’s special sauce. Suddenly, there was another man in the room, much younger than him. His son I thought. He started feeling my body, marking up certain parts of me like a side of beef. He circled the rump, thighs, stomach and breasts. When he realized I had fake tits, he got disappointed. I thought this was my out. But Dr. Lector handed him a big knife and he cut the silicon out of my breasts. I was bleeding all over myself and the cage. I felt a fire hose on me. I felt like a dirty caged animal.

I was getting weak from fear and blood loss. I passed out for a second, but awoke to being basted in a sweet smelling sticky substance. I was being marinated. “I told you honey. It is all about the preparation. You are going to be delicious,” he said softly in my ear as he coated my flesh with his special sauce. I passed out. Woke up to the pain of a metal rod being rammed up my ass. I felt so weak and sleepy, but the heat sensation revived me. I was being slowly roasted over an open flame. “Don’t cry pretty girl. You are going to make several men very happy tonight. Haven’t you heard that the way to a man’s heart is his stomach?”

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Torture Sex to Make Her Scream

torture phone sexMaster loves to hear me scream. My pain is his pleasure. I have no clue what my latest offense was to him, but he pulled me out of bed. Dragged me across the carpets leaving rug burns all over my body. He strung me up to my shower rod, stripped what little clothing I had on off. He flicked his cigarette ashes on me to hear me whimper. He whipped me with a leather belt that had a huge belt buckle to hear me scream. He put hat pins through my nipples and clit to hear me scream louder. The entire time he was abusing my body, his cock was out of his pants and hard as a rock.

taboo phon sex funThe louder I screamed, the harder he got. Of course he had to take the abuse to a higher level. Master is always pushing my limits; attempting to find a higher level of pain that will make be scream louder than before. Every time he does this, I think there is nothing else he can do short of killing me that could make me scream louder than the last time. And every time I am wrong. Master held before my eyes a long sharp needle. At first I thought he was going to pierce my clit or my labia, even my nipples with it. In hindsight, I wished he had. He used a spreader bar to keep my legs apart. He then slowly inserted the needle into my pee hole. Not my pussy, but my urethra. The pain was worse than anything I had ever felt. I screamed bloody murder right before I passed out from the pain.

snuff pornI woke up still hanging from my shower rod. A metal instrument in my urethra. Bloodied and bruised pussy mound. Pins through each nipple and clit. And cum all over my face. Master nowhere in sight. I served my purpose as his torture sex doll. I know he will be back. He cannot get enough of my blood curling screams of pain.

Pussy for Sale

You bought me yesterday at that auction. What a bunch of sick fucks you all were. You laid us girls out like pieces of meat. We were stripped of our clothes and our legs spread one by one looking for the perfect pussy. You lined up and went down the row, shoving your fingers inside as you held each of our legs apart. Some of the assholes even tasted me like some sort of dinner buffet. The men standing by with guns made sure we did everything we were supposed to. After all, there was a lot of money at stake.

Girls for sale. Sex slaves to be bought for your darkest desires. Plucked off the street and hand picked by the best sellers. I felt the bright lights all over my body as my tits were groped and my ass slapped. The one guy even spit on me, just to see how I would react. I didn’t dare spit back. My heart was pounding as I was violated and I watched your eyes scan my body thinking of all your ass rape fantasies. You eventually picked me. I saw you pay the man, and then I was released from the row.

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I was tied up and you took me home – yours to keep for as long as I could satisfy you. You threw me in a room full of clothes that looked used. Some had blood on them and I knew my fate was sealed. You told me to put on something that showed off my sweet pink cunt. I chose black, as I figured that was the color of your soul. I left my pussy out – and got on my knees so you could see every sweet juicy inch of it. I felt your fingers slide inside me. Despite myself, I came all over your rough hand. You laughed and grabbed me by the neck and pulled me towards your throbbing cock. I took it all in my mouth, and from there you fucked my face until I passed out. I knew when I closed my eyes that when I opened them again you would still be there, using my body up for every dollar you paid.

Kidnapping Phone Sex: Profit for Me, Fun for You

Kidnapping Phone SexWant to go hunting with me? I know how to mix business with pleasure. I can line our pockets while getting us off hard. Do you know how much young corneas go for on the black market? Almost as much as kidneys. But with eyes, you don’t have to slice and dice; you just need to gouge them out. Less mess, quicker in and out, so you can make much more money with eyes. I am a fan of the little ones because their eyes not only pop right out of the skull, but I can profit doubly. I’m a conservationist. I use all of the body. Once I gouge those little eyeballs out and get them in a sterile jar and on ice, you can play with the body for a fair price.

taboo phone sexAnd at that tender sweet age, they are easier to manage, especially when still lamenting the loss of sight. Bonus, they can’t see you, so if you wanna snuff them out that is just for pleasure not for survival. Last week I snatched up Abby at the mall. A blonde pretty virgin barely teen girl. Just what my client wanted. I tied her to a chair, put my knife to the corner of her eyes and popped out some pretty blues. I wrapped her sockets with gauze to stop the bleeding, then brought in Tony. Tony paid top dollar for this morsel. And I made top dollar off her corneas. Double score.

fantasy phone sex tortureTony was a sick fuck like me. His fantasy you ask? Force fuck a virgin young girl in all her holes. Ass, pussy, mouth, urethra, nostrils, ears and eye sockets. Abby was so tiny and young, and Tony had such a large cock, that when he shoved his cock in her mouth, it came out one of her eye sockets. Fucking sick shit, but so hot.When he came, it looked like her eye was weeping cum.  I played with my pussy watching her get skull fucked, as I waited on my other client to pick up her pretty blue eyes that would give the gift of sight to some rich mother fucker’s brat. Abby may not have had the privilege of money, but she had the privilege of a dirty old man’s cock in ALL her holes. What is your twisted fantasy? I bet I can make it equally beneficial for us both.

Dinner Party

Taboo phone sex

I saw Taylor selling her body on the street. Poor little dirty Taylor. I drove up to her, asked her how much for 4 hours. She seemed shocked but she told me $400. I pulled the money out and told her to get in. As we drove to my house I explained to her I wasn’t buying her for sex. I had been in her shoes before and I know how good it feels to have a bath and a bed to sleep in. The poor girl started crying right there in the car. I told her not to worry. When we pulled up she kept asking me if I was sure. I smiled and said yes, The entire way home I thought of a great dinner to make while she got cleaned up. I showed her to the bathroom and gave her a razor and some clothes. I told her to clean up good. As she walked out of the bathroom The house was smelling so good! I had all the food prepped and ready to be put in the oven except for my meat. Taylor walks up and checks out what I made. “Oh my gosh Ivy, this all looks so good! There is so much food who is this all for?”  I looked at her as I held the hammer in my hand behind my back. “It’s for me and a friend to enjoy.” I slammed the hammer into her head.

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She woke up as I was shaving her head bald. She started screaming. “Oh Taylor stop screaming, you are giving me a headache! Besides I need to get your prepped. My friend will be here soon and he liked to play with his food before we cook you.” Her eyes were wide, “Yes honey, I am going to cook you. I am going to spread this oil all over your body, season you to perfection and even play with you before I shut the oven door on you. I want to watch your skin tun golden brown. Then I’ll slice you up and eat your body!” Oh We are going to enjoy our dinner. I hope my guest shows up soon, I am starving! 

Cannibalism phone sex

2 Girl Phone Sex Fun: Never Underestimate an Old Subby Bitch

2 girl phone sex tortureHis instructions were clear. Find a young bitch for me to play with as you are getting old and boring. I have been with this particular guy for over a decade. I’m older now, and he wants a young new model to torture and abuse. Taboo phone sex has always been his thing. Snuff, torture, BDSM, young girls, force fucking, forced intoxication….. all things he loves, all things with me he has grown bored doing. Suddenly I went from victim to accomplice. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that, but I knew I had to find him a young teen girl fast or he might kill me since he had decided I am no longer worthy to be his fuck pig slave.

I saw Taylor at the mall. A cute barely legal little whore. I was like her once. A young cute bitch eager to please men, willing to do anything for their attention. I told her about this rave my friend was having; showed her his picture and soon she was back at my place where I over powered the whore and chained her to the couch as a present for him. Taylor tried to get away, but could not break the chains or wiggle her tiny frame out of the shackles. I felt oddly dominant. Seeing her strung out scrawny ass tied up to the couch like that made me want to hurt her. I think I was jealous. I knew where he kept his torture tools. I came back with a riding crop and a whip and started smacking the whore around. She screamed and yelled. Even called me names, which made me strike her harder. I wanted to ugly up his new teen whore. Maybe if he saw a damaged slut he would realize how valuable I still could be to him.

domination phone sexMaster came busting through the door and punched me square in the mouth. He then kicked me repeatedly until I was in fetal position. He went over to check out Taylor to make sure I had not hurt his new pig. I didn’t see what the big deal was; I mean I picked her out, not like he knew her or anything. I just wanted to have a little fun with her too. He dragged me down into his dungeon and whipped me so bad, my skin broke. He tossed me on the floor. “You belong in the gutter you worthless pig,” he yelled as he started pissing on me. Kicked me some more, then strung me upside down and skull fucked my mouth. After he shot a load down my throat so forcefully that I puked, he cut me down and used me as a punching bag some more. He made it clear to me that Taylor was his new bitch, and I was a worthless whore.

What I did not see coming was that he would let Taylor use me. He freed her and ordered her to get some payback. The little bitch kicked and bit me, even scratched me. She called me an old bitch that should be put out to pasture. I ended up in a cat fight with a bitch half my age over a Master I should have been grateful was cutting me lose. Stockholm Syndrome perhaps, but I fought that bitch hard for him. In fact, I ended up snapping her little boney neck and killing his new pet instantly. Honestly, I didn’t know I had that kind of rage or strength in me. I guess the thought of being traded in for a younger model didn’t sit well with me. But my jealous rage and willingness to kill the competition made me his top bitch again. Oh no, what did I just do.

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Snuff Porn; This Piggy Went To Market

I have been taking part in a rather tasty underground snuff porn market. I noticed that it was flooded with the kind of high quality flicks that I not only record but take part in as well. Lots of devious people travel to this market to get all kind of fun things they are looking for. That is when I  decided that it was missing a key element to make it so much better, an open slut market. This would be a place where all taboo phone sex lovers could find there little play things for acting out every last fantasy. Of course they would be able to find an accomplice if they needed one too. 

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I spend the next week compiling little tasty treats of every size, age, sex and color. That was when I realized that I had picked the perfect little piglet for my good friend Dr. Fell. She was about 20, and thick in all of the right places. I kept her drugged up and called him to let him know I had found the perfect surprise for him. I invited him down to admire the market that I had put together. He was very impressed with his with his little accomplice. When I showed him what I hunted down for him he was ecstatic. 

taboo phone sex

We took her home that night. Of course, with the drugs in her system she made the process a million times easier. Dr. Fell took time to unwrap his present and take a closer look at her. He took the shower head and began to spray her clean of all contaminants before taking her to the kitchen. She was so high she even held the bowl of oil on her plump belly so i could baste her properly. Dr. Fell stayed at my side talking to his thick meat telling her all she would be to him. 

Cannibalism phone sex

As we began to tie her arms to the pole she began to whimper as it was brought to reality that we were not playing. With one of us on either side we lifted her up and put her so she hovered over the open flame. She opened her mouth to let out a giant shriek when Dr.Fell placed an apple inside of her mouth making her silent. He placed a kiss on a forehead and thanked her one last time as we watched her roast over the open flames. The perfect me for Dr. Fell and I.