Cannibalism phone sex is perfect for Thanksgiving. I hunt my meal in August because for the best meal, you must prep the meat and that takes time. I found a nice meal coming out of a bar drunk one night. A college girl with some meat on her bones, which is hard to find nowadays. Most college girls look so anorexic. She was the perfect meal. She had just the right enough meat on her bones. She had natural hair. No tattoos. No implants. In a world of plastic Barbie Dolls, it can be a challenge to find an organic meal. I did not know how perfect she was until I brought her home and inspected her. If she had fake boobs and lots of hidden tats, I would have sold her to this sex trafficker I know. He loves white coeds. They go for great money. This one was all mine, however. She was going to feed me for all the holidays, and most of the winter months too. I spend most of the winter months in my kill shack in the woods. It is off the beaten path. No one knows how to get there. I am alone with the wild animals, but it is the perfect place for snuff porn. No one can hear the screams. No one can smell the flesh cooking but the wild animals. This girl has been screaming her head off from my basement on and off since I got her. I have been giving her butter baths daily to soften her skin. I have detoxed her and fed her healthy meals, so she is tastier. Hannibal Lector would be proud of me. There is a lot of prep in Thanksgiving meals. But I out did myself. She soaked all night in a special sauté. Now, she is slow roasting over an open flame. She may be my best meal yet. I have a huge freezer to cut up and store what I do not eat. That means you can have some of my leftovers. I took a little taste as I was cooking her, and man, this is going to be the best killer phone sex meal I have ever had. Care to join me?
Category: Fantasy phone sex
Cannibalism Phone Sex Produces the Most Perfect Holiday Meal
Murder phone sex Fantasies
It’s the day before thanksgiving and the only thing that comes to mind for me… is stuffing a little with a big fat cock.. I want to turn her into a breeding cum dumpster whore.. Then hang her out on a clothesline to dry.. My sister stopped by, it looks like we will be having a slumber party.. She has a pretty little lollita who can barely talk.. I cant stop thinking about destroying her tight cunnie while discussing our dirtiest Rape phone sex fantasies..
She is here sitting on my lap as I am typing out my plans for her later on tonight.. Her mom will be going on a date with daddy and leaving me here alone with her.. Worst thing she could have possibly done.. I am going to dig my vibrator deep inside of her tight little pussy until she screams.. Luckily, she’s potty trained.. Which means she does all the wiping down there on her own.
That gives me more leverage to do exactly what I wanna do to her.. I have some Restoril which is a sleeping medication that will put her on her ass. I don’t want her to be awake for what I plan on doing to her.. I wouldn’t want to take the risk of her speaking up.. So instead I am going to fuck her limp body and make an Ass rape porn out of her.
Who’s ready to have Accomplice phone sex while I actively snatch this little bitch of her innocence?
Taboo Phone Sex with A Sexy Accomplice
Your taboo phone sex queen is here! I love doing this for you baby I always have so much fun! Tonight I had to take a late-night drive around the neighborhood and I got so lucky to see something…or more of somebody just wandering around alone at night with no mommy or daddy in sight! So, you know what I did? I snatched her cute ass up and threw her in my trunk for a surprise for you! I have her hot-tied on your bed when you come in and I tell you my story. You are hesitant at first, but I promise you that I have taken care of everything and there is nothing to be worried about. Now, get that cock out and get ready to have some fun!
Snuff Porn Business Needs a Female Accomplice to Kidnap Those Little Ones
He told me he wanted to make a snuff porn with a super young girl. I found him a girl. I am his business associate now. He used to be my master. I bought my freedom with one little girl at a time. Now, I am a free agent. He pays me to find him talent. I was aging out for him anyway. He prefers girls much younger and tighter than me. I was afraid he would kill me just to be rid of me, so I made myself useful. That is how you stay alive in the seedy underworld crowd I run with. It is easier for women to lure young girls away than men. Little girls do not have stranger danger for women. They look at us as maternal. Almost every P man has a female accomplice phone sex partner for this reason. I proved myself usual to master, gained my freedom and my life, and now I freelance for him. He pays well. He even tips when I find him the perfect little slut.
I brought him a little ginger girl this time. He wanted a natural red head. She was a little Irish girl with porcelain skin and red curls. Looked as pure as the driven snow. He was happy with my selection. He wanted me to watch him use her for old time sake. He still makes me nervous. He is not exactly an honorable man, so I always worry he will try to own me again. I mean he could decide at any moment that he wants me to be under his roof again. He could force me to kidnap young girls for his rape phone sex fantasies and that way he would not have to pay me because he would be my master. I watched him fuck this little ginger girl raw. Her fuck holes were bleeding. She was crying. I felt badly for her, but then I got my cash and I got to leave his place alive, and I remembered it is survival of the fittest. Only the strong survive.
Knife Play Phone Sex is a Bloody Good Time with Me
Knife play phone sex is bloody fun. I love to stab, slice, cut and disfigure. I saw this little girl playing by herself at the park and was suddenly filled with rage. She looked like an angel; the kind of girl P men would love to fuck. But she represented to me all that is evil in little girls. She was flirting with the daddies in the park. Even at her young age, she knew her tiny little body could garner attention. This was a future gold digging, cock teasing slut who would grow up to be the kind of woman who gives other women a bad name. I had to stop her in her tracks before she could do more damage. I had killer phone sex impulses right then, but I curtailed them until I could get her alone. I am stealth and I am patient. It is a struggle most days though to show restraint, but restraint keeps me out of prison. I followed the girl home, so I would know where she lived. I waited. I plotted. And when the timing was right, I stole her right from her bedroom in the middle of the night. I took her to my kill shack, and I mutilated her little body for shits and giggles. I sliced off her nipples. I cut off her labia lips. I carved a W in her flat belly to remind her that she is a whore. I took pride in disfiguring the little cunt. I could have killed her quickly, but there is no fun in a quick and painless death for me. I like the suffering of others. I get off on the pain and tears of young girls. Do you? Honestly, I could have used a male accomplice. Sure, I had fun torturing the cunt with my knife. I eventually killed her and fed her to the wild animals but having an accomplice phone sex partner is always way more fun for me.
I’ll Own You Completely…
Dominating men is… as they say in French my ‘raison d’etre’— my reason for existence. I live for the searing humiliation of making a man cum when he is at his lowest. Just yesterday I decided to visit one of my pets and his wife, I found them enjoying dinner when I let myself in. I was in a vicious mood so I cleared their dining room table, swiping everything onto the floor. I had to make my pet lick my pussy while his wife watched! I was laying on the table with my legs spread wide, my pussy already leaking another man’s cum. He did as he was commanded and I watched his wife squirm in complete shock as he licked me clean. It was such a fucking rush, I had to take out my strap-on and peg him right then and there! His wife’s horrified face made me laugh while my pet shot his load all over the floor.
Rape Phone Sex Fantasies with Layla
Rape phone sex fantasies are my favorite escape from my own personal hell. I have this recurring fantasy where I’m renting a room and won’t have enough money to cover my board for next month. I tell the homeowner and he’s not too pleased hearing this. He tells me that I’m going to pay my way one way or another and slaps me hard across the face. He wears heavy silver rings on each finger so that’s all it’ll take for him to break my caramel skin and make me bleed. I fall to the floor and catch myself on my hands and he gives me a swift kick to the ribs with his boot. He tells me all us coons are the same and he isn’t going to let me get a free ride. I try to crawl to safety after getting the wind kicked out of my, but he catches me by the legs and pulls me back to him. He reaches his hand up my dress and rips off my panties, straddling me so I can’t get away. He buries my head into the carpet so I can’t breathe or scream, pulls out his big, hard white cock and shoves it hard and deep into my asshole without lube. My face is a bloody, crying mess soaking into the carpet as he rapes my ass, aggressively thrusting and ripping my hole, making it bleed in the process. My body goes limp as I stop fighting against him and let me ravage my asshole until he cums inside me. Then he gets up and pees on my beaten and broken body and tells me to clean myself up and get out of his sight. I love the thought of getting treated like the poor, worthless whore that I am.
Sissy faggot Ass rape porn
I met this sissy faggot who thought I was going to be into his disgusting shenanigans.. I met him at the bar.. Originally I had no idea he was a faggot since he seemed to be a well groomed man! That wasn’t until we got back to the hotel room and he took his toys out..
He started sucking on a rubber dick right in front of my face. Nothing about a fucking dirty low down faggot turns me on. He came out of the bathroom wearing hot pink lingerie.. I wanted to fucking vomit the moment I seen him. I totally pretended to be into it..
As soon as I had him bound and gagged, I ripped his asshole into shreds. I made that fucker bleed out from his disgusting “man pussy”. WTF! What kind of man settles for dismantling his manhood for dick! I was so fucking disgusted I took a plastic bag and suffocated him for being a dirty faggot!
I ripped his lingerie off and strangled him with it. I couldn’t believe he wasted my fucking time! Well not so much since I got to make an excruciating Snuff porn out of him! I titled that disturbing video Ass rape porn and dropped it all over the dark web!
Maybe all the other sissy faggots out there can see how fucking disgusting they look being fucked in the ass.. Those low down wannabes deserve nothing but Torture sex and death!
Re-Training Your Pet
I should have obeyed. I should have come when my masters told me to come. Now, you and my 9 other masters have locked me in a cage like a good little pet to be properly punished. Each of you stand around me in a circle, jerking off and coming on me or forcing your cock into my mouth. My throat is bruised from all of the face fucking as each of you keep shoving your cocks down my throat. As a good little pet, I know I have to keep taking each cock as it is thrusted into whatever holes you all may desire, but I push away as I struggle to breathe. You further my punishment and put me in my shock collar. You turn it to the highest setting and shock me over and over. I scream in pain as my body cannot take the electric shocks. Finally, I pass out from all of the pain. You now all come in and fuck my throat without any resistance, coming down my throat. You also fuck my pussy and my ass hard until they are red and bleeding. I am now the perfect pet.
Fantasy Phone Sex Helps You Explore Your Darkest Fantasies
Fantasy phone sex is the best when you push the boundaries. Do you agree? Why call someone like me for your GFE fantasies when you can explore your dark needs with me as your accomplice? I am a great devil on your shoulder. I helped a guy recently fuck his girlfriend’s daughter. Last year, he called me for help on getting some young pussy. I know all the tricks. I told him to start dating women in the sex industry with young daughters. We are not choir girls in this industry. Plus, many of us have addictions too. I suggested a lot lizard working the truck stops since he is a trucker. I mean you hang out in a truck stop long enough, and a lot lizard will approach you. Most of the street hookers have addictions. They need and want saved and will do anything in return. A year later, this lot lizard lives with him. She turns a blind eye when he wants to fuck her young daughter. I helped him groom the girl. She is damaged goods anyway. She has daddy issues. She has lived in one dirty trailer after another. Now, she is in a nice house. She gets to have nice clothes. She goes to school, and she has friends. She is ripe to be her mother’s boyfriend’s teen rape porn star. Start with providing for them. Show them you care. Let them know you will always provide for them. Then let them know they need to start showing appreciation for all you have done for them. Keep mommy drugged up or liquored up. Pay her bills and care for her. She will turn a blind eye to whatever you want to do to her baby girl. Feeding her addiction and having a roof over her head will matter more than her baby girl’s virginity. I love helping men get the young pussy they crave. I was once a daddy’s girl. I know all the tricks to motivate young girls to suck your cock. You just need me as your accomplice phone sex partner.