It is so easy to get a mans dick hard and once that happens it’s all over but the crying. Or so the saying goes. Little do they know that once I get them in my grasp it isn’t over until there is a lot of crying, and begging and screaming!
He was a typical man, all into what ever I wanted. Claiming to love kinky, dark and fucked up shit. but not really knowing shit about what he was saying.
We were at the store picking up a few things before we were going to head out to my place in the woods, and we saw this awesome curling iron. The first thing he said was that it looked like a sex toy. He bought it thinking he was going to use it on me. Little did he know I would be in charge.
As soon as he was in chains I got out the candles. Today was going to be a burning day.
He was so turned on when I lite the first candle exclaiming how he loved the feel of hot wax on his body.
All i could do was smile. It wasn’t long before he was screaming as I burnt his flesh in little blistering circles all over his body.
When he saw me start up the generator and plug in his very own choice of toys, the curling iron, he began to plead like a fucking baby.
How fucking pitiful for him and what a turn on for me. I let that fucking thing get nice and hot (the package claims it gets to 400 degrees) before shoving it straight up his pitiful ass.
His screams stirring the fire between my legs, I had to cum. The icing on the cake was when I took out my knife and sliced his ball sac straight up the middle, pulling the round nuggets out of their sac, but leaving them attached to the tubes and placing them in my mouth.
I knelt in front of him with his still attached balls in my mouth, fucking my cunt, looking up at him while he cried and begged. Just as my pussy began to twitch and spew it’s juices I bit his balls and the rush of fluid in my mouth from the inside of them took me over the edge and gave me the release I needed!
Category: Evil phone sex
Your Pain Is My Pleasure
Lyrics from Nine Inch Nails
You let me violate you
You let me desecrate you
You let me penetrate you
You let me complicate you
Help me, I broke apart my insides
Help me, I’ve got no soul to sell
Help me, the only thing that works for me
Help me get away from myself
I wanna fuck you like an animal
I wanna feel you from the inside
I wanna fuck you like an animal
My whole is existence is flawed
You get me closer to God
You can have my isolation
You can have the hate that it brings
You can have my absence of faith
You can have my everything
I wanna fuck you like an animal
I wanna feel you from the inside
I wanna fuck you like an animal
My whole existence is flawed
You get me closer to God
Help me tear down my reason
Help me it’s your sex I can smell
Help me you’re making me perfect
Help me become somebody else
I wanna fuck you like an animal
I wanna feel you from the inside
I wanna fuck you like an animal
My whole existence is flawed
You get me closer to God
An Open Window Invitation
I will come to them when they least expect it. Snug, warm, in their beds. Little heads peaking from beneath covers tucked tightly around them. Rosie cheeked, soft lipped fuck meat puppets are what they are. They just do not know it yet, but I do. All it takes is one unlocked window, one unlocked door, and I consider that my invitation in. You know, sometimes I do not even do anything. Sometimes just the fear of something is just as good as the act.
Last summer I was in Michigan. There was a cabin not far from the one I was staying at. I would see the family out on the lake. They would yell, scream, splash, they would have such a great time, like all cookie cutter douche bag families do. They had one young girl with them, who didn’t do any of that, she would just sit on the grass and watch. When they were outside cooking, she would sit at the picnic table and just stare out at the water. Since I am all tactful and shit, I went over there one day and said, “What the fuck is wrong with you?” The woman came rushing over and put her arms around her like I had the fucking plague or something. She goes, “Stay away from her, her sister drown last year and she is having a hard time.”
What…the…fuck?!? Who the hell takes someone to a place that would remind them of an event like that?…”Oh you just got out of rehab? Great! Glad you’re back, now let’s go buy some crack!” Jesus! Actually it made me laugh and think, ‘Why didn’t you think of that Raven.” That bit of information was all I needed to work out in my warped little brain how to make her vacation all the more special. I grabbed one of the other screaming things that had come out of the water to towel off and asked her what her sister’s name was. She told me that the girl wasn’t her sister, but her cousin, like I gave a fuck, I still wanted a name, and not just that name, but the name of the floater too.
For the next three nights, I waited until everyone was asleep, climbed up to where I had seen her at night, and found; luckily for me; no locked windows. I would climb in there, sit in this one corner, perched up on this low stool, and I would whisper her sister’s name, over and over again. She would wake up eventually, look into the corner, and I would just lean forward a bit so she could just see the lower part of my face, and say her sister’s name again. The chick would freak the fuck out! She would run out of that damn bedroom so fast. I would just go to the window, climb back out, and wait behind one of the trees. I bet she thought she was going crazy.
The last day I saw her, she was crying and looking upstairs. The adults had those worried “OMG, what are we going to do” looks on their face. As they pulled away in their stupid car, I waved and blew them a kiss. I always wonder if that crying girl remembers the voice in her bedroom, and the dark hooded figure with the alabaster skin, and blood red lips that whispered her dead sister’s name at the lake when she tries to sleep at night, and if she has to draw pictures of it for her Adolescent Psychiatrist.
Let’s Play a Game
Lets play a game. Bring me a cute big breasted slut and I’ll see how much torture she can endure before finally just giving up on this life all together. I’m in the snuffing type of mood but I definitely would like to have a ton of fun before I waste a perfect good live body. I’ll tie you and that bitch up so your bodies shape like X’s. We will start off real nice and freaky. Let’s pretend I’m in control kind of like a hardcore sexy domme, except I wont be kidding at all. You know that, she doesn’t. I have my whip (with the spikes at the tips) and a baseball bat sized dildo I won’t be shy about using them. I’ll suck on her huge titties and your thick dick, just for my enjoyment of course. Maybe eat a little pussy too. Pussy should always be wet, dry ones make me mad. Then the torture will begin. Flesh will be cut and burned. Screams will be loud. But no one will hear her. My dungeon is not just for show. Stupid bitch. After I have tortured the slut almost lifeless, I’ll untie her and let you stick your dick down her throat until she chokes. Snuff mission: complete.
A Book For Her
I don’t often keep my slaves for very long. A few months is pretty much the longest they survive. Either I get tired of them and they no longer bring me pleasure, which insures their death in a slow and painful fashion as punishment for displeasing me in any way. Or they simply can’t stand the torture inflicted upon them for my pleasure and they wither away. Weakness tends to take most of them and yet this too makes my pussy wet, knowing that I wore them down physically and emotionally. Demonstrating my dominance and superiority yet again. However Val was with me for almost nine years. She was in her late 20’s when I “obtained her” I won her from a friend who had enslaved her a few months before she became mine. When I first won Val I inflicted as much pain as I could upon her to test her will. Each time she surprised me. Torture that had caused others to pass out, cry, plead and beg for mercy, she took with a glassy look in her eyes, rarely flinching and never, ever crying out. She challenged me each and every time to push things further, to find more ways to inflict more pain. The constant challenge she presented brought me earth shattering orgasms and spawned more deviant ways to torture her. Yet each time she withstood my abuse, and I would cum not only from the pleasure of torturing her but from admiration of her resolve. After having her for about a year she happened to get pregnant when a close friend won the chance to fuck her in a poker game one night. Fuck I was pissed when she started showing and I stepped up the torture for the rush of watching her loose the fucking thing at my hands. But true to form Val didn’t loose it, she had that little fucker and to my delight it was a girl. I made sure it was well cared for because if this little fucking thing had half of what her mother did in guts and fortitude she would be an excellent second generation slave. Over the years the mother/daughter duo has provided me with many hours of pleasure. Val died last week and I have to say I felt a slight twinge of sadness, but knew I still had her offspring. As a slave she certainly was not getting buried or getting any type of ceremony honoring her life or service. However I did feel like I wanted to keep a piece of her. So I gutted and skinned her, feeding her flesh to her daughter over the last week. I bottled her blood and stretched and dried her skin. I have cut her skin into pages creating a book bound by her dried intestines and using her blood as ink. I have begun to pen some of the most horrific moments of our time together to enjoy in the future. I am naming it “Valley of Death”
Accomplice Phone Sex with Jade
I’ve always been a bit of a rebel. And by rebel I mean dark sadistic little slut with a need to be pained and bring pain to others as well. I’m so good at it too. I can grab up a cute little unsuspecting whore and bring her to you. I know how to pick them too… young and tender right? I love playing the sexy accomplice. I thrive on it. Fuck breakfast, sadism is the best meal of my day. I’ll follow your lead. I would love to watch you fuck her deep in her virgin ass hole while I play with my pussy that’s getting wetter every time a scream leaves her lips. I’ll even lick the blood off of your dick and then we can fuck right next to her almost lifeless body. If that bitch is too banged up I’ll snuff her ass and use some of her body parts as sex toys. How turned on are you right now? Your hard on will be a great asset to our journey. Lets plan our next evil adventure together tonight. Midnight is our meeting time. Be there or be square.
Sweet Death…
She clawed at the sheets as I devoured her sweet juicy pussy. I must say I enjoyed every minute of it. Watching her squirm and feeling her pull my hair was definitely turning me on. I reached down to pet my own pussy and found it soaking wet. I grabbed her by the ankles and spread her legs wide open so I can see that pussy smile at me before I gave her clit the best kiss it’s ever had. Keeping one hand on her delicious little kitty, I kiss up her body and gently put the other hand around her neck. I begin to choke the bitch. I kept ramming my fingers into her pussy and watched the life drain from her eyes as I clenched her neck. She clawed at my arms and face but I couldn’t let go. Not til the job was done. There was no turning back. The moment she stepped into my dungeon she should have known it was the end of the road. This bitch was going to die and now she knew for sure. As soon as she went limp I pushed that lifeless hoe off of my bed and fell into a peaceful satisfied slumber.
Hand job
I have been in a bad mood lately. I was just going to find something to have some fun with. To work out some of my frustrations. But that is not what happened. I was trying my best to just be good. To find a prey. Some-thing safe. Something I could use. But … the best laid plans, and all. I have been getting hit on every single day by a gross fat round little man that manages my building. He just won’t take no for an answer. I was trying to walk away. Just ignore him again. And go hunting. But he was so persistent. And he was following me around getting lude and disgusting. And then he threatened me. Threatened to evict me if I didn’t give him a hand job. I know I shouldn’t EVER play close to home. But I just snapped. I took him into the basement. It was easy to tie him up. I just told him I wanted some kinky sex. Then sliced open his nasty cock. Pour rock salt all over it.. And gave him the hand job he wanted. OOOOH how he screamed. But I kept jerking until he got hard. Then I cut his dick off and let him bleed out. It’s the last time he demands a hand job!
Craving Something Sweet
There are times when I just have to satisfy my craving for something decadent and sugary sweet. I especially love the really rare and hard to find candy, it’s always in such pretty wrapping.
So shiny and eye catching and always has a pretty bow tightly around it, securely protecting all that sugary sweetness. Do you crave something so irresistible and delicious wrapped up tight?
Wouldn’t you just love it if I showed up at your door with a very special goodie just for you to unwrap and devour?! Oh and I know just the kind you love the most, young, sweet and tastes just heavenly.
Looks so pretty all done up with those luscious pink shiny lips and soft, smooth skin; all you can think about is that bald little cunt under all the pretty ruffles. I can’t wait to see her face when you show her all the toys you have for her, well maybe not for her but she’ll sure be using them a lot!!
This time it’s not for her enjoyment…oh no no, all ours baby. Watching her little perfect body writhing and wriggling just trying to loosen the ties securing her down is so cute.
Begging for her Mommy, oh how I love to tell her how her Mommy doesn’t love her anymore and just gave her to us to with you whatever we wanted.
Mmmm, there’s nothing like hearing a fresh popped cherry and such a pretty, young one at that! I must say this craving is becoming somewhat of an addiction and I have no intention of quitting anytime soon.