Category: Evil phone sex

Creep Up On Ya

What’s lurking in those deep dark shadows . . . distorted shapes that seem to be twisting around your ankles, and clawed hands that grab, the sharp fingernails digging in deep. Nightmares come from this inherent fear of the evil that lurks beneath the surface. Do you know what else nightmares are born from? Parties after dark . . . social hour. Everyone believes that more bodies means more safety. Isn’t that the idea behind the so-called “buddy system?” Haha. I know the truth.

More bodies just means more wicked fun. More sinister persuasion. More merciless fucking. All of those scantily-clad whores and drunken rich boys. Gyrating bodies and unsuspecting prey. The great thing about already being on a boat is the fact that there is plenty of rope lying around. This comes in handy when a sick, twisted slut like myself wants to tie up a couple of hos and man whores with tight, circulation deadening sailor’s knots. I like to maim penises. Some chicks like to tie hair bows, but I’m a little different. I especially love the feeling of a firm, juicy, cum-filled ball weighing down heavily in my hand. When the party guests wander off and leave their drinks unattended, I’m looming over the bar, shaking a little bit of magic potion in there to put them fast asleep.

Knock Knock

Rape phone sex fantasies RavenDarling little Angels, With pretty hate filled eyes,

Trained to gasp with pleasure, as men slip between their thighs.

Holding on so tightly, small hands upon his face

Never did the stupid fool consider the real price of this wicked place .

He grunts, groans and whispers, sick demented things

into soft, tiny ears, as they are forced down upon rusted bed springs.

When his  sack is empty, he pulls away to leave,

Until he feels that little tug, hard upon his sleeve.

For one forever moment, He shows a little love,

He reaches down toward his freshly soiled Princess, to give a swift  short hug.

She presses broken finger nails into his soft fat flesh,

She clings to her former lover as the other tasty young things

emerge to join in the mesh.

He tries to thrust her outward, push her hard away from his side,

the nails, they dig in deeper as her mouth stretches opens wide.

The others are upon him before he can fight back,

They are hungry little demons looking for an

after hard fuck snack.

You see this stupid piece of male meat walked into the place,

thinking it was your typical young girl whore house where he could just shoot his load upon a small little face.

She took his money gladly, then lead him down the steps,

Into the damp dim gloom, you could hear the little voices coming from each tiny room,

He picked the one he wanted, his cock already hard.

She smiled a crooked smile, then knocked upon the door,

it opened up silently, hardly scraping on the floor.

The little thing giggled, then laid down on the bed that was smelly and blood marred.

At first he didn’t notice how the blood was also on the wall,

Or how there were screams from other men echoing in the hall.

Now he is surrounded, brought down to the floor,

teeth, sharp and jagged keep going back for more.

Within a few horrific minutes, he isn’t there at all.

The sweet little evil one, in whom he plunged his cock,

licks off her sticky fingers, then awaits another knock.


Cruel Intentions

I’ve got a secret. Can you keep it? Sure, I’ve got a fucking rosary around my neck. I walk by all of those spoiled girly-girls all of the time and I just smirk at them. I’m a bitter bitch, but I know what’s up. When I get myself alone, I can always count on the special white stuff I store in my necklace. You want to puff a little bit of this powder, huh? Yeah, baby, I’ve got you covered. The two of us can have a lot of fun. First, I’ll do lines of this coke off your dick while you spank my cheek with it. Then we’ll really fuck a slut up. Have you ever held a tramp down and shoved stuff up her holes? I love to get my fist and punch them up there until they’re screaming for more. “Say your prayers, little girl!” we’ll shout at that whore. Then the two of us will bang her from every orifice she has. Messing up those holes, getting them nice and full of your cum. And when we’re done and need to dispose of the mess, I’ll take my rosary out and thank God Almighty for bringing us such a fun little fucktoy! Cum with me, baby, and we’ll go as high as the sky, screwing every dumb slut we run into on the way there.

The Evil Sitter

torture phonesex angieI get to baby sit the fucking brats again. Last time was so much fun and this time I have some really interesting things planned. I have their drugs packed and ready to administer at dinner time as soon as their parents leave. This time I have some toys and I am going to make them torture each other with while I watch. My cunt is alive with the sound of crying…I can’t stop thinking about how much fun this is going to be. I have fish hooks that they are going to put though each others bodies. I have a cattle prod and they are going to shock each other in their little pussy and cock. I have a jar full of red fire ants and they are going to pour honey on each other and then put the ants on each other. I am going to watch them cry and scream while they obey my every command, knowing they won’t remember a thing in the morning. I love watching others torture each other with me in control almost as much as I love to issue the torture myself. This is going to be a fun night for my cunt to cum and be happy!

Frankly, I’m A Fucking Monster

Snuff Phone Sex Bianca

Everyone has a method–everyone. I don’t care if you’re a white collar professional, a bus boy at Denny’s, or a rich bitch with a trust fund stocked to the brim . . . everyone has a method. There’s just way too much stress in this world to take it like a fucking idiot. I don’t let anyone fuck with me. I’m the fucker. I’m the bitch. I’M the one who ruins and destroys people’s lives at the drop of a hat . . . and I’m the one enamored with Franklin Evan’s methods. Never heard of him? Haha. Boy, are you missing out. That stupid piece of shit is a goddamn genius.

“In the summer of 1872, 64-year-old Franklin Evans – aka the Northwood Monster – lured his adolescent grandniece, Georgianna Lovering, into the woods near her home, strangled her to death, then raped and sexually mutilated her corpse.

Following his arrest, he confessed to a string of unsolved atrocities, among them the random mutilation-murder of a physically deformed five-year-old girl he snatched from her New Hampshire home, the rape-murder of a 14-year-old schoolgirl in Maine, and the butchering of a 15-year-year-old Massachusetts girl, along with her 12-year-old brother who had witnessed the crime. He was eventually caught for his “unnamable and incredible crimes,” and “swung like a dog” in his execution.”

I get so pissing drunk, my ankles are bleeding from my heels and I don’t even fucking feel it. I’m feeling gleeful–feeling giddy. I’m going to squeeze a tramp’s throat til she ceases to breath. You wanna taste? Haha. Just you wait . . .

My First Kill

torture phonesex karmaAre you an evil fucker that loves blood, torture and cumming while creating it? Then you are my kind of dark soul. Don’t you just love walking on the darker side of life? I know I do. So is your cock hard waiting for my next revelation? If it is, pull up a chair and let me take you back to my first kill. It was a cold day, the snow was fresh and white on the ground and the chill hung in the air waiting for me. I was walking along the sidewalk of our well manicured neighborhood when I saw him there. I was drawn to him immediately so small and frail, playing in the snow all by himself. He had a playful look in his eyes as he built that snowman. My body began to shiver but not from the cold, it was from the excitement I was feeling as I envisioned his blood spilling over the lily white snow, turning it red. I walked over to him and began helping him build his snowman, laughing wickedly as we worked. I started a snowball fight and as we ran and played I lured him further and further from his yard. In the distance we heard a woman calling his name but before he could run toward the sound I scooped him up, covering his mouth and as he kicked and fought I carried him to his doom. Once in the clear I held him down in the virginal white snow and picked up a huge tree branch. Lifting it high into the air I watched it connect with a sickening thud that made my cunt tingle and my heart flutter. Smashing it over his head over and over again I watched the blood poor out of him as his body fell limp and the snow became tinted with his crimson blood. The primal urge for more spurred me on and when I finally finished his face was not recognizable, his head split wide open and brains and blood mixed with the snow. I grabbed his dead, limp hand and used it to fuck myself until I came hard all over it. The clouds on the horizon told me that another heavy snow fall was quickly approaching so I left him there to be covered by the new virginal white snow.torture phonesex bloodsnow

The Killer Clown


torture phonesex killerclown1The Clown, a character created to bring laughter and happiness to young and old. However being the dark twisted and sadistic bitch that I am, my heroes are different then most people’s and I love a clown of a darker evil nature. In fact not only do I love him, but I admire him and strive to emulate him He is my all time favorite, The Killer Clown, Mr Gacy himself. The greatest serial killer of all time because of his M.O.! Tomorrow, May 10, is the anniversary of the day he was executed in 1994. I have the perfect day planned to show him some love, wicked and twisted style. I will dress as a clown just like him and go find me a little brat to torture and kill the same way he did, suffocation or asphyxiation with a tourniquet. I will likely stab the little fucker to in honor of his first victim, This is going to be so much fun! I hope he is watching from the great beyond. torture phonesex killer clown2

Wickedly Sadistic Fantasies With Deviant Natasha

You’re both intrigued and a bit frightened of me because you know exactly who I am and what I am capable of. And that makes your cock throb and ache for me, you’re completely mesmerized and there’s nothing that you wouldn’t give for a chance to put my wicked, wicked ways into action.

You’ve tried to stop, but it’s impossible to get me out of your head, it’s like you’re under my spell. Well, if you think about it, you are….admit it. I could see it in your eyes, you’ve fantasized about something like this happening but never once thought it could really happen.

The opportunity is here and now, so are you man enough to follow through and clean out all that useless baggage in your life? You need not worry about all the details, I’ll take care of everything, it’s what I do remember?

You have the most deviant, evil Accomplice at your service and I can safely say I enjoy and savor every second of what I do. The last few years have been a nightmare, your pathetic excuse for a wife is like having dead weight around your neck and you can’t free yourself, hmmm until now.

And, just because you have been through hell with that worthless troll, I’m gonna let you have a front row seat for delicious torture session I have planned out for her. In fact, I’m going to insist that you participate, she needs to look into your eyes and know that you are responsible for this!

You are going to save her, rescue her, comfort her, oh no….you’re going to tell her what a useless cunt she is and how every moment with her the past few years have been sheer torture for you and now it’s her turn. Mmmm, nothing is too graphic or gory for me, let’s push the limits and see how far we can prolong her suffering and agony…are you game?

Stone Cold

torture phonesex icecreamman“I SCREAM,
A nursery rhyme come to life in the most delicious way!
We stole the fucking ice cream truck and gathered as many different drugs as we could get our hands on. The more we “doctored up” the ice cream the wetter my cunt got. We couldn’t wait to get him dressed in the creepy ice cream man costume and hit the streets, giving away ice cream and getting all the fucking brats in the neighborhood all fucked up. Of course the ice cream is going to be free and we will have the little fuckers lined up to get their free treats and see the creepy ice cream dude before we sit back and watch the show. We saved some of the good shit for ourselves so we can sit back, get high as fuck and watch the fucked up little brats running around tripping balls. And the best part is I am going to get the fuck off fucking the creepy ass ice cream dude, my accomplice in all this!torture phonesex karma

Glub Glub


torture phonesex angieDay two of torturing the perfect little family. The little girl did so well with boiling water yesterday I thought I would keep the theme up and show her some good old fashioned water torture. War supplies me with so many various methods of water torture and I love each and every one of them. However I have a select few in mind for this girl today. I think it is only fair that since I burned the little thing yesterday and gave her a taste of heat, that I show her the opposite end of the spectrum. Don’t you? I fill the tub with water and ice as they watch all cried out but shivering from the fear. Just looking at their fear filled, tear streaked faces makes my cunt so fucking wet I can barely stand it. As I grab the little one her parents let out desperate cries that make me tingle with goose bumps. I drag her limp body to the tub and throw her in shoving her head under as she struggles against my grasp. Pulling her up, her lips are blue and she is gasping for air. Again and again and again I dunk her under until she passes out. Pulling her out of the water I throw her to the floor with a hard thud bringing her out of her darkness. But I am not done with her yet. I pull the plug draining the freezing water and go to my shelf. One by one I empty jugs of urine into the tub. Not only is this going to be fun but the bacteria from the urine is sure to infect her burns from yesterday. The thought of watching the infection set in makes me cum again. Oh how fun it is to be twisted!