Category: Evil phone sex

Mummy’s Revenge

Sadistic phone sex Jez2

I saw an advertisement on an online bulletin board that intrigued me; it was a college brat who wanted revenge against his pregnant girlfriend. I wasn’t sure if he was serious, but his anger sounded genuine and worth checking out. Sure enough, when we met at a coffee shop, he didn’t blink when he told me that he wanted his ex-girlfriend dead for cheating on him. I contrived a plan and he agreed.

We kidnapped that whore and tortured her, taking turns beating her with 2×4 planks of wood with nails that ripped her flesh. He struck her pussy with the sharp objects, laughing manically as she bled and cried in pain. She begged for her life, stupid bitch. We extracted each one of her teeth, her skull bleeding profusely. And, then he fucked her mouth with his hard cock while whispering that he was going to do the same to pink flesh inside of her. He was glad that he hadn’t gouged her eyes yet…because the look of horror was priceless.

I took the liberty of carving out her belly, flopping open the flesh and pulling the spawn out of her. She had several minutes to watch her ex-boyfriend spin it on his cock before bleeding out. Then, I told him that I wanted to mummify the spawn, fix it so that he could unwrap it and always fuck it whenever he wanted. I drained the blood and began the embalming process while he kicked around the corpse of his ex.

Today, I read in the paper that some stupid moron had jumped from a building; apparently, he had left a note that described his guilt and the horrid details of killing his ex alone. He was inconsolable, people said, because he learned that she was carrying his spawn. What a fuck-ton, I thought and laughed as a I finished my coffee. The paper didn’t mention anything about the mummified spawn; I guess he didn’t want to be remembered as a complete monster…what a douche-bag wimp!

Craving Sweet Young Flesh

Your wickedly evil and devious accomplice, Aria is ready for some sadistic fun and feeling those intense cravings come over my entire body. I share my thoughts and ideas with you and we plot another perfectly torturous session with some innocent and pure little piece of untouched flesh.

My heart pounds through my chest when we finally have her in our clutches and all those wicked, deliciously evil and violent fantasies are going to be played out right before our very eyes. I need all my senses satisfied with this little worthless fuck slut,

I want to hear her pathetic screams for mercy, see the terror and blood stream down her soft, smooth skin, touch her tiny virgin pussy and use it to our most nasty and sadistic purposes and taste her creamy, crimson and delicious blood.

I feed off of her terror and the look in her eyes as she realizes that she is never getting out of this, her fate is now sealed and she slowly gives in to her upcoming violent and extremely gory and bloody demise. My cunt throbs anticipating every move and step we take toward that erotic and intense craving I need to feed and satisfy and to purge myself of taking her life force from her and actually feel it dissipate before my very eyes.

We always have the most sensual and intense fuck session after an erotic fetish we fulfilled to the fullest…until the nest time.

I am his


I can hear him walking down the stairs again.
I can’t help it but I’m shaking.
I don’t know if it’s because this hell room is cold or because I know he is going to touch me again.
I can smell his cigarette, his cologne mixed with whiskey and the smell of tide.
The smell of tide reminds me of home and makes me hopeful that he is just going to let me go.
I have been down here for 3 no 5 days? maybe its just been a couple of hours. I honestly don’t know.
I start crying as i hear him open one of the drawers behind me.. Please don’t let it be the whip again..
He sets something beside me. and spreads my legs open wide. I know what he is going to do..
I can hear the swishing of the air as he is working on his form..
Then he teases my pussy and ass with the whip.. then pulls back and i brace myself for the hit but he starts teasing me again.
SMACK and a cry out from me as he spanks my pussy. He is laughing and calling me his dirty whore.
He starts to tease me again and hits me so hard I felt my skin tear.
He stops, bends down and pours something on to my broken skin and it burns.
As its burning he shoves a hard and very cold object up my ass and it starts to vibrate.
My body is so overwhelmed by the pain from the tare and the pain of this thing in my ass but turned on by the vibrations.
He gets up again and pours more of his liquid on my ass checks as it burns more.
Then he starts whipping my pussy and ass even more. This time he hits my clit over and over again it makes me cum. I now know its his time to cum. He is going to fuck my mouth until I puke all over his cock and he will cum deep down my throat and make me swallow him.
I don’t know what is worse that he face fucks me to cum or that a part of me likes being his dirty fucking whore.
I am used to being used by men. That’s why I don’t fight. I know at some point he will just let me go but he will always be there watching and waiting for me to be alone so he can grab me and drag me into the dark and violate my ass again. And deep down inside of me I’m wanting it..

blood for the chosen 1

That shit you’ve heard? It’s true. Sometimes I get a little low. And I never stay that for long . . . you see, I’m rarely ever sober. So when I’m without the effects of my beloved drink and drugs, I live in a perpetual state of wild rage. Anger boils in my heart when that little girl on the park swing looks over at me. I’m just conducting my business, goin’ about my fucking life, and I intercept a happy-go-fucky parade. Oh, just my pissing luck. I fucking hate society, the human race, and anyone with a tacky goddamn smile on their lying face, just begging me to rub it off with the heel of my combat boot. That’s how I was feeling when a little runt bumps into me and spills her snow cone all over my top. I couldn’t let it go, I just couldn’t. I had to slit her throat and watch the blood bubble up from her lungs like gurgling butterflies caught in the net of her esophagus. It was beautiful. I clung to her like a lifeline as I watched the inner strength fade away from her. She was draining her own memories, her own past, losing her future at my hands. My grasp…’round her neck. The blood on my hands was so red and vivid it made me do a double take. I couldn’t believe it. I needed more…so I took it. I lowered my head and began to drink. I licked it up like her fading life energy was my salvation. And when I dropped her motionless, wet body to the pavement below, I realized the ice of the snow cone was stained red, too. I didn’t know if it was the cherry flavoring or the blood I had spilled, but nevertheless, I’d smeared that white beyond repair…

catch this, you’re infected

Words race through me like fucking crazy. Dickfucking, assfucking, wild insane thoughts. Most people would be horrified with just one peek into my crazy mind. Evil is my possession and I am its tool…

Shut your mouth

I’ll cut your tongue,

sew your lips shut,

put plastic wrap over your nose


your lungs…

getting big as you struggle, try to get air

You’re suffocating!

His dick is hard, his dick is hard! Gonna put it inside

don’t cry…

cut a hole

right over your mouth


Still can’t breathe

Now you’re choking on his semen

it’s spewing out and drowning you

in white yummy cum

eat it. lick it. taste the spud.

Want some more/I’ll give you mine.

Slain SIN makes funny things







I want to stick my finger in your pussy

tear it apart

Now I’ve got a crazy picture in my head, of you in bed. You’re not moving and I’ve blown a hole in your head. I did it with a firecracker, put it in your mouth, lit the fuse.


The fire started in your pussy! Now it’s gonna explooddeee.


Accomplice Phone Sex Reagan

I saw the ad for the “Elite Hunting Company” a few months ago. It was on one of the websites I frequent and they finally had an opening for a new client to live out their fantasies with no fear of authorities. No cleaning up messes, and they bring the meat to you! I signed up but had given up hope that I got chosen. Then, I got the call a few days ago, and immediately made arrangements to leave town. I had waited a long time, and now it was finally time to play.

Accomplice Phone Sex ReaganThe cab pulled up to the seemingly abandoned building, and almost immediately I felt that calm that I long for. That certain peace that only screams and blood can bring. I quickly got my things out of the car, and looked the building over. I had never seen something so perfect.

I was greeted inside by a very tall man wearing a rubber apron, and if I didn’t know what was waiting for me I would be quite scared. He showed me to my work area and to my pleasant surprise, she was already there chained to a chair in the middle of the room. My blood immediately started pumping and I got to work right away.

She had a cloth bag over her head and she seemed to be passed out. I grabbed the chains and hooked them up to the wheel in the center of the room. I cranked slowly and as she started to lift off the chair by her feet she came too and started to struggle. I had to smile to myself. This was going to the best vacation ever.

Accomplice Phone Sex Reagan

Silent Night, Bloody Night

torture phonesex angieOne of my all time favorite horror flicks is Silent Night, Bloody Night. One line from the movie moves me beyond my evil darkness.  “I have wandered in bitterness until all seasons have become as one. And that is a season of vengeance.”

Vengeance, a dish served cold, ice cold, straight from the freezer. It has taken me almost six months to prepare for my own special form of vengeance and the title of this film fits perfectly with my plan. I have set up a lane in my basement. At the end of it I have a created a bondage set up to hold ten of my worst enemies in the formation of bowling pins. The shackles are designed to hold each onus’s arms high in the air and will put them on their tip toes. I finally perfected my “bowling balls” . Skill saw bladed bowling balls specially designed to slice and dice. My human bowling pins will start in the standing position. Once I have hit a pin or several pins, I will lower them, gradually slicing and dicing them until they are laying on the lane completely helpless waiting for that one roll that will end the pain and madness.   

malum medicum

If you’ve ever seen the bone chilling German horror film Anatomie (2000), you know just how fun playing Doctor can be. I was so inspired by this cinematic masterpiece, I decided to fuck up a bitch to honor it. For the surgical suture I had planned, my thread was chosen carefully. Black, strong, medical-grade sewing thread. I was going to disinfect it but decided against it. Dipping it in alcohol would prevent infection during a real surgery…but this was just an innocent game…make-believe play.

I belted my torture pet in and strapped her to the gurney while the chloroform was still swimming in her nostrils. The girl was precious: raven black hair, long and braided evenly on both sides. Unmarred, tanned skin without markings or blemishes. I couldn’t wait to spill her blood and ruin her holes as an outlet for my never-ending rage. I wanted to split her very being open and pull out her organs, fondle her heart & twist her own digestive track around her neck like a pretty little scarf. Take her apart from the inside out and sew her back up again.

She was naked, bared to my sight and exposed before me. A puff of black pubic hair between her legs. Delicate, pinkish nipples and soft skin everywhere. Stretched out, spread eagle, I fingered her limbs and cackled with glee. So happy to be ruining such a beautiful creation of God’s. While I loath them entirely, I do enjoy destroying them. My hand reached for a scalpel and pressed into her sensitive flesh as I sliced through her left tit. Such a glorious spillage of fat globules and an interesting pool of a substance I can only liken to phlegm gushed out. I leant down and lapped it up like a starved animal. Tasting my victims is my favorite part of the job. She began to stir and I knew that she was waking up. Perfect. My wolfish grin was dangerous and sharp as I stared down at her. She began to moan softly as the pain hit her–that pain she’d escaped while unconscious. “Hello,” I greeted her capriciously as she blinked awake. “The two of us are gonna have a lot of fun together.”

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Sadistic phone sex Jez

I hate college towns, but they’re good for one thing: football games. No, of course, I don’t love the game. But between the drinking and crowds, it’s a paradise for a sadistic whore like me! So many ages, shapes and sizes, races, and degrees of stupidity. I was feeling particularly wicked and wanted a nice, fresh face…someone who was pretty that I could mar. She was easy to spot; she had people gathered around her; and, since she was so popular, it was going to be a challenge to get her alone. But I was up for it! I waited patiently until she stumbled to the bathroom alone.

I walked up behind her, pressed a knife in her back, and said, “If you want to live, you will do exactly what I say.” She smelled of beer and perfume. I took her back to an empty high school gym, where I had set up my toys. I tied her up and made her watch videos of prom queens and beauty pageants…as I sliced her face. I left the rest of her body alone; I just wanted to scar her face, watch the blood leak from what everyone admired. She cried, “My face…” and I chuckled, reminding her that she would never again look like the beautiful girls on the screen. I let her live but kept tabs on her as she suffered with deep depression.

One night, I left her a note that told me to meet me up on the roof of a campus building; I signed it with some of her blood that I had kept. Of course she came. I told her that she didn’t have anything worth living for and that her eyes even looked dead. I noticed cuts on her arms that I had never given her and smiled. “Why don’t you just end it?” I wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction of pushing her. I whispered evil musings in her ear, the same ones that I had told her on our first night together. Blankly, she stepped off, screamed only for a second, and made a sound like a cantaloupe on the pavement. It was one of the most beautiful sights that I had seen in a while.

Dreams of the living dead

Snuff phone sex

I was startled awake by a wonderful dream that I didn’t want to end; I’m sure some people would’ve called it “ghoulish.” My youngest sister, who’d died when she was little, was walking around…maturing as a teen but still decomposing. She took my hand and walked through various graveyards, showing me which ones were her victims and how she mutilated them. Then, she took me to the park, where she found a set of twins on a seesaw; she went over and talked to them and they followed her. I admired her choice in victims and watched smugly as my little sister led them to an abandoned factory building. It looked like she had spent years accumulating different torture devices, some that were antique and I would’ve loved to have! She allowed me to choose one of the twins and then the fun began. We took turns torturing our innocents, as if we were playing a board game. We laughed as we slung bats with spikes in the girls’ legs, tore at the girl’s flesh with our teeth, and gouged out their eyes. We were having so much fun that we were delaying their deaths; but, of course, we couldn’t resist for too long. She strangled hers, pressing her hands tightly around the small larynx until it was crushed. I always prefer the bloodier route: I cut her in half, from head to torso. I thought it was fitting to make her a twin of herself as if in some sort of twisted irony. We sat in the pool of blood and held hands…and I finally knew that she had never left me!