I have no clue what day of the week it is, you keep my in my cell, away from the world. But today, you came to me and told me it was Sunday, and that it was time for worship. Sunday worship? You? My head was cloudy from starvation and loss of blood, but even still its clear you are not a religious man. You are known to me as only a monster. An evil monster with a lustful taste for blood and cruelty. But who am I to question anything you want? I am a piece of shit, a captive in your dream and my nightmare. I try to speak, to ask, but my tongue has long since been removed – I don’t know how I keep forgetting. And you still get joy out of watching me try to speak. It was my punishment for being a snuff phone sex girl. You tracked me down, and decided to make me your own. I would never speak of snuff again, I would only get to live it.

You grab me by my arm, whats left of it, and drag me across the floor to another side of the dungeon. The light is different here. Its lit by something blue, its almost too bright for my eyes, as they are so used to the dark and low candlelight. I cannot make out the source of the light, but it illuminates you in a way I have never seen. You are almost…. dare I even think it…. godlike. The shadows the blue light casts down on your face and your body make you look otherworldly. I look down at my own naked body, and my scars appear black instead of the usual purple. You place me on an altar of some kind, my body limp and unable to fight any longer. Laying there, naked and injured, I feel almost beautiful.
I think back to the days before you captured me. I was never happy, and I never felt beautiful. But now, beaten beyond recognition, broken bones, and drained of every human emotion, I suddenly felt desirable. You know there is no need to chain me up, but you do it anyway. I love the feel of the cold chains, and they clank together in such a unique way. Like church bells, yes, church bells. You chain my feet together and my arms spread out to my sides, chained to the alter. The blue light covers my body and I see your eyes glimmer for just a moment as you look me up and down. Then the glimmer is gone, and they are simply cold and black again.

Your cock is hard, and you tell me its time to pray. I look at you helplessly, not understanding, and not able to ask. You scream at me, “PRAY!” and I shudder, unable to move, unable to determine what you want me to do. To my horror, you grab me by the top of my hair and yank my head forward until my neck snaps and my chin is now resting on my chest. You made me bow my head, in prayer, and I am stuck in this contortion, no longer able to move my head myself. I now have a better view of you, standing over me. You reach for something beside the alter, its a hammer. And something else… what are those? Nails? They are giant nails, over 8 inches long each and you have a handful.
My eyes bulge in horror as you take the first nail and place it right inside my belly button. Without hesitation, you swing the hammer and blast the nail directly through my middle. I hear it thud into the alter as it leaves my backside. You scream at me to pray! I cannot pray, God left me long ago. Fuck him. I glare at you in defiance. Asking me to pray. What a joke. You take another nail and place it on my right nipple. Again you swing the hammer and drive the nail through me and into the alter. I cannot look away, and I cannot scream. You stare me down and growl at me to pray. How can I pray with no hope? You made me disbelieve. You took that from me a long time ago.

You take more nails, pounding each into my body, nailing me to the alter one by one. You avoid my heart, but my blood is dripping everywhere, I can hear it splattering on the floor. All the while screaming at me to pray! Then you stop. I can see you have one nail left. You place it over my left nipple, set to pierce my heart. You tell me this is my last chance to pray. I have no tears to cry, my eyes are dry as sandpaper, but I close them slowly. I shut you out. And I pray. I pray to die, and I pray with every ounce I have left. Then nothing. Silence. I open my eyes and you are gone. I am laying there nailed to the alter. But there is nail through my heart. You bastard. You fooled me again. You made me believe you were ready to snuff me, and you made me pray. Never again. You will never fool me again.