Category: Evil phone sex

Grave Digger

I woke up unable to recognize where I was. It was daylight, but I was in a room with the shades pulled. I tried to move, my muscles hurt, but I realized I was hog tied. What in the hell is going on? I struggle against the ropes, but its no use. They are wrapped around my arms and legs and I am choking on a gag of some sort in my mouth. I try not to cry, afraid I won’t be able to breathe out of my nose, but I am terrified. My heart is pounding like a rabbit thats being hunted. Little did I know, I was in a much worse position.

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The door swung open and I looked up. There you stood, naked and dirty, with sweat streaming down your body. It was cool in the room, and my mind tried to wrap itself around what could have made you sweat like that. And you were carrying a shovel… a dirty shovel. You threw it down onto the floor and it made the most horrible sound. You approached me on the bed and grabbed me by the hair and pulled me towards your hard, naked, sweaty cock. You jammed it in my face and I tried to pull away but you are so strong. “Suck it”, you growled, and I reluctantly opened my mouth, you took out the gag, and I let you ram my throat with your cock.

Your dick tasted salty from your sweat and I could smell the fresh dirt on the shovel. I started flashing back to when you had grabbed me off the side of the road – how long ago was that? I had no answers, only questions, but no way to ask them with your cock in my mouth. You pulled out and spun me into position to ram my tight pussy. You went in with no mercy and let me scream. In fact, my screaming made you pump harder, and I felt you cum deep inside me. You let go of me and went back and picked up the shovel. Then it clicked. You had been digging a grave. My grave. Those were my last thoughts as I saw the shovel being swung right towards my face…

Snuff Sex to Plant a Garden

snuff sex

       I am such a bad ass bitch. I love being able to satisfy my clients with anything that they desire. Nothing is too taboo for me. I love it all. My favorite thing is bloody gory snuff sex. I love the feeling of fresh warm blood against my pussy. I will take it coating my skin any time of day. A client of mine has a nice winey Asian that he wanted to have fun with. He loved to dismember, and I loved to help. When I arrived there was no hunting involved. She was already tied up in the basement. She was naked and covered with a fresh white sheet. My pussy throbbed and I bit my lip as he pulled back the sheet to present her to me. She was so petite and tits were super perky. He handed me a knife and nodded towards her. She started to squeal and cry. She did not speak English so I knew he more than likely purchased her from the market. I slid the knife under her delicate ribs. The smallest pop noise could barely be heard over her screaming as the knife penetrated her skin. My client was becoming super hot and began to scoop blood from her wound rubbing it over him. I started to dismember her arms cutting them from her body. I held one up and made it a fist so I could jack him with her removed hand. Blood squirted from her as I removed them coating us both in her ruby red warm girl. I sawed her legs from her. He broke out some of the inner bone and used that to fuck himself as well. When we were done I planted the limbs as additions to his rotting garden. He watered them with his seed. This was one garden that I would love to own.

mutilation phone sex

Knife Play Phone sex kills me!

Knife Play Phone Sex


      Knife play phone sex kills me and I was bleeding from my ass and cunny so badly. I was shivering with cold and  didn’t realize that this asshole was really fucking me up right now. The noose was getting tighter around my neck and I could hardly breathe. He was one that would not let up and I knew that if I didn’t fight back I would be a history. What could I do? The fantasy was for me to feel the knife and stab wounds that were in my back I just didn’t realize that it was going to happen so roughly. The fucked part of it was that I was just going to get a little smack just a little tie me over for my exams and he seemed like the perfect person to connect with. He was warm and charming and when I got loaded maybe we could fuck! I had no idea his sinister behavior would cause me to be so fucked up right now. Yes he was rough but I had seem worse on campus.

     As he pushed my head into the water and I tried to breathe as best I could I begin to think that maybe this was going to be ok. I mean he just stabbed me a little bit. What the fuck was I thinking who stabs someone a little bit? He was fucking me up that was for sure and it wasn’t over by a long shot. He was going to fuck me even worse and I knew for the sake of everything that the knife he was using wasn’t a knife at all but his cock rammed in my asshole that had been force fucking me for the last two hours. Was I going to survive I guess not but hey at least that last crank was enough right to end it all!

Torture Sex Devices

torture sex

I was alone in the basement, staring at all of the various torture devices that were all over the basement. I thought to myself which one is the one that is the worst? Floggers, although can deal a very nasty sting when felt across the belly are nothing really. Cages, in any form and shape are very uncomfortable. A great deal of torture can be given through the rungs of cages. Ass cheeks can be penetrated by force the victim can not even collapse down on their belly. ass rape pornHowever cages still are not the worst. I would have to say that neither are racks. Gags can be deadly and dangerous in most forms. Ball gags and gags that prohibit your mouth from breathing cause a heavy risk of choking on your vomit. There does not leave much room for torture when immediate death takes place. So that rules out knife play and guns. Electrical torture is just awful. When my body gets zapped into submission with something like a cattle prod the pain is unbearable. The sharp sting immediately runs over every 

bondage phone sex

part of my body and to the tips of every nerve ending. My skin at the point of impact instantly aches and is raw and sore. The next worst in the large selection of torture devices is a tilt chair and water tank. Not only the stink of water filling your chest burns. The feeling of water coming from my nose as my throat is filled with a hard cock upon surfacing hurts more than anyone could know. The best sexual torture device are ropes. Depending on the texture of the rope depends on the dominates feelings towards their submissive. Master is mad at me and my knots have been made of an awful jute rope that tears at my skin. The way he binds me to use me any way he pleases is almost sensual. He can bind more than just my wrist or breast. And the complexity and detail in his knots keep me secure and in place. I used to look forward to him when he would pull out his nylon rope, and my pussy would become wet with excitement. Now he pulls out the jute rope I live in fear of his sexual torture.

Oooh Butt-hole!!

Sadistic phone sex

Big daddy brought home some girl this week. I was surprised, shocked and jealous. Big daddy is mine, Every once in a while we fuck but our relationship is full of drugs, money and torture. So I thought he brought home a sexy little blonde for us to torture when that wasn’t the reason. Big daddy wanted Macey to himself. He told me her pussy was so tight wrapped around his cock he could nut in minutes. Not just her pussy but her ass was amazing. This blonde cunt was stealing my dick, my muscle, my torture guide. 

 2 girl phone sex

This bitch was going down. I am the queen mother fucking b in this house. Her tight cunt and ass is what he is falling for, Ill blow that bitches cunt out! Since she likes to get fucked up I figured Id give her some extra to fuck with her. She started moaning and fell asleep on the couch. I got her all tied up and started to play with her Blonde cunt! She did have a very tight pussy, even tasted so sweet! I stretched her cunt and ass hole open and now I’m able to shove what ever I want deep into her lose holes!!!

Bondage phone sex

Killer Phone Sex Road Rage

     killer phone sex

          Seriously saw the most ignorant thing today and thought I should take care of it myself. This stupid bitch was in her car on her fucking phone blabbing her mouth like a dumb slut. Blah, Blah Blah. I was in the lane ext to her and in front of us was this guy on a bike. This stupid bitch seriously tapped him in the back with her fucking car. I was so pissed, he was so pissed and she wanted to act like it was everyone’s fault in the world except for hers. She even had the nerve to rise up her ugly ass middle finger and flick him off. He started coming at her with a sledge hammer that was for some reason attached to the side of his bike but decided not to. Fuck that, that dumb cunt was about to get it. I stayed next to her till we got nice and deep in the ghetto. This was the perfect are cause around here people did not see sht no matter how much you questioned them. With a quick cut of my wheel I ran that dumb bitch off the road and into the corner of a building. I looked around to see if anyone was nearby and once I realized we were alone I walked up next to her.
         She was sitting in the driver’s seat. Her was busted and nose bleeding. She was groggy and looked up at me. I reached inside the car and grabbed her by her nappy weave opening the door with the other hand. She babbled and snorted as I drug her out of the car. I pulled her along the asphalt towards my car. She fought me trying to pull my hands free. She kicked and screamed but that nigger whore was on her way to my trunk where I was going to do that bitch in. She screamed loud kicking against the trunk

knife play phone sex

trying to escape, we left her piece of shit car crashed into the building. I would come back when I was done with her ad light it up in flames. The cunt was too loud so I knew I would not make it to the warehouse district. I decided to just pick one of the many abandoned buildings and cut that bitch up in there. When I arrived to a whole block of condemned place I knew this would be the spot I wanted. I opened up the trunk giving her a good wack with my retractable night stick across her head. She seemed heavier passed out but I got her in the house and tied her to some support beams exposed by their rotting walls.
        It was not too long till the bitch woke up. She was boo hooing about how she did not know what the fuck she did. That was the problem I guess. I asked her what her name was and she informed me that it was Layla. I asked Layla the idiot savant where the fuck she got her license. I did not get a replay just more crying. I did not like that; I grabbed her up by the throat and pulled the knife out that was tucked in to the back of my jeans. I tore it though her shirt. She begged me not to kill her. I cut off her breast and through them down to the floor. She started to go into shock as blood covered the front of her body. She whimpered and I shoved my knife up her bald wet nigger pussy. She whimpered as blood flowed down all over the floor. She whimpered and begged me to stop. I couldn’t do that, no one eeded this dumb bitch on the streets. I stabbed into her gut with my knife. It went in smoothly and with even force. I laughed as she coughed up blood. I left her there dying and went back to the car grabbing a can of gasoline. I coated her body and torched it and then left going to torch the vehicle as well. Burn mother fucker, burn.

2 girl phone sex

Wanna play with me tonight?

2 girl phone sexIt’s not easy finding a girl who loves receiving and giving all the taboo torture you can think about…luckily you found me. Imagine the pleasure you will get out of watching the life slowly drain from my body, feel my pussy explode all over your cock shoved deep inside of me…only to stop right before it’s too late. I love that shit, and I want more. Surprised? Hmm, let me show you how into this I really am…we just need a dumb, pathetic girl…I’ve got one in mind.  It’s not that hard to pick one up these days either, so when I bring home this innocent looking bitch, its play time. Lacey claims to be so holy, she claims to be so innocent; this fucking cunt even claimed she was a virgin. I don’t believe this whore a bit, and she deserves the ultimate torture that we can deliver. I love when they beg and plead, struggle, cry and scream. It only turns me on more when those bitches cry as they slurp up all my wet juices. She will be degraded; humiliated and forced to feel pain she has never before experienced. And I will make that stupid whore tell us how much she loves it and how she wants to be punished…and oh she will. This is turning me on so much…watching the blood trickle all over her, dirt and cum on her face and in her hair… oh this skank wasn’t lying she really WAS a virgin…past tense now. It was great watching her take her first cock, she bled so much and we made her suck his cock clean of this nasty bitch’s blood. Just wait for the grand finale…when she cums as she watches her life flash before her no longer innocent eyes. But for now, I will play, I will torture, and I will continue to inflict pain until she begs for it all to end…just like they always do. Wanna play with me tonight? 

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Knife play phone sex with Terry

Knife play phone sex

Want to know what my favorite weapon of choice is? I bet that you will never guess. Let me give you a him, It is long and sharp and makes all of my kills super personal. A Knife. I love the personal feeling I get when I get close enough to sling it across your throat. I love that I have to be close enough and will always feel the warm splatter of your sweet blood coating every inch of my face. The fine detail that I can execute with a knife can also brings me so much happiness. When I splice open a nut sac to remove a ball before shoving it into your face hole it makes my pretty pussy throb with joy. After you are nice and dead I will take the handle of my blade and rub it against my clitty. Sometimes I will lay under your water fall of blood and insert that knife into myself jacking me till I cum with perfection all over the floor.

Home Invasion Phone Sex Fun

Home Invasion Phone Sex

I have always had this fantasy where I want to break into someone’s house while they are sleeping and sneak into their little brats room. I want to take their little socks and shove them into their mouth and tie their face up with their favorite blanky. They will realize I am in there and start trying to scream while their parents sleep snug in their own bed believing you’re in your own dream land. I cannot wait to listen to the news the next day. “Poor little soul is found dead in her bed this morning after an apparent knife rape to her precious ass hole. Her parents said they did not hear anything as they slept in the next room.” Some fucking parents they are, fucking idiot cock suckers. You would think that you would want to keep a better eye on the little bitch that she wasn’t have unprotected sex with my knifey when she was supposed to be sleeping. Slut

Snuff phone sex with Morticia

Sadistic phone sex

It had to be that night. It had to be at 3:17 am.

She had to be 8 months pregnant.

She had to be tortured for 6 weeks, 6 days, and 6 hours.

The timing needed to be perfect.

I loved watching her big belly contract as I beat her, fucked her and cut her.

After the first 30 minutes of her screaming I had to rub my cunt.

I was so wet that my pussy juice was running down my thighs.

I fucked myself until I squirted all over the pregnant bitch.

 Torture phone sex

I left her there covered in my cum, tied up and in pain.

I heard her screaming later that night, She said she needed a drink.

Lucky for her I needed to piss.

I climbed up on the bars and pissed over her face.

I was so excited to keep hurting her.

It felt like time passed so fast for us.

It was time to light the fire.

I was so excited to watch her burn.

That little demon inside her is going to boil.

He is going to taste like a yummy tender steak!!

Taboo phone sex