Category: Evil phone sex

Bloody Mud

I am a dirty fuckpig whore that enjoys my pain served with lots of blood. I want to be cut and stuck and sliced to within an inch of my life. I am so tired of men telling me I am beautiful and trying to be so kind and gentle – I need a real man who has no problem leaving his marks on my body and showing me what pain can really feel like. I want you to start with my nipples and then move to my worthless cunt. Use your blades, sharp or dull, I don’t care. I have to feel the pressure of the cutting or my pussy will not throb for you.

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I always love the camera to be rolling so that we can watch it back and watch my blood spill onto the dirt. I love how you shove my face in it until my mouth is full of that copper taste mixed into bloody mud. You choosing different knives to make slices through my perfect skin – ruining it forever. Those are the scars that I can trace with my red nails and remember forever. So much better than the flowers and gifts the other losers try to give me.

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My favorite is the smile scar on my neck – you gave it to me last year as a reminder of how close to the edge you will take me. I bled until my vision became starry and then went black. I remember being almost sad when I woke up, sad to still be alive as the pathetic pain slut I had become. But you were there and still playing with my body with your knives. Collecting my blood so that you can infuse it back into me and play longer. I am feeling that scar now, so big and long, and ear to ear. There is nothing quite like the feeling of death. Next time I am hoping you let me have it all.

We are the perfect team

accomplice phone sexStorm and I are always the perfect accomplice team to serve whatever our most recent caller wants for the evening…there really is not much we love more than accomplice phone sex. We will do anything to please you and Storm is a mean bitch, and she has absolutely no standards to getting what you want…what we all want. You can tell me exactly what you want and we will find her for you and we can then go to whatever lengths you desire to please those secret desires of yours. We will probably have to get her to you forcefully…that’s no problem right? Storm and I can handle that weak bitch. We might have smacked her around a couple times before we get her to you, but don’t worry this little brat is unharmed. I’m wet with excitement and anticipation. What are we going to do? I see the lust and power in Storm’s eyes as she looks back and forth from you and this pathetic girl we have brought you tonight. Don’t you just love to hear her beg and cry? I am not sure if Storm does though, she looks like she is waiting for some action…Go ahead  now…destroy this girl…we would love to help. I will hold her down while you torment this little brat; Storm will be right there with her brand new razor blades ready. We want to watch you shove your cock deep inside her as she struggles to escape, and we love to see her eyes wide with fear as I cut her little by little just to see her squirm. But when she is scared we know her already tight pussy is tightening around your hard cock shoved deep inside of her… and we know you’re going to cum soon. Oh yes, look at what we helped you do… Now let us lick that up for you…

Goth Teen Phone Sex To Die For

Goth teen phone sex

I learned young that this world was a dark place and that no one was going to make it better but myself. I sat and dwelled in the world that was darkness for many years till I found my friend, blood. Something about it and how it bonded with my vamperic like soul made me long for its sweet release. I loved torturing others, it reflected the pain I felt inside for every moment of my life until that very moment. It was beautiful watching death come into someone body. The look in their eyes as their soul voided into the dark space made me long for to be the goth teen phone sex slut that would let others experience the art of death I was gifted with. Both sides in my evil phone sex are vitally important. My clients provide me the scenario in which I need to work my canvas of death. My victim provides me with their expression, their longing to live, their fight. I can work out everything in my murder phone sex fantasies that my client asks for, but my reaction to my pain that I place upon my canvas is something that will never be able to be scripted. The raw mutilation of their bodies and the way the blood chooses it path is something that is rarely predictable. My ears long to hear my dark canvas of death scream into them. Most of all my skin aches when not coated with the sweet blood of my dead victims. It fills my black heart when I hear the music of their death rattle, the last attempt of their lungs to save their souls. I will never stop killing, and I will never stop bathing my body in the blood of my dad canvas. A true artist in the world of darkness.

evil phone sex

Venus’s Backyard BBQ Secrets

accomplice phone sex kinfe playThis is my favorite time of the year. Why? Because it’s BBQ season. I spend the winter capturing fine specimens that I cage and feed, so I may feast on them in May, national BBQ month. You have not had  truly down home cooking  until you have attended one of my backyard barbecues, which I have daily in May for very special guests. I serve only the finest meat around. The key to a good barbecue is preparation and patience. I have many recipes and I like to share my secrets.

On today’s menu. Pineapple Penny Pig Roast. First, you need a stupid drunk coed who can’t find her way home. Luckily, they are everywhere. Then you need to have  a doctor check her out, make sure she is healthy, in good shape, free from disease. More often than not you will need to fatten her up. Why do young girls think they can live on carrots and beer? I am fond of high caloric protein shakes daily for months. Can easily add 25 yummy pounds to any pig. A key component to preparation is restoring the body back to its natural state. Cut out silicon breasts. Remove the chemicals and dyes from hair.  Bathe pig daily in a sugar scrub to sweeten and soften her skin. Takes time to prepare a pig for a BBQ, so be patient.

cannibaism phone sex killer sex A few days before the BBQ, the entire pig must be marinated or brined  or certain parts will taste rather bland. I am particularly fond of brining.  A nice apple cider brine enhances pork’s natural flavor. To add even more flavor, you can add an abundance of herbs, onions, pineapple, oranges even hot peppers to the brine solution. I brine my pigs for at least 24 hour. My entire house smells delicious right now. I spent last night injecting the thickest parts of Penny’s meat like the rump and the thighs with my brine solution to insure my guests get flavored meat on more than just the surface cuts. Even the deepest cuts of flesh will taste yummy if you follow my suggestions. Some guests just love to devour flavor infused internal organs, so do not just baste the outside. Make sure you inject the brine or marinade into the thickest parts of meat for the best all around flavoring.

I take pride in my BBQ meat. I don’t just slap some meat on a stick and call it a day. Once my piggy is brined or marinated well, I pay careful attention to trussing. Proper trussing of the  pig to the rotisserie spit is the key to perfectly cooked meat.  My pigs are fairly large, so the spit needs to go between the thighs, along the inside of the body, just under the spine and out through the mouth. Since the spit is not impaling the meat down the center, it is not necessarily secured to the spit. To prevent flesh from falling off the bone into the fire, heavy duty kitchen twine can be used to secure the spine to the spit about every  6 inches along the length of the meat. The hips, thighs and legs should be trussed securely to hold them tight against each other and the spit. Repeat this procedure for the head and shoulders. Wiggle room in your pig is bad. You want the body to be one with the spit, so when turning it over the open flame, all the flesh cooks evenly.

killer phone sex cannibal pornYou cannot rush the cooking of your pig. I am fond of an open fire pit, about 250 degrees, slowly turning for about 24 hours so the skin does not burn or become too tough to chew. For the best results, your pig should be alive while turning her on the rotisserie spit. It’s bonus for you to hear the life cooked out of your pig. Nothing gets me wetter than hearing flesh crackle. and spit while the pig screams in pain. Once your pig is cooked, served it up with some beans and corn bread and you have yourself a yummy backyard BBQ.

Are you a fan of fresh BBQ? Perhaps we can exchange recipes, tricks of the trade, hunting tips…. Maybe we can even have a pig roast together? I find cooking together a sexy bonding experience.

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Snuff phone sex and underground snuff porn

snuff phone sexI know you call me for all your snuff phone sex, but you know you can always call me for that underground snuff porn you’ve been meaning to make, right? Maybe you didn’t know, but now you have no excuse not to call me and get all that out. Let me tell you about a little adventure a regular and I had the other day! We went to the local school were we scoped out our latest victim. We definitely needed a little virgin! It wasn’t hard to spot her; she was all alone with blonde hair like me…her body still growing. How cute! Oh she has no idea what is coming her way, and thinking that as I watch her is making me so wet already. I easily approached her; I look incredibly young when I try…! We became buddies oh so quickly – silly girl, so very unsuspecting. I will get her into my car, she will think we are going to my house, but she will be very confused when I take her dumbass into the middle of nowhere! And he will be there waiting with all the tools we need… rope, knives, and of course that hard waiting cock. “Surprise!” I will laugh as I push her to the ground, my knife in one hand, and the ropes in the other. We’re hungry for blood and he will start raping her virgin pussy, and this little bitch, well she must have liked the pain because I just kept cutting her and she kept struggling and begging. She has no idea how much we like it… how much it turns us on to see her tears and blood mix. Once he was done destroying her not so virgin pussy it’s time to say bye bye to the little brat. And I always like to snuff a bitch out in nice and bloody way…

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Bloody Phone sex for Borrowed Cunt Taylor

bloody phone sex

A client of mine wanted to get this bitch Taylor. The problem with Taylor is that she was someone else’s nasty little rape toy and he was only will for us to have her on loan. We could fuck her up real good, but we were not allowed to kill the dumb bitch. It was whatever though, as soon as she walked in, whimpering like a little bitch I gagged her and hog tied that little cunt so that she could not move at all. Throwing her into his chair I unrolled my knife’s right in eye shot. I wanted her to see that I was examining them closely for which one was going to look better against her skin.
I bought it towards her and slid up under her garter. She whimpered holding her eyes closed and turning away. That really pissed me off, I nicked her thin skin and got up grabbing my duct tape. I brought it over to the stupid twat and taped her eye balls open. I wanted her to watch me fuck her up.

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My client was paying a lot of money just to watch her bleed. I grabbed her eye lid in between my fingers and taped them back to her face. I tapped the bottom ones open too. Taylor started to squirm her head around whimpering past her gag like a good little fuck slut.
My client came up close to her and began to ass rape Taylor. I laughed as she cried. I lay under her, cutting her up. I slit up those tits of her and dragged my knife from her useless cunt all the way up her body. She kept trying to get free as I held her up with one hand. I told her I am sure her master would not miss an ear, or possibly an eyeball. She screamed so loud. This bitch was for sure that Master of screaming past a good ol’ ball gag. At the end my client fucked Taylor’s face so good that she puked up his cock. One her filled her throat hole we made her eat it up before returning her. She cried asking us to just let her free and say she escaped. What a dumb little piggy.

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Babysitter Phone Sex Massacre

Babysitter phone sex massacre is going to be streaming live tonight mother fuckers! Parents won’t even get to leave this time, nope tonight’s episode will feature the parents bound and gagged and forced to watch what will unfold before them. I love my new electric carving knife and I think it’s the perfect tool for tonight. 

First I will pull the parents to the front room and get the twin slut offspring stripped. I will have my gang of big black cocked men come in five insanely hung black guys ready to rip into some sweet pink pussy. That virginal fruit getting violated by huge cock, what a bloody mess it will be! These guys play rough and will force them to take their massive man meat. 

Once the guys take advantage of the slut I will approach them and stab my stiletto into their chest cavities a few times until blood spews. Knowing their chest bone is broken and they bleed out I treat them like dumb chickens and skin them. Right in front of mommy and daddy their sweet darling twins are basted and baked.

My carving knife is coming in handy as I carve the sweet flesh to feed to their parents. Enjoy your daughters as we have enjoyed them.

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Accomplice phone sex

Roleplay phone sex

We warned you. Told you that you were going to be so addicted that you would never be able to stop. Highly inappropriate addiction at that. It certainly isn’t grown women that make that cock hard, is it? So, here you are, parked in your car. What is it that you are looking at? They certainly aren’t very tall. Don’t you love the way the mommies are all so wrapped up in their phones, tablets, readers, etc? Leaves a whole lot of opportunity for someone like you.

Sitting there in your car. Oh look, that cock is rock hard you pervert. Looking at them in their swimming suits; others in their skirts and short tops. Certainly don’t leave much to the imagination anymore do they, perv? The question is, is this where it’s going to stop? Come on, say yes, try to convince yourself that this is just as far as you sick, pathetic self is going to go.

How far will you go this time? Will you stop or make her see angels? 

Evil Yet Soothing Therapy

rape phone sex fantasies karmaHe comes to me wrought with desire. Our needs are in sync as always. The straight lines of the young body not yet developed and so innocent. We feel the desire burning inside of us to touch them. The admiration so deep that we are practically drooling over them. Using a calm and soothing voice I urge him to fulfill his need for soft young flesh. As soon as he touches her it is as if her flesh sears his hand and the burning desire moves up his arm and into his groin. His rape phone sex fantasies are so vivid that he can feel his dick pushing into her, stretching her, until she has completely encased his dick with in her. I cover her mouth so that she can not scream but the tears are flowing freely down her face. All the while I tell him it is OK. This is not bad it is good for all of us. I take his hand and place it on her nipple urging him to pinch and pull it while he pounds deeper into her, so close to exploding. He will plant his seed deep with in her and soon she will be swollen and ready to give us a gift that we will cherish together.

Making Her Watch

bloody phone sex angieI knew as soon as I saw them that they would be mine. Their perfectly manicured hands and feet, their expensive clothes, the way they carried themselves, all preppy and proper, their long blonde hair, laughing with out a care in the world, carbon copies of one another……their world was about to turn upside down. The sunshine is about to become darkness, the laughter screams of pain and that blonde hair will be matted with clumps of congealed blood and chunks of flesh. Watching and waiting while imagining the scene my cunt pumps out juice with every evil and twisted thought in my head. The daughter looks good enough to eat. But I know that if I allow fear to pump adrenaline through her, the meat will be tainted. Decisions, decisions, should I enjoy making them watch each other be tortured or should I enjoy the terror in the mother as I butcher her daughter and make her share the feast  before sending her to her own living hell? Both sound like a wonderful way to spend an afternoon and both ideas please me greatly. It looks like the perfect moment to grab them I will decide once I have them secured in my basement.