I left the party early, so pissed at my boyfriend. It wasn’t the first time I’d caught him cheating, but it would be the last. I’d discovered him fucking a skinny redhead with no tits behind the barn at the cook-out. Listening to his moans as he fucked her from behind still rang in my ears as I took off down the road.
I ran for half a mile before I slowed down. My breath was coming in gasps and wheezes. I had left my damn inhaler in that jerk’s car along with my phone. There was no way I was accepting an apology tonight. I saw headlights coming and I prayed it was a kind soul who would take me home, and not some perv from the party sent to retrieve me.
The sexy Corvette pulled up beside me. I heard a sexy drawl say, “Hey sweetheart. You need a ride?’ I looked inside and there was this dark and handsome man. He was well dressed and seemed well off. Surely, it would be safe to ride with him. “Yes, please, sir.” I whispered, my asthma still making me breathless. I eased into the luxury car.
We had gone several miles when he spoke. “Have you learned your lesson, Chelsea?” I was shocked. How did he know my name? “What do you mean, sir?” I stuttered. “Poor girl.” he laughed. We drove some more and suddenly, POOF, I was standing on the shoulder again.
I walked for a while wishing I had my phone. It was dark and creepy and the moon was full. I saw headlights. A car pulled over and an old man offered me a ride. He looked harmless. I jumped in without a second thought. I wasn’t paying much attention to the grandfatherly driver as I pondered my evening.
Suddenly, he veered off the road unto a dark path. The canopy of trees made a perfect tunnel and even the moonlight was gone. He stopped and turned to me. “Take off your clothes, little girl.” I shook my head and his fist shot out, busting me in the mouth. He had his cock out already and it looked huge and menacing in the darkness. He came around to the passenger door and pulled me out into the damp night. I felt his claws grab my arm, twisting as he spun me around and threw me face down on the car hood. I fought back, kicking and biting, but he just pounded my head into the hood of the ancient car.
I felt him fumbling to penetrate me and I felt his giant cock sink home. I screamed as I was not wet and he tore my flesh. He pulled out and scooped some of the blood from my busted head onto his cock to lube it. Then he rammed back into me again, grunting, and ranting about pretty girls using men.
The more I struggled, the harder he fucked my little girl pussy. I could hear him growling and I knew he was ready to dump a load of nasty old man cum into my pussy. At that moment I saw movement in the woods. Dead people. There were fucking zombies in there. His zombies. His way to dispose of the evidence. They surrounded me as he cut off one of my tits and tossed it to them. They fell on it like rabid dogs. I was screaming as they surrounded me and began to tear me apart alive. “Eat my pussy” has never been so literal.
Right before my last breath, the Corvette man’s face came into view. “You didn’t learn your lesson, Chelsea. Never accept a ride from an old man with an innocent face. They are the evil ones. Don’t you watch the horror movies? Poor girl. Now, you’ll never get home.”
The world went back as his face faded from my vision.
Coming Soon…. Part II: I come back to seek revenge and haunt my cheating boyfriend. Can anyone say “dead fuck?” (evil laughs)
Category: Evil phone sex
The Last Ride
Taboo Phone Sex; Never Pick Up Hitchhikers!
I need it. I need it now. I need to hear the sweet screams of an entire family dying in my ears. What better way to have the taboo phone sex satisfaction then to go on a little road trip. Now, I am not going to be the one doing the driving. That is going to be the sorry bastard that is going to pick me up in his car while I am hitchhiking. I am going to dress like a super slut too! Armed with my favorite glock I set out and wait for my prey to come to me. Sure enough there he is. Driving his four door sedan, I can see the tan line on his finger from where he just removed the ring. He goes on about me not being out the alone, “hasn’t your mother ever told you not to hitchhike?” he asks of me. About that time he turns around to my gun pointed in his face. “Take me to your family now,” I demand of him. He tries to act all noble but I quickly remind him that once I blow his brains all over the windshield I will go get them anyway. I know we are in the right place when we pull up to that perfect suburban home. He pulls in the garage and walks in the house, with me standing behind him.
I scream for everyone to sit the fuck down. The picture perfect family of four takes their seats. They all cry and whine while I have daddy start tying them up and taping their mouths. I take the daughter down stairs, the dumb bitch looks familiar, I think she is from my school. I tear off her clothes and bash in her head a few times with the gun. With her arms chained up and blood rushing down over her white skin I snap a pic and message a client her price. Leaving her there passed out I head back upstairs. What to do, what to do? I ask dear old dad how come he tried to pick up a naked teen, and why he cheats on his wife. At first he does like every other idiot and denies the affairs. But after I take a meat cleaver from their knife block and chop of four fingers on his son’s hand he fesses up. He says that she never wants to have sex with him and he has urges. I asked him how come he did not just take it if he wanted to.
They all are whimpered and crying through the duct tape, and the son’s hand had blood everywhere. Quiet frankly I am getting annoyed. I pull his cock from his fly and get down on my knees. I take a knife and point it at his stupid sluts throat. I want her to watch me, watch how to please a cock. Once he is good and hard I take my knife and slice it right the fuck off. Everyone is squealing now, which does nothing but excited me further! “Your turn mommy!” I yell out extremely excited. I push the bitch back in her chair knocking her to the ground. Holding her husbands flaccid cock now removed from his body in the air I cut off her panties and shorts. I shove my hand into the cock and fuck that stupid bitch right in her cunt. She must not had been getting in from someone because her twat sucked my fist up inside her like it was a fat brat!
I laughed and looked back at the son! He was breathing heavy and his eyes kept darting around the room. First his hand, the his dads new sex change and then to the severed cock I held in my hand. I sat on the boys lap and asked him what he wanted? Did he want his moms stretched out puss, or dear old dad’s flaccid cock. When he groaned and nodded his head I knew exactly what it was he needed! I grabbed the back of his chair and my gun and drug him down the stairs. His sister was starting to come around. “You know there Junior, I think you might be onto something.” I untied his legs and let him off the chair. Pointing the gun at him I ordered his sister to suck his cock. She cried and began performing fellatio on her older sibling. After a few minuets she wiped her mouth and looked at me. “Now fuck her,” I demanded of his. The two kept sniffling and snorting and he turned and moved to her cunt. “No, tear that little bitches ass hole wide open!” She shrieked out no, but he went right at it. He fucked her till he filled up her cunt. Once I was done with the I bagged and redressed them. I am sure they thought they were going to live because they all walked outside with me quiet easy. Tying a noose around there neck I set up it up so as the branch broke they would all hang. I recorded the whole thing, even fucked my cunt to it later that night. Ahhhhh, family fun at its finest!
Souls Cry out within the Bloody Room
Alone in the bloody room with closed eyes.
Afraid to look ahead,
Afraid to look behind.
I fear that death has come for me.
My end is near.
No one hears my pleas.
So I lie here waiting, my breath abating.
My heart still beating.
Splattered in red,
that comes from me.
Evil is here.
It won’t let me be.
The knife twists deeper
and still I bleed.
And into my cunt,
he pumps his seed.
I pray to heaven
that I die tonight.
That my end is quick
and the light is bright.
Cause alone in the dark is no place to die.
Left here to rot
until my bones are dry.
Evil is near.
Her name is Natasha.
If she catches you,
the devil has gotcha.
Run for your life,
girls and boys.
Cause you are nothing to her
But pretty fuck-toys.
Taboo phone sex with Makayla
I could not fight him off, he just took me. Middle of the day and people around. They just kept walking like they did not hear me screaming. Maybe they thought he was my pimp coming after me for money. He got me to him home and threw me down the stairs. I know my ankle is broken the bone is sticking out of my skin. He walked down laughing his evil laugh. He ripped my panties off and stuck his cock inside of me. I was screaming trying to fight him off. “You like this don’t you! Your pussy is wet, you are a dirty whore.
You love it! Tell me you fucking love it!” He came inside of me as I screamed. He chained me up to a wooden pole in his basement. I am not the first one he has taken. I am not the last. I sit here on the cold floor, screaming for help. I am bleeding and watching the door at the top of the stairs. What is he going to do next? Is he going to end my life? Tell me what you would do to a druggy whore locked in your basement.
Incubus Impregnation
On my latest adventure I found an old mansion. It was neglected, everything covered in dust, smelling of musk, death and desertion. Looking at the stairway which was once so obviously grand in it’s deteriorated state sent shivers up my spine and an electricity straight to my cunt. It was deliciously eerie. I felt a presence in the air and I was drawn to this old place. I was tiered and decided to grab the blanket from my car and the basket of food and sat on the old stair case enjoying my meal. The ambiance in this old place had me horny as hell and I couldn’t help using the empty wine bottle to fuck my wet pussy on the stairs. Satiated and full my eyes fell heavy and sleep overtook me. That is when I felt the evil incubus of the manor. His spirit heavy pressing against my body, I could smell the stench of his breath close to my face and the cold chill of his member pressing into my cunt. His weight paralyzed me, not with fear, but with an exhilaration that comes from experiencing pure evil. I hope he impregnated me with his evil seed…
Bad Seed Snuff Porn: Bye Bye Mommy
As little ones, we are force fed obey your elders, respect you parents. It’s bullshit. Not all parents are created equally. Not all mothers deserve to live. My mommy dearest was a strung out welfare whore who cared more about her next fix and her next check than she did clothing and feeding her brat. I saw the Bad Seed as a wee one and it excited me that someone so young and angelic could be a murderous little brat. She was my hero.
I plotted my mother’s demise for years. Then one day the opportunity presented itself like a gift from God. She dragged me through the belly of the city late one night to score. I watched her fuck some gross old man up against a dirty alley wall for some money to give her dealer. We were in the subway and it was not very crowded. It was dark, dank and creepy. Like out of a horror movie. I saw a door past the subway car and I wandered off, hoping she would come look for me. The only folks in the station that night were hookers, johns and junkies. No one would remember seeing a little Goth girl.
I stood waiting for my cunt mother to come find me, half expecting she wouldn’t even notice me gone and thwart my evil plan. But she came yelling at me like a crazed junkie jonesing for her next fix. I stood there in the door frame refusing to come to her, until she was right next to me grabbing my arm. One shove with little hands and down went the junkie whore. As she bounced down the creepy old subway stairwell, I heard her cries. I heard her bones break. I heard her skull crush. I walked calmly down the stairs, getting aroused by the blood splatter until I saw her dead body. I took her cell phone, snapped a picture of her laying there broken, battered, bloodied and dead. My first kill memory. I took enough money to get home and left the rest.
Went back home unnoticed in the night, crawled into bed and slept like a baby knowing my worthless whore mommy was dead. Police ruled it an accident. Another dead junkie no one would miss. I went to live with my Uncle and his brats. Had a much better life. Grew up to be smart, creative and even more deadly. If you can kill your mother, you can kill anyone.
Stairway to Hell
I smiled to myself as I climbed the stairs. No one had lived here for so many years. The locals all believed it was haunted. They had no idea of the real horror here. This was where I brought my victims.
The stairs were rickety but still stable. They gave off this delicious creak that terrified the girls I kept trapped upstairs. When they heard the creak, they knew that hell had cracked open and released me, and that I was coming to inflict pain and torture upon them. Even now I heard one of them moaning as she heard me ascend the stairs.
It was time for the oldest one to die and she knew it. She wailed as I uncuffed her from the wall. Her parents believed she had run off with a drug dealer many years ago. But all along she had been here, amusing me with her pitiful squeals and begging to go home. Her back was criss-crossed with scars, one eye was gone, and her pussy showed the mutilation that I loved to inflict.
“Today is your day, sweetie. Time to go.” I purred. “Home.” she whispered through parched lips. “No, honey. Today you get to die.” I laughed. I unchained her and took her by the hand. She panicked and fought. I wasn’t ready for that reaction. She kicked me hard and ran.
“You’ll never escape.” I screamed. I heard her feet hit the stairs as she ran like a panicked doe. Then I heard the sound of her falling. Yes, the stairs got them every time. They were alive and needed fed, too. As she hit the bottom and her head cracked open, I heard the stairs sigh as they sucked in the lifeblood pouring upon the floor. They became shiny and new again, their polished hardwood shining, the rotted runners brightly carpeted. I stroked the banister and heard the stairs answer in a creaking melody.
It was time for a new victim. I had one picked out already. The daughter of the town whore whom no body would miss. She was a beauty and I hated her already. Oh, the things I had planned for her. Maybe my Master would join us this time. He loved to fuck the new ones. And the dying ones and the already dead. He didn’t discriminate.
And when I brought them through that front door, the stairs would transform once again, to become the nightmare from which no victim would escape. And they would be waiting, for a taste of the blood.
Please let me be your accomplice as we finish this sinister story. There is so much pain that needs to be shared and so many victims who deserve to die. Let us ascend the Stairs of Doom and finish the work that I’ve started.
Blood Rave
I had found myself on a Euro trip overseas with a few friends. It was amazing. Though we were still in our teens, we were considered old enough to drink and party over there. And party we did. We were hitchhiking our way through Germany when we got ourselves an invite to the craziest party around. They call it The Blood Bath.
We were all down for something different. The place was some old factory building. It looked run down on the outside, but inside it was a huge tiled room with a raised platform where the DJ stood. The music was pumping and we found ourselves caught up in the crowd.
It was a while later that things got weird. I started feeling something warm and wet falling on me and when I looked arm my arm.. there were red dots on it. At first my mind tried to make sense of it… they wouldn’t use real blood would they? But looking up I saw them in the flashing and pulsing lights. They had people hung upside down over the dance floor and others that were walking around slitting throats. This was real human blood! I tried to scream but my voice was lost in the loud music. Then I felt someone grab me.. A hand over my mouth with a cloth that smelled funny. I was making me feel dizzy as I was dragged away into darkness.. Was I going to be put up there too?
I Am Waiting
It has been some time since he has come to me for his special therapy. You see he has dark desires and fantasies that he feels are so wrong and yet they feel so right. I am his fallen angel, the one that soothes his savage beast, that leads him to his desire and whispers in his ear that it is all OK. I urge and encourage him to take her. To run his hands along the lean straight lines of her underdeveloped body. To inhale the sweet innocent sent of her flesh. To let all of his senses be consumed with the desire of his flesh. To shut out the sounds of the voices in his head that are keeping him from enjoying the one thing that satisfies every fiber of his being. I am his accomplice, his voice of reason and I give him permission to feel what he longs to feel, to take what he needs to have and to loose himself while satisfying the both of us….I miss him.
Worth Every Penny
You’re finally here and I am finally ready for you to get what you paid for. I watched you buy me from that scummy guy in the basement of that shithole. Now I am in your mansion and you gave me pretty things to wear and allowed me to shower and smell sweet for you. I lucked out – you are handsome and have a certain dark charm about you. I know I will not live through the night, but if I am going to be snuffed then I am glad it will be by a man like you.
You enjoy toying with my body and using small blades and needles to cause pain and bright red blood to drain from my nipples. You lick it off and then kiss me so that I can taste the sweetness that pumps through my veins. The pain is what I crave and you are delighted that you finally bought a girl who enjoys it. You keep telling me that I am going to die, and I just smile and say nothing. You appreciate me showing no fear.
You fuck my body slow and hard as you continue to slice my torso and arms. You do everything with exact movements and the designs of cuts look gorgeous on my tiny body. You lean down to cover yourself in my blood and it looks so gorgeous on your strong chest. I reach up and touch it with my bloody hands, leaving my prints dragging down your stomach. As you cum deep inside my tight pussy, I know the time has come for me to say goodbye. You place the blade next to my right ear and pull it to my left. I feel myself getting cold and the vision of your piercing eyes begins to fade. I hope I was worth every penny.