Daddy has me wrapped around his finger! He has me as his fuck toy, his little teen slave – his victim. And he also has me as his little accomplice that helps him lure in the other sluts to fuck. I am helpless to him anyway, so why not bring in another girl to suffer in the pain that Daddy has to inflict on me. She can take it; I think she must want it with wearing such slutty clothing in public. A girl like that has got to be taught a lesson. So as soon as I get home with her I know Daddy and his friends will do just that, they’ll be waiting for the virgin whore I plan to bring home. No one gets away with being a nasty little tease but not giving it up! Mmm nope, there is nothing that is quite like seeing Daddy give another girl a good beating and an even better fucking with my help of course!
Category: Evil phone sex
Evil Phone Sex Slut Venus: My Wicked Ways all Began with a Candy Cane
Evil phone sex stories are so fun to exchange. I talk to a lot of demented and perverted guys who love to share their wicked stories with me. Recently, in the spirit of Christmas, a caller asked me what was the kinkiest thing I ever did with a candy cane. I had a story for him. One year at Christmas time, when I was just a little school girl, I decided to get some revenge on the uncle who had molested me. He was a dirty drunk and a mean son of a bitch. I dressed up in a sexy Santa outfit and acted like I wanted his fat sweaty body on top of my young tiny body. I spiked his beer with some of my mom’s Ambien, which knocked him right the fuck out.
As he was passed out naked face down in his bed, I sodomized him with one of those big fat candy cane logs. I ended up putting a bundle of them up his ass so his sphincter would be stretched completely out. I ruined his asshole. Even took them out of his shiter for him to suck on as he was snoozing, then put them back in his ass. I took a bunch of pictures and put them all over the Internet with the meme “I’m a candy ass pervert who diddles little girls.” I thought it was funny. I exposed my Uncle for the pervert he was, ruined his marriage. But, I didn’t feel like revenge had been completely served. So I plotted a return visit. One that would make sure he never ever diddled another brat again.
He drank a shit ton before I exposed him on the Internet, but after, he was obliterated every night according to my daddy who had no idea I was the one who exposed his brother. I snuck out of the house with some rope and a big kitchen knife. I didn’t need any knock out meds this time since he was in a drunken black out stupor. I found him passed out in his own piss and vomit. Such a waste of space. I rolled him over on his back, slapped his face to wake him up enough to see me, then I castrated him. Cut his balls clear off.
That wasn’t enough for me, so I also chopped his cock off too. He didn’t deserve it. Used the bottom of a hot iron skillet to cauterize the wounds. I wanted him to live his life as a eunuch, never able to fuck or reproduce again. It was a hack job, because I was young and learning. I am more seasoned with junk removal now. For shits and giggles, I shoved candy canes up his ass again, and one inside his severed dick. I left the dick cane in the refrigerator with a Christmas card from his loving niece. I knew he would never tell anyone what I did, because that would out him to his brother as a molester of his niece and show the world he got his ass whopped by a girl in pigtails and a training bra. It was my first real attempt at revenge. Loved it. The rest is history.
Finally Got What I Wanted
I woke up cold and my head was pounding. I tried to move and met the resistance of the ropes that had me tied to the bed. I tried to scream but my throat was so sore. Had I been screaming before or was the pain from something else? I saw you coming towards me and I tried so hard to get away that the ropes began cutting into my skin. Just then I saw the knife in your hand. The blade was gleaming in the glare of the one bare bulb swinging from the ceiling.
You spoke so low I could barely hear you, but I heard you say something about cutting off my nipples. The words made my nipples hard and I felt a chill go through me. For some reason it made me think of the days when I used to beg my mom to let me get my nipples pierced. She always told me no – that it would make me a fucking whore. That just made me want them pierced more. But not like this. Despite the fear coursing through me, my pussy was also throbbing.
My tight cunt felt sore too – had you been fucking all my holes while I was tied up and passed out? I knew you were a sicko the second I saw you behind me. I remember you grabbing me and that’s it until this moment. You started sinking the knife into my right nipple and fresh red blood began spurting up into your face. Instead of turning away, you stuck your tongue out and began licking it off your lips like it was liquid sugar. I tried to scream again, but I couldn’t… instead, I came all down my thighs as you continued sawing my nipple off…..
Cock collector
I am a goth teen cunt who wants as many cocks as I can get.
I love going to truck stops and hiding in the men’s bathroom.
I go in the glory hole bathroom stall and wait.
Any man who sticks his cock in a glory hole is expecting to get his cock sucked.
I wait for those cocks to come through the hole.
I start rubbing his dick, I lick the tip of that hard cock.
I have no idea who this man is behind the wall, all I see is his feet and his cock.
He doesn’t see me.
He doesn’t see the knife in my hand.
He doesn’t know that I am going to cut his cock off.
He doesn’t know that his cock is going into my collection.
I get wet as soon as I hear him scream and I see the blood flowing off his dick.
I love virgin pussy, don’t you?
I think you know where this is going to go…you know it’s going to get real nasty and real bloody real fucking quick. I can’t waste my precious fucking time chit chatting about how this whore got here but I sure can give you details on what is going to happen to this slut. It is going to be a bloody mess, literally. I love little virgin pussy and this one is all mine! I can’t wait to pop her little cherry in the most violent way I can, a strap on and my knife are my best friend. For this poor lil girl, not so much. I’d like to say she will remember this for the rest of her life but she won’t be making it that long, with the amount of blood she is losing from me knifing that tiny cunny hard and the strap on making it wider and wider as I use her and force her to be all mine…yeah I am sure she will remember every second of this pain until she bleeds to death.
2 girl phone sex with Chelsea and Hope
You probably look at me and Hope and wonder how the fuck we ever became friends. Me, the druggie punching bag, and Hope, the high-class mistress. We first met back in college as young schoolgirls trying to make it as models and actresses. We shared an apartment and a few boyfriends. Time took its toll. Hope met some producer and ran off with him. I met some human slimeball who introduced me to the joys of blowing up my veins with drugs and having my face smashed.
I saw an ad in the paper last week looking for hot models to do a photo shoot with Santa. I figured what the fuck. Show some titty and make a few bucks. I was led to a room with another girl and a Santa. I saw a cute brunette there with full sexy cock sucking lips. I was paired up with her for the shoot and we were ordered to make Santa Claus cum tonight. I took the lead and went down on Santa, plunging his cock down my throat, and rimming his asshole. That big bulbous Rudolph-red cockhead was throbbing hard. I guess it was too damn good because old St. Nick blew me a big creamy load. I turned to the girl, planning to pass her the snowball. Just as I stuck my tongue into her mouth, our eyes met and I spewed my load of jizz all over her tits instead. “Chelsea, OMG, what are you doing here.” she squealed. I smiled and began to lick my lost load off her large breasts. “Same as you. Still trying to be a star. Let’s give them a show.” I smiled pushing her back and kissed her inner thighs. It was like old times. I felt her soft hands on my tits as I reached for her shaved pussy. We brought each other to screaming orgasms, which made Santa hard again. He decided that we should go back to his place and do a little rehearsing. Hope and I had other plans.
It was a Christmas Eve I will never forget as we relived the old days. Santa fucked us in the ass and we munched on his cock and each other’s pussies. We even did some ass rape porn and took the strap-on to the Jolly elf. He was such a pussy that we threatened to cut his balls off. Hours later, we finally collapsed with empty sacks and sore cunts. We plan to meet up soon and make some brand new memories. Care to join us for a 2 girl Santa orgy with an evil twist? HO HO HO.
Snuff Porn With My Pretty Prize
Kali is daddy’s little fuck toy and I know it. When he invited me over to play a game of poker with him and his buddies I jumped at the chance. I need a pretty little victim to star in the snuff porn that I am filming tonight and his little Kali would be perfect for the part . Watching her scurry around like a helpless little victim while they paw at her is making my cunt so fucking wet under the table. I am enjoying the abuse they are inflicting on her more then normal because I know she will be coming home with me and this will all seem like a school yard game when I am done. I wait for her to go to the kitchen to refresh drinks and make my move. Excusing myself to the bathroom I corner her in the kitchen. I propose that she help me cheat so I can win her and take her home with me. Then she won’t have to deal with all her daddy’s drunk buddies. The twinkle of hope that is clear in her eyes as she agrees to this saving grace makes me cum in my panties. If she only knew what was in store for her….this is going to be so easy. It doesn’t take long for me to clean the old coots out with her help and she is all mine. Taking her home I tell her she is going to be the star in a porn film I am making and she is squealing with delight. I put her in a cute little nightey and she lays on the bed. With one hand she pushes the panties to one side, spreading her pussy lips. The other hand is caressing a young nipple through the material as she smiles sweetly for the camera. That is when her co star walks in. Big and black with a bull whip in one hand and chains in the other. The smile fades and the punishment begins as she whimpers. A victim’s fate is always the same, resistance is futile.
I love torture sex more than anyone!
I am the meanest bitch you’ll ever meet and I love torture sex more than anyone. So you don’t want to get on my bad side, like my neighbor. I know it may seem silly but I think that stupid little disrespectful bitches need to be taught a lesson. This one in particular definitely needs one. She is a younger bitch, probably not a day over 18. She likes to park in the front two spots and parks her fucking car in a way where she takes up both. Plays her music loud and looks like a punk little slut. I can not stand girls with no respect for others, and I can not stand what a little whore she is too. I decided it was time SOMEONE taught her a lesson. She needed to learn not to fuck with me, so I was out there waiting for her when she parked. I told her I wanted to invite her over and that stupid bored little bitch was like “Okay!”… what a dumb slut. She walked right into my house where I had lots of things waiting for her, first a lil smell of this to knock her out and tie her up and prepare her for me and my friends. When she woke up she was all kinds of confused and trying to scream but she couldn’t scream thru the gag in her mouth. I would have woken her up with a cock in her mouth but she was probably going to be defiant at first and I didn’t want her biting my friend. I bet you’re dying to know what I did to those puffy nipples and that barely legal pussy, but if you want to know all of the juicy details and what a mean bitch I really was then I guess you better get to dialing…
Strangulation Phone Sex
The house is illuminated in more Christmas lights then I have ever seen in my life! It is so festive that it is sickening. Looking at all the flashing lights, images of wrapping them around her pretty little neck and squeezing until her eyes bulge out and her face turns purple brings that familiar fluttering to my stomach and the tingle between my legs is growing as the pussy juice begins to flow. The thought has barely formed when the phone rings and to my delight my caller wants to share a strangulation phone sex call. It is just the fix I need or so I think. By the end of the call my blood is boiling and all I can think about is the neighbor and her pretty little neck. As I hang up the phone I get dressed and head out of the door, In my excitement I feel like I am gliding across the lawn. Getting in is easy and as I pass the festive Christmas tree I rip a strand of lights off of it. The tree comes crashing down with a thunderous roar and can hear her footsteps over head. The blood rushing in my ears matches her hurried steps. As she rounds the corner I take her down and wrap the lights around her neck, plugging one end into the wall I look down at her fear covered face shining bright and slowly tighten the cord while my cunt explodes and releases all it’s juices.
An Evil Phone Sex Christmas with a Sadistic Bitch
Evil phone sex is what this sadistic bitch is delivering to naughty boys and girls this Christmas. Instead of Santa, I will be teaming up with Krampus to deliver some well earned torture and death to annoying brats everywhere. I am sure you know some young cunts that you would like to give your cock and maybe a knife to this holiday season? You can be my Krampus. We show up at a naughty girl or boy’s house with torture devices in your red bag instead of toys. I strap a little one down while you fuck away at an ass or cunny. I can slice off little bee sting boobies, clits, dickies and tiny balls while you fuck away in a tight hole. Blood will ooze over your cock like a warm red sea. I can get more violent with a little one too. Annoying little brats, spoiled little bitches and cock teases all deserve pain for Christmas. My sharp blade goes deep in a belly button and cuts up to the breast bone. I stick my hands into the chest cavity and pull out entrails and organs. When you fuck that little cunny or ass your cock will be visible poking in and out of him or her. She will see your cock fucking her soon to be cold pussy. He will see you fucking his dying ass. I can choke them with their intestines. I can asphyxiate them with their own internal organs. I can squeeze the life out of a beating heart with my hands. Or, I can wait till they slowly just slip away from us in agonizing pain.
The possibilities are endless on a taboo phone sex call with a sick bitch like me. I am sure you will prove to be an equally demented accomplice. Let Santa take care of the good boys and girls. We can take of the ones no one will miss much. Merry fucking Christmas.