Category: Evil phone sex

Taboo Phone Sex: Embrace Your Dark Side

My new buddy Rory was an awesome accomplice for the taboo phone sex fantasy that I had to share with him. He needed to experience a real home invasion phone sex experience. I will say that I was greatly satisfied that he didn’t pussy out on me. We had a great time and even brought a trophy back as well as a sweet treat for the gang to play with.

Entering the home we entered the parents bedroom and dragged the husband and wife from their bed. bounding their arms and feet to chairs we then went and grabbed their daughter. We positioned the three to ensure they each got a full view of the show the fun can begin. I started with the wife as the two of us forcefully took her cunt and ass. We fucked the cunt with force then I went on to take the husband as Rory continued with the wife. I fucked him hard and made sure daughter and wife witnessed as I took my bowie knife to his scrotum slicing it open followed by cutting off his penis for my trophy. Handing the knife to Rory I had him cut the wife’s breasts to bleed the bitch out.

We took the prize daughter back for the gang to have their fun with her. This was a good time indeed.


Taboo Phone Sex

Spring Fever

Domination phone sex

Winter is a hard time of year for me. I have a fetish that is hard to full fill while it is cold. The whore’s don’t work as much so I have very slim pickings. When spring hits the valley every whore is out and working. My hunting grounds are full once again. I am looking for a specific body type. I want a younger whore, one who ran away from looking to make her dreams come true in the city of sin. The whore who’s dreams were crushed and now she has to sell her body to survive. Her young body needs to be a little thick. Thick thighs and ass. I love a nice thick ass. Of course I throw money at her to get her into the car. I offer to bring her home for the night. Giving her a shower, clean clothes, warm bed and delicious food. The money makes her say yes. What she doesn’t know is that she will be my delicious dinner. 

Spring Time Killer Phone Sex Fantasies

killer phone sex fantasiesKiller phone sex fantasies anyone? Be honest with yourself. There is someone in your life you wish dead. You have come to the right place to explore them. I hate just about everyone. I wish people dead every day. Sometimes, fantasies become reality in my world. Either I take matters into my own hand because I have a low tolerance for dick heads and stupid cunts, or I am contracted out for disposal services. Why do people come to me to hide their bodies? Because I know what the fuck I am doing. Spring is the best time to hide the evidence. Human remains make great fertilizer for my garden. Folks who hunt with me always ask how I never get caught. That answer is simple. Never leave any evidence. A human body can’t be left for discovery. I hate hunting in winter because I need to find a place to keep a body on ice until the ground thaws and I can dispose of it in my fertilizer granulation machine. This machine is awesome. You shove the body in and it grinds it up, even the bones, into minuscule parts that are later sprinkled over my couple acres of land. The body can go in dead or alive. Either way its bloody fun. The smell is far less pungent than horse shit. Bonus, human fertilizer produces very nice vegetables and lovely flowers. Right now, I have a few bodies chilling in the meat freezer until the first day of Spring when they get mixed in with some coffee grounds in the fertilizer machine. I take sadistic pleasure too in serving people food that was grown in the soil of their missing loved one. So yes, this sadistic bitch can’t wait for Spring. Let’s hunt together. Let me get rid of your ex girlfriend’s body . For shits and giggles, let’s make her grieving family a carrot cake with carrots grown in her remains and deliver flowers to her grave that grew in the same manner.

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NEVER talk down to me!

snuff phone sexI did something awfully twisted…but what’s new about that? I just needed to feel the satisfaction of justice or maybe the sick satisfaction of a brutal death. The family up the street that I killed, well they just thought they were the shit. They were the perfect family and were always acting like they were better than everyone else. I hate people like that, they are the worst kind and the kind I like to see hurt. So I decided to give them what they had coming to them, I had a plan that if they had lived, they surely would have never forgotten. I waited till they had all gone to bed, night time had made it where I could sneak in undetected and I am very convincing with a gun. I broke in and tied them all up. The Mom was hysterical along with her snotty brats and the Dad just looked shocked as if he thought nothing like this would ever happen to them. I laughed as I pour the gasoline everywhere and all over them. And as walked away and lit the whole family on fire. I loved how my pussy glistened in my panties as I got soaking wet hearing their screams and cries as they burned alive. Mmm, that’s how I show someone that they’re not going to talk down to me.

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Sadistic phone sex with Morticia

I found my mother strung out once again. High as fuck after days of her beating me and letting her friends fuck me as I was tied up. This day was the day I stood up to that fucking bitch. She was so fucking high, begging me to help her. She was laying in a pile of fucking vomit. I was tired of listening to her scream my name over and over again. I kicked her in the face with my thick boot. I laughed when the bitches teeth fell out. Her mouth was bleeding as she was crying. I took the heel of my boot , placed it on her knuckles and then stepped down. Listening to her bones break as I stepped on her. Her screams made my pussy wet. I pulled my panties down and sat on her face. I told her if she wanted to live she was going to make me cum. I rode her fucking face and when she stopped eating my cunt I stabbed her in her useless pussy.


Sadistic phone sex  

Oh Bloody Day

taboo phone sex karmaThe weather matches my mood today. Cold and rainy and foul. And to top it all off I started my fucking period today. I need to release some of this fucked up energy I am feeling and I know just how to do it. He has been calling for months wanting to go out and do something. He is a pitiful little thing, pale and scrawny, the perfect one for me to take all my aggression out on. I call him up and invite him over. I can hear the delight in his voice. The joy is sickening and only serves to darken my mood even more. He arrives with flowers…bloody fucking hell. Grabbing him by the hair and throwing him to the ground i begin to let it all out. In seconds his clothes are ripped to shreds on the floor in a heap. His dick is rock hard and the sight of it adds more fuel to the fire burning inside of me. I rip the bloody tampon from my pussy and shove it in his mouth. To my surprise he happily sucks it, moaning with delight. Swatting over his face I push huge clots of blood into his mouth. He chews on them and swallows like a fucking brat eating candy. I grunge fuck that cock with my bloody cunt and he is eating it up. The more he likes it, the angrier I get and the more savage I become. Blood is everywhere, both of us covered in it. He is licking it up and sucking it off of me. Despite myself I cum all over his blood covered cock and he shoots a load inside me before sucking it all out of me.

Bloody Phone Sex

bloody phone sex angieMutilation madness…is it madness…or is it sanity of the darkest kind? I like to think that my world is the sane one while the rest of the world is on a roller coaster with blinders on. oblivious of the sadistic world they live in. My brother agrees…He is strikingly handsome and the woman swoon over him, making him the perfect accomplice. He is able to lure the most beautiful, perfect female specimens into his confidence. They get lost in the twinkle of his green eyes and the soothing sound of his rich, deep voice. We both enjoy the sound of flesh being ripped apart. The sound of horrified screams and the site of blood spattering across the floor and walls. We relish the feel of the warm liquid as it hits our bodies and drips down our flesh. Tonight we were feeling especially sadistic and evil and the sweet young thing he picked up was in for the treat of her life. She didn’t resist at all when he told her he was going to tie her down. In fact she begged him to tighten the restraints. Asking him to bring on the kink. I watched, naked in the shadows as e lived out the most violent rape fantasy I have ever seen. By the time he motioned for me to emerge from my vantage point, my cunt was already dripping wet and my adrenaline was pumping so hard I could hear the sound of my blood pumping through my veins. I grabbed a hand full of her hair so that she couldn’t turn away and watch as he began the mutilation that would end her life. He always starts with the breasts. I couldn’t wait till she took her last breath so that I could cut the ropes off, throw her lifeless body to the floor, lay in her blood and have him fuck me hard as we both relived what just happened in our mind’s eye. violent phone sex angie

Girl meat is what’s for dinner!

accomplice phone sexWell you might not wanna ask me what I did last weekend if you have a weak stomach. But for those who love the taboo, most gory and brutal things will appreciate all I did this past weekend. This guy hired me to do a special kinda job for him – he told me he could not stop craving teen meat. I knew that he couldn’t stop dreaming about that dripping cunt, the thighs on her that had little to no fat on them. She was perfect. A cute teen for dinner is what she was and he was hard as can be as we shaved her down and got her all nice and clean and ready for seasoning. Then he went and stuck his cock in her mouth as I seasoned her and based her. Covered her in veggies too. Even plugged a carrot into her ass and pussy. She was going to have a potato in her mouth when she was done! I couldn’t wait for this dinner, and my cunt dripped too when I heard her scream and her skin sizzle.

Taboo Phone Sex Babysitter of Doom

Sometimes taboo phone sex can be completely and utterly outrageous or just straight up fucking H O T!  Well one afternoon Mike called me up to see if I had any sweet young things to bring by for him. I, of course, am very skilled at getting little brats to trust and come with me. So, I paid a visit to the school when it was letting out to see who I could lure back for a play date

Taboo Phone Sex

Having a good idea of what Mike likes as far as their ages and looks is always helpful, and he always pays well so I aim to please. Mike loves the feel of those sweet young bodies riding his cock and do you blame him? But what really pushes him over the edge is the feeling of a tight ass with his dick buried in it as I strangle the little cunt. THAT will near always have him exploding, the young dead body going cold on his cock and I got the satisfaction of snuffing her. 

I called in sick to take care of her

rape phone sex fantasiesI called in sick to work cuz there was this stupid little brat I needed to take care of. Work could wait, and I didn’t know the next time I would run into this lil fuckface again. This snotty brat was waiting for the bus to come and that’s when I snatched her up. She mouthed off to me one time when I went to take my dog on a walk so I figured she needed to learn a fucking lesson. I was going to fuck up her little ass. I was screaming and spitting in her face as she cried. She whimpered when she saw my ax in the corner but I told her that was for later. I got my favorite torture device – a strap on with sharp pieces of glass and nails all over it and I couldn’t wait to force it into her wet cunny. It’s only wet with blood cuz she certainly wasn’t enjoying it! That’s okay with me, I was soaking wet and loving that this bitch was getting everything she deserved and everything she had coming to her. Looks like she is going to learn to respect her elders!