Category: Evil phone sex

Late night domination phone sex and ass pounding

domination phone sexWhoa. Make this train wreck stop. Getting fucked in the ass with an 11 inch cock was not part of my work agenda tonight!!!  It was slow at the cafe and I’d blown enough johns to cover my bills. Me and the girls were having coffee when he walked in. Talk, black, and buff, he exuded that blatant sexuality that drives women wild. The bulge in his spandex pants told the whole story. He walked right back to the condom display and deliberately dropped a box of Magnums into his bag. I approached him, asking him to pay for them. “You gotta pay, sweetheart, or I’ll get them taken out of my check. I sure aint buying no Mags if I don’t even get to see that cock that’s gonna fill it.” He flashed a gold grille and whispered, “Follow me.” Curious, I did. He was parked in the darkness at the back of the lot. I smelled the joint that he fired up and licked my lips. He handed it to me and I sucked deeply. Suddenly, that shit just hit me. Whatever it was laced with made my pussy like lava. The big nigga smiled as he spun me around, planting me facedown on his caddy. He banged my face into the hood a few times. My skirt was yanked up and I could feel his giant dick sans condom, of course, pushing urgently at my backdoor. I screamed into the darkness as he rammed my pooper, deep and hard. He laughed an evil laugh as I screamed for my god to save me. He was grunting and lifting my hips with every thrust. tearing chunks of hair from my head.  I was begging now, despite the pain, as I felt his cum bubble up in my guts. He grinned like crazy as he handed me back the stolen scum sacs. I could barely walk back into the cafe as he drove off.  Nice play, nigga. Nice play!!!

blasphemy phone sex

He Looked Right Through Me

taboo phone sex karmaI saw him across the room and my body reacted with out my permission. He was dark and brooding and his eyes had a red glow. I could feel the heat of his stare and the evil in his eyes had me excited beyond belief. I was drawn to his bad boy appearance and the way he carried himself screamed “I am dangerous” I tried to stay away from him but it was useless. By the end of the night I was in his arms and when he kissed me and bit my lip so hard he drew blood and laughed as he licked it off my mouth, I almost came on the spot. He took me home and ripped my clothes off savagely. He bit every inch of my body and drew blood every time he bit down. Looking in the mirror at all the little drops of blood, I had to run my hands over myself and smear it all over me. I knew I had met my match and couldn’t wait to get back to he bed where he would take me with out regard to anything but savage lust.

Snuff phone sex with Makayla

Snuff phone sex

I guess they saw me make my exchange and it was their plan all along to get me in to the bathroom and rob me. I start digging around in my purse to grab the goods when out of nowhere one of these little bitches grabs my hair and smashes my head against the sink. Disoriented and confused, I flailed wildly at the girl. I then felt a sharp pain in my side. I soon realized the other girl was punching me. The first girl, the redhead, smashed my head against the sink again and everything went dark.
I woke up and everything was dark. I realized my hands were zip-tied together, and I was in the trunk of a car. I had no idea what time it was, or where I was. The car came to a stop. After a few minutes I heard some muffled noises and what sounded like another car pull up. I hear the girls start yelling at someone. Shrieks begin to drown out scuffling sounds as, what I assume, is someone beating up the girls. All I can think about this whole time is Daddy. Please Daddy, I need you.

It was an interesting meal…

castration phone sexIt was an interesting meal… though to be honest it went nothing the way I imagined it would. It all started with my newest slave boy, he has been submissive for his entire life and so he was very obedient… to a degree that I have never seen before. I have had a million slaves but this one… he was very different, it was like he was a robot just ready to die if I commanded it. I decided to test him, I wanted to see just how far I could push him before he would say no… but he never said no! I told him that I wanted to cut off his cock and fry it up for our lunch and he didn’t even flinch, he just asked me if he should pull it out. He didn’t whimper or protest as I cut through his cock and when I put it in the pan to fry it up, he just smiled. He even helped me eat it… every last bite…

Who doesn’t want a home cooked meal with Ivy?

Cannibalism phone sex

The smell as you walk into the house just wraps you up in its arms and makes you feel so good doesn’t it. I love to cook. I like to think I pick out some of the best meats that you can find in this sin city. I love that you agreed to come to my place on our first date. I am excited to feed you some of the juiciest meat you will ever taste! Hopefully I can taste yours later. She has been marinating all day long in special sauce! It is a family recipe and if I told you, well I’d have to cook you and eat you! I bet you taste so fucking good.  Sit down here at the table and let me get you the best wine that will go perfectly with our meal. Its so deep it looks like blood doesn’t it. I love a dark deep wine.

Fantasy phone sex

As I walk back into the dinning room I see you have drank half that glass and it has hit you. Well hopefully this warm meal will make you feel better. You keep asking me over and over again about this delicious meat. What do I marinate it in, Where did I get it, What cut of meat is it! All these questions and I’d just rather show you.. Your eyes go wide as you follow me to the kitchen. You are a little more drunk than you thought but you don’t give a fuck as to why I am slowly taking my clothes off. I turn and kiss you as we walk through the kitchen. You closed your eyes for a moment to kiss me and you got so dizzy. You can’t keep your eyes open, you can not believe what you see. That meat was …. Didn’t I tell you i’d have to eat you once I told you my secret.. I am going to show you step by step how I prepare for date’s like these!


Taboo phone sex

Bad Babysitter

accomplice phone sex (7)

Oopsies, I did a bad, bad thing! I was just supposed to babysit, no big deal right? Except that I totally couldn’t stand this fucking brat I was watching, every sound that little bitch made was piercing and loud and so fucking obnoxious! God the little shit would NOT shut the Fuck up for two minutes at a stretch and I just simply couldn’t take it any more! I didn’t mean to actually kill her… All I wanted to do was force her to be quiet but I guess she must have suffocated in all that tape. See, once I started wrapping her head in duct tape, I couldn’t stop! I just kept wrapping until her whole head was completely covered and by the time I realized what I was doing, she was already pretty much dead. And I was really going to try to keep this one alive too! Guess I am just not cut out to be a good babysitter huh?

Friday the 13th Playtime

castration phone sexFriday the 13th. My favorite day of the year when freaks like me can run free and commit crimes. Hey, everyone expects the evil ones to be out tonight and who is more wicked than this teen torture slut? Gonna find me a nice victim, maybe some drunk who staggers off into the dark. Sex doesn’t matter. I’ll entice him with my charms, my tits, and promise of some pussy. Men are soo easy. Then it’s off to my place for some hardcore CBT and castration fun. I’ll get that dick nice n hard before I slaughter it. Makes it so much more bloody that way. I’ll flog that cock, beat it until it spurts blood before chopping it off and feeding it to the dog. No one pays attention to screams on Friday the 13th. So before you decide to go out and play tonight, say a prayer for your own soul.  Because if I am the one to find you, I will show no mercy and no amount of begging will make me spare your worthless carcass. Only the coyotes will know what happened to your body, and they will never tell.

It’s Time

torture phone sex angie1Nine months ago I bought a breeding whore. He was sick of her smart ass mouth and attitude so he sold her to me. I didn’t know the little bitch was pregnant when I bought her but I should have known. It has taken every bit of will power in me not to really fuck her up over the months. I have kept her naked and worked her from sun up to sun down. True to form her attitude and mouth have over ridden her spanky ass almost daily. Several times I have had to temper her punishment waiting for the big finish. I have watched as her belly has stretched and her tits have swollen making her nipples huge and dark brown. She is in labor as we speak. Watching her face contort in pain with each contraction is making my cunt so fucking wet. I can’t wait for the blood and afterbirth. Once that little brat gets here the real torture will begin. I have so much in store for her and her little fucking brat. her breeding days are over. In fact snuffing two for the price of one and shutting her smart ass mouth once and for all is going to be the highlight of my day. taboo phone sex angie

Forced Gangbang

rape phone sex fantasies (18)

I went to a Friday the 13th themed party last night, it was filled with all kinds of creepy stuff and everyone there was dressed up like it was Halloween, there was blood and gore everywhere. I was having so much fun but after I had been there for a little bit, everything just went hazy and dark. I don’t know exactly what happened but I guess someone must have slipped me a roofie because when I woke up I was right in the middle of a crowd of naked horny men! Somehow I ended up the star of a nasty gangbang and I was tied to the bed so there was nothing I could do about it! All my holes were stuffed full, I was bleeding and couldn’t hardly breathe there was so much cock and cum fighting their way down my throat, I really thought I was going to die! I must have passed out then because next thing I remember I was laying barely dressed on the ground in front of my apartment door. I know one thing for sure… I won’t be going to any more Friday the 13th themed parties!

Sick Ass Rape Porn Torture

ass rape pornAss rape porn starlets you would think could handle anything, right? I have had so many things shoved up my ass, I make proctologists blush. Seriously, guys love to sodomize me with fists and all sorts of things not designed for ass play. I thought there was nothing that could shock me until I met Peter, a Goth Master at a Marilyn Manson show a couple weeks ago. One of the sickest masters I have ever encountered. He stripped me naked. He beat my ass with a leather belt for hours. Not just any belt either. This one had a huge belt buckle with spikes that with every whack got embedded in my ass, making it bleed. That was just foreplay for master. Seeing my ass turn to raw hamburger meat before his eyes, just made him hard. He force fucked my ass for a good half an hour using my blood as lube before the real fun started for him.

He blind folded me so I would not know what was coming. I could never have imaged what was next. I felt a cylinder type object inserted in my ass. Plastic by the feel, wide by the pain. I heard strange noises, which freaked me a bit. Then the real fear set in as I felt live things going into my stretched out ass. Something with claws went first. Maybe a rat or mouse. It started using my asshole as a habitrail. Little claws tearing my flesh from the inside. Then nibbling started. Master giggled. I cringed in pain and fear. That was nothing to what came next. Slimly things that wiggled in my bloody gaping asshole. Worms, slugs, maggots…. not sure which, maybe a combination of all three. Master laughed harder as I puked and cried. Then suddenly, he yanked the tube out and bound my ass cheeks together so what was inside my ass had to stay there. For hours,  I was bound with creatures roaming free in my ass, eating my intestines, shitting and pissing inside me. It seemed like an eternity until Master let me shit the creatures out. I puked again. I could not believe what was coming out of my ass. I am scarred for life, physically and mentally. Think you can top Peter in the sick department?