Category: Evil phone sex

Accomplice Phone Sex Makes Me Fucking Wet

What really turns on an evil cheerleader babysitter type? Accomplice phone sex for sure! I can’t help but get really turned on in the heat of the moment when the murderess fun starts to go down. I have a weakness for inflicting pain and sorrows on others. So when I met up with this guy for drinks and he was going off about the bratty whore of an ex and what she deserved to have done to her, I was all tingly with anticipation.

I got my knife out and started caressing the blade thinking of a million uses for it with the main focus being some dumb whore. How many places to cut, carve and stab. I contemplated the insertion of such a blade into her slut gash and how much fun it would be to violate her with it. I can’t help but love to play with my knife. I was super horny and we went back to my place to fuck, The whole time I drilled him in what he wanted to do to that whore. I wanted him to fuck me with the horrific details and the finale being when we sever her head and he gets to skull fuck her in he many head holes.

Accomplice phone sex


Bloody phone sex It is Monday and it is fucking late like 4 am or some bullshit but I need to get laid. And not only do I need to get laid but I need a good beat down too. I know a few guys I can call but the one I am calling loves knife play. I am in the mood to smell and taste my own blood. My little dirty secret is I love blood especially my blood. I love the feeling of it trickling down my flesh. My cunt gets so fucking wet. Even now writing this blog I am dragging my cunt against my bed. I am going to give him a call right now I am teasing myself too much I need to fucking cum!

A Mother’s Damage

Taboo phone sex

Where does it all being? With your Mother of course.  Sigmund Freud was right about a lot of things.  A Mother’s love can be a wonderful thing, but sometimes a Mother’s love can fuck you in the head so badly you turn into one of the most deviant fucks of all time.  Aren’t Mother’s great?!?! I don’t have any cuntlings of my own.  I don’t want any either, can you imagine a little me running around? Fuck no.  I mean, I guess I could teach them how to be like me, which might be fun, but all that other bullshit that goes along with it? That’s a huge Nope.

I have a friend who we all call “Sausage”.  Is it because he has a big dick? Nope. It is the opposite in fact.  He is messed up and seriously crazy. Dude has been in mental institutions for crimes before.  He can be pretty fun to hang out with once in a while.  I met Sausage at a party, he was in the corner all alone, drinking straight from a vodka bottle.  I sat down next to him, and when he turned to look at me I could tell he was way off.  He was motherfucking creepy.  I even told him that to which he replied, “You have no idea.” Then he handed me the bottle.  I got to know him and he would tell me the many fucked up things his Mother would do to him from when he was young.  He hated her.

Once in a while he would ask me if I would show him my tits.  I would, didn’t bother me in the least.  He would sometimes suck on them, but he never did anything else.  He didn’t try to dry hump me, or rub on his tiny dick, he would just suck on them and close his eyes.  Then after a few minutes we would go back to drinking and talking.

Then the day came when he went into great detail about his Mother’s death.  Turns out Sausage killed his Mother.  It wasn’t just a quick shot to the head type of deal either.  The man took his time.  She used to bite his cock and balls when he was tiny, so the first thing he did to her was to pull out her teeth.  Had her tied up and pulled out her fucking teeth, one at a time.  Do you realize how long that would take to do that, and the strength that would involve? Then he moved to her tongue, used some sort of garden snips or something like that.  He said he shoved her own tongue up her ass. He mutilated that bitch. This went on and on, until finally he couldn’t keep her alive anymore so he tossed her at the dump.  

He told me that when he was sent to the mental hospital for killing her he was happy.  For the first time in his life he was truly happy.  The only thing he didn’t touch on her body were her tits.  He said because they were too perfect to harm.  That is why he wants to see my tits some times, because mine remind him of his Mother’s.  I don’t care of course, as long as he doesn’t end up shoving my own tongue up my own ass, everything is good.

He Made It Happen

 He was just another useless grunt at the bike shop and would not stop yapping about his need for pussy and for how much pussy he had or pussy this tits that and I was over his dumb ass. I decided to pull him into the office for the ride of his life… or is it death? Nevermind all that, just know that I gave him some fucking torture sex pussy that he would never forget. I am a sadist and as I rode that cock I beat the living hell out of him. I scratched him til he bled I fucking slapped and punched him and followed that up with some near death strangulation. I didn’t want him to live and he totally had this coming. I left this fucker to die with blood everywhere as I stabbed him as I rode his cock and made sure to really have him bleed out. It was exhilarating.

Torture Sex

Having Some Fun with Indigo

snuff porn

Everyone thinks it’s so fun to torture my sexy little teen body, but what happens when I finally get the opportunity to be the torturer?  What happens when I finally blossom into the living dead girl I have always wanted to be?  A huge thank you goes to Indigo, for showing me the murderous bitch I really am.  I had gotten myself into one of those situations again, where I was a damsel in distress.  I was cornered in an alley by some drunk man, and Indigo came from behind him with a dingy rag.  Within seconds he was laying on the ground, out like a light.  She told me she helped me because I reminded her of herself, big tits and one hell of an attitude.  She asked if I wanted to have some fun with the dirt bag, and I was so in.  I helped her drag his limp body too and from the car.  We had him in a secluded cabin in the woods.  She told me normally she likes to do the torturing herself, but this time she would settle for watching.  I chained him up spread eagle, I wanted to wait until he woke up, but Indigo really wanted to get her hand on him.  He woke up the her carving a permanent smile on to his smug face.  Watching someone else cry and scream in agony was such a turn on!  Then it was my turn.  I grabbed the dullest knife Indigo had, and began sawing off his tiny little cock.  By the time I was done with that Indigo had enough of his screaming, and ripped out his tongue with a pair of pliers.  I went around to the back, and decided that his asshole needed to be a little bigger.  It felt so good watching the knife tear through his flesh, making his ass gape wide open.  I shoved his limp, bloody, stump of a cock into his newly extended ass hole.  Indigo was kind enough to teach me how to sew, his ass shut that is.  Then we slit his throat, and fucked in his pool of blood.  Biggest orgasm I have ever had!

snuff porn

Evil Babysitting Phone Sex

babysitter phone sexI hate babysitting, but evil babysitter phone sex calls are among my favorite. Sometimes I take sitter jobs to have easy access too little sluts for friends, other times it just for my own perverse pleasure. Last night was the later. I took a gig because I hate the girl’s parents. I was checking out babysitting ads and I saw the photo of the parents. They have an older daughter; she is a bitch I went to high school with and her parents bailed her out of trouble repeatedly for her mean girl antics. This girl was likely adopted because the mother is past her prime, unless she used fertility drugs. I have a fake id for babysitting and I can transform from Goth punk to girl next door with makeup and hair dye. I sat for the angel the other night. She was a polite girl, but still a privileged princess with bitch parents and an evil older sister. She was just collateral damage.  I drugged her up and started a live stream of Anika’s Abuse.  Guys were paying me to be her BTK killer. Bind, torture, kill. A few of my favorite words. I bound her legs and her arms like one guy wanted. I fisted her ass and cunt like a few others paid to see. I wrote whore in lipstick on her face like another guy wanted. I even fucker her pussy with a Barbie doll. Anika was like a rag doll, all floppy and shit from the special cocktail I made her. She might remember some shit, but it would make no sense the next day. One guy offered me a ton of money to kill her, but that was too risky. I sexually abused the little girl and made a profit. Now, I am happy to kill a little whore with you. Just needs to be a random girl that won’t trace back to me. Killer phone sex is so much fun.

What Some Candy Little Bitch?

Taboo phone sex

So many juicy little cunts out there, so little time to fuck with them.  What is it with them and candy? How utterly stupid can you be to put yourself in danger over some fucking candy? It happens, a lot more than what you may think.  It makes for easy pickings.  The trick to it working is that you can’t look like a fucking weirdo, or creeper when offering.  Plus, you never approach, you let them come to you. I’ll give you a for instance …

I was waiting for my bus when I pulled out some hard candy.  I wasn’t thinking anything of it.  I noticed a little one with their Mother watching me.  I smiled, they smiled back.  I saw the Mom look at me and I said, “I think they want a piece of my candy.”  The Mom and I made some small talk then she let me give the little snot a piece.  Then the Mom’s phone rang, you know how people get when they are on their phones, they pay no attention. I started talking to the sticky faced shit seated next to me.  The whole time the Mom never looked back at us.  I waited for about ten minutes then I did what any self respecting twisted deviant minded woman would do.  I asked “Miss Sticky Face” if she wanted more candy.

You should of seen the look on her face.  It was pure joy, and I couldn’t wait to smash it off that tiny head of hers.  I put my hand out, she took it.  As we made our way around the corner the Mom was still on the phone, laughing.  I wondered if she would be laughing that hard when the newspapers reported finding the mangled body of her little bitch.

Babysitter Phone Sex Slut From Hell

babysitter phone sex

They were just victims of your babysitter phone sex calls. I knew just where to find my delicious rugrats to torture and fillet! I didn’t think our call would make my pussy so wet for young sweet twat. I lusted after brat blood and I couldn’t stop the craving after you told me about the slumber party at your daughters’ house with your sweet fat cunny of a granddaughter and her tiny fuck toy friends.  I had babysat for her friend and you and I  had played together with older teens before. I knew you could satisfy my pussy with blood and the horrific screams of these little. I had you meet me at the basement door and gave you the chloroform.  When I had the signal my pussy was wetting my black silk murder day panties. I ran after you with my blade out and snatched two beautiful Bebes and hauled them out to the van. Of course, you had your Granddaughter out cold and put them all in the trunk.

We made quick work at the dungeon as I invited My boy toy accomplice to join the cherry popping of fresh ripe youngins. I made sure I got to eat each little twat before and after each of you came in holes so small they ripped within seconds. I rode little faces as I stabbed each over and over. I minced the little bitches up and began my sweet and sour fillets of young flesh. So yummy eating the evidence. Of course, I left your grandebebe alive and I will keep her in a cage so You can come to finish destroying her. An evil heartless Bitch always has to have something to keep them coming back for more. I have plenty to feed her to keep her alive. I will have to disappear for a while from this town but I will leave a trail of tiny destroyed tots and women in my wake as I slaughter my way around the world.

Gangbang Rape Porn

gangbang rape pornGangbang rape porn brings me good fun money. Fun money I can spend on coke and weed. My stepson knew some guys paying top dollar for amateur porn women. I should have known that if my stepson was involved, the guys would be violent and unsavory. I think he set me up to be killed and I narrowly escaped. I went to the place he said to go. At first, they seemed like legitimate porn makers. They had film equipment and a studio. They cut me a check from a porn sounding studio. I was so high and focused on the money that I failed to notice a big read flag until I was tied up. There was no film in the camera and it was not even plugged in. By that time, I had three dicks in my holes. The were pulling my limbs too. It hurt like hell. I thought I might lose an arm. They did pull my shoulder out of the socket. The pain was awful. They treated me like a rag doll and each pulled on a limb until I was crying from the pain. I was informed that my stepson sold me to settle his drug debt. He told them they could do whatever they wanted with me. Abuse me, use me, make me a snuff porn star, it didn’t matter. They could even kill me if they wanted too. I was positive they wanted to kill me, but I convinced them to make a snuff film instead, a realistic looking one but not the real thing. I said I was worth more to them on film than dead. Money talks, even to sadists. We spent hours making a gory snuff looking movie that would make them money. I was used up and in pain, but at least I survived for another day.

Enter The Red Room

Snuff Phone Sex

Who here knows what a “Red Room” is? You don’t??? Where the fuck have you been??? Red Rooms are stuff of legend.  Way, down deep, within the Dark Web there lives some very sick motherfuckers;  I love them by the way; who set up Red Rooms.  Red Rooms are there so that you can indulge your sickest fantasies by telling those in the room what you wish for them to do with their prey of choice.  They will do anything!  The more deviant the better.  The poor little thing is bound, or chained, or hung up, or tied down, or what have you just so some very lovely people can make them hurt in so many wonderful ways.  Now these places are not just out there for anyone to find, you have to stumble across them, or be invited, and invites are very hard to come by.  However, once you are in the game begins.

The fear on the faces of the victims is almost palpable.  Wide eyed, begging, hyperventilating, sweating, pissing themselves, the fear is so tasty. You watch as piece by piece is destroyed until there is nothing left to play with.  Then comes the best part.  The Snuffing out of the prey’s little life.  Then, the screen goes black.

It is the most amazingly cunt wetting adventure someone could witness.  I know if you were there your cocks would be so rock fucking hard, wouldn’t they be my sweet?