Category: Evil phone sex

Blasphemy Sex With Satan

Blasphemy sex

Blasphemy sex awaited you the minute that you broke into my apartment. You had your hand over my mouth and were shoving your big hard cock into my tight pussy. You thought you were going to take advantage of me but you picked the wrong girl. I don’t think you understood that you were fucking with the Devil’s princess. I bit your finger that was covering my mouth as your hard throbbing cock was pumping into my pussy.

I screamed out summoning my Daddy. Out of a dark cloud of smoke Satan himself appeared. Satan took his look red tail and whipped around your body. He pulled you off of me in one firm yank. You were on the ground in front of him buck ass naked and in fear for your life. You put your hands together and started to pray to the Heavenly Father to forgive you…but it was too late you belonged to Satan now.

He walked over to you and grabbed you by the back of your head. Satan rammed his bright red cock down your throat so far that he made you throw up. He continued to make you suck his puke covered cock. Satan told you to crawl over to his princess and beg me to allow you the pleasure of eating my hot juicy cunt. I spread my legs and told you to enjoy…little did you know that he was going to come up behind you and fuck your tight puckered virgin ass until it was raw and bleeding.

You screamed out in pain as his huge red cock pounded your ass. Your screams only vibrated against my clit making the whole thing so much more pleasurable. Satan blew the biggest cum shot ever into your gapping fucked raw ass just as I screamed out in orgasmic bliss.

Accomplice phone sex

Snuffed Out by Step Sister

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Never in a million years did I imagine my sweet step sister would turn on me, and torture this tight teen slit. She just became a freshman, and I managed to get her onto the cheerleading squad. She is a very sucky cheerleader, but I have been trying to help her. This year our squad was chosen to go to a very big cheer competition, and everyone is working their asses off to make sure we win. As captain I have to make some tough decisions, and I truly felt that she was holding the squad back because of he incompetence. When we got home from school I pulled her into the kitchen to let her know it was nothing personal but the squad just really wanted to win that competition, and we were not going to be able to do that with her still cheering with us. Surprisingly she reacted very well, and even offered me a drink! Well I drank more than I probably should have, and I got very light headed. I went up to lay down, but never made it passed the living room. I remember seeing her face laughing at me, and telling me she was the captain not. I remember her slicing my clothes of, and cutting my skin while she cut. I remember her rubbing the blood on my pussy and nipples, and telling me she was going to snuff out all of her problems, starting with me. She fucked me with a drill, shredding my tight wet teen pussy, and then she slit my throat. She left me on the couch to die, to bleed to death naked, intoxicated, and possibly drugged, and all because I kicked her off of the cheer squad. I tried to scream for help, but it just made the blood gush even more. So, I gave up fighting, and the world went dark.

We tried something new

taboo phone sexWe were bored as fuck last night and even tho we had our victims right there on the floor in front of us, we just hated the idea of killing them the same old boring ways. We didn’t want to stab them or strangle them and we had definitely already fucked them so they were just kinda laying on the floor all curled up and crying. Suddenly tho, inspiration struck me! I told my lover that I had a wonderful idea, lets use the new box! We had a special box built, it was just big enough to fit a person sitting cross legged but not big enough to stretch out. Just the right size to make you claustrophobic as fuck, you would really feel it closing in on you. It is escape proof once we put you in there you aren’t going anywhere until you are dead. That was where we dumped those stupid whores, we threw  them both in there and closed the lid. They were screaming and scared of the dark but they really got fucked up when we opened a secret trap door and threw in a bunch of rats snakes and all kinds of creepy crawlies. They about lost their fucking minds then! We let the critters do all the killing we just fucked on the box while those whores cried, it was a great night!


Violent phone sexI woke up tied to a dirty blood stained mattress. There was 16 men standing around the mattress wearing masks with their cocks out. I tried to scream, but that’s when I realized my mouth was duct taped shut. I tried to squirm and get up, but the restraints only cut into my ankles and my wrists, slicing them open and burning as they bled. Seeing me struggle only seemed to get all the men more erect. That’s when you came over to me, with a syringe in your hand, you shot some sort of drug into my vein on the inside of my arm. I immediately felt out of my head and high. I could no longer move, just watch and listen. One by one, each of the strange masked men knelt on the nasty cum and blood covered mattress, where multiple abducted women had been before me, and they force fucked my pussy and asshole. No matter where they fucked me, you instructed them to cum in my cunt so that I would get pregnant. That’s when I heard the long term plan you had for me. Get me knocked up, high, and breed my cunt and make young ones for you and your friends to torture.

Snuff Porn Dreams

I touched my little cunt while thinking about him shredding my whole body with nothing but his hand. I grew up on horror movies because they were like porn for daddy, and my favorite was about a man with knives for fingers. He would come into your dreams, and mutilate and murder you. The idea of this excited me, being the little snuff doll I am, and I would have so many fantasies about becoming his victim. One night after waking up from a dream where he snuffed me out I was just so wet I had to finger my bald little slit. Well, daddy walked in on me, and demanded to know what I had been fantasizing about. Guiltily I admit that I always wanted to be snuffed out by the man in the movie, and oddly enough daddy left without a word. The next night I had the same kind of dream, and again I was walked in on. However, this time it was hard to tell that it was daddy. He was wearing the full costume of the man in the movie, as well as a glove with sharpened knives for fingers. Using his other hand he removed my fingers from my pussy, and replaced them with one of his knife fingers. The cold metal and the sting of the cut felt so fucking good I could have orgasmed right there. He cut up my cunt and shoved a knife finger into my ass hole as well. He rapidly moved his knife fingers in and out of me, mutilating my tight teen holes. When I came on his knives he took them out, and decided to make a new hole for him to fuck. He sliced open my stomach, and fucked my freshly made hole. I bled to death, and the last thing I felt was him cumming in my stomach. 

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Bloody Phone Sex Sacrifice

bloody phone sexBloody phone sex makes my cunt wet. Red is my favorite color. Blood is my favorite taste. I practice witchcraft. I come from a long line of deviant witches. I am no Charmed witch, however. I am more the burned at the stake kind of witch. I have a ritual every full moon. I kidnap a young teen slut. The cock teasing thinks her shit don’t think kind of hot teen slut.  The kind of young slut you would die to fuck. Melissa was my latest victim of my blood ritual. I spotted her at the mall being a mean girl. Cock teasing dirty old men, shop lifting from stores, acting like a total bitch. The world will be better without her. I lured her away from her bitch pack with the promise of a role in a horror film. I have a kill shack off the beaten path for my sacrifices. In the basement is where I hone my craft and sacrifice girls to my Pagan Gods. I bathed her, so she would smell fresh and clean, not like some teen whore mall rat. She hung above me naked. I drank some wine, masturbated and had some blasphemy sex with Satan while I taunted her. My long blade next to me teased her flesh. I could smell her fear; I could hear her cries. She knew this was no movie role. She knew she was going to die. I assured her that since she was a blood sacrifice for Satan and his Pagan gods, she would be reborn in hell for eternity. After my ritual chants were complete, I sunk into the tub beneath her, reached my long blade out and sliced her clear down the middle of her young body. I gutted her like a pig. Her blood and entrails fell over me like a tidal wave. I came masturbating in her blood while watching the life go out of her. Hail Satan. Thank you for the gift of this once vibrant hot teen slut.


Taboo phone sex

I could hear you in there with them.  Those little voices just begging to be set free.  We would eventually set them free but not in the way they were thinking.  I heard a loud slap, then whimpering as you disciplined them.  You see, they didn’t know that I can hear everything they say when they think we are not around.  The things that were said, tisk tisk.  Such language coming from those little mouths.  Terrible.  I would let them know that there is a hole in the wall under one of the strips of wall paper, but why spoil the fun?

When you came by I told you all about what I had heard.  They couldn’t hear us of course because I could always just replace the opening with the piece of wall that is missing.  Just pop it back in and Bob’s Your Uncle.  You were getting mad, I was glad you were.  I wanted you as pissed off as you could get.  This was your time to show me what you had learned from me.  You wanted me to take  you to my side of the darkness, and I had, but now it was time for you to fly on your own little birdie.

You took your shirt off, stripped down to your boxers and went into their room.  There were three of them in there, when you opened the door I could smell them.  That is the only bad thing about keeping things … the smell.  We had to really work on that room before we began your training to make sure those smells stayed inside with them along with their screams.  Sound proofing is a must in situations like this.

I could hear the three of them scurrying around like little mice trying to get away from you.  I was watching by the hole in the wall, I knew this would be the last time we used this room for awhile so I punched through the poster.  One of them looked at me as you were twisting her neck around by her matted hair, I said, “peek a boo” and smiled.  The fear in her eyes, the pain that shown in her face was exquisite. I handed you your belt through the opening and you took to lashing all of them.

After a little while I came into join you.  The pure violence that you unleashed upon them was one of the proudest moments of my life.  The very last one was rocking in the corner, we needed to put her out of her misery.  Her mind was broken, never to be fixed.  We were saving her really.  Deep down I knew she didn’t want to go through life medicated and scared.  I held her against me as you plunged your dick into her, I wrenched her neck to the side, you were grunting away, tearing up her insides with each thrust. When you were almost there I sliced into that soft buttery flesh of her neck. You orgasmed as the spray covered your body.  You had been baptized. I smiled up at you, and you down at me.

You have learned well Jedi, now go forth and do your worst.

Fucked in the Ass

ass rape porn

I got fucked in the ass by one of the P daddy accomplices that invited me over to watch ass rape porn with him and his little daughter. We were supposed to make our own ass-rape fantasy with her and I was to help him destroy her ass! I did not know that this sadistic would be the one whose ass would be violently torn open. He had her ass in the air fucking that shit hole hard and deep already when I walked in. The hair on my arms tingled because that slutkin was enjoying daddy dick deep in her ass and this was not the plan at all. Before I could move a man in black had me knocked out and when I woke my ass was being bloodied and gaped. I wouldn’t scream I took it like the evil bitch I am. Fuck me harder I demanded. Do you think I can’t take the pain I give out! I looked my accomplice deep in the eyes as I was left bloody on the floor, I would be tearing him limb from limb and enjoying his daughters’ flesh soon. Nobody gives a shit about the ass torture I just got, I love pain! But the fucking gall of him to try to pull one on this murderess whore! I will be back for you motherfucker! 

Dental Records

Snuff pornMy pussy was being pounded relentlessly. I was walking home from school when a strange man came up behind me and violently pushed me into a dirty white van. Before a hood was put over my head, I saw 5 men in the van, with their hard cocks out, stroking themselves. My clothes were immediately ripped off of my body, exposing my big tits and my bare ass. I felt a knife to my throat, saying if I fought back, they would slit my cocksucking throat. The knife remained at my throat while I was force fucked over and over by the older strangers. I could smell alcohol on their breath when they would scream at me and call me a nasty fucking whore. They tore into my pussy, literally, I felt something rip. At one point, I’m certain there was a cock in my ass and two in my pussy at the same time. I thought that pain was bad until the bottom of the hood was raised enough to reveal my mouth and three cocks were shoved in at once. Making the corners of my mouth crack open.  Blood dribbled down my chin. You rubbed your hard fucking cock tip on the blood and shoved it back into my mouth so I could taste it. It seemed like forever that I was being torn apart by these men. When you tried to shove the fourth cock in, my teeth got in the way, so you grabbed pliers and pulled them out one by one. I suffocated on those cocks and drowned in cum. I guess now when you dump my body you don’t have to worry about them identifying me with my dental records.

Great Sadist!!

Torture sex I was at the club and bored as all fucking hell into this hot looking man walked up to me and sat down. He said he had been watching me for a while now and he has heard all the nasty kinky stories about me being a pain fucking slut. He continued to tell me what type of sadist he is and he thinks that us two could have a great fucking time together. So I followed that fucker back to his house like a horny dog in heat. I thought I would have a moment before we got started but to my delight, he punched me right in the face before I was all the way thru his door.