Things are getting interesting. I have been a good nigger whore for my master. I have been doing my best to show him he can trust me and I am dedicated to him. After all, I really do like being punished, this is something master will never know. It gives him much pleasure to think I am in pain and wishing I was dead. The rush of a good beating to my slutty nigger ass really is a sexual thrill for me. He has no idea how crazy his little slut nigger bitch really is. He thinks I am a good girl who wishes one day he would beat me so hard I actually die. He came into my room this morning telling me he thinks I do not know how hard it is to be him. The time and energy he has to spend beating his fucking cunt sluts. The amount of imagination he has to have to think of new ideas and be strong enough in the mind and body to teach his class. Master told me that I was going to be him for a day and see what it is really like. I had to keep a poker face on when the master gave me the news. He thinks this will kill me inside, my master has no idea that deep down I am a fucked up nigger bitch just waiting to get my hands on a fucking piece of fresh meat. I will do everything to her that I want to be done to myself and some. I looked at master with a scared look, trying to show him I do not want to do it. Master had a huge smile on his face and I could see a bulge forming in his pants. Yea he likes that shit. Once night came master told me to come with him in his Big black truck. He told me we are going to go out and find us a little whore to play with. I had to act like I wasn’t excited but the closer we got to our little bitch the wetter my pussy started to get. I will kidnap her and make her my little fucking nigger whore. We pulled up to a rest stop, it was dark, whatever dumb slut bitch decided to stop here and get out deserved to be taken. My master told me to get out and look in the bathroom. He told me if I find someone I need to beat the bitch tie her up and drag her back to the truck. I looked at master and hesitantly walked to the bathroom. Once I got close I could hear a girl yelling at her boyfriend over the phone. She was telling him he needs to hurry the fuck up, her car is broke down and she is stranded. It sounded like she told him she would suck his dick if he hurried. Yea this is the little black bitch I have been waiting for. I walk into the bathroom looking like I have to pee. This fucking bitch turns around and gives me a look of disgust. As soon as we made eye contact my clit started throbbing. This fucking bitch has no idea what she is about to be in for. I had the rope stuffed into my pants, I was waiting for the perfect time to jump on that black nasty slut and knock her the fuck out. To my luck she dropped her phone, as soon as she bent down I kicked the side of the black hoes head and knocked her the fuck out. An orgasmic rush went through my entire body the moment I heard her head hit the hard cold floor. I tied the bitch up real nice and tight, I saw blood oozing from the side of her head. I picked her up, and carefully walked back to the truck. Once I got close master saw me with the bitch, his eyes got wide and his mouth hung wide open. He couldn’t believe I was caring this black slut. I threw the bitch in the back of the truck and got into the front seat. Once I sat down I looked at my master. His Cock was bigger than I have ever seen it, it was sticking straight up in the air. He told me he was proud of me and then said to get my nasty nigger mouth down there and choke on his King Cock. This might be a new game my master and I play for a while. While I was gagging on my master’s cock I was thinking of all the things I am going to do to that fucking slut when we get back home. I am sure master will get her first and pass that stupid bitch down to me. I have been waiting for a moment like this for a long time, a few more hours won’t hurt.
Category: Evil phone sex
The Quick Trip
Sadistic Snuff Porn Starring Chelsea
She was sexy as fuck for my sadistic snuff porn shoot. I had hunted Chelsea for two weeks and I loved how she sucked dick for each and every john she had. I needed that mouth for my paying customers.
I needed with a deep lust to see those huge fake tits slashed and gorged out. I watch as she snorts her blow from the restaurant bathroom counter and gives herself a whores bath. “Want some?’ I shake my head not sure what she is offering, her streetwalker services or the coke. “Freak!’ She yells as I leave.
I will show her freak as I wait outside for her to get thrown out soliciting her mouth and pussy services.
I grab the chloroform and drag her into my van. Kicking and screaming as she awakens tied up. I will show this whore that I am not just some gothic phone sex freak. I am the real snuff deal! Chelsea your so beautiful but you will be even more beautiful at the end of my blades.
Two big black men drag her down into my lair. The pink leopard striped St. Anthony’s Cross is perfect for her trashy whore ass. I set the cameras to roll and Start my Tit slicing! She screams and begs me to stop. I slap her hard and tell her that I have good money coming for her snuff film!
Soon Chelsea will be the object of millions of dark web surfers. My feed is life and the numbers are racking up! “Cut off her clit”. Gates 700 hits and I know her clit is next. My Feed goes to 500 thousand and the votes to kill her are racking up. Not before I shred Chelsea’s ass with my spiked strap on and insert a glass rod into her pee hole. Bloody screams are what they want and my pretty Blonde whore is dying. The census is to slice her head off and have one of my BBC men fuck her neck. Then it is my turn to have my ass gaped and show my viewers! MMM, so much fun! Are you ready for this Accomplice and Victim duo?
Butt fucked during snuff sex
I’m a dirty ass bitch waiting patiently in the motel room for you to arrive and have your way with me as we have snuff sex all night long. When you walk in, I am laying there on the bed wearing nothing besides a slutty little g-string and stiletto heels. I have stretch marks on my titties and a little extra jiggle to my tummy but you love how I carry that little bit of extra weight. Bend me over and ass fuck my anal cavity while you spread my booty cheeks wide the fuck open. I deserve to have your massive load of dick juice exploded inside of me, I really do look soooo much better when i’m oozing out with cum! I’m gonna need stitches once i’m done getting my pussy pounded and my butt brutally fucked! If I am not ripped open and bleeding then I haven’t been pounded hard enough!
An Hellspawns’ Initiation
Just a evil little Hellspawn I had babysitter phone sex with once and I had to let her live. She reminded me of me and I just needed to give it a couple of years before I could initiate the little succubus into my way. Oh she is of a tender perfect malleable type and my cunt gets super juicy thinking about her, and thinking about how I needed your cock to pound me as I took her sweet holes with my strap-ons and dildos until she was gaping and bloody. That’s the way I train my subordinates and she will be quite a good specimen. I told her she had something of an evil twin inside and I have a lot of use for young ones like her. I promised she would thank me for the training I’m giving her as it will make her appreciate being the accomplice and accepting her role fully.
Smile Through The Pain
Keeping a smile on my face while multiple men either one at a time or in a group abuse me and fuck me hard is something I now have to do. It is something master came up with while teaching one of his classes. They want to see me try as hard as I can to smile while the pain is being inflicted on me. This all started last week. On my first day, I thought I was going to die. The men went in on me hard, they wanted to see me fail and give me a punishment. I did not fail though, even when five men surrounded me, blasting their cocks in every one of my holes while tying a leash around my neck suffocating me, I still kept a smile on my face. I was not going to let these men see me fail. In fact, I did so well when one of the men decided to take a knife and twist it in my asshole causing me to bleed out heavily I decided to moan a little. The amount of blood coming out of my ass was a lot, I was going in and out of consciousness, the men could tell and started to get bored. They knew if they punished me now for my smile starting to fade away from trying not to pass out, they would not have a lot of fun torturing me. The men left, one guy stayed with me to fuck me one last time while I was slumped on the wet grass, the blood made his cock go in real smooth. That is the last thing I remember before passing completely out.
Slice and Dice
I want to blow your ass away shoot you right in your fucking head and let all my boyfriend’s fuck you while you’re dead. I can’t wait to have you tied up and torture you just like you deserve you fucking bitch. You are a stupid whoreI’m going to cut you up into little bitty pieces and feed you to my ghoulish friends I know that you are the worst little fucking cunt whore that I ever fucking met. I will bet you that you can tell I am a fucking queen of Darkness and I really get off on torturing beating and doing nasty fucked up things to you. I’ll drag you in the mud after I slice you up and pour alcohol all over your body. I’ll put you in a bathtub with blood and make you see you’re not relevant to the world. You are a stinky little fucking crash dummy cum dumpster fucked up little whore. And when you cry I get happy, I want to hear you scream in pain because that means pleasure for me. I’ve got a secret place two dice you slice you and make you feel like a filet. I’m going to make your pussy bleed I’m going to make your whole body bleed. I want a dozen of white roses so that I can paint them with your blood. I know that I am a fucked up bitch and I don’t give a fuck you’re the one that I want to treat like trash. Didn’t your mother tell you that you’re nothing at all your trash a fucking slut and you need your face smashed in the wall? I am going to stick needles in your fucking tongue and make you feel my wrath; you will never be the kind of girl that you thought you were again. You’re a torture slut who deserves to be tortured and beaten and thrown in the trash. I will let my big strong best friend with four legs get you he’s going to scratch your back up and make you feel like I know you deserve for sure. I want you to have nightmares about my crew and me. When we get done with you, we’re going to leave you alone live so you can have dreams all the time. I can’t wait.
I killed a bitch boy
I killed a little bitch boy and trust me, he definitely deserved it. He was weak and wimpy and he even had a girl’s name! Why should a man like that be allowed to live? First thing to go was his manhood, it was just like him weak and small and useless so I bound it up and cut that useless little knob right off. Then as he stood there bleeding profusely, I began to beat him with a heavy rod, each blow broke bones and crushed his flesh and every second of it got me wetter and wetter. He was crying and begging me to stop but his cries were getting weaker and weaker as he bled out, I knew he couldn’t possibly last much longer. I beat him until my arms got tired and by then he was dead, the little faggot got exactly what he deserved.
Extreme Snuff
Something that I can’t stop thinking about lately is some extreme snuff phone sex. A girl like me loves to be a victim for a P Daddy or any man who needs to use me as his release. Talking about it and from coming close to it so many times in real life is the closest I will ever get in order to tell about it that is. The first time I started really thinking about being snuffed out while being fucked was while watching the movie Karla. I thought it was a porno but it was simply very graphic. The scene I always masturbate to includes something like them kidnapping some young virgin slut and bringing her back to their place to fuck. He was choking her with a cord and telling her to say she’s his little Catholic girl slut. He buries his cock into her tiny pussy and snuffs her little life out, cumming in her at the same time too. Later he beats his girlfriend and does almost the same thing, choking her with a cord until she passes out as he screams at her to shut the fuck up while he’s destroying her holes. I always wanted that to happen to me so badly, and it has! I cum so hard when I get choked out – blacking out and waking up filled with cum is quite the feeling. But what’s an even better feeling is not knowing if I will wake up or not.
Hell of a Masturbation
I did not do something I was supposed to do. Master was pissed about it. I forgot to shave as he told me to. He has a class going on and I was his test dummy. He said he wanted me to shave my pussy so the men could get a good view of what was going on. I do not know how I forgot, I am always so good with remembering all of the master’s requests. It could be these classes have me tired. Not only am I a slave to master, the men he teaches each week use me as practice. The punishment master chose for me has my throbbing black pussy and ass feeling like they will fall out of my body any minute. My punishment from my master was to sit on a chair for the next 5 hours and fuck myself hard and fast. I could only get quick 5 minute brakes every 2 hours. I thought since I have gotten fucked by more men than that for a long time I would be able to handle it. I really thought master was going easy on me. That is until I started. To fuck myself for five hours is horrible. Not only is my nigger ass and pussy in pain bleeding, my arm and hand feels like it is going to cut off. Master also put it up online to go live so all of his class could watch the pain on my face. I am so glad my master is gone for the day so my bloody torn throbbing pussy and ass can heal.
Torture Sex
Torture sex can be hot. I am a pain slut and I don’t mind a little nipple torture. I get high however, make bad decisions and end up in the hospital. The problem is that when I get super fucked up, I can’t feel much until the next day. The other night I was partying with these out of town business men I picked up in a strip club. The local strip club always has blow. Either the girls have it or the patrons, but it is usually both. These New York Wall Street types were partying in the VIP room and asked me join them. They bought me lap dances and shared their coke. I was having a great time. They wanted me to come back to their suite in the hotel next door. I didn’t think it would turn into a violent gangbang rape porn. They seemed so white collar. Suddenly, I was just a whore to fuck. The tore up my ass and my pussy. They put cigarettes out on my flesh too. I got smacked, punched and fucked. One of them informed me that I could not snort their coke for free all night without giving something back. They passed me around like candy, using me with no condoms, no lube and no care about my well being. I let them have their fun at my expense because I wanted their coke. They had the best blow. The next day, I had a broken nose and several cracked ribs. I only felt it when the coke wore off.