Category: Evil phone sex

Knife Play Phone Sex With Faith

knife play phone sex

The dream that I had last night caused me to wake up in wet sheets. My panties were soaked, and my sheets looked as if I had been squirting relentlessly. Do you perverted animals want to know what got my masochistic cunt drenched and creamy? My mind races to the dark, dangerous places with me being your vulnerable victim. My hand went into my messy cummy panties, and I started to fuck myself with brutal finger pumps, but as you probably could guess, that’s not enough for this pain slut. I needed more force, more anger fucking into me and pushing me to the edge.
I hopped up from my bed and got the cold silver blade that I keep in the fridge for knife play. Then I pressed the cold metal to my neck and held it there while I writhed around in the sheets and begged you not to slice my throat and take me. I heard the rough, emotionless voice in my ear telling me to fucking beg all that I wanted but that I wasn’t going to live through the night. My clit was humming with need, and it needs knife play phone sex. Take me.

I Tied Him Up And The Torture Began

Accomplice Phone SexDaddy loves that I look like and angel but act like the devil. It is probably one of the reasons that he kept me and did not sell me to one of his pervy friends to own. One of daddy’s favorite things is for me to find a little play toy and sit back and watch as I play with them. So, this drifter of sorts had been helping daddy out in the shop and daddy caught him stealing some tools, so he decided that he had to go. And by go, like forever, and he let me have the pleasure. He knows I know all to well how to seduce any fool into compromising positions and this was no different. I invited him in my room and started to seduce him. I undressed him and me and laid him on the bed. I hopped on his cock and started to ride that hard cock. I quietly took his hands and handcuffed them to the bed, very seductively making him think we were going to get pretty kinky. I waited for him to cum in my juicy pussy and then climbed off and sat on his face, letting his cum run into his mouth. He quickly got into it and licked it all up and I squirted on his face. That made his dick hard again and then I gave him a big kiss before stuffing his mouth with my panties. He still thought I was just being a kinky bitch until I went to give him a blow job and as he really started to get into it, I clinched my jaw and bit down as hard as I could. Blood poured from his cock and he tried to scream through my panties. I pulled out a knife and could see the terror in his eyes as daddy walked in, sat in the chair and pulled out his dick and started stroking. It was so bloody and so hot, and I cannot wait to tell you all about it, so you just pick up that phone and give me a call.

He wanted me more

taboo phone sexI met a man as sadistic and cruel as I am. He is tall and handsome and has a cock so big it almost hurts when I fuck him, the only problem is that he is fucking married to some bitch. Well, I won’t stand for that type of thing, if I am going to be with someone he will be faithful to only me or he ends up dead with his whore.I told my new lover that he had to choose and he of course chose me. We decided to kill his wife so that he wouldn’t lose any money in a divorce. It was so fucking sexy, he let me into their house late at night when she was asleep. We tied her to the bed and gagged her and spent hours torturing her fat flabby body. She was crying the whole time, if she wasn’t gagged she probably would have begged for her life but we didn’t give her that chance. We murdered her in her own bed and then fucked right next to her dead body. We were covered in blood it was hot as fuck. We took the corpse out to the woods and buried it, good riddance too now he’s all mine.

Destruction In The Hospital

Medical Fetish Phone sex


I let myself in the morgue with the keycard I had swiped from you. On text in front of a dead body and you knew your medical phone sex fantasies just got real. I unzipped your daughter’s body bag after I pulled her out of the freezer. Did you do this to her? Were you the reason she lay cold and stiff on this slab? Her pussy was mangled, and I knew that someone had forced a cock way to big inside her. But on second thought this happened after she was dead.  I laughed and it echoed off the morgue walls, You couldn’t fuck her in life but you sure got that pussy the second she arrived down here for you. I begin looking for other young ones and discovered sloppy stitch jobs on cunts and asses. Even an old lady and other women had been penetrated after death. You are one sick bastard! I love it. I grabbed a scalpel off the table and sliced your daughters little clitty off. I added a piece of her heart after I found the chest spreader. I was making you a voodoo box of her so you could always have a piece of her near you after a long day’s work of sex with dead bodies!

Necrophilia at its finest you sick fuck! But my cunt is wet and ready for you all over again.

My Taboo Phone Sex Fear

taboo phone sexWhat are you afraid of most? For this taboo phone sex slut, it is spiders. I hate the 8-legged freaks. I have this recurring nightmare of being covered in mutant spiders. You know, the big hairy tarantula kind. My stepson who hates me, recently discovered my fear and used it against me. With my husband out of town for a week, my stepson has free range to torment and torture me. Two nights ago, I woke up in the middle of the night and screamed bloody murder when I felt something crawling all over me. I thought it was a bad dream, but my bed was covered in spiders. I felt like I was in some B SyFy channel movie. I tried to swat the 8-legged freaks off me, but I became paralyzed in fear. Then panic hit and I could barely breathe, and I certainly could not move. I heard laughter. My stepson was in the corner of my bedroom stroking his dick. He was enjoying my fear. I thought I might have a heart attack. Spiders were falling from the ceiling. As my heart rate accelerated, I peed myself, but I was still immobilized with fear. He just laughed and jacked off. I screamed loudly and one got in my mouth. I was hyperventilating, sure I might stroke out. I begged for mercy. I told my stepson I would do anything he wanted if he could get them off me. He dragged me to the basement with hairy spiders still clinging to my flesh. He turned on the water hose and killed them. I worried about them still in my bedroom and in the house. I knew I may never sleep again. My skin bruised from the force of the water hose, but that was better than the feel of spiders crawling on my flesh. He asked me if I was going to be a good fuck pig and I nodded yes. I was still too freaked out to utter a word.  If he was trying to scare me into being his sex slave, it worked.  Ass rape porn was what was next. He sodomized me for hours. I laid there like a rag doll while he gaped my ass. He could have done anything to me at that point. Anything was better than spiders. I slept in my car and called the exterminator the next day. I will forever sleep with one eye open now.

She died slowly

taboo phone sexI wanted to kill a whore slowly, I’m always getting carried away with the blood lust and killing them far too quickly. I wanted to really take my time so I figured if I took a step back and watched the bitch die in another room I could keep myself from killing her too fast. I got a vacuum bed and put an unlucky little whore in it. She was naked and terrified, she begged for her life but I showed her no mercy. I sealed her into that bed and took slowly all the way to the end. I was able to watch her struggles from across the room, she was fighting for every breath and I just kept on slowly taking more and more air until there was none. It took several minutes for her to die and as I watched her I was overcome by the need to rub my dripping wet pussy. I was more turned on than I had ever been before. Once she was dead I sat on her latex covered face and rubbed my pussy all over  it until I came. I loved it, I want to try it again with someone even younger next time…

My Snuff Porn Got Real, Too Real

snuff pornI auditioned for a snuff porn a couple days ago. I needed the money. I knew it was staged, but I could likely get hurt or ruffed up still. When you do these kinds of films, you must sign a waiver letting the studio out of liability. Some directors want their films looking so authentic, that a starlet like me may end up black and blue. I was lucky I emerged breathing this time. I did not sign a waiver. That should have been my first red flag. The movie was not being made in a studio but an old abandoned house. That was red flag number two that went over my head. Honestly, I was so desperate for money that I ignored that little voice in my head. I was told this was a scary snuff sex movie. The premise was that me and another girl were spending the night in a haunted house to win some money and we were being stalked by a serial killer. We think its just fake scares orchestrated by the promoter of the contest, but it is a real serial killer. This movie was just the same. This sexy blonde bimbo had an equally sexy blonde bimbo co-star and we thought we were just fucking each other in a creepy house, then suddenly some crazed man jumped out. We thought it was part of the movie, which is was, but this man was trying to kill us for real. We ran naked through the house trying to escape. He caught my co-star and chopped her limbs off with an axe. In that moment, I was never so scared. I realized this was not some staged snuff film. I was fighting for my life. As he came at me with the axe, I ducked and tripped him. Then ran naked out of that hell hole. I ran right to road and got rescued by a stranger in a Ford pickup. I am lucky I got out alive. My co-star did not fare so well. Anyone can make snuff movies these days and not all are staged.

Listening To Them Burn Makes My Pussy Wet

Accomplice Phone SexLast weekend was fabulous. Memorial Day weekend and with everything opening back up the lakes and bars were packed full of drunk stupid people. Easy targets for me and daddy. We picked a dock close to the house and sat down to watch. We were looking for nice young coeds. Preferably the real bitchy ones because those are the best to play with. We found a couple of cute little girls stumbling back to the car. I caught up with them and told them how cute they were, how much I likes their shoes blah blah blah. And then I told them they really should not drive, there was a check point ahead and I drive for Lyft and could gladly get them home. Total dumb shits they hopped right in the car and off we went. I took a dirt road on the left and headed up the hill telling the girls it was a short cut. We reached the top where cell service is non-existent, and I stopped the car. Told them I must have a car issue and we all got out. Daddy jumped from behind the trees and I helped him as we stripped them down and tied them up. Daddy had his way with those young co-eds, violating every hole that they had. They cried and begged but nobody could hear them. By the time he was through with them they were beat and bloody and full of cum. Daddy knows how I like that and then told me they were all mine to play with. I continued torturing those two, cutting them in to pieces nice and slow. Drawing the pain out until I got bored with them. I then slit their throats, doused them with gasoline and set them on fire. The smell of burning flash always makes my pussy so wet and me and daddy fucked as we listened to their bodies sizzle.

Snuff Sex Is My Favorite

snuff sex

Have you ever found yourself thinking about the ultimate taboo subject? You know what I’m talking about – snuff sex. I know a lot of people might think that’s weird, but I don’t. I’m a submissive girl and I love the thought of someone literally fucking me to death. It’s the most amazing way of surrendering to your lover. I sometimes masturbate while I think about someone fucking me from behind and wrapping his hands right around my throat. As he starts to fuck me harder, he starts to squeeze harder. I can’t breathe very well, but I don’t care because his dick is making me feel so good.
In my fantasy, he squeezes until I pass out but I’m still alive. When I wake up, he fucks me again and again. Every time, a different position. But every time, he squeezes until I lose consciousness. Every time I wake up, I’m surprised that I’m still alive and finally I tell my lover to put his hands around my throat and squeeze until I completely stop breathing. I want to give him the ultimate gift of my life. If reading that made your dick hard, pick up the phone and call me.

Your Kidnapping Phone Sex Deviant

Kiddnapping phone sex


I never get tired of the kidnapping phone sex stories I tell me to make them cum. I recently had a caller obsessed with kidnapping, rape, and murder of a young one from seven years ago. It was a pretty big case and As we are looking at the news reports and her sweet young face, I find an article where it said that her privates and ass were so much force fucked that they were mutilated. Can you believe mutilated by just a cock? Her little throat was strangled so much that her eyeball popped out and bled down her face. She had a bad mommy that had let her get molested before and she was poor and neglected already. Most bitches would be like that poor little girl. I am a twisted soul.  I fucking came hard finger fucking myself and now I can’t get the visions of her sweet brown eyes and long dark hair out of my mind. Talk about rape phone sex fantasies to the extreme. Let talk about it and you can cum with me! Your cock deserves the sadistic evil shit!