Category: Cheap phone sex

Walking The Streets

Violent phone sexBeing with my abusive boyfriend has taught me how to be seen and not heard. He likes me to be submissive, whatever he says is law. I’m not allowed to look him in the eye because it’s a sign of disrespect. I have to keep my eyes on the floor. He has me trained like a dog. He’s a drug addict, he’s mean when he’s high and even meaner when he’s not. He doesn’t work and I’m his only source of income. Every day he sends me out into the mean streets to sell my body to strangers. I suck and fuck so many men that my pussy is always swollen and sore. If I don’t come home with enough money to keep him high all night he beats me. I walk the streets until my feet blister and bleed just to keep him happy. Pull your car over when you see me walking by, you won’t regret it because I’ll let you do anything for the right amount of money. I’m a victim and I’ll always be a victim.

Castration Phone Sex Tales

castration phone sex

Castration phone sex is a popular fetish in the phone industry. Many men love to jack off to the thought of a bitch in charge chopping off their nuts. It is the ultimate domination fantasy for men. Is it for you? I’m skilled at junk removal because I have had some real life experiences. Men have paid me good money to remove their nuts. I am not one to say no to fun money. I call it fun money for two reasons. One, it is fun to make sure losers cannot reproduce or have that much fun in the bedroom. Second, the money paid to me by losers funds my travel to exotic places like the Caribbean. Last week, Troy decided to part with his nuts. He had hired me in the past but backed out on several occasions. I told him third time is the charm. If he backed out, I was going to hunt him down, remove his balls with pliers and let him bleed out. He knew I was serious. That may have lit the fire under his ass. He came to my place. I had all the instruments laid out. I cleaned the castration chair, which was my grandpa’s execution chair from the 60s in an old prison that shut down. Did I tell you my gramps was a doctor who injected the lethal dose of potassium to death row inmates? I think I inherited some of his sick enjoyment of torture sex and killing. Troy got a shot of Jack Daniels before I clipped his balls with my hedge clippers. There was a lot of blood, but that was on purpose. I wanted him weak and in pain. I didn’t kill him. He was a big boy. Would have been hard to dispose of his body. But, I let him know as I cauterized his wound that if he spoke of my service to anyone, I would hunt him down and snuff him out. I took his $10,000 tribute and felt secure that I scared the piss out of him.

Cocaine Off My Clit

Cheap phone sexYou dirty, wild mother fucker! I want you to cum and get fucked up with me! I just copped a fresh bag of pure Colombian cocaine, perfect for us to have some naughty fun with tonight. Come over to my house and let’s get freaky as fuck. I won’t let Master know about this, I promise! He may get really fucking mad if he were to find out about us, trust me neither of us want that to happen! You wouldn’t live to see another day if that were the case! My sexy body is irresistible and I want you to take full advantage of me! Here, come and sit next to me on the couch while I rack these lines of blow up for us! I’m going to lay back and spread my legs open wide so that you can see all up inside of me! My dripping wet cunt is begging for you to have some nasty play time with it already! Roll that dollar bill up and smother my clit with this yummy coke, I can see it in your eyes that you wanna ravage me like a wild animal! Mmmm yeah that’s right, snort it the fuck up! Lick my clit clean, every last crumb! Your mouth and gums are going numb now aren’t they! Doesn’t that feel so fucking good?! Especially when my pussy juices are mixed in with it! Now shut the fuck up and fuck my sloppy cunt you sick pervert! I’m fiending for that hard ass dick of yours!

Drunken Lubed Up Twister

taboo phone sex

Hi it’s Langley again! So my foster family and I had a fun night last night! For the first time we picked an activity to do together, instead of everyone gang fucking me. We wanted to play Twister, but with a twist! We set up various bottles in the kitchen for shots, and everyone was instructed to take off their clothes. My foster mom oiled us all up with baby oil, all over my curvy ass and perky tits, and then it was time to play!  It was all pretty innocent in comparison to the forced entry that happened often… Or so I thought. The Twister mat was so slick, that I ended up slipping and falling down. My Foster dad positioned himself over me in lazy doggy style pose and something came over him! He started spanking my ass with his great big fucking cock and then with no warning I felt his girthy dick fill me up! When I glanced behind me, I saw my foster mom and brother fucking intensely. She was moaning and screaming his name and he was fucking her so good that I felt myself getting wetter. By the end of the night we were all lubed up in more ways than one. I wanna have fun with you too on a phone sex live chat! I wonder if you can get me just as wet.

Kiss kiss, Langley

Bondage Phone Sex Gets Nasty

bondage phone sex

Bondage phone sex can be vanilla or extreme. With me, it’s always the later. I am well beyond handcuffs and blindfolds. I did a bondage fetish photo shoot for some fast cash earlier in the week. I was strung out as usual. I needed money for coke, and this is how I was going to get it. The guys knew I was desperate. They took advantage of my neediness for a fix. They dangled a bag of coke in my face like a carrot making me jump through hoops to get a fix. First it was suck cock.  No big deal. I chug cock for breakfast. Then it was get fucked in the ass. Again, no big deal. I am an underground ass rape porn star. Then it was get fucked by a hairy beast. I have done my share of 4 legged critters. Every task I did, they upped the ante. I was tied up in a ball of sweat and cum, still allowing them to degrade me, when the shit hit the fan. Literally. They were fucked up on crack. They thought it would be fun to all take a colossal dump on the floor and fuck me in a big pile of steaming shit. I had no choice if I wanted the coke. I had no choice period. I was bound. I did more than fuck in shit. I had to eat it all too. I ingested so much human feces, I was puking shit out of my nose. I was sick for days. But, it was all work it to get a fix.

Goth Teen Phone Sex Fisting

Goth teen phone sexThey had picked me up near the mountains in Colorado, and I was excited! They were girls around my age, and they promised a shopping trip and hangout. We did shop, and they even bought me a new outfit. Then, they invited me back to one of their house for a quick bite before they dropped me on the other end of town to carry on my way. They fed me, and when I started to feel weird, I knew. They’d drugged me and were half-carrying me to a bedroom. They got me situated on a bed, set up a camera, and started stripping me. They ran their hands all up and down my body for the camera, making sure to massage at my tits, thighs, pussy, and ass. Then, they flipped me and helped me get into doggy-style position. That was when it happened. She started sliding fingers into my ass – first one, then two, then three. Before I knew it, she had her whole hand inside of my ass, and was forcing it into a fist inside me. She started punching up into my innards as I held onto the bed for dear life. I couldn’t have moved if I had wanted to, so she plowed my ass for several minutes. Then, she pulled her hand out and started fingering herself and her friend with my ass juices. They came really pretty for the camera. Now that I’m on the road again, I’m seriously hoping they don’t post that to the net. That gets out, who knows what kind of weirdos will start looking for me.

Pin the little bitch

Rape phone sex fantasiesYou and me watching some rape fantasy porn with the little cunt sluts in training. Then go hunt them little sluts down bring them to the basement, and pin the little bitches down! I’ll spread their little legs open wide and grab your dick and have you penetrate that young tight pussy. Its so hard to get it in that tight little pussy. When it finally goes all the way in I’m going to your back side and start licking your asshole so good, you will slowly feel my finger go in deep giving you that prostate massage you love. You are enjoying that tight young pussy and the finger up your ass. You came so fucking hard in that tight little pussy of hers. Now time for you to sit back and watch me fuck her with my big fat strap-on. My pussy is dripping wet as I fuck her little cunt.

Don’t Make Me

taboo phone sex

The foster family is out of control and every time I think someone is here to save me, they just do the same things I tell them not to. My foster dad and brother have been forcing themselves inside my pussy all week long, and their neighbors too! First they reenacted a movie scene on me and held me down. They taunt and tease me for being wet the whole time saying I clearly like it. I don’t! I mean I like it physically, but not with them. They like to watch me cry as they fuck me harder and deeper and as I try to push away. I’m still so innocent, and before all this I wanted to wait, but now my pussy is getting used all day every day! I want someone to fuck me that cares, but the more I fight, the harder they cum. My ass and pussy are both sore because dick after dick has been forced into both my tight holes. My jaws are even sore from sucking so much cock, and yes, eating so much pussy. It’s so hard to keep my mouth open for hours and do what I’m told! I want to give myself to you, but I’m afraid you’ll make me do things I don’t want to do. If you have live phone sex with me, please prove you aren’t like the others. Please, I’m begging you. If you use me, I can’t stop you. I’m just a weak girl and so easy to take advantage of. Please don’t hurt me.

Gangbang Nightmare

Gangbang rape pornI’m still with the 5th Ward Bloods, the roughest gang in our city. They’ve been giving my man free dope to keep me as a sex slave in their crack house. I’ve been sucking so much cock and fucking so many gangsters that both pairs of lips and my asshole are swollen and sore. The leader of the gang put leash and collar around my neck and he walks me around the crack house like I’m a dog. He forces me to suck his cock in front of everybody. If I stop sucking his hits me so hard that I almost pass out, and everyone in the room laughs at my pain. I’ve cried so much that I don’t have any more tears. Every time my man shows up I thinks he’s coming to my rescue but he just wants more crack. I suck cock and get fucked for hours with very few breaks. Every time I fall asleep another thug put his dick in my face. I want to run away but I’m too scared. Someone, please help me!!

Castrated Anal Sex

Castration phone sexYour pathetic dick deserves to be castrated, cut off and shoved up my tight, dirty little asshole while it’s gushing blood! I’m going to wrap your throbbing cock up tight with a rope, cutting off the circulation and laughing my ass off at you as I watch your shaft and balls turning blue and purple from being wrapped up so tightly! I’m just going to be sitting over here, playing with my cunt as I watch you squirm and suffer! I’m sharpening my butcher knife, I need to make sure it’s ready to slice off your manhood! Oh yeah, I want it to be gruesome and bloody, a torturous experience just how you like it! I raise my arm up high and violently cut that pulsating dick off of you, your blood splattering all over me as I castrate your pathetic cock! I’ll cut the balls off separately because I want you to feel the agonizing pain one after the other! Once i’m finished, i’m going to bend over in front of you and fuck myself with your castrated cock! I love the feeling of the gooey, sticky blood and flappy skin as it plunges in and out of my tight fuck hole. It feels like a piece of deflated bubble gum, all soft and rubbery, so disgusting! It looks sickening as I use it as though it were a dildo, covered in your flesh and blood!