Taboo phone sex whore available for New Year’s fun. I am a submissive slut. If I am high as a kite, I don’t complain. Trevor gave me $300 for three hours today. Considering all he did to me, he got a bargain. I just wanted drugs. I got some coke off him to tide me over. He got us a no tell motel where crack heads hang out. He is married, and his wife won’t let him explore his dark desires with him. Well, I am no goody two shoes. I will let any many use me for the right price. $300 was the right price this morning. He fucked my ass while choking me. He pissed in my mouth, forcing me to swallow every last drop. He flushed my head in the dirty ass toilet. He made me lick the even dirtier ass floor too. For three hours, I was his fuck slave and his humiliation junkie. What happens in a dirty ass motel, stays in a dirty ass motel. At least I got a big bag of blow out of the ordeal.
Category: Cheap phone sex
Taboo Phone Sex New Year’s
Torture My Tits
Sal enjoys brutalizing my fake titties. He has a huge fetish and I love to be the whore he plays on. He has these alligator clips that just clamp down on my nipples cause insane pain shooting thru my body followed by a falling asleep numbness. But he just does not stop there. He adds on weights two pounds at a time into he gets up to thirty pounds of weights hanging off my nipples pulling them down. I feel the burn as my boobs stretch to the ground. He continues brutalizing my tits by slapping them making the weights sway about. I cringed and I let out a huge moan. My cunt gushed down my thigh. He was making my tits bright red before he brought out the cold steel knives. I saw the knives and I was drooling my body thrust forward begging for it.
What are Your Rape Phone Sex Fantasies?
Rape phone sex fantasies are common. Sometimes, men make them come true for themselves. There is something about seeing a druggy whore mom that brings out a man’s dark desires. I was doing some holiday shopping at the mall a couple nights ago. I was being followed by some teen boys. I assumed they just had MILF fever. I may have shaken my ass more than normal. I may have dropped a lot of items and slowly bent over to pick up the items. I guess they didn’t like being cock teased. They jumped me when we were in the parking lot. I screamed, but one of the boys rammed his dick in my mouth to shut me up. His buddies ripped my clothes off in the cold night. On the asphalt parking lot behind Macy’s in the dark night, those boys made a gangbang rape porn with me as their star. For teen boys, they were rough. Clearly, they had zero respect for me. They slammed my head against the grown as they fucked my pussy and ass. There were pieces of concrete embedded in my skin. I was cold and scared, but these boys didn’t give a fuck about me. They just thrust their dicks in my cold exposed holes until they came. They joked that their cum should warm me up. They left me there with my clothes torn and covered in cum. I was just a dirty whore to them. Is that what I am to you too?
Kinky, Violent Bondage Phone Sex
I messed around with the wrong couple. I responded to an ad on a fetish site for a submissive woman as a play thing. The couple was good looking and I enjoy being the spice in a couple’s sex life. When I arrived, the house was a palace in comparison to some I have been in. Seriously, this couple was loaded. They took me to their playroom, which was bigger than my house. I never seen so much BDSM equipment. The BDSM lifestyle is not cheap, but they could afford all the fancy equipment and toys. The wife was the alfa. She instructed me to suck her husband’s cock. She likes to watch. I thought this was going to be a fucking hot time. Wrong. I sucked his dick too well and was punished. She cracked a whip down so hard that it left a gash on my flesh. Blood started trickling down my body. I was trembling in pain, paralyzed in fear. I was punished for doing what I was told. What would happen if I disobeyed her? She instructed her husband to piss on my open wounds. That fucking stung. I was shaking. I scanned the room for exits. There had to be a way out. She saw me looking and tossed her whisky in my face. Alcohol burns the eyes. Her husband blind folded me and tied me to a saw horse. I had to grip the whip in my mouth. If I dropped it, I would suffer more pain. The handle was thick leather, hard to keep steady in between my teeth, especially when the husband decided it was ass fuck time. He rammed my ass hard trying to get me to dislodge the grip I had on the whip. If I dropped it out of my mouth, I may not survive. So, I held onto that thing for dear life. I lasted longer than her husband to their disappointment. While the wife was punishing her husband for not fucking my ass harder, I made my escape. What a sick, twisted couple.
Giving You Teen Rape Porn
I am giving your shattered fucking heart Teen rape porn. Your slut of an ol‘ lady fucked your best friend so you called me to do the dirty work. I kidnapped them both. I even brought you a surprise! That Teen Stepdaughter who fucked your marriage up! I had wife and boyfriend tied up naked and beaten senseless by the time you arrived. Nobody fucks with my best customer! I knew you wanted that bald sweet cunt for the longest. I had brought you littles so you could pretend they were her! Her smart mouth and rude little nitch ways were fixing to get paid for! Stepdaddy walk right between these legs. I have knocked a couple teeth out and she is crying begging for mercy as you take that knife and slice her little tits up! The blood has her momma coming around now! I told you I would make you pay slut!!! You scream at the top of your lungs. You began force fucking her virgin hole as her momma screams no! I go and cut mommies boyfriends heart out as she watches and shoves it down her throat! Shut up, whore. Watch as that cunt and ass get destroyed. Fuck her up I yell! I stand over that teen body and plunge my blade in her little body over and over as you come inside her. I cut her and her momma into pieces and grind them up fine. I let you put the boyfriend in acid and we clean up and now there is no evidence but I want your dick deep in me. I am so fucking wet as you give me three more cum loads. I think you are my perfect snuff phone sex accomplice and we will have fun on a teen killing spree like never before.
Fantasy Phone Sex Transforms Ivy To A Werewolf
Fantasy phone sex allows me to transform into anything that sexually excites your appetite. Even if it is me transforming into a werewolf…….I was fully aware of the fact that there would be a full moon tonight as I headed off to the night club to stalk out my prey. From the moment I walked in I could feel that you could not take your eyes off of me. Within a matter of minutes you were offering to buy me a drink. As the night progressed you offered to talk me home. I couldn’t help but to respond with but you just meet me. You laughed and said well how dangerous could a little petite thing like you be. I cannot begin to explain how sexually aroused it made me that you were under estimating my strengths and had no clue as to what I really was.
You keep commenting on how striking my golden hazel eyes where and how they almost glowed. You would be the perfect victim. I ask you if you wanted to take me home, I even warned you that I live out in the middle of no where. When we arrived at my little cottage in the woods, you seemed a little guarded. I ask you to come out on the balcony with me and have a drink. I reached over and grabbed you by your shirt and pulled you into me for a kiss. You were surprised by my strength as I shoved you down to the floor and climbed on top of you.
As the fog was clearing and the full moon was in full force, I was transforming into the werewolf that I am. My red finger nails started growing long and sharp. I even used them to shrewd your shirt off of your body. As I drug them across your chest I made it lightly bleed. I started licking your blood as my hand started turning growing fur. I reached down and shoved your hard throbbing cock into my hot wet cunt before my hand turned into a paw. I started howling at the full moon as I bounced up and down on your big hard cock. The harder I fucked you the louder I howled until you spewed you load of hot spermie human cum inside my she-werewolf cunt. Hopefully, giving this werewolf the offspring she desires.
Sacrificing Sarah
I was working on set with a couple people on a movie set with Sarah H. she got the roll for a straight to dvd film and for lackluster career it was no surprise. I got so close with her that I was asked to get her in her most vulnerable state. by one of the film editors. I knew a top secret that made her the perfect pawn in our game. We hung out one day and she left her phone in my car. Curiosity got the best of me and I saw all her home made porn. She had pictures jerking off randoms and getting fucked. That wasn’t the only secret I found out I saw conversations that were private that made her my soon to be victim.
I invited her over and together we drugged her. It was a couple of us and you can say it was a cult in some sorts. We wanted sacrifice her because she had an it factor in our eyes and a little something extra. Watching Sarah wake up in pure terror was the best.. She had no idea she was going to be a snuff sex slave. Frazzled and confused she couldn’t see we all had masks on and it was pitch black. We revealed ourselves to Sarah. She was in a stream of tears and it was actually a turn on. She felt betrayed she really thought we were all friends. I tried to pacify her and told her we were.
It didn’t take long for her to plead and bargain. We knew she would use her big secret as a way to get out of the sacrifice. I let her know we knew she was growing a little more than a gut. I figured out she was pregnant before she did. That was her way out she thought but in reality we chose her because we knew she was growing a tot. I did what I was told and began lick here slutty face. Her make up came off and reveled all her big pores and pimples. I was sucking her snot and whiteheads off and all the gunk out of her pimples. I then was ordered to take all her shit right in my mouth. I wasn’t done with the slut. We kept her till her water broke and sacrificed that offspring. Thankfully it was girl so it was twice as nice.
Taboo Phone Sex Rape Fantasies
Taboo phone sex fantasies consume me. What about you? I was dreaming of being forced fucked by my step-son when I woke up and he was on top of me. A dream is one thing. Reality is very different. His hand was around my mouth. I saw the big ass knife on the pillow next to me. I knew if I screamed, he would slit my throat and my babies would find me dead in a pool of blood in the morning. His cock was ravaging my pink asshole. My ass can never catch a break. After he nutted in my swollen ass, I figured he was done. I should have known better. He is a sadistic guy. He hates me with a passion, so when we have these encounters that are like something out of your rape phone sex fantasies, I never get away unscathed. His fist was the next thing up my ass. He put on a pair of brass knuckles first to increase the pain. No lube, just his cum was all that he said a whore like me needed. I have had fists up my ass before, but never with brass knuckles. As he twisted his fist inside my ass, I felt my anal wall ripping. I could feel the shit and blood mixing together as he prolapsed my ass yet again. I passed out from the pain, but he woke me up with his fist down my throat. All I could taste was a strange mix of blood and shit. I hate my step-son as much as he hates me. I just lack the power and strength to ever stop him.
Female Domination Phone Sex
Domination phone sex with women is not what you would imagine. Women are far crueler than men. My master gave me to this woman for a day. He owed her a favor, and this was how she wanted repaid. She wanted to abuse a woman. She wanted to abuse me. She was not into typical BDSM games. At first, it seemed okay. I had to worship her ass and cunt. I spent a few hours with my face buried in her fuck holes. She smelled nasty and tasted worse. I swear she purposefully didn’t shower to humiliate me. I thought if it was just an evening of smelling her dirty ass, I could handle it, but she was jus warming up for some anal torture sex. She had a variety of large objects never meant to go in an ass. She put a ball gag in my mouth then started ramming large things in and out of my ass. In her words, “I’m going to ruin your asshole bitch.” I have heard that before, but this bitch meant it. I felt the pain. Sometimes it felt like my insides were being yanked out. Every shit stained object that went up my ass, went in my mouth too. I had to clean the shit and blood off everything that she fucked my ass with. The five hours I was with this bitch seemed like an eternity. I just hope Master doesn’t share me with her again. When I left, I was prolapsed again. Master just fucked it back into my asshole like he always does.
Evil genius mind
When I get a serious feeling to be violent I come here. I stay in my head. I hurt first, but then it becomes evil. Hate is something I have had built over time. Never show the right way so I’ll continue to pray. Let me sit and think to ponder in my thoughts. My body wants to be taken over but it can’t so I’ll take over someone else. My dad’s girlfriend is an evil cunt. Who treat my brother and me with disrespect. I come to think, to plot something. Being a sexed crave bitch I want to show her what it’s like to be yelled at and physical. She wants to slap me around I am going to do the same thing to her. I might even poison her first. Make her die really slow and as soon as she is sick make her take cocks in every hole. Making her beg will be my greatest pleasure. Give me some great sick ideas. She took my daddy away from me. All his attention is on her now. Or maybe I should self-harm and make it all seem as if she is doing it to me. Advice?