It was late into the night when everyone in the house was sleep when I arose having one of my late night cravings. I knew there was no more in the freezer. I dressed and decided to go for a late night stroll. As I was walking along I came across two girls all alone barely being able to walk from being so intoxicated from their college party. I walked over and offered to help them home they were both lost and did not know which way they were going. I told them that if they walked home with me I would give them a ride back to where they live the next town over. As we got to my house they came inside and had a seat on the couch before long they were both passed out cold. I called my friend Liz over to help me carry them one by one to the basement where we placed them in the tub where we shaved and them washed them down. Once they were both cleansed we took them and placed them both in our large baking pans and chopped from delicious veggies and potatoes to bake them with. As we were doing so the slowly started to awake that is when Liz told them they were going to be the main dish, as she stuffed each of their mouths with a apple. We placed them in the over. After just a few hours you could smell the wonderful aroma of two delicious young girls that were going to make the best meal for Liz and I.
Category: Cannibalism phone sex
Delightful Nigger Meat
Me and my friend Mr.M went out to a local disco club. While we are in there dancing and having a few drinks he asks me if I see that little nigger whore across the club. He said he believes niggers do not deserve to be on this fucking earth so they should just be eaten. He said that would be a very tasty meal. That fucking nigger whore was dancing around and showing off her ass and titties, she had so many drinks in her that anyone could do whatever they wanted to the stupid bitch. He walked over to the nasty bitch and offered her money of course the fucking nigger whore was not going to turn down the money he said that’s all these bitches are good for. NOTHING! He walked with her to the car and he opened the door for her as she started to get in the car he punched the fucking slut right in her head and she fell over in his arms. I walked over and pushed the cunt into the back seat and began hog tying the nigger bitch. He said that is the way all them fucking cunts should remain. When we got home he carried her in and laid her on the couch. We carried her to the bathroom and put her in the tub to wash all the filth the bitch had on her. She slowly started waking as we were washing her off. She started screaming so Mr.M put the rope back in her mouth and told her to shut up. As, he finished washing her and shaving all her hair off her body. I told her that she was going to be the main dish for us tonight. She asked him why and he told her that nigger meat is so delightful. After she was washed we carried her to the kitchen folded her up and put her in the pan. I took a few spices out to give her a better taste, as he stuffed her mouth with a apple so we wouldn’t have to hear the little whore whine. After placing her into the over for a few hours. Mr.M took her out and sliced her up with the carving knife. We had delightful nigger meat with our wine. Now, we will have enough dinner for at least a few weeks. Next we are going to try a hispanic they can be awfully tasty as well.
Jane Doe on the menu
Occasionally, I will receive corpses that have no identification or that no one would want to claim which is known as a “Jane Doe”. They are known as discarded bodies that no one will miss or notice. With knowing that knowledge, I like to make use of the unwanted remains. Depending on how they died and how freshly dead they are, I like to through dinner party gathering for a small group or selective friends. The other day Bianca approached me about having dinner with me. I accepted her offer and told her I would provide the food as long as she brings the alcohol for our dinner date. I had a freshly dead teen girl that came in this morning and that was found hanging over the side of the bridge completely naked. So it was obvious that she had not ID on her. Since she was found shortly after she killed herself, her body was very fresh and succulent looking for me and my dinner companion. So I cleaned her entire body and rubbed her down with some extra virgin olive oil. Then I stuffed her mouth and pussy packed tightly with vegetables and various seasonings. To make sure that nothing falls out while cooking, I took a needle and thread to sew both openings shut to preserve the savoring flavor. Then into the over she goes to cook until a golden brown. By the time she will be fully cooked, Bianca should be here so we can feast upon our tasty Jane Doe dish. Bon’ Appetit!
Evil Video Games
My parents would never let me play the video games except for the ones that my brother wanted to play and normally that would be the Dark Knight. While, watching and playing the game with him I became infatuated with The Joker. The scene where him and a few other guys went in and robbed the bank and then shot all of them is where I got my next demented idea.
A few days after watching the movie, and played the video game for hours. I went and called my friends Natasha and Storm to come over and we all had a few drinks I told them about my twisted idea of doing what The Joker did on the video game. The next morning we all got ready and walked into the bank and put our guns up in their faces and told them to get down as Storm tied them up one by one and made them sit up against the wall. They were all crying and screaming, they pushed the panic button thinking that I wanted the fucking money.
They just had no idea how twisted and demented I was feeling at that very moment. We each took a gun and took turns shooting them in the head one by one until all these beautiful dead bodies just lay in front of us. As we started to walk away Natasha said that she could not resist the urge to not at least take one of them with us. Just one would be enough for us to eat for weeks. Watch out The Joker may get in your mind next!
Hunting human prey is exhilarating. What I fucking do with them once they are caught is even better!
I have had her tied to a tree all day while I think of what I want to do to her. she is so fucking pretty. I wish I looked like her. All day i have been torn as to what her fate would be.
And then it hit me like a ton of fucking bricks! I can be her, I will be her.
I am sitting here sharpening my best skinning knife, while my cunt drips sweet juices at the thought of becoming this cutie. No one knows how to skin an animal better then I do.
I walk up to her and place the knife at the base of her throat, I lean in and plant my lips on hers, shoving my tongue deep down her throat so that I absorb her first scream as the knife sinks into her. As I pull my mouth away I hear the music that is her agony and I cum so hard I almost loose my grip on my knife.
I love the look in her eyes as I continue to gut her right up the middle. To soon she passes out as I continue. I gut her just like I would a deer or a wild hog and enjoy every minute of it.
As I skin her I sing a little song, knowing I will wear her skin and become her as I cook her fresh meat for dinner.
Gives a whole new meaning to getting under someone’s skin doesn’t it?
Knife Play Phone Sex
My fucking mother left me home today with my little brother I hate watching his sorry whinny little ass. He is my mother’s spoiled little brat. He makes me feel like having some knife play phone sex. Soon, as she left his dumb ass just started crying that he was hungry. I went into the fridge and decided to make him a delicious cheeseburger. I took some meat out of the freezer and fried it up in a pan added cheese and fed it to my stupid little brother. He tasted it and shut up, and said how good it was. Too bad he doesn’t know that he is eating his own little friend that barks all the damn time like him, that went missing a few days ago. LOL! But, soon as the idiot was done eating he went back to crying. This time the little one needed to be taught a lesson. I took him into the basement and tied his little ass up to a chair. I put some duct tape over the little fuckers mouth and went up stairs and got his other little noise making fur ball. I laid her on the table and limb by limb chopped the stupid thing into pieces while telling my little brother if he does not shut the fuck up whining all the time I am going to lay him ass on this table and chop little by little till he can fit in freezer bags and then I will feed him to the family.
Cannibalism Phone Sex
I decided to have a picnic last night, not at your typical area but at the cemetery forget the parks where all those little brats are running around. I got my picnic basket ready and my lunch and walked over to the one down the street from my house. I sat down with my lunch the darkest area. I opened my picnic basket and pulled out my knife, matches and and rope out. All the sudden as soon as my lunch seen these things she started screaming and crying. I leaned over and whispered in her ear that she is going no where tonight. My friend is meeting me here for lunch and she will be the main course. There are not any houses for miles do you really think someone is going to hear you? LOL I laid her down tied the rope around her tighter. My friend walked up with the logs for the fire and got the fire going he tied her above the fire so she could roast for a few hours. What a pleasant aroma in the air. Nothing better than the smell of burning flesh.
Super Size Fries
Before I started babysitting annoying little brats, I worked at a fast food place. Now those of you that have done that type of work can agree about one thing. Your pathetic asshole of a boss that didn’t do shit but bitch about every little thing and told everyone else to take care of it. You know that lazy fat ass that every time you saw them, you wanted to choke them out until they stopped breathing. Then set the entire building on fire and stand outside to watch it burn to the ground. Well, there was one night that is was so slow that my retarded boss sent everyone home so it was just me and him left to close that night. I knew why he just be the two of us. He wanted to get a cheap feel like he always tries to when no would be around. But that night after I took care of the last customer’s order and started shutting everything down, he called me in the back office. He locked the door behind me and ordered me to get down on my knees to suck his dick. I told him to pull it out for me and close his eyes to not watch me. After his tiny dick was out and eyes closed. I pulled out a box cutter while I was starting to jack him off with my hands. I quickly slit his throat as I then cut off his little prick. Then as he was laying there dying, I put his bloody, little prick in his mouth so that I could actually tell him to “Choke on a Dick!” as he died. I thought it would be so hot if I were to cut off his fingers and toes as well. So that I could take all of his fingers, toes, and tiny worthless dick over to the refrigerator to mix them in with the uncooked french fries to be served tomorrow. Shortly after, a customer pulled threw the “Drive-Thru” and wanted to order some combo meals so I asked “Would you like to Super Size your fries?”
Just a Little Snack
Every now and then everyone needs a tasty little snack. The little bitch that came to my door earlier thinking that she could just walk away after talking to someone like that. LOL I sewed that little bitches mouth up for good she will not be running it anymore in this life time. Afterwards I had to make her drink a little more of my good medicine so she would be paralyzed a bit longer. I called up my friend we are just going to call him Mr. Z he came by and inspected the little whore with me. He said she would be a amazing dish as well. He helped me carry her to the bathroom where we undressed her and washed her with warm water and scrubbed all the dirtyness from her body. When she was clean Mr.Z leaned over and whispered to her it is ok to cry, it will all be over soon when you are baking in the oven. I told Mr.Z I think she would be delish being stuffed with some veggies. He agreed so we carried her to the kitchen laid her on the floor and took the knife and made a small incision right under her plump little pussy. So that we could stuff her with all kinds of goodies. then we took her and folded her body up so she could fit in our baking pan seasoned her and then we placed her in the oven. After telling her that we will remember her while both of our stomachs are full from her flesh. Dinner will be ready in a few hours. Me and Mr.Z cleaned up the mess and fed what we did not want to my dog. Who could turn away such a delicious meal.
Cannibalism Phone Sex Party
We always have a end of the year party for school. We get together and go on a camping trip for a few days. There has been eleven of us that go together every year. The agreement is every year we pick one girl to go with us. She must have a healthy looking body, and take very good care of herself. On our way to the camp site we stock up on lots of beer, and other goodies that we always need. One of us eleven leave to go get a very special drug, we pick up our new friend coming along on the way to the campsite. When we get to the camp site we all set up the the tents and where we are going to sleep. We set the fire pit up so we can stay nice and warm and the roaster cause we plan on catching a delicious piece of meat. James the one single man at the party starts flirting with our new girl we brought with us. He asks her if she wants a beer and of course she does when he brings it back to her she drinks it all up very fast not even noticing that special drug is in it. It is getting closer to dinner when she finally passes out. We give her a few minutes to go into a deep sleep.
All the men get together and take her down to the lake and strip her completely naked and rape the little pig bitch. Once they are finished fucking and raping this little whore pig. They put her in the water for us and start cleaning and washing her till she is completely free of all perfumes,cum and any other substance. Then it is dinner time. We put our large piece of pork up on the roaster so we can watch our little fuck pig roast. She is going to be so tasty when she is ready for us. We always have a special piece of meat for dinner at our end of the year parties.