I messed around with the wrong couple. I responded to an ad on a fetish site for a submissive woman as a play thing. The couple was good looking and I enjoy being the spice in a couple’s sex life. When I arrived, the house was a palace in comparison to some I have been in. Seriously, this couple was loaded. They took me to their playroom, which was bigger than my house. I never seen so much BDSM equipment. The BDSM lifestyle is not cheap, but they could afford all the fancy equipment and toys. The wife was the alfa. She instructed me to suck her husband’s cock. She likes to watch. I thought this was going to be a fucking hot time. Wrong. I sucked his dick too well and was punished. She cracked a whip down so hard that it left a gash on my flesh. Blood started trickling down my body. I was trembling in pain, paralyzed in fear. I was punished for doing what I was told. What would happen if I disobeyed her? She instructed her husband to piss on my open wounds. That fucking stung. I was shaking. I scanned the room for exits. There had to be a way out. She saw me looking and tossed her whisky in my face. Alcohol burns the eyes. Her husband blind folded me and tied me to a saw horse. I had to grip the whip in my mouth. If I dropped it, I would suffer more pain. The handle was thick leather, hard to keep steady in between my teeth, especially when the husband decided it was ass fuck time. He rammed my ass hard trying to get me to dislodge the grip I had on the whip. If I dropped it out of my mouth, I may not survive. So, I held onto that thing for dear life. I lasted longer than her husband to their disappointment. While the wife was punishing her husband for not fucking my ass harder, I made my escape. What a sick, twisted couple.
Category: Bondage phone sex
Kinky, Violent Bondage Phone Sex
Gangbang rape porn
I have plotted and fantasized gangbang rape porn forever. I fucking get fucked up and watch snuff shit all over the internet. I can’t help but be this way. My urges are so open. So, this is me right after my violet gangbang fucking my holes. I know I still look beautiful. All I needed was a brush and to make my bed. I looked on google to find some strong men to dominate me and make me feel as if I was really getting used and abused. All four men came over to play in my little fantasy. They took turns fucking me and they all came in me. The amount of cum in holding in is insane. I got slapped around and degraded just the way I pictured. I love how they handled my small Fraggle body. With no care in the world If they broke one of my bones. My lip was bleeding from one the guys biting me so hard so when I went to suck his dick. I bit his fucking cock head right off. I have no regrets but that they had to stop because he wouldn’t stop bleeding. He made blood and so did I. I wanted it so bad. When they left I pleasantly cleaned it up with my mouth. Having a dirty secret like that is whatever. I don’t care I know I am not the only one.
The 12 Days of Castration Phone Sex Christmas
The 12 Days of Castration Phone Sex Christmas has officially begun. I am castrating a loser for free every day until Christmas. Normally, I charge 10 grand to take a guy’s loser nut sack. You would be surprised how many guys beg me to take their nuts. Some want a clean castration, others prefer it dirty. Dirty as in catch a nasty infection dirty! I am charitable to a point. My 12 Days of Castration spree will all be dirty castrations. Ted was the first beneficiary of my charity. He has been begging me for years to cut his nuts off, but he just never had the funds to pay me. He is a broke ass loser. His little dick is 3 inches. He can’t even pay hookers to fuck him. He has a dead end job and few friends. I am doing the world a solid by making sure he cannot reproduce. Never will he be a baby daddy. We never needs more sad sacks in the world. I surprised him at his place. The fucking loser had the audacity to tell me to leave. No fucking way. He begged me almost daily for years and now I am going to take his nuts for free and he tells me to leave? I clocked him in the head. Loser went down like a sack of potatoes. I tied him up, stripped him and then tossed some cold water in his face to wake him up. I was holding my rusty knife to his nut sack. The moment he spoke, I sliced his nuts. A dirty cut too. Usually, I would cauterize the wound, but this punk ass didn’t deserve any mercy. I tied a sock around the wound, so he wouldn’t bleed out, but he was going to lose some blood and have a nasty scar from the procedure to remind him always of what a worthless piece of shit he is. Merry fucking Christmas.
Daddy’s Snuff Sex Slave
I was a bad bitch. Daddy said I needed punishment. I made the mistake of reaching out to my father for the holidays. I have not seen him in over 10 years. He abused me as a little girl. I ran away from home because I couldn’t handle the pain. Ironic, I know because I am a pain whore now. The moment he opened the door, I could smell the booze just like I did when I was a young girl. He had this grin on his face like he had been waiting for this moment ever since I left. I knew I had made a mistake. I tried to turn around, but he pulled me inside. The place had not changed one bit since I left. It was eerie. He put handcuffs on me and whipped out his cock. He is in his 60s now, but from the looks of his cock, just has hard as he used to get when he would force fuck me. Before he shoved his cock in my mouth, he told me, “You have a lot of years to make up for my little whore.” He skull fucked me for hours. He had so much cum for an old man. He didn’t stop with my mouth. I was always his little anal porn star. He was the first to prolapse my ass. He did it again and laughed at me. “Once Daddy’s whore, always Daddy’s whore Cassie,” he seethed. I may never get back home.
Domination Phone Sex Revenge
He said I needed domination phone sex. I was thinking perhaps I could use a little slave training, but I was not prepared for what I got. He hung me upside down naked. It’s disorienting because the blood flows to your head and gives you this dizzy feeling. I was hanging by my ankles for about 30 minutes before he even spoke to me. “Slut, you need to learn some manners,” he seethed. This was all because I forgot to say sir. He was in an extremely sadistic mood, even for him. While I was hanging upside down, he whipped me repeatedly. I felt like a black slave and it was 1890. He cracked the whip so hard, he drew blood. I felt my own blood dripping down my spine. I begged for mercy, but he was not feeling generous. He did eventually cut me down. I landed hard on the cement floor. I curled up into a ball because I was in pain and scared. As I was curled up on the floor, he kicked me. Repeated kicks to the back and stomach. I was spitting up blood. I never seen him this sadistic. And all because I forgot to say Sir? When I looked up, I noticed another man watching and jacking off. Now, I knew what was going on. This man paid to watch my abuse. Master was extra abusive because he was being paid. I didn’t know the guy. Well, I didn’t think I did, but when he decided to make me his ass rape porn star, I realized I did know him. He was my oldest son’s friend from college. I rejected him sexually last year. I guess this was some sort of macabre payback. As he was sodomizing my bloody asshole, he told me, “Never say no to me again bitch. I get whatever I want one way or another.” He sure did get what he wanted, and I paid the price.
Killer Phone Sex Fantasies
He had a killer phone sex fantasy. As a submissive whore, I love catering to your darkest desires and fantasies. He has long gotten hard at the idea of having a captive sex slave in his basement. He has a wife and brats. He lives the idyllic suburban life. Nice house, nice job, nice family. All that bores him; but his family, his community, would never understand his need to punish and subjugate women. He kidnapped me hitchhiking. In his mind, I was nothing more than a dirty blonde bimbo no one would miss. He tossed me into this dark and damp room. I was chained to a stake in the ground. There was no light, except for his flash light. He told me scream all I want, no one would hear me. This was some cellar beneath the basement no one in the family knew existed but him. I screamed, but he didn’t flinch. This was not the first time a woman had been held here. I was alone in the dark; I was cold, scared and hungry. I had no idea how long I had been on that concrete slab, chained up like a wild animal. He came downstairs with some food in a dog bowl. It was dog food. I could eat it or starve he said. I didn’t eat it. I was hopeful I could get away. He pulled his cock out and sodomized me for what felt like an eternity, then he left. I cried and screamed alone in the dark, but he was right. His family above had no idea that their perfect husband and father had a woman imprisoned below them. He came back a few more times and force fucked me some more. I had a pot to piss and shit in. Dog food to eat. He told me to be grateful I was still alive. No, this is not living. I hope I die.
Snuff Porn for Cash
Snuff porn until Christmas. That is my fate. I need money for gifts and coke. My husband gave me money to Christmas shop, but I put it up my nose. Now, I have no more blow and no money to buy gifts or coke. A friend told me about auditions at this new underground seedy club. It is a place where men pay lots of money to do whatever they want to women. Torture, force fuck, bondage, toilet play… all the things most women won’t do. She needed money too, so my friend and I went together. The women waiting to get in were junkies and bimbos. Most of them looked rode hard put away wet. I am a coke whore, but I look classy, well at least compared to a strung-out heroin whore in need of a fix. There was a man deciding on who got in. The pay was $500 cash. When the guy got to us, he gave us a wad of cash and ushered us in. I guess we had the look he wanted. Once we were inside, we were on an auction block. Men bid on us. I went for $10,000. Suddenly, my little $500 felt like pocket change. I could hear screams, smell blood and I heard what sounded like a chainsaw. This was like something straight out of a Hostel movie. I was either not going to live, or wish I was dead afterwards. The man who bought me, never spoke to me. I guess he didn’t want to personalize me. I had to think quick because I saw the hammer, big knives and other torture sex devices. I was not going to live. He started stabbing me. Swallow but painful jabs because he was unsure he wanted to kill me. He paid to snuff me, but in a moment of hesitation, I got away. I ran through a maze of dead women. I grabbed my friend and got the hell out. We were both bloody and bruised. It was a near death experience. Somehow, I think if you paid to torture me, you wouldn’t hesitate.
Great Sadist!!
I was at the club and bored as all fucking hell into this hot looking man walked up to me and sat down. He said he had been watching me for a while now and he has heard all the nasty kinky stories about me being a pain fucking slut. He continued to tell me what type of sadist he is and he thinks that us two could have a great fucking time together. So I followed that fucker back to his house like a horny dog in heat. I thought I would have a moment before we got started but to my delight, he punched me right in the face before I was all the way thru his door.
Taboo Phone Sex Whore and Bad Bitch
As a taboo phone sex whore, I need to be ready for anything. The men in my life are unpredictable. They love to hurt me, abuse me, and force fuck me. I have been double dipping in masters. I have an evening master and a day master. I thought I was sly and could get away with it. It all blew up in my face this weekend. I got busted. One master was at my house when the other made a surprise visit. They weren’t mad at each other, they were mad at the lying skank, which was me. I tried to smooth talk my way out of it saying I am a worthless whore who always needs two men to keep me in line. They ganged up on me. I was tossed into my basement where most of the hardcore BDSM equipment is kept. I was kicked, whipped, spit on and fucked. Did I mention it was for hours? They went Clockwork Orange on me and kicked me like a soccer ball. I was bloodied and bruised when the fucking starting. My eyes were swollen shut. “Not so pretty now are you whore,” one of them yelled at me as he slapped my face hard. They watch way too much ass rape porn because they were sodomizing me with both their cocks at the same time. My asshole tore, and I could feel hot sticky blood dripping down my ass. They left me tied up all weekend. When they returned yesterday to release me, they double penetrated my ass again. I’m still prolapsed and sore, but ready to serve you master.
Blood for snack
I skipped school today so I could roleplay some rape scene with my boyfriend. I had to break into my window so that we could get in my house. I lost my key. My boyfriend threw me through the window. I cut my heels and hands. He sucked every blood out of that came out. He ripped my clothes and tied my wrists. I love the way he controls my body and makes it his. Being a submissive little cum slut is my favorite part of the day when we are with each other. He stole my heart by taking my ass hole whenever he needs it. My cunt was dripping after he bit me and made me bleed. Begging for air after he turns me over just makes me more and wetter. My love for blood will never end or violence.