Category: Bondage phone sex

Torture Sex Bound to Die

Torture sex was what this guy was all about, and Master knew all about these cruel desires and intentions of said client. Evidently this client paid him good for me after he “tasted me” at the party. The client Mr. Gallo had a very grave sense about him and how he never seemed to smile. I was dressed in a red low cut dress with a low back and fell open just above my knees. Silky back seamed nude stockings flanking my legs with some red leather stiletto heels.

Arriving to my date’s hotel I was ushered in the room and served a glass of wine. After a couple sips and small talk I was feeling faint. Attempting to get up was useless and before I realized what hit me I was knocked out cold. While I was out I had become the source of Gallo’s sick intentions. Mr. Gallo was slicing at my flesh and and he was filming this the whole time. He’d get hard at the sight of his blade drawing my blood as he marred up my pale flesh. 

I know what was happening as I was forced to watch the movie after I awoke and found myself bound to a chair in an severe anemic state. He laughed as he fucked me and sliced into my flesh as he went. Mr. Gallo continued to torture me as he fucked me and got rougher with each thrust in my cunt. As he became ready to cum he pulled out and rubbed his cock in my wounds and blood. Eventually cumming all over the cuts making them sting.

The night came to an end as I was hauled into the E.R where I received over a hundred stitches and a blood transfusion. 

Never Take a Short Cut Down a Creepy Alley

snuff sex bondage painIt was dark, I was running late, so I took a short cut down this creepy alley. Big mistake. A masked man followed me, grabbed me and threw me in the trunk of his car. He took me to some abandoned building. Dragged me kicking and screaming by my hair into the scary looking building. I ended up in a room with a few other women. None of us knew what to expect. One of the captors entered and grabbed one of the girls. She was crying and pleading. He smacked her so hard a tooth came out. I heard another guy yell, “Don’t mess her up too much before the camera starts rolling.” Then I knew what was going on. Snuff sex.  They were going to rough us up, sexually assault us, maybe even kill us on film.

We heard that poor girl cry and scream for hours. I heardsnuff sex murder fantasies whips, chains, a blow torch, and finally a chainsaw. After I heard that, she made no more noise. I knew she was not alive anymore. The guy came back in for girl number two. He had on a butcher’s apron covered in blood. Her blood I assumed. The next girl to go, suffered a similar fate, but not as quick. Soon, I was the only girl left in the room. I almost would have preferred to go first. The waiting while hearing the others being tortured was frightening beyond comprehension.

When it was my turn, I didn’t even fight. I knew what my fate was soon to be. One of the masked assailants strung me up in the air. They turned on a light and saw the carnage. Women’s limbs all over the floor;  blood splatter on the ceiling and walls; internal organs in a pile…. I vomited at the site. I was about to die a slow torturous death because I cut down an alley. I just prayed it would be quick. I prayed to pass out.

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All Wrapped Up for Xmas

The holidays bring back such deep memories for me. It makes me remember the first time I was tied up, like a present, and presented to one of my uncles. Everyone had come over to my house for xmas eve, and the drinks were flowing. I was playing in my room and just waiting for bedtime so that I could go to sleep and then wake up to presents under the tree downstairs. I never got much, but it was still always a lot of fun. Just then, two of my male cousins came into my room. they were older than me, so they never paid much attention to me, but this time they were carrying rope.

I was confused, but they explained that they had forgot to buy a xmas gift for their dad, so they were going to make ME his present this year. I had no idea what they meant, but before I could ask, they grabbed me and started tying me up in my own bed. My feet were tied together and and my hands as well. I was started to get scared. They told me everything would be fine, and that the rope was really just xmas ribbon and that I was going to make a very pretty present for my uncle. They left me there, laying in my bed, all tied up and terrified wondering what the hell was happening.

Not too long after, I heard my door open, and it was my uncle. I heard my cousins yell from the hallway “Merry xmas!” and then the door closed. My uncle came over and sat on my bed. I felt so exposed, in just my panties and rope tied all over my body. He began to fondle my tiny breasts and told me what a pretty present I was. He began running his hands all over my body, and my tiny pussy was throbbing by the time he started unwrapping me. He untied my legs, but left my arms wrapped up. He spread my legs and put his face down between them. He licked me like a candy cane and I felt so tingly all over.

I could hear the rest of the family downstairs laughing and having fun. Xmas music was playing, and here we were in my room, with my uncle molesting me. I felt dirty and pretty all at the same time. He showed me how to suck his cock and then he fucked me in my own bed. No one came to stop him, and so I knew that my parents must have known. I remember laying there wondering if I would get extra special presents this year for being such a good girl. My uncle came all over me, and then kissed me softly and told me merry xmas. To this day I can’t hear a xmas song without thinking of that night.

Watch Me Hunt

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Watch Me Hunt

When you come home from work you find me in the kitchen laying out my tools…my cell phone, three chloroform soaked rags in plastic baggies, a couple roofies, an opaque sack bag, duct tape.  “Hunting again?  So soon?  You just went last week.”  I nod and give you a kiss on the corner of your mouth.  “I know but this is the best time of year.  They are all out in masses and distracted.  I’ll take a break after Christmas. Can you clean out cage 6 for me while I’m gone?”

You don’t usually try to stop me or disapprove of what I bring home to us; Young, pretty girls at the peak of their beauty and health for us to play with and discover the limits of our humanity with (spoiler alert, we don’t seem to have many limits).  We have a few cages in the subbasement that you call “The Barn”, eight of them.  Right now only five of those cages are occupied and by the end of this weekend we will only have three left.  You don’t like it when we have too many girls, but I like having options.  Some nights I feel like Asian, school girl, waitress, drunk data entry temp that got separated from the bachelorette party she was enjoying, ect.   Before I leave I suggest you work on Girl 2, a cute whimpering nursing assistant that begs us to stop in the sweetest of voices, like a hurt little doll.  She’s still has too much spirit and needs it broken, her meat has to be tenderized.

While you watch me get dressed in my hunting clothes; nice but non descriptive little black dress, blonde wig, stylish boots that I’ve had customized with a steel toe, and my “poison” ring with the powdered roofies, you get a loving and appreciative look in your eyes.  “I would like to follow you one night.  Watch you hunt.  See how you do this.”  I giggle and jump into your arms “Really?  You want to watch me hunt?  Stalk the hunter if you will?”

You walk me to my van, with tinted windows and built in hidden floor compartment large enough to hold three human beings.  “So Girl 2, what should I do with her while you are gone?” you ask as I toss my duffle bag in the passenger seat.  “Well if you don’t want to work on her tonight then can you make a few more accounts for me on Tinder so I can start prospecting,” I get in the van and start it up.  “Actually I want you and I to both play with Girl 2 together when you get home and we prep the new girl you bring home.  But I’ll give her a quick cleaning and feeding, and then tie her to the guest bed.” You give me one more kiss good bye and I head out.  I’m so lucky to have a man like you support my hunting habits!


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Dinner is ready

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Do you like my table setting? I have tried it a few times but these stupid sluts start to cry as the wick gets hotter and starts to burn closer to their skin. As if. They are just scared little bitches. Worthless in my eyes. They don’t need to eat. They can suck on the candle wax. I set my Holiday table like this because well, Its the holidays and I don’t want to end up fat and ugly like this bitch. I eat until I am full. 

But this bitch. She doesn’t get to eat food. She gets to eat me. She has to lick my pussy until I come all over her face. If during that time I have to use the bathroom. I just go on her. If she doesn’t get me off Ill just kick her with my heels until she does. Ill take the melted wax off by ripping it off her skin. hopefully there will be some pain and blood!! Oh… Its time for her meal! 

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You made me an insatiable pain slut

bloody phone sex georgia 00You always like to remind me how helpless I am. Last night you even tied up my wrists and ankles with rope. I waited that way until morning, struggling to fall asleep because I knew a severe beating was coming. This time I want to feel the pain from every blow, I know I earned it. Didn’t you notice how I kept my eyes open until they swelled shut? I know how much you enjoy hurting me and I’m really scared now because I like it too. Every time you choke me I know it might be the last time, I could easily black out and never wake up. It gets me excited too, it’s actually the only thing that does now. Nothing will ever be the same.
Although you probably think I’m lying its the truth. While you were beating me this morning I felt ashamed of how wet it made me. My cum was gushing out and running down my thighs, you must have been too distracted by all the blood to notice. After you left me untied and alone in my room, I pressed hard into my swollen clit until I squiredt into a puddle of my own blood. I was so disgusted with myself I nearly puked. Maybe this was what you wanted all along or maybe you wanted me to always hate it. Obviously I’ll never ask, you rarely let me speak anyway. Most days I’m gagged when your pricks not stuffed deep inside my throat or I’m just locked away in my room. Sadly, all I did this week was rub my slippery pussy while I day dreamed about all the torture that awaits me. That’s how sick I am now, I can’t control it anymore

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Deadly Desire

It was a dark night full of excitement and insanity as rogues of shoppers were fighting their way into the store as they opened for the special shopping event. I agreed – fuck knows why – to bring my brother a dinner plate to him since he had to work. I made it through the mess and was headed out to my car. 

As I walked back to my car I was suddenly grabbed from behind. Black leather gloved hands grabbing my arms. There was a second set of hands on me pulling me into a dark van and shoving a cloth in my face. There was something on the cloth I must have inhaled it as I was feeling woozy and blacked out.

Awaking in a sleazy sex club I found myself naked and bound. I was shackled to a bed and awoke to being triple penetrated. I felt my cunt throb as two big cocks stretch my pussy. My ass was feeling as though I had been banged over and over again with fat cocks.

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As soon as they noticed I was coming to I felt a hard blow on my head. Slowly falling back out of consciousness I felt the blood trickling, and heard them say they were promised a dead girl.

The First Of My Snuff Movies

snuff movie1I placed an ad in the local paper for auditions in a film. My cunt trembled as it pumped cum while I was typing the ad. They think it is for a porn film so the most eager and kinky will show up for the auditions. Waiting for the auditions was torturous for me. Envisioning the snuff movie I was about to make and the agony having to wait kept me so fucking hot that I was fucking myself almost 24 hours a day for a solid week. I knew as soon as I saw her that she would be the one. She looked like Snow White to me, fair skin and dark black hair. She had an air of innocence about her with tempting sexuality. She was so excited to have the part and showed up early for tapping. The grey walls of the warehouse and the dim lighting were the perfect back drop. One twin bed with a metal frame and white sheets so the blood would show up a bright crimson against the bleak backdrop was going to be perfect. I had cameras set up and rolling from the moment she walked in. She thought she was going to be the star of the movie but in fact it would be me. Guiding her every step of the way she fell into my embrace as I ripped her clothes from her body. Each minute of filming became more violent and it didn’t take her long to realize something was terribly wrong. When her instinct to flee kicked in I tied her to the bed and pulled out my chain saw. That is when the real fun began. Mutilating her body and immortalizing the carnage on film. Watching it later I have to admit that of all the snuff movies I have ever seen, my very first snuff movie turned out rather well and had a happy ending indeed. snuff movie2

An Introduction To Torture Sex

Torture sexIt takes a certain mind set to be aroused by Torture Sex.  There are so many lovely, erotic, brutal things which fall within this type of “Fetish”.  Dependent upon the level of pain your partner can take, and their definition of torture you can open up a whole new world for them.  Imagine if you will the following:

You have had her tied up for hours when the norm calls for twenty minutes max as not to cause nerve damage.  You have found a way around this BDSM golden rule by changing her position a few times without saying a single word to her while yanking her into position.  At last you come into the room and her body is trembling.  All the muscles are constantly spasming which causes her great discomfort, but you do not want discomfort, you want to have your Torture fun.  You walk toward her as you are angry and brandish the dagger.

She tells you to stop fucking around, you haul off and back hand her.  She starts to swear at you. Your reply to her vulgar words is to lay the length of the cold steel of the blade against her lips until she shuts up.  You put the knife down and she starts to cry.  You smile to yourself as you get the fucking machine ready.  She sobs and as you grab the knife she starts to scream, you slice through her binds, grab her hair and pull her across the floor until she is in the position with her asshole exposed to the tip of the enormous dildo on the end of the machine.

You squat down and raise a finger to your lips as you reach over her to turn it on.  Her mouth flies open while she tries to move forward from the violent penetration of her virgin ass.  You hold her face in your hands so that you can watch every single tear roll down her cheek.  You put a posture collar round her soft neck, thread rope through the D ring and tether her in place. 

You go out of the room for a moment to get the bull whip that you have been practicing with for the past month without her knowledge.  You say in a firm voice, “Tell me what you are!”  She says nothing.  You crack the whip against the curvature of her ass, the welt appears immediately.  You repeat your demand.  She whimpers.  You send another searing crack of the bull whip against her tender flesh.  This goes on until she answers you but you do not stop assaulting her tender flesh with your weapon.

With your cock hard as a rock you quickly turn off the fucking machine, getting behind her you shove your cock into her wet pussy.  You unbuckle the the posture collar so that you can place your strong fingers around her neck.  As you choke her harder and harder you both cum. 

Doesn’t all that sound lovely?  I know it does.  Now it is just a matter of dating the right woman who would allow you do this, or better yet, just pick someone at random.  That way it will not matter if they will allow it or not, after all it is all about your pleasure, not theirs.

Online Dating Can Be Murder…..

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I am a bored housewife. Have a husband who is never home, brats that are only around when they want something like money, drugs or pussy. So, I created a profile on one of those adult hook up sites. Sometimes I just need a good fuck. I went to a hotel to meet this college stud to find out I had been duped. He was there all right, but so were three of his friends. When I tried to act like I had the wrong room, one of them grabbed my hair and dragged me into the room. He tied me up and they all started fucking me. Choking me as they shoved their cocks in my ass and pussy. Slapping me, punching me, strangling me, even cutting me. I was a bloody, black and blue mess.

I looked over to my left, tears in my eyes, but I could see the camera. The sick bastards were filming themselves assaulting me. Then their true objective came to light. I had been lured to my death. They were going to fuck me, then kill me, then fuck me some more as they made a snuff film. They said I should feel honored because they were going to make me famous like William Allen Grone did with his victims. He was a supposed serial killer who filmed his murders and had sex with dead bodies. He has been idolized as the first maker of snuff films, but some question his existence. It didn’t matter, if these fucks thought he was real, that was bad news for me. They added that I was a stupid cunt who deserved to die. What stupid bitch meets a stranger in a hotel room to fuck in this day and age? Those words would stay with me until I took my last breath.

necrophilia phone sex bondage milfI thought maybe this was all a hoax, engineered by my sadistic son. I mean, you see this shit in horror films, but who really lures unsuspecting women off the Internet to slaughter them, while filming it?  But when the knife plunged in to my belly, I realized I was not the victim of a hoax, but the victim of sadistic bastards out for a buck and their 15 minutes of fame.

snuff phone sex rape fantasiesI felt the warm blood oozing out of my stomach. I felt myself getting weak, tired, cold. I could hear them laughing, telling me to smile for the camera. I could feel them cumming on me as I lay their dying. Then everything went dark. Maybe I will have the respect of men in the afterlife, that I never did in life.

I am a stupid cunt whore. Despite my desire to live, I know I am a worthless fuck pig who deserves to be killed. What would like to do to me before you snuff me out? Would you fuck my dead corpse?