Category: Bondage phone sex

Forced Ass Rape Porn

I knew selling my body could backfire. But I didn’t know how bad it could be. I am so fucking horny all the time and I like rough men, so I should have known better when you told me you would triple my fee as long as I agreed to do anything you wanted. Something about your evil nature intrigued me, and I agreed. We arrived at your place and you had lingerie laid out for me. Red and black – seemed normal enough.

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As I got dressed in my outfit you bought, you began setting up a camera. I got nervous and told you that you couldn’t run video on us. You immediately turned around and slapped me so hard I fell to the floor. You said “Shut up you stupid whore,” and calmly went back to setting the camera up. I was so shocked I couldn’t even speak. My adrenaline was pumping and I didn’t know what to do other than get the rest of my outfit on. I stayed on the floor until you turned back around to me and told me to get up.

I stood up slowly, and you grabbed me by the hair and told me that you were making a movie and I was going to be your star. You told me you were sent to my city to make some ass rape porn and that my perfect ass was going to make you a very rich man. I tried to pull away, but you you yanked me down and made me suck your cock. I tried to get it as wet as I could because I knew you were going to be fucking my ass and I was guessing you would be taking it rough with no lubrication.

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Your cock was throbbing and it was so huge that all I could think about was the pain to come. You told me that I better put on a good show for the camera or you would snuff me out. You hit RECORD and I saw the red light turn on. Show time. You sat back and pulled me on top of you. Without wasting any time, you shoved your huge cock deep inside my tight ass. The pain took my breath away, but despite myself, my clit began to throb and I came uncontrollably. I rode your cock for the next hour as the red light on the camera blinked. We made an amazing movie that night… and I wonder if I will ever get to see it?  

Whatever You’ve Got

torture sex kaliI was minding my own business on campus a couple days ago. My phone rang and “DADDY” flashed across the screen. “Hi Daddy!” I answered “Hi Princess” he said. He actually sounded sober. “How’s about me and you grab some lunch, a Daddy daughter date?” “I’ve got 40 minutes til my next class” “Sounds perfect. Meet me out front in 6” Sure enough, six minutes later on the dot, Daddy pulled up in his work truck. “Subway okay?” “Sounds great Daddy!” We stopped and went in. Daddy ordered some manly sandwich and I ordered an oven roasted chicken breast with all the vegetables besides jalapenos. I started to order my usual Diet Coke but my dad reached his hand out “Just water for the little lady, please” Weird. Oh well. We ate our meal and caught up. I looked at my phone. “We’ve gotta get back, dad” “Oh, alright” We jumped in the truck and he drove…past the school….to his construction site. Fuck fuck fuck not again. We got out and his buddies rushed me, showering me with kisses and compliments. I acted flattered but was really truly terrified. As I dutifully flirted with the men, I saw one out of the corner of my eye coming up next to me. I felt an agonizing pain in the side of my head and promptly passed out. When I woke up, it was dark. I was in the bed of a truck, and I hurt. Oh my god I hurt so much. My cunny burned, like I’d been fucked hard, and my side ached so much. I put a hand to my side, right above my hip, and raised my hand to my face. Spunk and blood, mixed together in a strawberry cream pie…but why was it coming from there?? I succumbed to the pain again and passed out. I awoke to a man lifting me up and throwing me effortlessly over his shoulder. I smelled Daddy’s familiar scent and asked what was going on, why was there so much blood, why does it hurt so much? He gently laid me down in bed and covered me up. “Daddy and John have a gambling problem, hun” “I know that, Dad. But what…” he nodded to his truck, which we could see from my bedroom window. It was backed up to the window with the tailgate down for ease of getting me out, and it was then that I noticed the cooler. “Good price for human kidneys, Kali” My jaw dropped. “But this wound, daddy. So much…” he laughed “All the men on my crew, their wives are snooty bitches. Don’t put out but for 2 days a year. None of them can resist a good hole when they see it”

The Gift

You dressed me up in lingerie and let me put on some makeup – just enough to make me look pretty and cover the bruises on my face. You kept looking at me like something was missing. You kept mumbling under your breath about a special night for your friend, Matt. My head was spinning as you sprayed perfume all over my body. Then you grabbed me by the cheeks and put your angry face right up to mine. You told me I would do as you tell me to and that tonight I was to be a gift for a friend of yours.
A gift? You let go of my face and continued to stare at me like you were puzzled. Then I saw a lightbulb go off behind your eyes and you went to the drawer and pulled out some ribbon. You came back to me and tied it around my neck – in a beautiful bow. You smiled, pleased at yourself for making me the perfect “gift”. You told me to put my heels on and get in the bed to wait for Matt. I always do as I am told, so I climbed up on the bed and laid back, dressed and ready for whatever came next.

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You opened the door, and in came a boy, so young I thought. You hugged him and told him Happy Birthday. He glanced over at me on the bed and his grin became evil. Suddenly he didn’t look so innocent anymore. You told me that today is Matt’s 18th birthday and that I am his present. Matt will be my Master tonight, and I could see his cock grow in his pants. You stepped aside and Matt climbed on top of me in the bed. His hard cock brushed my legs as he immediately spread my legs and began fingering me with fury.
You stood and watched as Matt fucked me mercilessly for hours. He was young, but ruthless with his hands and cock. He fucked me raw in my ass and pussy and came all over my face. My makeup was ruined, and my lingerie ripped to shreds by the time he was finished. The only thing left intact was the pretty bow around my neck. Matt thanked you and left the room. You climbed on top of my cum soaked body, and grabbed ahold of the ribbon. You began to pull it tight and I couldn’t breathe. Your use for me was over, and as my vision blurred and I choked for air, the last thing I ever saw was that evil grin of yours.  

I’m Hungry

I’ve been here all day waiting for you. You haven’t fed me for days and my hunger pains are the only thing letting me know I am still really alive. The rest of my body aches when I move from all the torture you inflicted on me last night. The needles in my nipples and pussy are gone, but the pain is sore and sharp even after you removed them. You showed no mercy when you whipped me, and since I am chained here, I have no escape.

But for some reason I long to see you. I can’t wait for you to come back through that door. The thought of your black eyes glaring at me, and wanting to hurt me again, make my tiny little battered pussy begin to throb. I need everything you give me. The fresh cuts from your blade make my ears ring in pleasure. There is no other way to get what this little pain whore needs – and you are the Master of pain.

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I can’t let you know that I secretly want it. I know you would lose interest and go find another worthless slut like me. I can’t lose you like that. You are my addiction and without your heavy hands forcing my tiny body into your painful fantasies, I am nothing. I need to feel your hatred and I want to see your cock rise when you hear me screaming. I want to watch you cum from my terror. I am your little pain whore, and I crave your anger. I don’t deserve the rush I get, and yet you continue to abuse me. Hurry home, Master, I am scared and wet and hungry…

The New Girl

I woke up to loud thumps coming down the stairs. It sounded like something huge and metal was being dragged down to the basement. I knew the sound, as I had experienced it before. You had a new slave and she was being delivered. I tried to sit up to watch the unloading, my heart racing, wondering how long she had been inside the safe. You hate dealing with their screaming when they first arrive – so they get locked away in a safe. Memories of my time in the box came rushing back to me. It had to have been days, but it felt like years.

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I was locked inside by some stranger who had grabbed me, and left there – cramped and starving. By the time the box was opened I was barely alive and nearly blind as the dingy basement lights tried to make my eyes focus. I remember being terrified but so thirsty that I couldn’t scream. That was of course your plan all along. To break us before you even let us out of the safe. To mind fuck us so intensely, leaving us for days to accept that we had been left to die – only to then let us out into our new living hell in the basement.
I watched as you unlocked the lock and swung open the door. Her naked body climbed out, weak but alive. She was bound and blindfolded, but like me, didn’t make a sound. She was already broken. You guided her to the table to introduce her to a new kind of pain. As the feeling came back into her limbs, from being cramped so long, you cut them and burned them and her body just seized on the table from the stimulation. I remember those first cuts and burns and my pussy came uncontrollably.

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She has been added to your collection of whores. We are here for you to experiment all your sexual desires on. I continued to watch her be tortured with the knives, still blindfolded. I knew she had no idea the future pain she will have to endure, and in fact grow to crave like a sick addiction. I felt myself drooling at the site of the blades cutting her fresh skin. I wanted another turn under your cruel hands. I needed to be touched, even if it only brings agony. I was jealous of this new whore. I wanted to go back to the day that I had first come out of the box….

Snow Storm

snuff porn stormIts cold outside. And I have to admit. I do have one thing I love to do when it is frozen and cold. I love to visit this little lake in the woods. It has to be the PERFECT weather. When it is icy cold AND going to freeze overnight. That is when it is perfect. I have been waiting for months for the perfect storm! Waiting for the weather to to be warm enough in the day to melt the ice. BUT cold enough at night to freeze it over. So I was SUPER excited today when I saw the weather. I have a list of possible victims for just this occasion! But I already knew who I was going to take. There is this little bitch down the street. She thinks she is all that. And she is always saying, “That is so hot” or “Isn’t that hot” Every fucking sentence. I would just ignore her, but she is my local rep to order parts for the store. I have to talk to her several times a day. And I just can’t take it anymore. I called my friend Ryan over. I snatched the little slut right from her bed. I let Ryan have fun with her first. Ryan beat her. Then fucked EVERY single hole. She was crying and begging for him to stop, but that just turned him on more! I loved watching Ryan rip her open! And when he was done…it was my turn. I drug her out to the lake. I placed her neck deep in the water. And waited. The cold water turned her lips blue. And they swelled up. She looked so pretty. The paler she got. The wetter I got. I watched all night as she slowly froze to death. As the pleas turned to whimpers. As she froze. Her tears looked like frozen water flowing down her checks. So pretty. It was so pretty Ryan had to stroke off one last time looking at her. The last thing she will ever know… is she is dying while cum is poring over her. I love it!

A Kitchen To Die For

Journal Entry

January 10 2015

It’s dark I don’t know where I am. God where did this headache come from? This doesn’t seem like my room it’s a lot colder and wait is that windows?  Where in the fuck am I?  I get up to explore. I try to clean a mud covered windows.  It’s hard but it seems to scrape off.  I see nothing but open fields and wintery trees, I’m in the country damn those people!.  What are they putting me into next?  I turn to walk over to another door. It bursts open and a man with a heavy smell of whiskey approaches me. He is older looks to be about 50 or so. The years of drinking have not been good to him he’s aged poorly.

torture sex He smiles with his half-filled mouth of teeth. This old lodge has been abandoned for years.  I bought it to torture and have my way with young victims like yourself.  Don’t get any smart ideas your all mine no one will hear your screams.  I paid good money for you. Don’t get smart you hear me?

I try to back way and trip over, what seems to be a locked trap door on the floor.  I fall on my ankle.  He steps closer and as he does I can see bondage cuffs in his hands.  I try to move but for an old man he’s fast. I’m caught! He bounds my hands together and drags me to another part of the lodge.  I whimper the whole way begging I’d do anything to be let go.  He seems to drag me to what looked like to be an old kitchen.  I was hoisted up on the counter.  I beg are you going to kill me? His replied you can only wish.  He took out utensils. First it was the ladle, he spread my legs wide and slid it in me.  I scream with pain and he hit me hard. He brought out a whisk and put my legs in the air.  Felt in tear apart my hole. He told me he was mixing my insides.  His groin area grew, torturing me here was turning him on. He continued to use utensils on me and forced his swollen cock in my mouth.  It tasted salty and unclean, but if I wanted my life I complied.

After being tormented for days I was drugged and sent back to my cell. I laid there trying to recover.  I have to plan my escape I can’t take this much longer. torture sex

Torture Sex with Blair

torture sex anal torture mommyI answered an ad in the Backpages for a mommy model. Sounded innocent enough. Pay was good. Would help me buy party supplies. I meet this young guy at his family cabin. When I arrived, he looked normal, but the cabin was obviously abandoned, as were all the cabins nearby. I was in the middle of nowhere. No one would hear me scream.  “What had I gotten myself into,” I thought.

I ignored my gut, second mistake. First mistake was agreeing to meet a total stranger in an abandoned cabin. When I entered with him, it was set up as a studio, but rest of the place was creepy and dilapidated. He gave me $1000 upfront and told me to undress. I thought to myself since he paid me I was probably safe. We began taking a few soft core pics. He excused himself to get some more film. I waited on the bed for him. I felt a blunt instrument hit me from behind. I fell forward on the ground.  He grabbed me by the throat and dragged me into another room. Strung me up and started whipping me.

He whipped me suspended for hours. When he cut me down, he dragged me by the hair back into the other room, blindfolded me and told me I better be ready for some ass rape porn, because he hired me for torture sex . I did not sign on for this. He had camera equipment set up to film him violating my ass. He started off just fucking me, but made sure I understood that he was just priming my ass for more torture. I guess I was screaming too much and he put a gag in my mouth. Turns out the gag was because he knew that I would really be screaming for the next phase.

torture sex bondage mommyHe started fisting me, double fisting me actually, A fist in my cunt and ass at same time to stretch me out further. He said his audience loves a gaping asshole. I was tight and he needed to change that. When his hands didn’t result in the gaping ass he wanted, he shoved his foot up my ass. That hurt more than anything he had done yet. I’d never had a foot in my ass. His foot was way bigger than his cock. I was crying , screaming. When he was done, my ass was gaping open. He seemed pleased with his work. He got the camera right up to my ass to show off my hole. Then I felt cold metal against my ass. I gulped in fear. A steel hook in my ass. I felt blood trickling down my thighs. The pain was awful. He fucked me with a cold metal hook. Mutilated my ass. The longer he fucked me, the more I bled. I saw the blood pooling underneath me; I started to shake, get light headed. Next thing I knew, I passed out.

I woke up covered in blood, in excruciating pain, gagged, with a metal hook in my ass. Like the cabin I was in, I had been abandoned. Left to die in the woods.  My cell phone was in front of me, so I could call for help, if I could only get a signal….

Clowning Around Town

accomplice phone sex clownDon’t you love taking a sweet and endearing symbol and twisting it into the most evil and sadistic thing you can imagine? Who doesn’t like clowns? Not many people. Sure there are a few that have a phobia but most younger people love clowns and thus the idea was born. We got a van. On the out side it looks like a regular clown van. It’s painted in fancy colors and even has a clown nose on the bumper. The inside is lined with sound proof panels and there is a divider behind the front seats for privacy.  This isn’t your average clown van. You won’t find one of these in the circus and my friend and I are not your every day clowns. This van is a mobile torture chamber. We have almost anything you would want to inflict pain upon another. We are not here to make you laugh and smile. Our goal is to make you cry and scream and beg for mercy. Screams that no one will ever hear. Mercy that you will never see. Unlike the clown mobiles in the circus where all the clowns pile in and then pile out. In our van once you come in, you will never get out. We are just clowning around town and introducing all the wee ones that are curious enough to get close to their nightmares. Won’t you join us? accomplice phone sex clown van

A tortured night

 Nothing is drive my desire than unbridled sex. I get off more with a good dead stiff.  I used to cruise the scanner looking for perfect accident scenes where I could catch a glimpse of a dead fuck.  As time passed my mind became more creative and  needed my own fix .  I wanted to see what it was like to have someone die by my own hands.  So I plotted and thought out the most despicable plan to torture my with dead bodies

 it started off I would cruise around looking for lost souls that needed warmth and guidance. When I had them in my grasp I through my plan into action.  I would drug them till they were floating in and out of conciseness where they were just of the brink of going into the light.  That’s when I could just push them over the edge with a injection of sodium chloride and continue on my feat.  

Do you think you can hold up to my desires of drunken dead men and rough sex?  Come join me in my journey of sex with dead bodies.