Category: Bondage phone sex

Castration Phone Sex: I’m Your Junk Removal Accomplice

castration phone sexCastration phone sex requires balls. I don’t mean the pathetic little nut sack dangling beneath your equally pathetic dick. I mean it takes courage, something that so many losers with worthless equipment actually possess. I get a shit ton of callers begging me to rid them of their useless and very disappointing testicles. My motto has always been, “testicles are for winners.” If you are calling me for a taboo phone sex call where I take your worthless junk, please be willing to hurt yourself at the very least. I mean the first step is recognizing that your worthless. The second step is seeking help, which my callers do when they call me for junk removal services. However, only so much of a hurt I can put on you, if you are not willing to do some self damage.  So, here are the tools you need. Booze. You will need something strong like bourbon or whiskey to dull the pain. Alcohol was anesthesia for centuries.  Duct tape. You can strap your pathetic wiener  to your belly exposing your balls for better torture or castration. You can use rope too. You need to separate your balls from your dick. Get a hammer, or some sort of blunt object. One hard smack and you can bust a nut. Literally flatten it. A sharp object is required for those who are serious about castration and it is just not fantasy for them. A kitchen knife, a razor blade, and exacto knife…. you get the picture. Something sharp enough to cut the flesh from your body. The final thing you need is a smoldering pen. Something to cauterize the wound because there will be blood. You can even use a heated frying pan. Just something really hot to seal the wound. It would really be nice for me if you were serious about castration, as serious as I am. I can tell the difference between real pain and acting. So man up. Get some proverbially balls to lose your real balls. Castration is not for the weak, but if you are serious about home castration, I am your junk removal accomplice.

Torture Sex Revenge

torture sexI got wicked drunk last night. Fuck, I was high too. Some guy at a bar gave me some good blow. We were doing lines on the bar and drinking 80 proof bourbon. I’m a tall woman. I can usually hold my liquor, not last night. I woke up with a different man. And not in the way you assume. I was on some rack. Naked, tied up, with little metal clips all over my body. It was pure torture sex. My skin felt like it was on fire. The metal was piercing my flesh. There was a funnel gag in my mouth and I was drinking something rank. Well being forced to chug it actually. “How do you like my piss, Cassie,” he inquired with a snarky grin on his face. He didn’t look familiar at all.  He saw the look on my face. “Don’t remember me whore,” he seethed? I was scared. Clearly, I had pissed this guy off at some point in my life, but no clue when or where. He tried to jog my memory, but when I was not getting a clue, it just pissed him off further. He started burning my flesh with a cigar. The worst was when he put it out on my clit. I screamed in pain. He sat me up to torture my cunt. Fucked me with a burning stogie while yanking on the clips attached to my pussy. He was face to face with me; staring me dead on in the eyes.  As he was burning my thighs and clit with the cigar, it hit me. I did know him. Not by name, but in the elevator of my building. He was making sure I knew him now. He carved his name in my stomach. Billy. According to him, a whore like me has no right snubbing anyone. I will never forget him now.

taboo phone sex

Torture Sex for a Cheating Whore

torture sex spsTorture  sex is all a worthless whore deserves. That is what every man tells me. Last night, I heard it from a woman too. A rather cruel dominant women who found out I fucked her husband. She set a trap for me, then when I arrived made it clear she was in charge because a cheating whore too dumb to know a set up doesn’t deserve any mercy. She tossed me on the couch. She was stronger than she looked. I hear rage can do that to a person. My hands were bound behind my back; my feet restrained. I was her captive. “You took something from me bitch; now I plan on taking something from you,” she seethed. I was scared. Women can be far crueler than men, especially women scorned. She started stroking my hair. I felt sick to my stomach. When I tried to beg and plead for forgiveness because I didn’t know he was married, she smacked me then put a spider gag in my mouth. I saw the scissors. I knew she was going to take my precious long blonde locks. A woman’s beauty is so tied to her hair. She did more than that. She cut my hair, shaved my head then carved whore on my chest with the scissors. Deep too. I started bleeding. I was helpless. My whore behavior put me in this position, along with my stupidity. I should have known he was married. Most men who want to fuck me are attached in some way or another. I was crying from the pain, but she was just getting warmed up. She lit a cigarette and put it out on my nipples. She poured alcohol into my wounds. But the worse thing she did was stab my cunt with her scissors. My pussy gushed blood. I screamed in pain. “I took your beauty and your whore instrument. Maybe you will think again bitch before you steal another woman’s man,” she said as she spit in my face. She warned me about calling the cops when she let me go. I knew better. A sick twisted scorned bitch like her would kill me next time.

Peanut Butter Fetishes with Morticia

Domination phone sex

You would not believe what I just caught my fucking worthless piece of shit bitch boy doing tonight. He was making my favorite snack a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I caught him sticking his cock in and out of my peanut butter. And then I watched him spread his cock all over my bread and then rub his dick until he came into my peanut butter. He put the sandwich together with my favorite strawberry jelly and then he fucking brought it to me.

Taboo phone sex

I asked him to taste the sandwich and he knew right then and there I knew what he had done. I don’t play with food I don’t appreciate somebody feeding me their fucking ball batter. So I made sure he would never ever cum in my sandwich again. I tied his fucking ass up butt naked in the forest right next to a big ol’ red ant Hill. His cock still had some fucking peanut butter all over and I left him there and listen to him scream for hours as those red ants bit and chewed on his worthless cock and balls. He will never ever fucking do that again.

Torture phone sex


Ass Rape Porn Punishment Served

Ass rape porn punishment served to a worthless whore that deserves every inch served. Invited down to play the victim in a gangbang rape porn I was certain I’d have a short lived part as I always get snuffed out right away. This time I play a submissive bride that gets used for the honeymoon.

Ass Rape Porn

The wedding party of guys got first dibs on taking my ass however they pleased. I was double penetrated, fisted and gaped. By the time the ten men took their way with I was gaped, sore, bloody and bruised, and this brought pleasure to my new husband. After all I vowed to obey and honor the wishes of my Husband and those of his friends. It is my pleasure to allow my husband’s pleasures to be indulged. 

violent phone sex

As the week long honeymoon drew to a close the abusive torture sex got more extreme. The likelihood that I don’t make it out alive is very clear.

Ass rape porn; how delightful…

ass rape pornI was given a new pet yesterday… not a furry pet but a human one. He was a wimpy little bitch with a whiny little voice and the smallest dick I have ever seen. Seriously, this thing was maybe an inch long, it looked more like a swollen clit than a cock. His former owner told me that all this little bitch did was whine and cry, that every time she would beat him he would just cry more and beg to be released. He was just a waste of space really, absolutely no one at all could deal with him but he knew too much about us to just let him go.That’s why he was given to me, I was going to be the one to punish him, torture him and eventually kill him. His death was NOT going to be an easy one either… he had annoyed me way too many times for that! We restrained him with his ass up in the air… we were making some ass rape porn so this whiny little fuck could live on in infamy online. I had the perfect strap on for this whore… it is 14 inches long, 4 inches thick and the whole thing is wrapped in razor wire so as soon as I slid it between his cheeks he started to bleed like crazy! He was trying to scream but he was gagged so all he could do was moan and cry and that bullshit certainly wasn’t going to make us stop, I kept right on reaming his asshole while his former owner wrapped a rubber band around his pitiful cock and balls. We were going to take his tiny little manhood away before we killed him, he was way too proud of that nasty little thing to be allowed to keep it in death. One smooth slice with the knife was all it took, his balls and cock were laying on the floor and he was bleeding out all over the floor…

castration phone sex

My First Sugar Daddy and his Rape Fantasies !!

Rape phone sex fantasies Aubree

My First Sugar Daddy made me is victim to make his fantasy come true. This was when I learned if I wanted everything I dreamed of I would do as I was told and he would give me what I wanted. It works out great. My Sugar Daddy would torture me and force me anytime I wanted anything. So that was all the time. I wanted money to shopping he would tie me up and pour hot wax on my nipples and clit. Then he would take his 10-inch cock and a 12 in dildo and fuck my tight ass for hours on end. I got what I wanted and so did he. He would sneak into room throw my window and kidnap me and take me to an empty warehouse so he could do as he wanted with me and not one would hear anything. Once he got me in his van he would blind fold me and rip off my clothes and put on my collar and clams on my nipples. When we got to the warehouse he would lead me in with leash hooked to my collar I was blind folded so I never knew what was next. It was always something new he had every BSDM Toy you could dream off. He more he did to me the more thing I could get when he was done. He never took me back home when he was done with me he would just untie me and leave blind folded and leave what he thought I should on the table then he leave once he was gone I could take off the blind fold and get dressed if he left me clothes and then I would have to walk home. My Sugar Daddy new how to treat me. I bet you know how to treat me also why don’t we fine out .

Snuff Sex and Torture Sex is all I Deserve

snuff sex cassieSnuff sex is the only sex for a blonde bimbo. Look at me? Fake tits. Bleach blonde hair. Botox all over my face. I scream bimbo. I love a dominant man with an evil streak. I am not a vanilla girl friend.  I am a freak on a leash wearing a collar with your name on it. David told me I was a worthless whore in need of some discipline. I tried to tell him that he didn’t need to break me in because daddy took care of that years ago. He punched me in the face making my nose bleed. “If you were so broke in bitch, you wouldn’t talk back. And you would only speak when spoken too,” he screamed at me. He scared me. Maybe I needed to be scared. Blood trickling down my face, he forced me on my knees to test my cock sucking skills.”Those swollen lips are going to feel good on my dick, whore,” he said with a grin as he began to skull fuck me. I accidentally nipped the ridge of his cock with my tooth as he was banging my mouth with such force. He shoved me off his cock, wrapped his hands around my throat and managed to pick me up like that. I felt like a bug he could easily squash. I am a tall woman too, but he was super strong and super mean. He tossed me against a wall. I fell to the floor.

torture sex cassie spsI started to crawl away, but his foot kicked me back down. He beat my ass black and blue before pulling me by my hair to a rack. On a St. John’s board one is usually facing her Master, but he strapped me down so my back was towards him. Not knowing what was going to happened scared me more than seeing it coming. Torture sex came next. He whipped me like a slave on a plantation in Georgia in the 1800s. I could feel my skin tearing open, blood pouring down my back from my wounds.  I pissed my myself before I passed out from the pain. I woke up in the hospital. No clue how I got there or how long I had even been there. The nurse said I was found naked in an alley bleeding but my boyfriend identified me and had been to see me daily. There were flowers next to my bed with a note that read, “Speedy recovery love, we have more games to play.”

Castration Phone Sex is My Favorite Taboo Phone Sex Call

castration phone sexCastration phone sex is my favorite. Why? Because testicles are for winners. Let’s be honest here. If you read past the first sentence, you are not a winner. You are a loser with a tiny dick or a broke down dick or just a fucking moron who has no reason procreating. A real man would see the word castration and say to himself, “What the fuck,” and not read any further. Not you right? You are still reading this because you know you do not deserve your balls. You need a woman like me in your life who will not hesitate to remove your junk. I have a special place in my cold dark heart for losers who can admit their short comings and ask for help. It won’t make me not remove said loser’s balls, but I will do so more compassionately. You piss me off or fight me, your testicles get fed to the animals and you don’t get the benefit of a soldering iron. You can just bleed out.

My reputation for junk removal is well known in certain parts. Often times I get men sending me letters with pictures pleading for me to whack off their nuggets. Many offer to pay me for my time and service. Just last week, I gave  Bob the chance to lose his balls for a small fee. He had been begging me for months. No money was ever offered up until he got in trouble with the law for exposing his little click stick to some young girls, who by the way laughed at him and snapped pictures they later posted on Instagram and Snapchat before calling the police.  When I arrived at his place, I found him with a castration band already around his balls. They were turning blue and he was having difficulty talking. I put a ball gag in his mouth so his neighbors would not hear the screams. I laid a towel down underneath him as not to stain his carpet. And, I handcuffed him to a chair so he could not fight me.

taboo phone sex venus

I have lots of ways to take off nuts, but Bob was getting the compassionate service since he paid me $2,000. A grand a nut.  I pulled his balls down and sliced at the skin being tugged away from his body by the band with my big blade. Blood splattered;  Bob passed out and his nuts fell to the ground. I cauterized the wound, used some smelling salts to revive him, then left him his testicles as a memento . How you interact with me determines if your get the compassionate service or if you bleed out on your living room rug.

Sadistic Easter

bondage phone sexYou had to be sick to use a holy holiday to fuel your sadistic pleasures. Yet, that is exactly what you’ve done. For days you kept me locked in a cage suffering, giving only water and bread for nourishment. Occasionally, you would open my cage to feed your own pleasure. Once stuffing your cock down my throat, gagging me on each stroke, raping my throat hard and cumming deep in my belly. Another you pleasured me by eating my pussy, but only long enough to get me wanting and then leaving me without allowing my orgasm. Finally you take me out of my cage, only to punish me with the whip, lashes across my back and buttocks, laughing evilly as the skin breaks and my warm blood begins to spill. Yet, even with all that, you are still not through torturing me. Now I find myself hung on a cross – arms and legs spread eagle as I await your next punishment. How else will you use my poor beaten and battered body?Will I finally get release or will there only be more pain? And this is my Easter…

Violent phone sex