Category: Bloody phone sex

Home invasion phone sex with Stephanie the slut

home invasion phone sex


Home invasion phone sex always makes my wicked whore cunt so wet! I get so turned on talking about waking up to a stranger on top of me. I can’t fight back with you holding me down on the bed. You know that I can’t scream once you slice deep into my throat with the cold blade of your knife. You’ll be able to abuse and mutilate me in every way you can think of. My family will have no idea that you’re even in our house until they find me in the morning as a bloody pile of torn up fuck meat and cum. I’ll have to lie there and take every minute of torture and force fucking until I finally bleed out underneath you. Look me in the eyes so that you can see the pain in my face when you start fisting my holes and tearing my organs out. Don’t stop stabbing, ripping and slicing until your balls are drained and you’re too worn out to waste any more energy on a worthless snuff slut like me. I can’t wait to wake up as your next victim!

Bloody phone sex is our own Halloween special

Bloody phone sexThe hiss that escapes out between clenched teeth during Bloody phone sex, the dreaded fear that comes with a cold steel at skin, and the exhilaration as it slices through muscle and transforms a feature into something completely different. I’m a masochist through and through, and my scars are just another reminder at the bliss I’ve managed to convey to myself despite a lot of supporters telling me I’m going to far. They’re not battle scars that mark my body, I’m not an edgy teen too lost in the whirling pain to express myself in any way but overwhelmed by agony, I’m just that tainted and twisted. I love every moment, every bloody drop spilled, and every piercing scream you get with Evil phone sex. If it’s not on my personal canvas, it has to be someone else doesn’t it? One way or another, blood will be spilled, and I hope it’s mine but I’m not averse to spreading out if it means someone cries out and wakes the dead. 

If I can get that while a cock is pumping in my pussy, all the better. I’m not going to try and pretend I’m above being a dirty slut, it’s my career and I take pride in it. I bruise easily, so if my whole abdomen isn’t purple by the time you’re done reaming me, you clearly didn’t try hard enough you fucking pussy. Don’t be a weak ass bitch with me, I want to feel bones creak and blood flow. If you don’t have it in you to fuck hard enough to make a cunt cry, then you better at least be able to work a knife or bite hard. No pussies here except my actual pussy, you better work your magic and make me cum a crimson stream.

It’s halloween, don’t fuck around, get out all your gruesome Rape phone sex fantasies on my poor abused body.

Bloody Phone Sex is Always Off the Charts on Halloween

bloody phone sexTonight, the bloody phone sex will be off the charts. This is the one night of the year that this murderous bitch can blend in well with others and kill undetected. There are so many people in costume, that I blend right in. Last Halloween, I killed a lot of stupid bimbos. I plan to up my number this year. The stupid bimbos appear to be out in droves already. I hate stupid bimbos. You know the kind I am talking about too, right? They dress like little whores, cock tease the men, then act all righteous when a guy gets a boner looking at them in their slutty clothes. Like what the fuck, whore? You cannot prance around half naked all the time and expect men to not want to fuck you. Know your audience, cunt. You will never see me dressed like a whore or acting like one either because I do not want that kind of attention. Men still want me because they think I am a challenge. They think I am playing some sick game with them, but that is not who I am. I do not try to attract attention. I want to blend in and not be remembered. Makes it much easier kill as a snuff porn bitch that way. No one remembers the quiet Goth chick.

I have already stalked a few places that will have a high bimbo concentration tonight. I know the bars and the parties that will have the most drunk bimbos to torture and fuck. The problem is this year, I have no accomplice. Maybe you could help me prey on some dumb cunts? Sure, I can kill bimbos with no help. Last Halloween, I killed close to 60 bimbos all by myself. I can only kill them though. I can make it very painful and bloody, but the real fun is ruining their fuck holes first. And that is where you come in. What do you think? Want to fuck up some bitches together? Be my accomplice phone sex partner so we can put some dumb cunts in their places tonight which is in an early grave.

Knife play phone sex w/ Terry

Snuff phone sex

Could you tell it’s me hiding beneath this Killer Clown costume? I hope not.. Because, this is what I will be wearing for Halloween! I plan on luring in all the littles.. Don’t they just love clowns so much? What better way to lure them in than to make silly little things out of balloons in the middle of Salem MA!

As soon as their worthless parents turn their head I will be snatching those suckers up into my trailer, loaded with a bunch of tools to rip those fuckers apart! I came across an ad about trafficking a while back.. Finally, I can grab as many up as possible to pawn off to perverted men for mega bucks. I usually prefer torturing them on my own and hanging them out to decompose…

But, I guess I can make a few sacrifices, that is only if I am able to watch! I want to watch you bury your cock deep inside those little hairless slits.. Don’t worry I kept in mind the new world order about “sexuality” so I will be packing some little fuckholes too.. Turn those little grape smuggling maggots into a sissy fag just for you.. lets make a Ass rape porn out of those fuckers! I want to watch their disgusting holes get plummeted by your hard throbbing cock.

Uhh the bliss.. I just have this burning hate for littles, something about their way of living.. So free, with no clue to the world… rings an alarm in my head and makes me think of millions of ways to torture them. I cannot wait till its time for trick-or-treating.. I will be lacing those candies with a sweet little potion of mine.. To lure them into the darkness and have them submit to the most disturbing Torture sex!

No if ands or buts… no screams! Just well behaved rugrats made to please and guzzle down cum loads. Thee disobedient ones will be laid out to rest.. Don’t worry we will just have to have Sex with dead bodies, no matter what sacrifices we have to make draining your cock is my top priority! 

 Rape phone sex fantasies


Torture sex and Halloween go hand and hand

Torture sexHalloween has the perfect ambiance for Torture sex. It is a sadistic slut’s hunting ground, and I cannot wait to catch my pry! All these tiny whores are using it as a reason to dress like the little whores they are, exposing all the skin that I want to slowly peel off their bones. Little do they know their temptations are nothing compared to my innate need to tie a whore down and torture her slowly all night long.

You see the screams will echo around us, but no one will be there to save her. I will tie her down and start by lighting a knife with my blow torch. I want to force that red-hot blade it up her cunt and hear it sizzle as it burns her from the inside. The smell of her pussy cooking is intoxicating. I pull that sharp blade out and hear it slice through her walls, blood squirting out everywhere.

Knife play phone sexThis is just the beginning I am going to take my time slicing and stabbing this dirty whore while telling her that her life is now mine. With each stab, punch, and or hit I see her get weaker. I’m covered in her blood and the feeling of her life force covering my body makes this all the more enjoyable. Her pretty blond hair now red and soaked with blood. I know I look crazed, but I know I will fit in. After all Halloween is the day of the dead. After I watch as she takes her last breath, I realize the night is still young. I think I’m going out to find me a young hard dick to torture. I won’t get cleaned up; I can savor my kill. No one will notice that this blood covering me is real!

Sacrifice for Samhain

Bondage phone sex

To properly celebrate Samhain, my little coven and I rejoice in a variety of rituals: nude nature walks, sumptuous feasts and, best of all, hole bashing bondage phone sex with a physical manifestation of death, itself.  Conjuring up some vile visitor from the underworld and letting it have its way with us is the best way to increase the power in our little triad of terror, not to mention the fact that demon cock feels amazing, so we do it every year.  And, like any good witch, we celebrate all three days.  

On the 31st, it’s a little witches’ ball with just the three of us and one lucky lad that we invite to be the recipient of all of our attention.  We drink and dance and play with his genitals until one of us ends up making him cum in our hands.  Then, we save it.  Every last drop.  But night one is only for handy work.

On the 1st, the four of us take a nude hike through the woods.  Every time we stop to rest, we take turns blowing our lucky boy toy until he shoots a sticky load in our mouths.  By the time we’re done walking we’ve all gotten some of his goop.  Then we saved it.  Spit it out into a canteen.  Day two is the day we use our mouths.

The 2nd is when things get really fun.  We start off with a daytime feast for the four of us full of food, wine and butt fucking.  I mean, you can’t spell “bacchanal” without “anal.”  Inevitably, sometime during the whole thing, usually between the food and the ass ramming, our simple boy asks who the fifth plate of food and wine goblet are for.  We just laugh at him and take his fuck hog as far in our rectums as we can and grind around on him until he fills our shit boxes with spunk.  You know what happens next.  We shoot that shit filled cum out of our assholes and save it.  We saved all of his seed for all three days for what happens next.

After the feast, it’s time for the sacrifice.  This is when the worm turns for our lucky stud.  He gets lured onto our sacrificial altar and strapped down so he can’t move.  After we each say our part, his throat is slit and he bleeds out, quick and simple.  Once all of his blood is collected, we can finally get to performing the great rite and increasing the power of our crazy little coven.

The dark entities of death we conjure are drawn to human bodily fluids and waste like moths to a juicy, stinky flame.  We cover ourselves in that boy’s blood and all of that spit and shit filled jizz he gave us before his demise and recite an invocation so we can offer ourselves to whatever awful being we decide to bring forth.  We don’t do it three times in one night, only one of us gets to be ravaged by a rotten wraith each year.  No high priestess in our coven, we share power.  So, every three years, I get to look forward to being tied up, covered in sludge and wailed away on by some ghastly ghoul.  And this is my year.  I can’t fucking wait!


Accomplice Phone Sex: Let’s get down to business.


Accomplice Phone Sex

That’s right, I’ll be your very own little Accomplice Phone Sex slut. Giving you everything you’ve ever wanted in a sick fucked up fantasy where you would need someone to be an Accomplice? To me that word… Accomplice, just means that you’re too much of a chicken shit to do it yourself. So you need sweet little Cora to do it for you, don’t ya?

Well, what are you waiting for? Get your cock out, I’ll get our little victim and we can begin having the best time you could ever imagine.  I know, I have this whole thing about being the victim myself, and you may be questioning my ability to actively help you wreak havoc on someone’s world. I can assure you that my fantasies can become your reality. Let me help you. Let’s get dark and fucked up together.

Snuff Phone Sex Accomplice Venus Will Make You a Killer

snuff phone sexI love snuff phone sex. I am a killer of a bitch. I mean that both figuratively and literally, LOL. I can roleplay killing all day long, but I can kill all day too. I hate people. I am a loner. I have no tribe of friends I hang with. No loyalty to anyone. The one person I ever really liked was my grandpa and he died 10 years ago. He was just like me. A misfit. A sadist. A loner. A killer. He taught me everything I know about how to get away with murder. I can teach you too. I have this guy who hired me to be his accomplice to kill this little whore who dick teases him. Turns out he wants to be like me.  He wants to be a killer and not just on killer phone sex calls. He has homicidal impulses like me. I think most people do, but they lack the balls to do. Once your kill your first victim though, you get a taste for blood. I knew he had potential because when we killed his little cock teasing neighbor girl, I did not have to do it all. When guys hire me to be their accomplice, I am often the one doing it all. I do the killing and the disposal of the body. Plus, I am the one who kidnaps the victim too. Usually, my accomplices are just fucking the little slut and I do everything else. I do not mind. That is what I am paid for, and I do love to kill, but Christopher really took initiative. He did it all. He brought her to me. He force fucked her tiny holes like she was a teen rape porn star. He killed her. He even fucked her dead body and fed her to the coyotes. He showed no fear. He is a stone cold killer like me. He just needs me to hone his skills. What about you? Are you a stone cold killer too?

Snuff Sex with dead bodies

Murder phone sex Fantasies

I have been watching a lot of Ass rape porn and its been making me crave a little teenage slut! I just want to rip her fucking asshole open.. I was sort of hoping she would bring a few of her friends along for us to enjoy! I want this night to be gruesome, a living fucking nightmare.

We are going to record every moment so we can publish our own personal version of Snuff porn! After we get through mutilating their teen cunts, I want to chop those bitches up and have them hanging from the ceiling like a fucking wind chime… Ha! All of those worthless bitches dangling.. Slumped over with their necks cracked and cum leaking from their holes..

Mm, I can’t help but wonder what those worthless slits would taste like.. Blood mixed with thick steamy cream from that preying cock of yours! I have so many dark thoughts that have been lingering through my dirty little mind.. Whoever thought an innocent looking college girl could be so fucking dark and vindictive!

Lets have the best fucking Killer phone sex that cock could have ever imagined.. Live out the murderous thoughts that run through our perverted minds.. 

Taboo phone sex

Bloody phone sex

You throw me on the bed and choke me til I pass out. You fuck this tight little pussy til you rip me open and I’m bleeding from within. As I wake a scream and beg you to get off of me. You laugh at me smack me and tell me to shut up. Fucking me faster and harder you take it out my pussy and shove it into my ASS only wet with the blood from my pussy. I scream it hurts I feel myself being ripped open from end to end with his big dick. He throws me to the ground and shoves his cock in my mouth. Just then I remember that I have a blade in the back of my mouth. As I suck I move the blade to the front and start to slice his dick one twirl and one suck at a time cutting left to right and up and down. I have blood running all down my mouth. that last cut must of hurt cause you balled up your fist and hit me in my mouth. as I lay on the ground out of it and dazed blood running out I don’t know whose blood it is at this time. This is what Bloody phone sex can do for you.
Bloody phone sex