Category: Bloody phone sex

I Love Blood

Bloody Phone Sex

 Have I told you how much I love blood? Well in case I haven’t let me tell you now. When I am playing with my pets I like to watch their blood flow right from their bodies. I like when they are alive and I cut them lightly but deep enough to watch the blood start to come to the surface and flood over their skin. I was playing with someone recently and I had them standing up with their hands tied above their heads and their feet in the shackles attached to my floor. I like to stretch them out in this position. Then I take a small paring knife and make several little cuts all over their body. Make the incisions fast and then stand back and just admire my work. The blood comes to the surface so slowly. I have a chair that I will sit in and spread my legs wide and touch my wet pussy while I watch them slowly bleed. The best are the unwilling because then I not only get to see the blood but I also get to watch them cry. Blood running down their body making it look almost like paint and then throw in the tears and I am cumming. I fucking love blood!

Release Needed


Murder phone sex Fantasies with StormI had to work of some bad fucking energy. I have just had a few days of shitty crappy luck! I mean EVERYTHING that could go wrong has gone wrong. My car and My cheating fucking boy toy. All of it is just a whirl wind of major FUCK UP! So… I need a release. I need to let off some major steam. So I decided it was time for some fucking pay back. First.. my cheating ex. I was extremely forgiving with him. I broke into his apartment. The whore was with him. I set off a little gas grenade to knock them out. Then I pulled out my super glue. Then I super glued his dick in her asshole. And just for the fun of it, I super glued her pussy lips together, and his ass hole shut. Then I got the fuck out of there. I would hate to be them when they wake up. Now. For my contractor neighbor. Who ALWAYS has fucking nails dropping out of her truck on the road. I have blown out 5 tires in the past 9 months.  I am fucking done with it. I still had a few good hours of darkness so I broke into her house. I had to blitz attack her with a bat to knock her out. I made sure I was completely covered from head to toe. Because I needed to leave her alive, she is after all dating my brother and could some day be in the family, so I tied the stupid bitch down, blind folded her and gagged her. Then I gave her some smelling salts to wake her up. I want her awake when I teach her how nails can hurt. When she is fully awake, I drive a nail through her perky nipples. First the left. Then the right. I use the big nails she is always dropping. Next I hammer several nails into her hands. I need them fucked up. If she cant use her hands, she cant be a contractor, and that means no more dropped nails. Good for me. Now I can sit back and relax. Looking at her naked bloody body. She really does have a nice body. Mmmmm Makes me want to have more fun. But that will have to wait. If she ever breaks up with my brother, I am going to fuck this whore to death. Mmm and somehow knowing that makes everything all better.


Evil is as Evil Does

Evil phone sex with BlazeSo I have my thing. And I do it well. I know I’m not a good girl. Hell no where close to it! I am down right EVIL. And proud of it. I know sometimes I go a little crazy. But fuck it. I love it to much to stop. And I am one of a kind. Now.. I have never doubted that. But I had some problems with this little bitch Katelyn. She rolled into town and stole all my baby sitting gigs. She is all cute with blonde hair and big blue eyes. Then she started stealing all my clients. Pimping out all the little whoreletts she was watching. MY little Whoreletts… My money! She is FUCKING with the wrong Evil girl! Well, time to teach the slut how much of a problem she made. I followed her for a few weeks. And I found out that she was VERY well protected. She was never open or alone. Is like she knew I was coming. So I just have to make her available. So I dropped a gold ball in her gas tank. Ooooh she started off driving fine.. but then the golf ball got sucked down and sputter sputter she ran out of gas. The second she saw me she knew. She didn’t run or scream the whore tried to fight me. She pulled out a knife and tried to kill me! The crazy bitch didn’t know who she was fucking with. I let her jab and try to stab me then I caught her hand and kicked her knee as hard as I could. I heard it break under my foot. She went down like a sack of potatoes. It was easy to take her to the cabin then. But … I was surprised by the amount of weapons she had on her. I had to strip the bitch all the way down just to make sure I found them all. Then to make up for all the money the whore had caused me. I called all my friends and let them all pay to have a ride on the blonde slut. She made more for me than I lost. And I loved watching the anger in her eyes! The stupid slut still thought she could fight me. Even after a week of passing her around. I loved the spirit but it was time to break it. So I started with a simple brick. I started on her feet. Breaking her toes. Then her feet. Her legs. And knees. Then her hips. By the time I smashed her pussy she was quite broken. But I didn’t stop. I broke each one of her ribs. Her collar bone and then worked my way down her arms. To each and every finger. The slut screamed and begged. But I was loving it to much to stop. Then I had show her how to use a knife. And I was going to make it last a good long time. Cutting a finger off.. A toe. Scream for me bitch. OOOh I will kill her. Or I will let her make more money for me and then kill her. I have plenty of time to make her pay.Evil phone sex with hot Blaze

Unmasked Lust=Evil Phone Sex

Evil Phone Sex

He didn’t even try to hide the lust in his eyes. The look was dark and as his eyes ran up and down me. I could feel him undressing me in his mind, imagining the curves of my body with out my clothes on. He looked like a wild animal ready to take his mate, hard and rough. I could tell by the way he looked he had it in him to demean his woman, he was used to being in control. He carried himself with an air of confidence and arrogance. Just the kind of man I love to tame. A challenge I am always up for!
I approached him with all the sickening sweetness i could muster without puking in my mouth. I wanted him to think I was demure and shy and oh so innocent.
My act worked perfectly. He invited me back to his place with a satisfied and evil smirk on his face. I accepted with cum soaked panties knowing I would take him down a notch, or two, or three.
As soon as we got to his place he made us a drink and I opened the pill into his drink, waiting for it to take effect, all the while creaming in my panties.
I knew he would be to heavy to move so I have to tie him up right there on the floor.
I find a nice sharp knife in the kitchen and take off all my clothes waiting for him to stir. When he opens his eyes I stand over his face and spread my pussy lips and ask him if this is what he wanted tonight. He is so confused; poor thing.
I begin cutting the clothes off his body and I can feel him shaking but his macho attitude is keeping him in control, or so he thinks.
I lick the blade and begin shaving his legs, he is a hairy one…
The closer I get to his penis the less he can maintain his composure…..ahhhhhhh yes this is what I have waited for….The tip of the blade touches his balls and he urinates all over himself, making me cum and earning him a nice big slice on his inner thigh. He cries out in pain, bad move. I go to the kitchen and cme back with a box of salt and pour it all into his wound.
“Don’t you enjoy demeaning women?” I ask. He nods his head but doesn’t speak.
“It’s going to be a long night for you” I say with a smile….

Mmm, What A Bloody Mess

I knew from the look on your face you were more than pleased with my little surprise I brought home for you. Isn’t she sweet baby, so pretty, fresh and innocent…oh but not for long because we are going to subject her to things grown men couldn’t ever dare think about.

But, people like you and I crave all that is depraved and evil don’t we, we’re addicted to it and I am the perfect accomplice to feed your addiction. When I push her down to her knees before you, you take my hand and pull me close to you. Kissing me deeply I feel your hand slide up inside my thigh to my wet smooth pussy, fingering my swollen clit.

You tell me I went beyond your expectations with this tiny worthless little cunt, that perfect untouched body is all ours now and we’ll put her through unimaginable brutal torture. Just how much pain and gore can that tiny body withstand….well, we’ll find out for ourselves right now.

Mmm, doesn’t she look delicious strapped down with her wrists and ankles bound like that? Hearing her whimper and moan makes my cunt drip and throb harder. Fucking with her mind is almost as fun as fucking her fresh, tight body. When she cries out for her Mommy, I tell her that her Mommy didn’t want her worthless, pathetic little waste of space anymore and gave her to us!

Ohhh my, the look of incredulity on her face is priceless, breaking down her body and soul is so addicting, it’s so hard not to laugh right in her little face…so I do!  Giggles Mmm, the blood lust between us is growing stronger and more intense, all those dark hidden taboo fantasies that you keep hidden in the dark corner of your mind are finally realized.

After I’ve had her eat out my sweet, pink snatch while you fucked her up her ass hole I show you something I’ve made special for this occasion. I made a very special dildo for you to use on that tight, young cunnie. It’s a ten inch dildo that I have attached broken shards of glass, hooks and pieces of broken razors fashioned on it….isn’t it beautiful?

Make sure she gets a nice long look at it and let her know exactly what you’re going to do with it, I mean I believe in being very truthful. And the truth is, this little worthless cunt is going to experience every degrading, demeaning and hardcore torture/fuck session we can think of.

Are you ready to finally let go and cum with me. let me lead you to all those and rape phone sex fantasies you’ve been trying to ignore? Your cock is throbbing right now just thinking about it and believe me it only gets better!

My First Willing Victim

Snuff Phone Sex

I had a willing victim to play with! I won him at a local club that I belong to. He knew that I planned on snuffing him out. I told him that I was going to keep him for a weekend and hurt him and then kill him on Sunday after I was done playing with him. I won him on Thursday night and I brought him back to my house and let him sleep most of Friday. I wanted him to sit and ponder what his future may bring. Friday evening came and I thought I may burst. I needed to play with him. I had waited long enough. I went into the room where I had him chained to the wall. It is a room in my basement. It has a dirt floor and no furniture at all. There is a hole in the ground for him to piss and shit in. I have had him in here naked the entire time. I take him out of the room and lead him into the main part of my basement. I have all sorts of toys hanging on the walls in my basement. I led him over to where I have a stockade type restraint. I buckled him into. What a pretty site he was with his ass in the air and his head and arms restrained to the stockade. I went and choose my favorite sharp knife of the wall and went right over and started fucking him in the ass with it. Of course he started to bleed so I stuck my knife in my fireplace, got it hot and shoved it right back in him. I continued that routine for quite a while. I had so much fun that weekend. I can not wait to get my next victim!     

Your Nightmare


torture phonesex titletorture phonesex angieI am your worst nightmare. The things you dream of in the darkness of the night. The things that haunt you when you wake because you can’t shake the feeling of dread and doom. That is me. What haunts you fills me with joy and excitement. Your nightmares are my fantasies. I creep into your sleep and take over your mind. I am waiting in the dark to take you into my world and make those nightmares come true. You will be filled with fear that will over take every fiber of your being. You will try to scream but no sound will come out of your parted lips. One minute you will be betrayed by feelings of excitement. You don’t want this to turn you on but the fear and the unknown are keeping you on the edge of ecstasy and extreme fear. Your phobia of pain is mingled with you curiosity and your body is in conflict. Not knowing if it should be thrilled or scared and yet the mixture of both has you are rock hard and on edge. I love seeing the confusion in your eyes. I love being your worst nightmare and your darkest fantasy all at the same time. I thrive off the thrill of seeing fear one minute and ecstasy the next. You are the reason I am the dark and twisted bitch that I am. You feed my hunger and today I am famished.torture phonesex nightmare

Lose Everything


Snuff phone sex with StormSo I have had some computer issues lately. And I have finally had enough. Of this shit. So I took it to the tech shop. The little bitch behind the counter was RUDE and didnt even listen to me. She blew me off to talk on her cell phone. Then when the store was about to close she told Me I came to late. I informed the bitch I had been at the store for an hour waiting on her to get off her fucking phone. So she was damn well going to get her manager OR she was going to help me. Well she took my computer and played with it a few min. Then handed it back. She said she unlocked it and it would be fine. Of course I checked. And She fucking Restored my computer. I lost everything. All my files my pictures everything! I felt so violated! How could the bitch do that! Well.. I didn’t need to speak to a manager. Or call customer service. I knew what I needed to do. I waited for the slut to get off work. I followed her to her house. And snatched the fucking whore off the street. Oooh she was a fighter. And I beat the shit out of her to get her in the car. I duct taped her mouth and her hands behind her back. I drove her back to the abandon house I like to use. I stripped all her clothes off. And started to beat the shit out of the slut. I used a bat and broke the fucking whores knees. She was begging and pleading for me to help her. To not hurt her. But I don’t give a shit. I told her how she could have helped me but didn’t. Then I told her how VIOLATED I felt at what she had done. I lost everything. All my pictures and files. Everything I loved. And Now I am going to teach her what violated feels like. I pulled her legs apart. And she was begging for me to stop! And I took my bat and SHOVED it Deep inside her cunt. She ripped wide open. There was so much blood on the bat! I held it up so she could see. She was in shock. Scared and shaking. And I knew just what would snap her out of it. I took my bat and shoved it right inside her tight little virgin ass. I was right. Snapped her right out of shock! She started screaming. I asked her if she understood how being violated felt. And she screamed yes. So I took out my knife and cut her rude tongue off. Then took my duct tape and taped her mouth shut. I just watched as she chocked to death on her own blood. Fucking whore deserves to lose everything as well!




torture phonesex angieThis bitch was sweet as honey. She had a certain glow that made her irresistible. She looked so healthy and happy it made my mind run wild with thoughts of what her smiling face would look like in twisted pain and agony. The images I conjured up in my mind drove me insane to the point of obsession.

I had to have her.

I would have her.

I followed her waiting for the perfect moment to present itself. Finally I was able to grab her. I placed my hanker-chief soaked in chloroform over nose and mouth feeling her body become limp in my grasp.

The rush of conquest always sends electrical shocks through my body and I always cum hard.

I carried her into the house and took her to my room of torture and pain. I secured her to my stone alter and sat back rubbing my cunt in anticipation, waiting for her to wake up.

She opened her eyes and looked at me with a glassy confused stare as she tried to focus. I could see her trying to focus and figure out where she was. And then it came, that moment of realization and the hoarse scream that is filled with terror . The one that fills my whole body with a satisfied orgasm making my legs weak with satisfaction.

I couldn’t help but let out a low and menacing laugh as I walked slowly towards her with a handful of knives. I wanted to slowly dissect her, dismembering her while cauterizing each wound to stop the bleeding, cause the most pain, and keep her alive through out the whole process.

I worked long into the night, watching her pass out from the pain, waiting for her to become conscience again so that I could cause her more pain. Masturbating while she lay there, her muscles twitching involuntarily while she is in the darkness, the only place that she doesn’t feel pain.

Saving her perfectly formed breasts for last she finally opened her eyes again. As I sliced into her right tit at the base cutting it with surgical precision, the blood begins to mingle with milk that is in her ducts. Oh how fucking sweet, she is a new mommy! No wonder she had that glow!

What a shame I could have gotten two for one if I had known. torture phonesex tit

Helping Hand

Accomplice Phone Sex

What a fucking mess!  It wasn’t supposed to be this way.  It was supposed to be a simple grab, then violation, then dump, something to teach his now ex-girlfriend and his brother a lesson.  Nothing going too far, but now, I am covered in blood from my head to my toes.  He is as well.  I’m not sure were it went wrong, but damn, did it ever go south fast.  Actually, I know exactly when it went wrong, it was the video.  I knew he tended to go over board with his play things, but these weren’t play things. These were his Brother and recent girlfriend.

His girlfriend decided it would be a fan-fucking-tastic idea to give his Brother a blow job.  His Brother in turn decided it would be an even better fan-fucking-tastic idea to video it on his phone.  Only his Brother picked up the wrong phone, and when my over excited friend went to send me a pic he had taken a few days ago, he saw the video.  That’s when things went crazy.

He is sitting in the corner completely calm, smoking a cig.  I am standing here looking around at what we have to do to clean up this fucked up scene.  There is big chunks of skin scattered about, bits of bone and meat that went through the chipper stuck to the walls, and I have no clue what the fuck dude did with the heads.