Category: Bloody phone sex

Snuff Phone Sex Slut Must Pray

I have no clue what day of the week it is, you keep my in my cell, away from the world. But today, you came to me and told me it was Sunday, and that it was time for worship. Sunday worship? You? My head was cloudy from starvation and loss of blood, but even still its clear you are not a religious man. You are known to me as only a monster. An evil monster with a lustful taste for blood and cruelty. But who am I to question anything you want? I am a piece of shit, a captive in your dream and my nightmare. I try to speak, to ask, but my tongue has long since been removed – I don’t know how I keep forgetting. And you still get joy out of watching me try to speak. It was my punishment for being a snuff phone sex girl. You tracked me down, and decided to make me your own. I would never speak of snuff again, I would only get to live it. 

You grab me by my arm, whats left of it, and drag me across the floor to another side of the dungeon. The light is different here. Its lit by something blue, its almost too bright for my eyes, as they are so used to the dark and low candlelight. I cannot make out the source of the light, but it illuminates you in a way I have never seen. You are almost…. dare I even think it…. godlike. The shadows the blue light casts down on your face and your body make you look otherworldly. I look down at my own naked body, and my scars appear black instead of the usual purple. You place me on an altar of some kind, my body limp and unable to fight any longer. Laying there, naked and injured, I feel almost beautiful.

I think back to the days before you captured me. I was never happy, and I never felt beautiful. But now, beaten beyond recognition, broken bones, and drained of every human emotion, I suddenly felt desirable. You know there is no need to chain me up, but you do it anyway. I love the feel of the cold chains, and they clank together in such a unique way. Like church bells, yes, church bells. You chain my feet together and my arms spread out to my sides, chained to the alter. The blue light covers my body and I see your eyes glimmer for just a moment as you look me up and down. Then the glimmer is gone, and they are simply cold and black again.

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Your cock is hard, and you tell me its time to pray. I look at you helplessly, not understanding, and not able to ask. You scream at me, “PRAY!” and I shudder, unable to move, unable to determine what you want me to do. To my horror, you grab me by the top of my hair and yank my head forward until my neck snaps and my chin is now resting on my chest. You made me bow my head, in prayer, and I am stuck in this contortion, no longer able to move my head myself. I now have a better view of you, standing over me. You reach for something beside the alter, its a hammer. And something else… what are those? Nails? They are giant nails, over 8 inches long each and you have a handful.

My eyes bulge in horror as you take the first nail and place it right inside my belly button. Without hesitation, you swing the hammer and blast the nail directly through my middle. I hear it thud into the alter as it leaves my backside. You scream at me to pray! I cannot pray, God left me long ago. Fuck him. I glare at you in defiance. Asking me to pray. What a joke. You take another nail and place it on my right nipple. Again you swing the hammer and drive the nail through me and into the alter. I cannot look away, and I cannot scream. You stare me down and growl at me to pray. How can I pray with no hope? You made me disbelieve. You took that from me a long time ago.

You take more nails, pounding each into my body, nailing me to the alter one by one. You avoid my heart, but my blood is dripping everywhere, I can hear it splattering on the floor. All the while screaming at me to pray! Then you stop. I can see you have one nail left. You place it over my left nipple, set to pierce my heart. You tell me this is my last chance to pray. I have no tears to cry, my eyes are dry as sandpaper, but I close them slowly. I shut you out. And I pray. I pray to die, and I pray with every ounce I have left. Then nothing. Silence.  I open my eyes and you are gone. I am laying there nailed to the alter. But there is  nail through my heart. You bastard. You fooled me again. You made me believe you were ready to snuff me, and you made me pray. Never again. You will never fool me again.

Bondage Phone Sex with Cassandra: Kidnapped and Tortured

bondage phone sex pain submissive torture

Last week, one of my best friends was kidnapped while at the park with her pooch. A guy came right up to her, chloroformed her and she woke up in bondage being sexually tortured by some guy she snubbed at a bar earlier in the week. He had stalked her for days like prey and then got his revenge. Evil SOB too. He put a cattle prod in her cunt and shocked her repeatedly telling her he hoped he had ruined her female parts because she didn’t deserve to have them if she wasn’t going to use them. She was found in the woods, barely alive tied upside down to some makeshift torture rack.

Little did I know, I had encountered and snubbed the same piece of shit. He tried to pick me up and he looked like some gang banger wanna be. I told him as much. Well, he must have slipped something in my drink and kidnapped me right from the club because the next thing I knew, I woke up in a dungeon hog tied and being sodomized by that asshole. But this time, he had several friends with him, who were all forcing their dicks in me. I was tied tightly. My breasts felt like they were going to pop off my body the rope was so tight. My legs were spread wide and tied to wooden posts. His friends were laughing at me and saying, “who is the gangbanger now.”  They were all forcing their cocks in all my holes. After they had tortured me for hours with their cocks, I laid there, covered in jizz, praying to be let go. I thought about my friend and how he let her live, barely, but she was recuperating in the hospital now.

kidnapping phone sex torture bondageThen I saw him with a huge knife. He licked it, then spit in my face, calling me a whore. I started trembling wondering what was in store for me. Then he ran the knife across my scared flesh and taunted me. Said I had a beautiful body and it would be a shame to mark it all up; but that a stupid rude cunt needed to be put in her place. I started screaming all sorts of things to him. I said, “a real man doesn’t need to force himself on a girl. A real man can handle rejection.” Big mistake. I let my temper get the best of me, and for that I was about to pay a painful price. He retorted, “A real woman doesn’t need big fake ass titties.” Then he took that big ass knife and sliced a nipple off. I screamed in pain, and then he lobbed off the other nipple. I was still hog tied, bleeding,  scared… I like pain, but this was sadistic  and being inflicted not by a master but by a scorned psychopath.

He had an evil glimmer in his eyes as he saw the blood oozing out of my breasts where nipples use to be. Then he plunged the knife into my left breast and cut off the whole aureola and nipple. He started slicing away at the flesh, carving my breast like it was a turkey. I peed the floor, which angered him and resulted in a hard slap, a cattle prod in my ass and the knife severing my breast from my body. Blood was spraying everywhere. This only turned him on. He started jacking off until he came on the bloody part that used to be my breast. Him and his sicko pals left, with my breast. I was still tied up and bleeding, in some dank dungeon, left wondering if I would be as lucky as my friend and be found barely alive.

All Hallows Eve Is Approaching

snuff phonesex angieFor me it is a tradition to hunt the finest meat I can find for the feast I host on All Hallows Eve each year. I have a huge spit in the yard. My friends and I gather and season the flesh, before we put her plump ass on the spit. We take turns turning the spit insure even cooking and crisp brown skin. I love to decorate the area with all my jars of body parts. Placing them on glass tables with candles burning underneath to light the jars with a faint glow. Everyone brings a sweet victim that we play with and torture, Playing games like who can skin a body fastest. All of us enjoying the screams of terror. I have some special treats in store for my friends this year, Some things we have never done before. I bought an old claw tub at an antique shop yesterday to set out in the yard and I am collecting young girls for the occasion. By the time All Hallows Eve arrives I hope to have at least twenty of them, if not more. I am going to put about two inches of water in the bottom of the tub and super glue a curling iron into their tight little cunts one at a time, plugging it in and watching them writhe in pain until they either pass out or become catatonic. They are going to be the lucky ones. The rest of them are going to be my grand finale. A fireworks display like no other! Yes my human fire works, they will be bound and hung upside down in the trees. Legs spread wide. I will then fill them up with gas and insert as many tampons as I can shove in their cunts twisting the strings together to form a wick. Everyone will light one at the same time and we will watch them explode. I have already done a test run and it was phenomenal. Pieces of flesh flying into the air leaving only the hips and legs hanging from the tree as the rest of the body bursts into flames and explodes. The sensation of watching my carnage is electrifying. It is sure to make for an orgasmic experience for all in attendance. I have no doubt that there will not be a soft cock or dry pussy in the party. Of course I will film the entire evening and present each of my guests with a CD of the evenings events for them to enjoy over and over again at their leisure. No one will soon forget this years festivities. My plans will insure that I have out done myself this year and this party will go down in the record books as one to remember!snuff phonesex bondage

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies Cum True

bloody phonesex kaliI know I am Daddy’s fuck toy. I know I am to please which ever friend he brings over.
Last night Daddy brought over his boss. A fat wicked looking man with evil in his eyes. As soon as he laid eyes on me he walked over and kissed me with his foul mouth. Teeth all rotted out, stinking like he hadn’t showered in days and reeking of booze.
He was rough when he grabbed a hand full of tit, squeezing and pulling it so hard that I have bruises today.
He told Daddy I would do, handed him a fist full of money and dragged me by my hair to the room.
He ripped all my clothes off and threw them in a shredded heap on the floor before throwing me down right next to them.
He beat the shit out of me swelling my eyes and busting my lip before he took his big hard dick and shoved it inside of me. First in my mouth, gagging me till I puked all over him. Then in my pussy, ripping me opened and enjoying my cries and then up my tight ass, sending flashes of pain through my body.
He grunted like a pig when he shoot his load in my soar ass and then spit on me, calling me a worthless slut before he left.

Mutilation Phone Sex

mutilation phonesex karmaThey were so cute in their matching dresses. Hair done the same. Matching shoes. Even the make up was matching. She was skipping beside her mommy with out a care in the world. She looked like she could be on TV commercials or something and her mother had the same model/actress look. As soon as I saw them I knew I wanted to mutilate them. I had to have them and we all know that where there is evil lust, there is a way. I always get what I want and I never give up until I do. Following them into the cafe and sitting close enough to hear their mindless chatter and intensive giggling, I fingered the bottle in my pocket of “knock the bitch out” pills. I couldn’t wait to make my move. They ordered two cold lemonades and two tuna sandwiches with fries. As soon as they were done they got up to go to the wash room to wash their hands. Perfect timing. Taking two pills out of the bottle and cupping them in my hand I waited for the server to bring them. I got up and walked by the table on my way to the wash room and dropped them in unnoticed. I even chit chatted with them before they went back to their table about how adorable they looked, blah blah, blah. It seemed like forever before they finished lunch but as soon as they stood up they were noticeably unsteady. Being the Good Samaritan that I am I offer my assistance and took them straight home. Their eyes were wide with fear as I undressed them, but they were to weak to fight. Making mommy watch her little girl get fucked up was going to be so much fun. She kept turning her head, not wanting to watch. Well, well, well I couldn’t have that now could I? So I just cut her fucking eyelids off so she had to look. I would pop those eyeballs out later and let her girl play in the sockets…..mmmm fun!

Evil Phone Sex With A New Friend

evil phonesex angieI just met the most wicked, twisted and evil man ever. My nipples are hard as rocks and cum is dripping down the inside of my thighs at an alarming rate. I can’t stop the fire burning in my veins and the arousal that he has stirred inside me. I spent the afternoon learning of his glorious torture methods and his wicked ways. I have never met anyone that has a larger body part collection then I do. He loves breasts. He has every size, shape and color. All floating in jars of formaldehyde. Dancing gracefully in the liquid when I picked them up to get a closer look. Then he took me to his latest victim. A beautiful young thing with long blonde hair. He showed me the hook that he inserts into the base of the spine, paralyzing his girls so they can’t run, but can still feel every minute of his torture. Like me he loves hearing them cry and beg and taking them to the disconnect state when they have that glassy look in their eyes.He showed me how he loves to mutilate the breast and examine the breast tissue inside and how he loves the feel of his cock inside the breast fucking it and feeling the warm soft tissue. I like his style of titty fucking for sure! He showed me how he has learned to remove the whole vagina, uterus and all, in tact to keep for ever. I could have stayed there for ever just watching all his methods. But alas a body can only take so much before it expires and needs to be replaced.

I am God

It’s hypnotic. That moment right before you attack. That single glorious moment before you take another persons life. I’ve heard that it’s different for each person; that some people hear god speaking to them or some other voice, that some hear white noise, and other hear their own heartbeat above anything else… but me? No. All I hear is whatever music is playing the the background. It’s like I just zone out and nothing is around me. It’s like I’m stuck in a single moment of time. The little whore wouldn’t stop screaming when I sliced my hand scythe into her neck and drug it all the way down into her stomach. It was over in a just a second, but that second felt like a glorious eternity when I was the absolute power. I had control over how this little whore would die. I could decide that last thing she saw, smelled, tasted, heard and felt. I am God in that moment. TabooPhoneSexMagenta

Piss Angel

Sadistic Phone Sex Reagan

He used to bring me such happiness, as most boyfriends do. Not many things other than hunting bring me joy. And I have known him all my life. He was my last reminder of the lighter side of life. I actually enjoyed life when I was with him. But that was over now. I was foolish to think I could stand in darkness and light, I had to end it. I must eliminate my enemy.

I watch from across the street, sitting silently in a bed of rotting flowers that are waiting patiently for the morning sun. The sky is a dark gray, clouds have sealed off the earth from god’s eyes. Streetlights.. one by one flicker and die. I smile to myself as I watch silently into his window.. his silhouette is joined by another, slowly pissing me off that they continue to breathe. I look over at my bag, inside are the tools I will need to bring this night to a close. Bolt cutters, splashed with congealed blood and bits of bone, perfect for removing digits. My switchblade, small and sharp, perfect for silencing voices. And tonight I will use my gun, each bullet with his name on it… carved carefully.

I decided what I wanted just then. To stand over both of them, and watch them. Breathless, bloodied.. eye sockets dry and empty. Mouth agape, tongue swollen.. scratches and chunks out of the skin. Seeing your silent screams paused in the sky. So beautiful, like a bird flying in circles. I want to reach out and take it.. put your scream in my pocket covered in blood. It will be a meal for later. I am hungry to end it, and end it now.

I started to sing to myself

I see you headless with me caressing your neck
My personal nightfall
An eclipse of the sunflowers
I feel so invisible
So unknown
A coffin of dust
An illegible tombstone
They finally buried the gravedigger in the sky
I just need to shower in your amber and bathe in your earth

**Song cited : Piss Angel by Pig Destroyer**

Sadistic Phone Sex Reagan

Gothic Phone Sex with Venus: My First Taste for Blood

gothic phone sex knife tortureI’m not normally the type of girl that goes to clubs or parties. I am actually a bit of a loner because most people annoy the shit out of me. But, this girl I worked with convinced me to try a new a new Goth bar called Underworlds a few years ago. That night, that club, changed my life. The club was supposedly different from all the others in the town. It catered to the Goth crowd; more specifically the vampire obsessed subculture. I was not necessary into that, but it sounded cool; different from typical meat market crap. When I arrived, Jessie was waiting for me. When she saw me she couldn’t believe my outfit. I had on a black mini vinyl skirt, red and black plaid button up top, and fishnet tights with knee high military style lace up boots. Black lipstick. Part Goth, part Steampunk.

gothic phone sex vampire lesbian“Did you  think I would wear jeans and a t-shirt,” I replied.  At that point in time I was a tomboy. She told me I looked hot as a Goth, but no way was I as hot as her. She was gorgeous. Tall, long red hair, pale skin, legs that never ended….She had the body for her sexy little fishnet outfit that was for sure. I went to the end of the line, but Jessie said,  “No I’m a member so all I have to do is show my card we are in. Everything is on me tonight.” Once inside Jessie eyed this girl wearing a PVC black leather mini dress with black leather pumps with studs on them, torn black stockings with jet black hair. Jessie took her hand and led her to a private room with all these couches. I got to tag along. I was excited. Had no idea what I was about to witness. This room had a private bar, and the bartender obviously knew Jessie and asked if she wanted her usual. She indicated yes and he brought out a big bottle of red wine with 3 glasses. Jessie paid $300 for that bottle. I’d never had wine in a bottle, let alone wine that expensive.

Jessie grabbed my hand and had me sit in a big velvet red chair, while she laid her friend on a matching chaise type chair. Jessie inquired as to how I liked the club thus far. I shared that it was really different, but I loved the crowd and the creepy hymn type music being played over the speakers. Jessie poured us each a glass of this expensive ass wine and we toasted to new experiences and broadening our horizons. We all took a sip. The wine was thick, sweet, not like wine I had ever had before, but it was yummy. Suddenly, I realized no one else but us three in the room. I asked where everyone else went, and Jessie said a private room, where we were about to head also.

I was getting oddly intoxicated fast on this scrumptious wine. The three of us walked down a dark corridor, passed other rooms. I could hear screams, moans past every door. I thought, I am at a sex club. Jessie and the girl she had picked up seemed to know their way around, even in the dim lighting. I started to get wobbly, and Jessie helped me into one of the rooms. They seemed to both have a higher tolerance for the wine than I did. We got in the room which was pitch black. I stumbled and must have passed out. Next thing I realize, I wake up and Jessie has her gal pal hanging upside down by her feet from some rafter, butt naked with a ball gag in her mouth and a spreader attached to her feet. Jessie then bit her companion on the neck hard. And while blood tricked out her neck, over her breasts, Jessie started to lick up the blood. She motioned me to come over and instructed me to bite her victim too and taste that blood. I was scared at first, but I was getting turned on. I love blood. Never tasted it, but I love to cut people and watch the blood run out of them.

gothic phone sex evil bloodAs soon as I sunk my teeth into her flesh, I realized I had tasted this before. It was the bottled wine that Jessie purchased. I had been drinking this girl’s blood all night and enjoying it. I was really turned on now. As I continued to drink her crimson nectar, Jessie got on a tall stool and buried her face between her legs. I thought she was going to eat her pussy, but instead she bit that major vein in her inner thigh and we both drank her blood. I was new to drinking blood and went a little deep. Blood was spurting everywhere, like when I cut a jugular. I looked at Jessie for advice, but she was covered in blood and masturbating. I continued to drink the blood as it was so intoxicating and started to rub my pussy too. Before long I realized this girl was losing too much blood. Her skin getting paler, her breathing shallow and skin cold to the touch. I think we had damn near killed her, drained her.

gothic phone sex vampire bloodI asked Jessie what to do. I was half panicked, half aroused. Well, more aroused. I had certainly cut  a few folks at that point in my life, but never anyone who didn’t deserve it. I had no issue with this chick. Jessie said it was okay. We could drain her dry if we wanted because she paid to die. WTF? Paid to die? If she wanted to die, she could have paid me for the honor lol. Jessie explained to me that this club was highly exclusive and the subs and the domes paid good money for an anything goes evening. Well, I had no problem draining her now. She was a stupid cunt. Neither Jessie nor I could drink anymore, so I got out my knife, made a few incisions and we laid naked underneath her as the blood flowed out of her body and onto ours. When we were both covered in hot, sweet, sticky nectar, Jessie got out her doubled headed dildo and we fucked our brains out, coming wildly with blood all over us. My first lesbian experience too. That night was interesting to say the least. My first taste of blood, my first Goth bar, my first taste of pussy, my first death….. None of which would be my last.

I ended up returning to that bar often with Jessie. I now embrace the Goth life. I embrace drinking blood. I embrace the natural born killer in me. I am the perfect accomplice. I am the perfect deviant.

Cannibalism Phone Sex with Cassandra: A Real Bloody Mary

cannabalism phone sex torture bloodyCannibalism phone sex is a real fetish. And it is a lifestyle for some. Some people just have a special appetite, require a unique diet. One of my Master’s has such an appetite. Today, while I was in his dungeon being tortured, he had a pretty young thing that he had kidnapped for his wife. Master made me watch as he snuffed her out. She laid there on a cold slab, tied down, begging for her life. Master enjoyed watching her beg and plead for survival. Then, with no warning, he slit her throat and watched with joy as the blood gushed out of her neck, bringing her to her death. Master’s wife, drank her blood as it ran from her neck. I was watching in horror, afraid I would be next. I was fleshier than that waif of a girl, and could imagine my body would provide more sustenance for him and his wife.

But this was not about nourishment; it was about teaching me. Teaching me to enjoy flesh. Master dissected that young girl like a butcher cuts up a cow for parts. Master was meticulous in how he filleted her flesh. He made me watch every horrifying cut. He carved her flesh off her bones and put it in a big bowling pot. Flesh stew he called it. Then, the most awful thing I have ever witnessed befell my eyes. He cut out all her organs: heart, brain, kidneys, liver, intestines, lungs… He threw them in a blender and hit puree, making an internal organ smoothie, which he claimed was oh so yummy. He made stew with her flesh and smoothies with her organs. I was mortified and scared.cannibalism phone sex big tits milf

Master poured that  bloody concoction into a big glass, and even put a straw and a stalk of celery in it like it was a fucking Bloody Mary. I thought he and his wife were gonna drink it, but it was meant for me. Master wanted me to taste creamed organs as he called it; not only a delicacy but supposedly a very iron and nutrient rich drink. Master’s wife, who was covered in blood and munching on chunks of flesh, took the ball gag out of my mouth, while he held my head back and forced my mouth open. His wife poured that bloody smoothie down my throat and so I couldn’t spit it out, she put the ball gag back in my mouth. I felt  guilty. Not guilty because I was alive and she wasn’t. Not guilty because I was now a cannibal like Master and his wife. But guilty because I liked it.