Category: Bloody phone sex

Torture Phone Sex for a True Killer Fantasy

torture phone sex

    Torture phone sex for a true killer fantasy  begins with me!    I am a sick twisted bitch! I just got off the phone with someone who wanted to release me after they had finished torturing me. I am looking for the guy who won’t let me go! I want him to hunt me  like prey just like these gang members did! I want him to rip that brat from my rotten flesh and choke the shit out of me with the little nappy head’s chord of life! I seek to have him  cut a living organism out of me! Maybe eating the flesh will serve him good as well!

  Once  he hears my voice the rules for release go out the window! I want him to be a cold calculated killer that will  beat the shit out of me and just be what he is; a  cold killer that lusts for my blood! I guess there is a true art to being a cold calculated killer!  A killer that will crush my bones and eat my flesh! I think I get a kick out of being hurt or watching someone hurting me and it looks just like you are the person to do it!

    I am not one for the squeamish the amount of torture I want to endure must equal his dark nature. If you don’t enjoy the idea of torture, blaspheme and fantasy rape then I know I am not the girl for you! But, if your soul thirst for blood and you can get as twisted with your desire as I can, then let’s talk!

Make sure the knife is not dull, and the duct tape you plan to use on me is strong! I don’t want to be able to get away! Make sure the ax is sharpened  and when you deliver that blow to my neck, it severs my head completely off. You can take my head and position it on your cock and shoot your load in there. The colder my body the more you will cum! If it’s sick and dark let’s do it together because, whore’s like me don’t deserve  to live!

Snuff Porn Streaming A Summer School Slaughter

snuff porn

I do not like school. It is not so much the learning as all of the little cuntsies that need all of their holes tortured. Mommy and Daddy sent me to the worst summer camp this year and would not let me come home. Lucky for me I had so disastrous friends on my side, guys who were into all of my snuff porn work. We collaborated together for the darkest little snuff porn streaming that would fill our watchers eyes with some nice taboo phone sex to yank their little cocks to. All they had to do was come in daunting their sexy ski masks.
The two of them and me went to quick work of all the nasty little cunts. One went to tearing open the ass of one of the little whores. At first she moaned, she enjoyed it too much, that was until I took my blade and sliced it across her throat. I laughed and pulled it across my tounge tasting her blood. Then he moved onto force fucking one of the cunts who did not like it very much. I giggled as I freaked her out running the knife across her skin. When he had enough of her he strangled the nasty cunt as she struggled kicking trying to get free.

snuff porn streaming The last little slut was being filleted in the corner by the master of torture himself. He made delicate incisions in her body cutting her open and removing various parts of her to munch on in front of her face. She cried and begged for him to kill her. I leaned forward and kissed him exchanging the nipple into my own mouth. I spit the silver jewelry out into her mouth. I reminded her that only little dirty whores had nipple jewelry.
Holding my hand over her mouth and nose I snuffed the life from her. I licked onto her dead pussy making it nice and wet for one of the guys to shove his dick into. He had no problem with that. The other one fucked my cunt. I moaned and whimpered as he bounced me up and down him cock. We were all covered in the three school sluts’ blood. I looked at the camera and blew a kiss to all of my xxx snuff porn watchers. Then I giggled shutting of the camera as the two of them blew their load in perfect unison.

taboo phone sex

The Sweet Sound Of Terror

torture phone sex angieThe sweet sound of terror fills the air. The shrills of the screams send shivers of delight up and down my spine. I sit here in my antique winged back chair sipping Brandy, listening to the sounds of the fire crackle. The flames are dancing in the hearth in unison to the shrill sounds of pain. It is almost as if they are as happy as I am by the sound. My fingers find their way to my nipples and slowly encircle the hardening buds under the thin cloth of my gown. It has almost been thirty minutes now the flesh should be eaten almost to the bone. Smiling I get up to make my way to him. The cage i have devised is genius and I can move it from body part to body part, leaving it there for 30 min increments. Rats have the most beautiful, sharp teeth and will gnaw the flesh all the way to the bone if I leave them in one place long enough. Sometimes I sit and watch, sometimes I like to remove myself from sight and listen while my imagination fills with images. This is one such night. I simply want to enjoy the knowledge that he is in pain and is filled with fear not knowing when or if I will return to end this or to prolong it. Using rats as my little minions is perfection for me.

Snuff Porn; Attack of the Rabid Bunny

Snuff Porn

I found this beautiful bunny in my back yard. It looked like it had been mauled, its fur was matted and blood soaked its white coat. It was extremely aggressive and made this really awful noise. I could tell that it had rabies, I wanted to catch it. So that is what I did, I put out a trap and caught my rabid beast, and then went to find the lucky one to endure its pain.

taboo phone sex
That was not hard, guys are always hungry for my hot pussy when I walk around town in my school girl out fit and pigtails. All I had to do was attract a nice guy who loved young puss and have him follow me. As soon as we made it around the corner I turned around and stuck a needle into the side of his neck. He made it back to my house, a pathetic passed out pile of puke.

evil phone sex
When we got back I strapped him to a chair and let the bunny go in the basement. I recorded the whole thing because I thought the stages of human rabies would make a fun snuff porn. The torture was something that you would not find in a lot of taboo phone sex shit. I locked them both up together and went to monitor the cameras from upstairs. I thought I would see the bunny maybe bite him and that was all.

bloody phone sex
Yet, to my surprise after the first bite he kept going. He ate the human bit by bit. Oh how I loved listening to his screams as the rabid animal tore into his flesh. I leaned back in the chair and played with my pussy till I creamed my fingers. When he was done I shot them both in the head, and paid a cleanup crew. I watched over and over for week’s finger banging my cunt to his torment.

Evil Triumphs

taboo phone sex angieIt has been several days now and we have completely taken over the local church and it’s congregation. They are all ours from the littlest to the elderly and they are all our servants. Our Satanic ways have consumed every one of them. Obtaining their obedience was easy. Fear is a very powerful thing and we have used it to it’s maximum potential. They have learned all the new hymns that we have created and they sing them while we perform our acts of pain and terror on the alter. We have sodomized the Priest and broken his spirit. We have impregnated the nun and will rip the developing little one from her body when we are ready. We have devised several lottery style events that give us the pick of the litter so to speak. So far we have spilled a great deal of blood on the alter that was pure and holy not so very long ago. Just because he wants them all to call him Jesus, the truth is that he is Satan, not just on the surface but all the way to the bone….and we love to play our wicked little games!

Cannibalism Phone Sex in Mid Air

Cannibalism phone Sex

      Cannibalism Phone Sex makes me so hungry one night with a caller! …

    The flight was continuing and I was anxiously awaiting spending the holiday with my parents. There was something strange about this flight though and I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. Shrugging it off, I boarded the plane and found my seat.  Strapping myself  in I looked out the window until we were in the air. As the stewardess asked for my cocktail selection I began to get very sleepy. When I fluttered my eyes open again I saw the stewardess on her knees with a cock in her mouth. I tried to wiggle out of my seat and excuse myself but I couldn’t unbuckle the straps. She was sucking that cock so well and I was so hypnotized I barely got out of the way as he pissed in her mouth as well. Then she licked the cock clean and got every last drop of his cum out his cock head.

      I am going to have lunch he said. “I have to inspect my meat before I eat it! He said. Placing his hands on my pussy he began to finger it.” I am going to decide which part of your body to eat!” I struggled and scratched to get the seatbelt off of me but to no avail. Returning with a transportable grill the stewardess explained it was a pussy grill! I felt this piercing pain and it felt like my pussy was on fire! I smelled my burning flesh. Arranging the cutlery for him, the stewardess began to cut my tits and ass and place it on a plate. Grabbing a  knife and fork he began to cut and enjoy the tender pussy steak. Coming back the stewardess said its time for desert. He was served my brain and cup of blood.

As the phone shook and I heard the dial tone of the fantasy ending, my pussy was drenched with sweat! This caller sure had got the best of me with this one! I couldn’t wait to do it again!

Taboo Phone Sex; Don’t Be Dumb

taboo phone sex

Anytime one of my clients asks me how I get away with so much murder I tell them the answer is simple. When it comes to taboo phone sex you just don’t be dumb. I do not care if you are just killing for fun or snuff porn profit you have to make sure you act accordingly. Whenever I go out for a kill the first thing I do is scrub down every inch of my body. I want to rid it of all the dead epithelial cells.

snuff porn
The next step is simple. Make sure you take the proper precautions. Wear gloves. That is really not that hard. You do not have to wear medical gloves either, it makes you less approachable. But if you are trying to snatch a bitch make sure you wear something like riding gloves at least. When it comes to the actual killing I know things can get excited fast so try to prevent too much splatter. It happens though. If it does you need to scrub scrub and rescrub the scene. Once you think it is clean, do it again.

bloody phone sex
After you have completed you fun method of torture getting rid of the body is always a fun selection in itself. I am not talking about any dumb breaking bad shit. No lye in porcelain bathtubs or anything. That will break down the body (and the bathtub too) but leave you with a big mess of DNA. Instead I always recommend one of two ways. The first is rather easy, pigs. Swine will dismember and eat every portion of your little victim. They are not picky either. My favorite way takes a lot of time, but if preformed properly will allow you to enjoy your trophy. A fungi garden. Plant the dead body somewhere warm and moist and watch the various mushrooms spurt up from it. If you are lucky you can enjoy the taste of your victims’ body till the end of time.

evil phone sex

Snuff phone sex at a birthday party

snuff phone sexSo I had a little fun this weekend at my mothers house. It was my nieces birthday and you can’t even imagine the kind of sick and twisted fun that went down. The party consisted of multiple people all of who were complete strangers to me other then my mother, sister, my niece, and my brother in law. The party towards the afternoon got pretty wild when my niece finally decided to go take a nap.

My sister was intoxicated and making out with three hot busty babes. They were moaning as their bathing suits were flying off and they were getting handsy with one another. And then there was my brother in law, completely upset about what was going on and not appreciating what he was seeing.

The more he looked at my sister the more it made him upset. I was cleaning up the kitchen when he finally had enough. He came up behind me and grabbed me be my hair and pulled me into his bedroom. No one was inside so even if I screamed nobody could hear me and even if they did, everyone was way too drunk to care.

He ripped my clothes off and began to throw punches at my body. I tensed up with each bashing first he threw at my bones. He kept telling me I was a fucking whore just like my sister and my mother. He took my sisters dirty underwear and shoved them deep in my throat so that I couldn’t make a sound. They tasted so sour and I could feel how crusty they where on my tongue.

He was so mad he took his pocket knife and cut my tummy. He said I wasn’t good enough to reproduce and if I ever did, it would be another stupid fucking whore just like me. My blood fell to my sides and I gasped as he then shoved the knife followed by his fist into my pussy. He rammed it up into my uterus and kept fucking me with the knife until he was completely covered in my blood.

He turned me over and unbuttoned his pants. He took his knife and cut all the way through my pussy to my shit hole, making them one hole. He shoved his huge hard cock into my ass and began to fuck me in my blood. He grunted with each thrust into me. I felt so lifeless with the more blood I kept loosing. After he shot his load into my two holes that are now one.

He made me put my clothes back on, still bloody and walk out to where everyone was. Immediately when I saw everyone, I told them my niece was next and fell to the ground.

Taboo Phone Sex; My First Rape Fantasy

Taboo Phone Sex

I held my hands out to catch my balance as I stumbled down the hallway. I only had one beer, I thought I must had been shit faced already. I was just a little brat then, thought I knew it all. My mom always warned me to stay away from the neighbor. I couldn’t help but tease him when I went outside. I know teens were a part of the taboo phone sex shit that mom always blabbered on about but I did not give a fuck. She made me so mad one night and took away my cell phone. Like a knight in shining armor he let me come into his place and gave me a beer.
It did not take long till the drug that he slipped in it kicked in. Like I said back then I thought I was just drunk. I sat back onto the couch. He was right there by my side to make sure I was “okay.” He started to unbutton my skirt but my arms were like jello. He ripped my shirt up and put his tongue all over my body. He shoved his fingers inside of my cunt and I cried out asking him to stop. It hurt so badly. He was rough, and this was not how I thought my first time would be. Tears fell down the sides of my cheeks. He pulled his hand from my skirt licking the blood from his fingers. He had popped my cherry and was very excited about it.
He pulled his cock from his pants and straddled my face standing on either side of me on the couch. He held my nose as I tried to jerk my head free from his grasp. One my mouth opened he hooked his finger against my bottom teeth pulling my mouth open wider to force his cock deep into my throat. I puked up all over his cock. He slapped me across the face for being such a nasty bitch. He was about done with me he said throwing me onto the flood and pulling my ass up to him. He ripped my skirt off and shoved his cock inside of my pussy. I cried as he took away my virginity, my first rape fantasy. I wonder how everything would had been if I listened to my mother. Too late now I guess.

Castration Phone Sex Inspiration from Snuff Porn Comics

castration phone sex knife playCastration phone sex really excites me. You would be surprised how many men know they don’t deserve their balls. I consider myself a castration queen. I have no qualms about taking your balls on the phone or in real life. I’ve been saving the world one ball at a time for awhile now. Certain people should never be allowed to procreate. Some do not deserve the pleasure of cumming. Hell, some don’t even deserve the right to continue breathing. On occasion, some pathetic excuse for a man will hire me to castrate him and I deem him more suitable for snuff porn. Usually, any loser who wants his junk removed by someone else is so weak and wretched that they are worthy of death anyway.

Eli was one such loser. I was all prepared to take his balls. I watched some torture porn, castration videos, even looked at some hot snuff porn comics for inspiration on just how to remove his junk. I hate to be boring and just snip balls off in a nice neat fashion. The way I see it, if you want your balls removed with a surgeon’s precision, you call a doctor, not me. I’m like the back alley abortion doctor for castration! The more I researched Eli, however, the more I decided he needed a hell of lot more gone than his nut sack. He has sired 9 brats that he doesn’t pay for; been married 4 times; been collecting disability for drug addiction for years; and has several charges against him for animal abuse and domestic violence. Clearly this loser can’t pick a fair fight and his testicles are the least of his worries.snuff porn comicsWhen he arrived, I collected his money, strapped him to my castration chair and let him believe I was going to just give him the service for which he paid. He asked about all the plastic under the chair. I was matter of fact in my response, “I don’t want you making a mess on my carpet.” I tied up his balls tight to restrict the blood flow, strapped his cock to the board, then used my big jaws of life pliers to take his balls clear off with one motion. There was a lot of blood, which I didn’t mind, but it made him so queasy he passed out. When he woke up, he wondered why he was still strapped to my chair. “Because you are a drain on society. No one will miss you. And I want you dead,” I replied blissfully. He thought it was a joke, I read back to him his litany of offenses. “Mother Theresa would want you dead, you fucking loser,” I retorted.

taboo phone sex castration fantasiesI let him plead and whine for a bit on why I should spare his life because it was amusing. I channeled my inner Mrs. Voohres and chopped his head clear off with an axe. The blood was profuse. It was exciting to watch his body twitch, blood spurt from his neck stump until he finally went lifeless. I felt myself getting my angel wings for ridding the world of another dreg of society. Something I had seen if one of those snuff comics stuck with though. This image of an evil seductress like me, covered in blood, sitting naked on the head of the loser she just killed, like it was her trophy. I decided to imitate art. I sat on his head like a tyke does on one of those bouncy balls, rubbed my pussy on his dead head while holding his lifeless pecker and celebrated another dead loser. Perhaps I could mount his head to the wall like a deer?

Be careful what you ask for with me because you might just get it. snuff porn castration