Category: Bloody phone sex

Snuff Porn Queen Dusty is Out For Blood

Snuff porn Queen Dusty is feeling a certain need to destroy someone today. Some guy royally pissed me off and he is about to get a dose of castration phone sex. I am livid and out for fucking blood! You see this total douche bag managed to fucking knock my bike over with his drunken stupor.

It just so happens this phlembag of a douche is a regular at this specific bar and I got just the information I need to track his ass down. You cannot hide from me I have my way of finding out what I need. So I get his address and make my plan after doing a drive by. Easy enough to break in and take care of what I need to do. So I park around the corner and head on over under the cloak of darkness. I let myself in and quietly find my way to where the douche is passed out. 

Snuff Porn

Standing over him with a rag and duct tape I spit on him to see if he wakes. Nothing, Ok cool, I lean over and shove some panties in his mouth and put the duct tape across his mouth to silence any attempts to make noise. Grabbing my butcher knife from it’s case I lean in and start slicing his clothing off. Then I see my prize and grab my specimen jar filled with formaldehyde for preserving my token. With a clean slice I castrate this mother fucker as I look at how gigantic his eyes got. Laughing wildly I grab his cell phone and cut the cord to his home phone. See if he makes it through and when he does he’ll see the Polaroid of my bike.


Teaching a lesson

Ass rape pornI saw a little boy staring at my ass today. I told the little fucker to piss off but he kept coming back and looking. I told the little shit to come to our tool shed if he wanted to see something nice. The fucker followed me and I told him he could touch me wherever he wanted as long as I could touch him too. He grabbed my tits, I squeezed his little cock. He grabbed my cunt, I rubbed his little balls. When he grabbed my ass I slapped the little fucker to the ground. The fear in his eyes when he turned around almost made me cum and I kicked him down onto his stomach. I put my hand over his mouth, grabbed my toy and fucked him up his ass with it while he tried to get away. His scream and cries were muffled by my hand and soon once I saw his asshole was bleeding I let him up. I told him if he told anyone I would do it again with my blade. He ran off scared. I probably will save this one, he’s going to have a big cock when he grows up. And until then.. I bet he wont be creeping up on girls! Castration Phone Sex Junkie Venus

castration phone sexI’m a castration junkie. I love removing worthless balls. Sometimes, I even take a little extra if you know what I mean! I’ve been schooling other sick bitches in junk removal too. You would be surprised to know just how many women out there literally have their husbands’ balls in a jar next to the bed. Personally, I think castration is the best cure for a cheating husband. No second chances. No therapy. No costly divorce that could leave a woman broke. Just cut their balls off and he will never be a cheating bastard again.

I remove junk for lots of reasons. Some ass hats are too dumb to procreate. Some guys can’t be trusted with their cock and balls. Some think they are god’s gift to women but can’t find a clit with Mapquest. Others have little pinky dicks and I’m helping them make their package look bigger by lobbing off their big hairy testicles. And other dudes are just worthless pieces of shit that don’t deserve pleasure let alone life.

I helped a woman this weekend with junk removal from the ass wipe that put a roofie in her drink last month. She heard of my reputation; hired me to extract a little old school vengeance. I agreed of course. I will remove the whole fucking package for a cocktail. She told me enough about the dude that I knew how to set him up. Met him in a bar, gave him every chance to spike my drink, then switched them when he wasn’t looking so he got the roofie. Why do guys think every chick is a dumb bitch? Well when he woke up strapped to his bed looking at his last victim and the one who just got away, he knew he was the dumb bitch.

snuff porn castrationLilly held up the knife and I stuck a little vibe up his ass to get it hard. He was screaming and pleading and apologizing. Even said he would turn himself into the police. Guys will say anything to keep their junk, then go right back to the behavior that got them in trouble in the first place. “The best way to ensure you won’t force yourself on women again, is permanent junk removal,” I said. Lilly put the serrated blade against the base of his worthless pecker, while I had the jaws of life on his balls to bust them.

With devilish glee, I counted, “1,2, 3.” Then it was total carnage. She sliced his pecker off as I crushed his balls. There was a lot more blood than I imagined. Lilly was in awe, not grossed out one bit. She is a natural. We left him there to bleed. I shoved his cock in his mouth as a special touch. He was clearly married by the pictures adorning his wall. I just did his wife a solid. I am sure she would thank me if she was there. I likely did what she has wanted to for years.

I’m a sick bitch who loves blood. I could blow smoke up your ass and tell you I am some philanthropic bad ass who snuffs, maims and tortures to weed out the fucktards in this world, but the truth is, I love to kill and inflict pain. And, I love to make a buck. So, I will be your twisted accomplice for a simple bourbon on the rocks. Let the games begin.

Knife play phone sex

knife play phone sex

I have become very attached to my master, he takes good care of me. The other night we had some fun with some tools. I had a screw driver and an electric drill. He wanted me to take the drill and begin to drill into my lower tummy. I probably wont ever be aloud to reproduce since he wanted me to drill deep into my flesh, all the way into my uterus. The pain was excruciating I could not help the tears running down my face. I felt like my tummy was on fire and the blood gushed from the three holes I made and it ran down my pussy mound, into my pussy, and down my legs.

ass rape porn

He thought now that I had blood flowing down into my pussy, that is would be good lubricant. He told me to take my screw driver and drive it into my pussy. He wanted and demanded I do it, hard, fast, and rough. I did as my master said because without his approval and satisfaction,- I am nothing. I needed to please him and make him happy. My pussy was so red and swollen and full of blood that when he finally stuck his cock inside of me, he couldn’t even fit in my pussy hole. He rammed himself harder and harder until his amazing cock was all the way inside of my worthlessness. I begged for more with cries of pain. He wanted to make sure I saw how happy I made him as he took his cock out of me and forced me on my knees and came in my eyes.

snuff porn

A Real Snuff Porn Documentary

taboo phone sex angieThe chamber is ready. The entire time I was setting it up my pussy dripped with anticipation. There is a large one way mirror on one wall. Microphones are set up for recording sound. A video tape is set up for recording image. I have three victims, two female and one male that have been kept while preparations were being made. He just left and I have the gas in my hands. My hands are shaking with anticipation. I believe I have enough for one solid week. I am retrieve the military rations that I bought and setting them up in the room. The three cots are set and everything looked good. He called the gas Scarecrow Fear Gas, named after something from a Batman movie. It is supposed to be a highly hallucinogenic gas that when taken in large quantities creates a paranoia and visions of fear and panic. I am very careful to set up the dispensing of the gas in a steady stream though the vents. As I lead my victims to the chamber I could feel the juices flowing down my inner thigh. I open the door and lock them in and begin the stream into the room. I leave and go to get a bite to eat, take a shower and masturbate. Alone with my thoughts as I allow the gas to take some effect. Staying away as long as I can, I return to the chamber. I can tell by their behavior that the gas is having some effect on them but not like I thought. Disappointed I retire to bed leaving them for the evening. The following morning I wake early eager and horny. I eat my breakfast and return to the chamber. Now we have something. They are all naked and hysterical. Each lost in his or her hallucination. The fear is evident in their eyes and the irrational behavior is turning me on. As I sit and watch I masturbate to the evil taking place before my eyes. As the day goes on and more of the gas is inhaled the behavior becomes more bizarre and satisfied every evil thought in my head. Finally I retire for the evening eager for day two. Returning to the chamber I find carnage. The female has ripped her finger nails off and is biting chunks of flesh our of her arms. One of the men has skinned his cock some how and it is a massive chunk of meat. The other male is in the corner clawing flesh from his face and laughing hysterically. I cum instantly without even touching myself, reveling in my glory. I leave them again as I have errands to run. When I return I find that the female is dead, the males are pulling her organs from her flesh torn body. What a shame I had hoped she would last longer. What happens next you will have to find out by watching the film of my torture.

Ass Rape Porn to Snuff Porn Documentary: Cassandra Films it All

ass rape pornWe were on the couch fucking. Actually, he was fucking me like I was an ass rape porn star; nailing my ass hard with his foot long cock. I love rough anal, but 12 inches of thick meat up my ass is difficult to take. He was not happy with me. He tossed me off the couch and put on some snuff porn. He loves to watch the sick shit when fucking me. In his mind, I am nothing more than a fuck pig. The film he put in was about the kidnapping and torture of several women, a mother and her daughters it looked like. It was gruesome, but he was standing in front of the TV jacking off watching these chicks get force fucked before dying slow, painful deaths.snuff porn documentary

That’s when it dawned on him that I would be perfect for a snuff porn documentary. I didn’t like the sound of that. Within an hour, several of his friends were over. He grabbed me by the throat and fucked my ass until I passed out from lack of oxygen. I woke up naked, and strapped to a wood table, much like the mom in the snuff movie we watched. His cohorts began mutilating my breasts with sharp blades. I screamed, cried, prayed I was having a nightmare. Do men really get off ruining the female body? My nipples were cut then sliced off. My breasts were stabbed repeatedly until the saline bags popped. They actually cut my breasts off and removed the saline bags then started pissing into the stumps that use to be my perfect big boobs.

snuff moviesI was going into shock from the pain when they turned their focus to my worthless cunt and ass. They had this look of sick glee on their faces as they each held up some sharp instrument to impale me with. As my head turned, to avoid looking at them stabbing my fuck holes, I saw one guy filming it all with his cock hard as a rock. Pretty sure I was in shock as I was numb and cold. They were pulling my cervix out, even my uterus. Blood was pooling all around me. I felt once last jolt of excruciating pain as a knife impaled my belly, before I heard the final words,” snuff the bitch.” The knife across my throat I didn’t even feel. Thank God for small favors I guess.

taboo phone sex

Sex with Dead Bodies: What’s Your Sick Fantasy?

sex with dead bodiesI get told all the time I am going to hell. I take it as a compliment. Means I am not afraid to go into the fringes, the dark crevices of human desires. We all have sick and perverted thoughts. Just most of you let guilt or morality or common decency rule your actions. Not me. No impulse control. No censor. I am your perfect accomplice because I will push you to act on your sick fantasies. I use blackmail, torture, even threat of death to you or your loved ones if you don’t do as I want, which is really what you want too.

Take Chad for example. I hacked his computer. Guys are such easy prey for a little dirty IM. They think I am some blonde buxom goddess, start cybering with me, and boom, I’m in their computer seeing all the sick things that make them hard. Chad is a necrophilia wannabe. He wants to have sex with dead bodies. A cold corpse gets him hard. So, when we were sexting about our dark desires, I laid the bait. “I fantasize about being a corpse and getting fucked,” I typed on my computer screen. Funny, he suggested we meet. Men are so easy to manipulate.

taboo phone sexHe was a bit shocked to discover that I didn’t exactly look like my yahoo pic. When he tried to run, I showed him my big knife, and photos of some of the sick shit I pulled off his computer. “Consider me your dark angel helping you make all your dreams cum true,” I said with an devilish grin. I blind folded him and took him on a little trip to the county morgue. I have a like minded sick friend who gets me access to the cadavers after hours. It’s good to have friends in dead places! I had the perfect specimen picked out for Chad. This poor dead girl headless and without any organs. An empty vessel so to speak. I may have helped remove her guts for my own sick pleasure, but that’s for a different blog.

necrophilia phone sexI removed the blindfold. Chad gasped in horror while simultaneously popping a huge boner in his pants. I held the knife to his back and made him fuck her cold dead cunt. It was fucking hot as hell because you could see his cock poking through her open cavity. Just a hollowed out skeleton; all that remained was bones and some sinew. She was ice cold; but his cock was red hot. When he came, I could see the cum decorating her rib cage, from the inside. “Aren’t you glad you met me Chad,” I inquired? “Now your twisted fantasies are a reality.” He still looked at me like I was the Antichrist before scurrying away like a scared puppy.

Face it. Maybe not now, but some time, he will be grateful he met me. You will too. I will help you by whatever means necessary act on your most sick and twisted desires. Everyone needs a dark angel on their shoulder.

snuff porn

The Wedding Night

taboo phone sex chelsea12I don’t think there’s a bigger turn on than a woman who knows her place. I know I’m just white trash. I live in a run-down trailer with my drunk of a BF, Larry. He pimps me out to everyone. Doing drugs keeps me sane. Just a line or two and I would fuck anything with a cock….and I do mean ANYTHING. I will probably be a dirty whore until they carry away my cold, dead body, and even then, he’d probably still be pimpin’ me out.
Lately, his game is to dress me up like a flashy tramp. Short skirt, high heels, thigh high stockings, fake eyelashes, the whole works. He loves to make me up. Sometimes I think he is a fag at heart and that’s why he doesn’t fuck me himself. “Look, bitch.” he said to me. “I need money to pay a gambling debt. Don’t come home until you have $500.”
I admit that made me pretty hot. I thought about the beating I would get if I came home short. I decided the best way to make that much was to get a bachelor party gig.
That’s when I saw you. You are standing all alone, waiting for your wedding day only 12 hours from now. You look drunk and angry. I decide to fuck with you. “Hey, sexy,” I purr. Why don’t we have a wedding recital tonight. You and the wedding party can all line up and fuck me.” I feel your slap come out of nowhere. You hit me hard across the face. “You cunt,” you whisper, “I love my fiance.”
My skin tingles and I am turned on. I look at you with big blue eyes. “Hit me again. Come on. Take it out on me.” You smile cruelly and drag me towards the party room. I feel you rip off my sexy dress, leaving me in my stockings. “Cunt likes abuse.” you say. Someone grabs my arm and I feel liquid gold rush into my veins. The rest is a blur.
I awake to see you standing over me. You are jerking your cock hard and fast. “Filthy whore. Dirty white trash. Harlot. Skank” you whisper as you blast your nutsac onto my prone body.
I look into the mirror. My face is broken. I see a busted lip, black eye, and bruised cheeks from being slapped. I look further down. I have bruises from being kicked. My pussy is sore and my asshole feels like someone shoved a boot up it. Suddenly, I am overcome with need. I stand in front of the mirror and finger my pussy viciously, coming to a screaming orgasm. I see you still standing there, watching. Your slowly begin to clap and throw a wad of money at me. I count it out. $1000. I look up and smile at you.
I know I have you now. You’ll be back for more. Every time you argue with your pretty little wife. Those times when she says no and you are so horny. Your first big fight when you want to knock her teeth down her throat. It’s me you’ll turn to. You know my weakness and I know yours. It’s me who’ll take the abuse meant for her. I’ll get the raging fuck where you choke me and call me names. Your fist will pound me when she wounds your pride. I’m nothing but a punching bag for your rage and I love it. I’m here waiting. honey. Hurry back!!

Snuff Porn Cock Muncher

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I used to think snuff porn consisted only of pretty girls getting tortured for the satisfaction of all viewers. It was not until my thirst for blood led me to the male penis that I found out that snuff be way heavier. I was an accomplice, when I realized that the man in charge was not so manly after all. I was growing old of how squeamish he was around dead body that we created decided that it needed to be fixed right away he whimpered and cried for me to stop, I couldn’t. So I decided that I was going to make him into my collection of victims. I tied him up to a chair and smelled close to his neck. His veins pulsated as his heart raced with fear. I love listening to him cry and whimper, begging me not to hurt him. That was only making it harder for him, I went over to my table so I could let him see the tools I was going to be using on him. I thought hard to myself decided a man, a man he called himself. But was he a man? No he was not!

taboo phone sex

I grabbed some rope, easy enough, and I tied it from the underside of his ball sack on top of his already throbbing penis. His cock was hard turned on by the fact that I was dominating him. Something that I knew I would never have problems with but never really faced. I had always been an accomplice never really thought I’d run across somebody who claim to be man, but really a sissy, And I did!Dominating, which came by awfully easy you ask me. He begged and cried for me to stop but his eyes said something else. His eyes, that begged me to continue on with his penile torture. I tied it with a rope from the under side of his balls across the base pulling it hard listening to whimper and then taking two alligator clamps I secured them onto his nipples, and he yelped. He yelled as if he was being kicked in his side. Which I already did intended on doing from the beginning. I took my high heels and kicked it straight across his face scratching him tip of my heel into the side of his mug. I loved every second of it.

Gothic phone sex

As I continued to rip his body apart and burn his nuts, he pleaded with me to get in a moment of satisfaction. Suddenly I had an overwhelming feeling and put his big throbbing cock into my mouth. I began to suck on it running, my tongue along the underside of his mushroom tip, and moving my head up and down. That’s when he said it, that’s what he really set me off,”good girly,” he said to me. Girly? I am no girly, I am  a woman yes but not a little girl. Not like he was making me out to be I became enraged I dug my teeth into the base of his cock.I listened to scream his whole body began to shake as I bit harder. I bit until I met my teeth on the other side completely clamp down on to his wiener. I ripped his cock straight off of him spitting it out into a tray that’s when I started, collecting and munching on dicks for fun. It was a nice hobby and I really enjoyed it couldn’t wait until I got more victims like him, victims I would enjoy torturing for taboo phone sex fun!

Snuff Porn Torture Death the Cure All for Redneck Neighbors

snuff porn knife playSnuff porn is what gets me off. The bloodier, the better. The homemade snuff porn torture death variety is my favorite. I guess you could say that when it comes to my own snuff movies, I like to go medieval. If you are a fan of torture sex, like I am, then you know that in the Game of Thrones era death and dismemberment were extra violent, extra gruesome, extra painful, and very deadly. In other words, awesome.

I have had my eye on new neighbors. Annoying fuckers who violate every code of decency. Their lawn looks like a Griswold Christmas year round; they blare country music at all hours of the night; their junker Ford pickup truck leaves toxic fumes for days and they are meth heads so tweakers in and out 24/7. No one wants them in our little community, but no one has the balls to do anything about it. We all know I have bigger balls than an elephant. Normally, I don’t hunt or kill in my back yard, but pretty certain if I got caught, my neighbors would high five me rather than turn me in. Sometimes bitches just have to die.

snuff porn torture deathThese ass hats were worthy of a slow tortuous death. I was inspired by watching some vintage medieval porn with religious under tones. Decided to make the crime scene look rather frantic and religious. I walked right into their home early one morning and found them making crystal meth in the kitchen. Stupid cunt was pregnant too. High as a kite, so easy to control. Tied the bitch to her dining room table spread eagle. Took an old huge ass crucifix, fucked her cunt until her insides started to spill out. Left her breathing so she could watch me sodomize her man from Deliverance baby daddy with that same crucifix. I enjoyed torturing their worthless fuck holes. Neither had the right to procreate.

After about an hour of playtime for me, I broke out my medieval sword and beheaded them. I started with him. Blood spurted out the neck stump and his head rolled off the table with his eyes wide open. Perfect. He could watch me behead his skank ass wife, who was likely his first cousin too. Their heads ended up smacking against each other. I may have played a little soccer for shits and giggles while the blood poured from their lifeless bodies. Oh, and I may have filmed it. Turns out, I enjoy killing inbred redneck tweakers. It is very satisfying to rid the world of useless fucks. I confused the crime scene with equal parts religious fanaticism and drug war gone bad. It will be unsolvable like all my kills. It will also be coming to the world of underground 8 MM films very soon. Maybe they can repay me in death for exposing me to “Drunk on a Plane” at 3 am every morning. In hindsight, I didn’t torture them enough.

torture sex