I need it. I need it now. I need to hear the sweet screams of an entire family dying in my ears. What better way to have the taboo phone sex satisfaction then to go on a little road trip. Now, I am not going to be the one doing the driving. That is going to be the sorry bastard that is going to pick me up in his car while I am hitchhiking. I am going to dress like a super slut too! Armed with my favorite glock I set out and wait for my prey to come to me. Sure enough there he is. Driving his four door sedan, I can see the tan line on his finger from where he just removed the ring. He goes on about me not being out the alone, “hasn’t your mother ever told you not to hitchhike?” he asks of me. About that time he turns around to my gun pointed in his face. “Take me to your family now,” I demand of him. He tries to act all noble but I quickly remind him that once I blow his brains all over the windshield I will go get them anyway. I know we are in the right place when we pull up to that perfect suburban home. He pulls in the garage and walks in the house, with me standing behind him.
I scream for everyone to sit the fuck down. The picture perfect family of four takes their seats. They all cry and whine while I have daddy start tying them up and taping their mouths. I take the daughter down stairs, the dumb bitch looks familiar, I think she is from my school. I tear off her clothes and bash in her head a few times with the gun. With her arms chained up and blood rushing down over her white skin I snap a pic and message a client her price. Leaving her there passed out I head back upstairs. What to do, what to do? I ask dear old dad how come he tried to pick up a naked teen, and why he cheats on his wife. At first he does like every other idiot and denies the affairs. But after I take a meat cleaver from their knife block and chop of four fingers on his son’s hand he fesses up. He says that she never wants to have sex with him and he has urges. I asked him how come he did not just take it if he wanted to.

They all are whimpered and crying through the duct tape, and the son’s hand had blood everywhere. Quiet frankly I am getting annoyed. I pull his cock from his fly and get down on my knees. I take a knife and point it at his stupid sluts throat. I want her to watch me, watch how to please a cock. Once he is good and hard I take my knife and slice it right the fuck off. Everyone is squealing now, which does nothing but excited me further! “Your turn mommy!” I yell out extremely excited. I push the bitch back in her chair knocking her to the ground. Holding her husbands flaccid cock now removed from his body in the air I cut off her panties and shorts. I shove my hand into the cock and fuck that stupid bitch right in her cunt. She must not had been getting in from someone because her twat sucked my fist up inside her like it was a fat brat!
I laughed and looked back at the son! He was breathing heavy and his eyes kept darting around the room. First his hand, the his dads new sex change and then to the severed cock I held in my hand. I sat on the boys lap and asked him what he wanted? Did he want his moms stretched out puss, or dear old dad’s flaccid cock. When he groaned and nodded his head I knew exactly what it was he needed! I grabbed the back of his chair and my gun and drug him down the stairs. His sister was starting to come around. “You know there Junior, I think you might be onto something.” I untied his legs and let him off the chair. Pointing the gun at him I ordered his sister to suck his cock. She cried and began performing fellatio on her older sibling. After a few minuets she wiped her mouth and looked at me. “Now fuck her,” I demanded of his. The two kept sniffling and snorting and he turned and moved to her cunt. “No, tear that little bitches ass hole wide open!” She shrieked out no, but he went right at it. He fucked her till he filled up her cunt. Once I was done with the I bagged and redressed them. I am sure they thought they were going to live because they all walked outside with me quiet easy. Tying a noose around there neck I set up it up so as the branch broke they would all hang. I recorded the whole thing, even fucked my cunt to it later that night. Ahhhhh, family fun at its finest!