Category: Bloody phone sex

Happy Horror Days-Evil Phone Sex

You didn’t expect anything less then a bloody Horror Day Season did you? I didn’t think so. “Tis the season to be an accomplice. To join me on the dark side. To satisfy your deepest fantasies for inflicting pain. To delight in the stiffening of that dick of yours when the screams of terror meet your ears and when the sight of flowing crimson red blood begins to escape the flesh of out victim. Of course it wouldn’t be the season without some good old Horror Day Carols to sing while we plot the evil plans that we are about to make reality. Spreading sorrow and bringing agony to the time of year when every one walks around happy and sharing good cheer is our way of balancing things out in the universe. Join me for evil phone sex and we can sing together.

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On the 12th day of Christmas Karma gave to me…

12 death threat letters

11 scary phone calls

10 cut off fingers

9 midnight visits

8 creepy nightmares

7 bloody pictures

6 severed heads

5 bloody panties

4 lacerations

3 decapitations

2 dead bodies

And a corpse hanging from a tree

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Tis the Season for Snuff Porn: What is Your Holiday Death Wish?

snuff pornTis the season for snuff porn and good deeds. The holidays bring out my charitable side. I see the need for blood increases over the holidays, so every Christmas season, I make a sizable donation to my local blood bank. In fact, I am their number one contributor. I don’t actually give my blood because I am iron deficient, however, I always find a variety of folks willing to part with their blood to help someone in need. On Black Friday, I started my holiday blood drive. First to make a sizable donation for me was this twit Ariel who ,was how we say, a complete and total idiot. She was so stupid it was a wonder she remembered to breathe. Young pretty coed. Perky tits and ass. Every man’s cream dream. My antithesis. Everything going for her expect for brains. She answered an ad in the Backpages I had looking for pretty healthy coeds for a private blood drive. She was willing to show up at a stranger’s house who wanted to take her blood for $50. She clearly had a holiday death wish.

sex with dead bodiesI walked her into the basement; she asked where the blood drive machine was, then she saw my rather large knife collection and a shit ton of empty gallon water jugs. Blonde bimbo paused for awhile. I could see the hamster spinning the wheel in her head. Her stupidity was mind numbing. I grabbed a knife and slit her throat. Grabbed a jug to capture the blood; I let her bleed out. I gave her a bunch of slices to the torso and extremities to sped up the bloodletting. Shoved some tree ornaments up her worthless snatch for shits and giggles. She contributed several gallons of blood for my blood drive, which I promptly put on ice so it would not go bad.

bloody phone sexSince I am a charitable bitch, I didn’t want to let her lifeless cold body go to waste. I called up some male friends of mine with certain predilections and offered up her dead body. I felt like I did lots of good work that day. Obtained a sizable “to die for” donation of blood and spread a little holiday cheer with some necrophilia. How I love this time of year. What is your holiday death wish? I’m feeling very charitable still.

She’s the star of my snuff porn

snuff pornStupid little whore, she had it coming to her! She looks so sweet and innocent but her master tells me she is a totally different story. She’s a whore, he tells me. She craves pain and punishment and my humiliation to her little body. She might cry, whimper and beg for it all the end but she’s the perfect example I need for my snuff porn. She can be the star… I tell her. Victim Belle is going to die and she doesn’t even know it. She will know soon, when I drag her by her hair to my basement, with every bounce down those stairs she will cry and I will smile at the idea of each and every bruise she will have on her soft tiny body. This bitch is mine, she’s going to learn what pain is really all about… I’m going to have all my friends ram her holes, gape her wide, beat her over and over until she’s covered in blood, piss and cum. That’s the way she belongs and she knows it. She’s going to stare at me, try to plead with me… but you can see her slowly giving up. I love this part. The part where I sit on her face and make her lick me up until…well until she can’t breathe anymore of course! Mmm… there you go stupid slut, you got just what you wanted.

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‘Tis the Season to be Dead

home invasion phone sexDeck the halls with decaying bodies. Tis the season to be naughty. Fa la fucking la. Christmas and its evil, greedy consumers make me sick. Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas, who gives a fuck?
I’m having this evil fantasy about playing Santa. Santa with a scalpel. Crawling down chimneys and slitting the throats of the sleeping. Can you imagine the look of fear when all the little rugrats open their eyes in the night expecting Santa but getting Satan? I’d gut them like deer in their beds, leaving them for their parents to find on Christmas morning. Or maybe even better, how about them waking up on Christmas Day to find the house decorated with boughs of intestines, scrotum in the tree, a liver in their stockings, and a heart in a pretty Christmas box. Yes, I am a sick and demented bitch and I feed on pain and weakness. Wouldn’t you like to come play Christmas with me and help me spread some Christmas FEAR? Stabbing and torturing my victim with sharpened candy canes sounds like soooo much fun. It makes my pussy throb with delight. Not even the Grinch knows how to destroy Christmas better than me.

bloody phone sex

Castration Phone Sex Services: Spreading Holiday Cheer One Nut Crack at a Time

castration phone sexCastration phone sex is my Black Friday deal to you. You have a worthless pecker? Maybe a diseased dick or one that just doesn’t work? Too small? Or perhaps you use it for bad instead of good? Maybe you are just a stupid fuck who should not procreate? Or a chronic masturbator that needs temptation removed for him? I really don’t give a fuck what your reasons are; if you want your cock or balls, even both, removed, I will be offering junk removal services all holiday season at bargain prices. Wanna be a eunuch for Christmas? Or maybe you want to give that special lady in your life a present she will really appreciate like your dick in a box literally, or some testicle earrings. Handmade of course. Let’s face it, the lady in your life deserves so much more than what is between your legs so let’s just get rid of it. She will never has to worry about you trying to fuck her again. She forget about your pathetic package forever. Without your junk, she is free to fuck those big dicks; free to have what you have never been able to give her: PLEASURE. If you are single, well there is a reason for that. A pathetically small reason dangling between your legs. Get rid of it professionally, put on some panties and live your life as a silly sissy or something similarly pathetic.

I have my junk removal kit all polished up and ready to use. It is time to spread some holiday cheer to the ladies one nut crack at a time. The only thing roasting over my fire this holiday will be your nuts.

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Murder Phone Sex Fantasies

murder phone sex fantasiesI love it when he calls to share his murder phone sex fantasies with me. He has the same lust for sweet, young, innocent flesh. We delve deep into the macabre of violating their little bodies in the most violent and in humane ways. Torture and rape fantasies that get our blood boiling to the point that neither of us can keep from cumming at the images we create together. We long to pile their little bodies up, bloody, twisted, distorted in unnatural poses. Then we crawl into the pile together, naked, excited. He is rock hard, I am soaking wet. We let our desire build as we delight in the sensation of the feel of their bodies on our naked flesh, covered in their blood, as we come together and fuck, unbridled, heated, passionate. Knowing it is taboo and evil only spurs our desire for more. His cock deep with in me, my cunt milking him dry as we whisper the words that we long to hear and let ourselves drown in our sadistic desire until we explode together.

Snuff porn, you crave it and NEED it!

snuff pornYou crave it and need it, I understand. Who else can you possibly talk to that will understand why your cock gets so hard while watching snuff porn. I know it turns you on more than anything and that’s why I am here – here to help. It makes my pussy soaking wet, dripping at the very thought. All I can think about is giving those bitches what they deserve. Someone like her needs to be snuffed out. Her and her precious little brat she has in tow. She is a waste of space anyway, I’ll make her mommy dearest hold her little brat down for you while you violate all her holes, turn this little one into your personal fuck toy. Does your cock throb so fucking good in that itty bitty throat? I know you like to feel her choke on it. I’ll make her ride that cock, a pussy like that is much too small to fit on there, but once I get a hold of her I’ll screw her right on, rip that cunt in half and fuck that bitch to death while I get started on her hysterical mommy. Mhm, isn’t that what you want? You want to feel the life drained out of her tiny body, dominating her in every way until she’s gone and your cock is on to the next slut that’s going to literally be fucked to death. And you couldn’t have done it without me…

Ass Rape Porn for Thanksgiving

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It’s the perfect time of the year to throw a thanksgiving party. I am going to cook and invite everyone over. Part of making everything is staying up and pre making things for the big day! I go ahead and purchase all my ingredients and start two days before thanksgiving preparing the food. When thanksgiving eve rolls around I invite some friends over to help and drink. They ask if they can invite some of their friends whom I have not met, I of course agree. The more the merrier! The door bell rings and I go to answer it. I invite the stranger right in. I offer him some wine. I mention he is early. He asks what time he was suppose to be here. I just I should have known then. Next thing I know my face is pressed in the table. My dress is pulled up as he is trying to whip his cock out. I try to get away. He knocks me to the floor and grabs me by my ankles. He starts punching me in my face. He picks me back up and forces me against the table. My panties are ripped and my dress is stained with blood. He finally get his rock hard cock out and starts to do my cunt. My body feels bruised and there is a pool of my blood around me. My face is pressed up against the table as he keeps ramming his cock deep inside of me. He is very rough and is causing so much pain on me. I can’t do anything about it, I can’t move and no one can hear my cries. He whispers in my ear that he has known me for a long time and he isn’t a friend of my friends. I start loosing so much blood as he fucks every single one of my wholes. I start to feel sleepy and fall limp. I wake up to my friends around me looking at all my blood and me on the floor. I am going to give thanks for bringing us all together today. Thanksgiving is a day where you must be thankful for everything. I wish he knew how thankful I was.

Watching, Waiting, Wanting

taboo phone sex angieShe is an exhibitionist. I know she knows that I am watching her and she puts on one hell of a show every night. She has been since she moved in a couple of months ago. At exactly eight o’clock every night I can see the silhouette of her naked body through the thick glass block wall that makes up her shower stall. I watch her shadow disappear from view for just a few minutes and then she is in front of her bedroom window. She coyly glances my way as a gesture to let me know that this is for me. She doesn’t know that the glow from the TV is my favorite snuff porn. The most violent one that I have and that as she is teasing me with her little game, I am listening to the sound of screaming, that ripping flesh and torture are the music playing in my room as I watch and plot what I will do to her. To her this is a sensual game, for me it is an evil prelude to what is yet to cum.

Strung Up by my Toes

You have me strung up by my toes – literally. The ropes are cutting into my arms and legs and I can’t scream because you have me gagged. No one would here me anyway – hidden away in your dungeon underground with all your other whores. I have been tied this way for so many hours that my legs have fallen asleep but I can still feel every sweet painful thing you do to my pussy. I try to keep my head up to watch, but my neck keeps failing me and my head falls back limp.

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You pinch and twist my pussy lips so hard I squeal like the fuckpig I am. You fuck me with every toy in your arsenal and your eyes never leave my body as you torture me and live out all of your rape phone sex fantasies. I should have known better than to tease a man like you. I should have known you would find me. Once you did, it was all over, I became yours. I’ve been here ever since in the dark being tortured any time you decide to pay me attention.

I am getting dizzy from the position I am tied in but I know you don’t give a shit. All those times I teased you and made you pay for my services. Now it was time for your payback – you were going to get every dollars worth out of my slutty ass. You are brutal and fuck my pussy and my ass with no mercy. I can feel hot liquid dripping down my ass cheeks. I don’t know if its cum or blood and I honestly don’t care – I love them both the same.