Category: Bloody phone sex

StepMommy Dearest

Rape phone sex fantasies (5)

I woke up and she was there, I knew Daddy had let her in; he has no problem sharing me with friends. She had a gun in her hand and a look on her face like she didn’t give a shit about me, or my life. I was scared but I knew better than to run and she proceeded to slap me across my face with her gun. “I’m Alanza, and I’m going to be your new step Mommy.” I knew who she was, from and I whimpered as she dragged me across my bed and ordered me to get on my knees. She backed up and started filming me saying she was going to show the whole world what a slut I am. My young body was going to be exposed to all and I started to cry but she pointed the gun at me so I started to strip. First exposing my puffy little titties I had just started to develop and then spreading my pussy lips for all to see. They were bald and wet, pink and shiny. And I could see her rubbing her pussy behind the camera. Suddenly Daddy was there, and she was holding me down and he was fucking me harder than ever before as my new Mommy instructed him to do.

2 girl phone sex (24)

Castration Phone Sex Purifies the Human Race

castration phone sexCastration phone sex is way more popular than you would think. That makes me giddy like a school girl knowing how many men out there can admit they don’t deserve to have their testicles. I’m not saying I liked the Nazis, but I appreciated their scientific experiments to preserve their race. I look at castration as a method of purifying the human race. We have to make sure that only the finest specimens reproduce. Sure there are plenty of worthless women out there that need sterilized or their twats stitched closed. But, it if we can prevent the dead beat dads, losers with tiny dicks, the stupid fucks, the trailer trash rednecks, perverts and annoying self absorbed tools from procreating, we can make the human race stronger, better. I am a firm believer that assholes breed assholes.

Take my latest victim for example. Tony has sired 14 brats. He pays for none of them, subsequently his baby mamas are draining our tax dollars living off of welfare because Tony lacks the manhood to take care of his brats. I got wind of this lothario through a mutual friend and paid him a visit. The conceited tool thought I was there to fuck. He was like “you really aren’t my type, but I can toss you a bone, bitch.” I laughed hysterically. He looked so perplexed until he saw my big ass knife. Now, normally with the more willing castration victims, I use a castration chair, maybe slip them a roofie to dull the pain, and I most definitely try to cauterize the wound so they don’t bleed out.

snuff pornI could give a fuck if Tony ever took a breath again. I held the knife to his throat while I made him pull his pants down. I listed off a litany of reasons he didn’t deserve his balls. He thought it was all a joke. That one of his baby mamas was punking him, until I sliced his balls off. They hit the floor and looked like fish out of water. I stepped on his worthless nut sack with my high heels and squished them like a bug. Then, the fun part. I made him step barefoot on his own balls or lose his cock too. Of course after he stepped on his own worthless balls, I lobbed his cock off too. He shouldn’t ever fuck again. No woman, even ones I hate with a passion, should ever have to deal with this loser. I’m hoping he just bled out on the floor. I’ll take your junk too. I don’t even need a good reason.

I like to mix it up sometimes

snuff sexSometimes my regular torture techniques get really old and boring…I have to seek out alternative ways to fuck up the bitches that deserve it all. They are literally going to get the worst of the worst from me…My very favorite new torture? Ahh, the good old starving rat in a cage. They’ll  claw and chew their way through your body to get to the food and you can do nothing but take it, deal with the pain. That’s what I want, to hear them scream and cry and beg for it all to end but not letting them get that kind of satisfaction. I want guys and girls to do this with a little sweet couple would be ideal. A stupid college couple that gets too drunk or is too stupid to be afraid of me and once they’re in my clutches they’re fucked…they’re mine to do whatever I want to. Mine to drain of their blood, ruin all their fuckholes and take all the pleasure as I watch the life drain from their eyes.

Classic Torture

taboo phone sex angieRecording her torture in black and white is fucking classic. They know exactly how to mutilate her causing the maximum amount of pain and keeping her alive and feeling every second of it for the longest amount of time. Of course I have smelling salts and other ways to wake the bitch up if she passes out so that she can enjoy the slow and painful torture that we are dishing out. After all, I bought this one. She wasn’t abducted of the street. I am damned sure going to get my money’s worth and I am going to enjoy this over and over again for a long time to come when I watch the film I am making. I am thinking of saving a few prize pieces of her body as well to add to my collection. And if all goes well I am going to be able to finally make that drinking mug out of her skull. I have tried a couple of times and haven’t been successful at sealing the skull so it holds liquid but I think I have it down now and that hers will be the final one.

Kidnapping phone sex

kidnapping phone sex

I got off of work really late tonight. I am having some car trouble and my phone is dead so my only option is to wait for the bus. It’s pitch black outside and I get this overwhelming thought that I am being followed. Sure enough I noticed some guy lurking in the shadows. He is licking his lips and looking me up and down. I look away and try to ignore him. the man walks up to me trying to approach me. I blow him off as best as I can. Grabbing my wrist he tells me to come with him, his eyes are glazed over and I obviously refuse. I mean I know I am a vulnerable pathetic little filthy ass whore who is basically asking for dirty thing to happen to me with the way that I am dressed but come on now, I just want to get home. I refuse to give him the satisfaction of being frightened even though I am sure the look in my eyes say all he needs to know. My heart is racing and pounding through my chest underneath of my Black dress. He reaches his hand under my dress only to find my soaking wet cunt leaking through my shear panty hose. I think about running but I know my sexy heals will only help me fail at trying to escape his grasp. A van rolls up and I’m suddenly forced into it. My face is buried in the thighs of a big black man with a twitching black cock pole pressed against my cheek. He thinks it’s funny to keep ramming my head into it by pulling my hair lifting my face up and slamming my face into it. It feels like concert under my face. There is about five guys groping me and laughing their asses off taking about what they are going to do to me. They talk about slicing my skin open, shitting in my face, pissing in my eyes, and having their way with me- stretching every hole I have to the limit. I start to cry and one smacks me hard across the face. He tells my stupid slutty whore ass to shut the fuck up or else I will get what’s coming to me right now rather then later. They talk about ending my life or using me as a little breeding whore. May if I be good and beg they will give me some sympathy.

What is Your Medical Fetish Phone Sex Fantasy?

medical fetish phone sex blairMedical fetish phone sex takes on all kinds of forms I discovered. Honestly, I thought it was just castration or other kinds of male sexual torture. I had never done such a call before, until a sick perverted doctor wanted to play doctor with this dirty mommy. I showed up for my yearly gynecological exam not suspecting what was in store for me. I was in the stirrups waiting to have my pussy checked out by the professional, when I heard voices. Another man was in the room. My doctor assured me it was just his PA, but as I turned to look, my ankles were restrained to the stirrups and a spiked specula was inserted in my pussy. It hurt like hell as he widened it. I could feel my pussy bleeding as the spikes dug into my vaginal wall. I let out a scream, as the PA strapped my head down and shoved his cock in my mouth to silence me. I peed in fear all over Dr. Demento between my legs. I was restrained on a medical table for hours while two supposed medical professionals did torturous experiments on my female parts. My labia lips were sliced. My clit was burned and over stimulated to the point of excruciating pain. My vaginal wall scraped with no pain medication like a backyard abortion. I was told I was a dirty whore who plays with her sons. Incest is a sin that deserved the ultimate punishment. Yes, I am a dirty mommy, but I don’t hurt my sons. They love playing with me. I pleaded for forgiveness, but was only given more pain. I was fucked and sodomized with a cattle prod until I could smell my burning flesh. I later learned that I was sterilized so that I would never give birth again. If two medical doctors could hurt me so badly, I wonder what you could do to me? Whatever your taboo phone sex fantasy is, I bet I am the perfect victim for your depraved desires.

I know you need some snuff porn…

snuff pornI know you need some snuff porn, I mean what kinda of freak would we be without that hot shit? I can’t watch any other kind of porn besides that anyway because this is the only thing that gets this cunt dripping wet and ready for more of that shit. As in I can’t just watch it on the tv, I need it in real life…so I make that shit just happen. I can handle it all myself and I make sure to be cumming in no time… right on that bitches face. It’s always fun to have an accomplice with me to make this lil bitch suffer and to give her a good ass beating, then an ass fucking. Some forced cocksucking and cutting that lil soft body all over till it is covered in blood and cum and she is crying and begging for it all to end…we can more than give her that, we’ll give her the end of everything and cum so hard when we kill the bitch and our snuff porn is made, just with you and me and all our twisted desires.

Destroying Subby Slut, Leah

torture phone sexI hated Leah the moment I met her. She was a pitiful little subby who claimed that she got off on being used. I wondered how true that was and last night I decided to find out. It was easy. I invited her over for a client of mine who was a domme. She looked so sickening as he ball-gagged her and fucked every hole, that I had to join in and give her some real pain.

Pushing him aside, I punched her in the face. “Untie her.” I ordered him. He knew better than to fuck with me. She hit the ground hard and I was on her, kicking her with steel toed boots. I grabbed her by her hair and yanked her to her feet. “On the table, bitch.” She whimpered as she climbed painfully into the table. “Spread those legs.” I ordered, reaching for a red-hot curling iron that I kept plugged in for the occasion. I rammed that branding iron deep into her subby cunt and she screamed in agony. He was jerking his cock in gleeful pleasure as I throttled her to silence the racket. “What should I do with her, Master. Kill her?” “Not yet, Nat. I haven’t had my fill yet.” His laugh rumbled like an evil hiss. Angrily, I grabbed a screwdriver and stabbed her in the chest, puncturing a lung. I laughed as her lung filled with blood, making her gurgle and wheeze, as the blood filled her mouth and drooled unto the table. I dipped my finger into it and sucked it clean.

snuff porn
“Damn, you got my cock hard, girl.” he muttered. “Make it happen.” Kneeling between her legs, he drove his massive fuckstick into her blistered pussy. She was screaming now and it wasn’t a subby scream anymore. It was one of pure pain and fear, which whetted my own appetite and juiced my aching cunt. “Do it, bitch.” he moaned, on the verge of explosion. I pulled her head back, revealing her rapidly beating jugulars. “NOW” he ordered. I pulled the blade across her throat, nearly severing her head, as her heels drummed on the table. The convulsing, contracting death twitch deep in her pussy pulled a huge load of cum from his own tortured balls. I screamed out loud with the force of my own orgasm. Her cooling body lie broken on the table with cum leaking from her dead pussy. I knew exactly who to call next. No sense in wasting a perfectly good dead body….

bloody phone sex

I found her all alone

taboo phone sexI found this little bitch, nice and young… can you believe she was alone at that age? She was alone and appeared to be lost. I think she said something about looking for her Mommy, so I told a little white lie and said I’d help her find her Mommy. Little did she know my only plans were to snatch that little bitch up and take her to my place for a not so fun time…for her. She was clueless until I started inflicting pain on her tiny body. I was going to do all types of awful things to this brat. I had a strap on that ripped her open, literally. She was bleeding and screaming and crying but that didn’t stop me, my pussy was still dripping wet, I was turned on and far from done.

Fantasy Phone Sex: My Dreams, Others Nightmares

fantasy phone sexWhat is your fantasy phone sex dream?I am not exactly the Hallmark card kinda of girl. The only holiday I ever recognize is Halloween. Tomorrow is another stupid ass nonsense holiday called Make Your Dreams Come True Day. My dreams, are most people’s nightmares, so I think the day should be called Make Your Nightmares Come True Day. I plan on assisting a few well deserving fucktards get their worst nightmares fulfilled at the stroke of midnight. I have a list of men who I’m going to castrate. Maybe even take their worthless dicks too. If you don’t deserve balls, you don’t deserve a dick either. I sneak into an unsecured house while a guy is snoozing or passed out. Tie him to the bed, slap him awake, enjoy the expression on his face when he sees the knife to his junk. Bye bye cock and balls, hello nightmare city. Castration is a dream come true for me since I fantasize about a world with less stupid fucks.

taboo phone sexMove to the next house. It will be full of annoying little brats for me to torture while their parents watch. A parent’s worst nightmare is to have a sick twisted bitch like me break into their place in the middle of the night and hold their offspring at knife point. So much fun to be had here. I can make daddy diddle his son. Force daddy to fuck his little girl. Make mommy and daddy hurt each other for the false promise that I won’t harm a hair on their sniffling brats’ heads. So many fun sick games I can play. I can even kidnap those brats and deliver them straight to your door step so you can molest them first. Admit it. You would love to make some little boy or girl’s nightmare come true with my assistance and your cock.

acomplice phone sex

Fuck making dreams come true. Why not join me as my accomplice in a day of debauchery and mayhem? Our dreams are most folks’ nightmares. Let the games begin.