Category: Bloody phone sex

Snuff Porn Revenge

Revenge is a dish best served with their intestines wrapped around their throat, and their decaying cock in your cunt. I had and ex that drugged and violated me several times, and with my new found attitude, I decided it was time to get my revenge. So, I texted him that I got us a hotel room, and that I wanted tonight to be the night we finally have sex. Since he doesn’t know that I know what he did to me, this plan was perfect. I wore sexy lingerie, so that he wouldn’t be suspicious. I had champagne set out for us, and there was something extra special in his. I thank cheerleading for the muscles to move his fat unconscious ass. The only difference between us is that I violated him when he woke up because I wanted to hear his screams and see the look of horror on his face. I cut right across his toned abs, and ripped his intestines out. I wrapped them around his throat until he started turning blue. I loved seeing him weak and vulnerable, trying to cling to what little life he had left in him. My pussy was dripping wet watching him take his last breathe. It’s true what they say about how a man’s cock stays hard when he dies, and I stuck to my word. I rod him until his body was cold, and his corpse started to smell. 

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Snuff Movies Starring Your Wife

Snuff movies

My boyfriend and I just made one of what I hope to be many snuff movies. Let me tell you how it all began. I started seeing this married man. Oh, don’t judge me I am not the one that is married, and happy men don’t cheat. He knew about my dark side but I don’t think he realized to what depth. We were laying in bed after I had just given him the deepthroat blowjob of his dreams. When he ask me if I had ever thought about killing someone. Oh now you are talking the language that makes my pussy purr. With a wicked little laugh I responded with of course.

Then I ask you who you wanted to kill cause you know me I don’t just want to kill someone. I want to torture, fuck, and then snuff the life out of them. You told me your wife. I put a for sale by owner sign in the yard. You brought her to my house under the premonition that you might be buying her this house. You led her down into my dark basement. I grabbed her from behind and covered her mouth with some chloroform. We ripped her clothes off and handcuff her hands behind her back. I started biting her nipple and I could taste her blood in my mouth when she awoke screaming.

Poor little pretty princess is going to be tortured to death and with the help of her own husband. I grab the back of her hair and pull her head back. I tell her to open her mouth. I have you shove your big hard cock into her wet mouth. I start pulling her head back and forth by her hair. I tell her if she had of been a good wife and given her husband the blowjobs that he deserved her ass wouldn’t be in this position. I start slapping her pussy with my riding crop telling her to suck your cock harder. You reach up and wrap your hands around her throat. You choke the life out of her worthless body as you cum in her mouth feeling fully satisfied. It is the first time in over 7 years that the bitch finally gave you a blowjob.

Accomplice phone sex

Slash For Cash

Taboo phone sex

You find’em and I’ll grind’em. Ha!  Do you know there are a lot of Step Parents out there who absolutely hate their new Partner’s offspring? I shit you not my friends.  Some of those feelings go well beyond hate.  They detest them, the mere sight of them makes them want to throw up.  I would imagine Rage Step-Parenting wouldn’t be a great thing for the newly married couple.  Might dampen some of that marital bliss I would think. Luckily for those Steps the Goddess has seen fit to put someone like me onto this shit hole of a planet.

You see, I can make those little pests just go away.  Because of the nature of disposal there is always a fee involved.  I don’t care what age, what they look like, what they sound like, or anything like that.  As long as I get paid I do not care. Picking them up at their own home isn’t a problem, I’m like a Death Uber or some shit.  The Step-Parent brings them right out and puts those little fuckers right into my car.  How convenient is that? 

All I do is drive away to a nice secluded place.  Of course the little shits are always confused as fuck but that’s okay, they won’t be confused for very long.  They won’t be much of anything for very long.  Sometimes I like to play with them for awhile.  Cut them, burn them, brand them, stab at them, anything to make them scream.  Other times I have shit to do so I just slit their throats then toss them some place to rot.  

The best part of all this is when I see the news reports with the parents begging for the person who took their brat to bring them home.  The tears, the sobbing, the utter fucking lie.  Motherfuckers are god damned Sociopathic.  It makes me laugh.  All that fucking acting.  In the end though, it will just become a memory and once a year there will be some sort of vigil or some shit for the poor lost one.  I go to those damn things.  It always gives me a little thrill for the Step-Parent to see me again.  I think it makes them nervous, which it so fucking should, because I am privy to the biggest secret of their lives. 


Bloody phone sex It is Monday and it is fucking late like 4 am or some bullshit but I need to get laid. And not only do I need to get laid but I need a good beat down too. I know a few guys I can call but the one I am calling loves knife play. I am in the mood to smell and taste my own blood. My little dirty secret is I love blood especially my blood. I love the feeling of it trickling down my flesh. My cunt gets so fucking wet. Even now writing this blog I am dragging my cunt against my bed. I am going to give him a call right now I am teasing myself too much I need to fucking cum!

A Mother’s Damage

Taboo phone sex

Where does it all being? With your Mother of course.  Sigmund Freud was right about a lot of things.  A Mother’s love can be a wonderful thing, but sometimes a Mother’s love can fuck you in the head so badly you turn into one of the most deviant fucks of all time.  Aren’t Mother’s great?!?! I don’t have any cuntlings of my own.  I don’t want any either, can you imagine a little me running around? Fuck no.  I mean, I guess I could teach them how to be like me, which might be fun, but all that other bullshit that goes along with it? That’s a huge Nope.

I have a friend who we all call “Sausage”.  Is it because he has a big dick? Nope. It is the opposite in fact.  He is messed up and seriously crazy. Dude has been in mental institutions for crimes before.  He can be pretty fun to hang out with once in a while.  I met Sausage at a party, he was in the corner all alone, drinking straight from a vodka bottle.  I sat down next to him, and when he turned to look at me I could tell he was way off.  He was motherfucking creepy.  I even told him that to which he replied, “You have no idea.” Then he handed me the bottle.  I got to know him and he would tell me the many fucked up things his Mother would do to him from when he was young.  He hated her.

Once in a while he would ask me if I would show him my tits.  I would, didn’t bother me in the least.  He would sometimes suck on them, but he never did anything else.  He didn’t try to dry hump me, or rub on his tiny dick, he would just suck on them and close his eyes.  Then after a few minutes we would go back to drinking and talking.

Then the day came when he went into great detail about his Mother’s death.  Turns out Sausage killed his Mother.  It wasn’t just a quick shot to the head type of deal either.  The man took his time.  She used to bite his cock and balls when he was tiny, so the first thing he did to her was to pull out her teeth.  Had her tied up and pulled out her fucking teeth, one at a time.  Do you realize how long that would take to do that, and the strength that would involve? Then he moved to her tongue, used some sort of garden snips or something like that.  He said he shoved her own tongue up her ass. He mutilated that bitch. This went on and on, until finally he couldn’t keep her alive anymore so he tossed her at the dump.  

He told me that when he was sent to the mental hospital for killing her he was happy.  For the first time in his life he was truly happy.  The only thing he didn’t touch on her body were her tits.  He said because they were too perfect to harm.  That is why he wants to see my tits some times, because mine remind him of his Mother’s.  I don’t care of course, as long as he doesn’t end up shoving my own tongue up my own ass, everything is good.

What a bad bitch

Domination phone sex

I had my girlfriend dominate me last night. I told her that I really needed my ass spanked a few times. We planned on having a threesome with a boy at school. but, I think he was too scared or intimidated. He most likely had a small dick anyway. He seems like a pussy. My bitch is bad. I grabbed whips and zip ties today. My body loves to feel pain. My parents left and it was on. I wanted to be spanked over my stalkings.  She started to count on three she whipped me harder and harder each time. I love lesbian kinky shit. I got strapped down and she turned my body into a punching bag. Harder and harder the sexier. I took selfies with her down on my pussy with her pocket knife. I love to get bloddy. Is there anything sexier than a bloddy hot bitch in bed?! NO!

Having Some Fun with Indigo

snuff porn

Everyone thinks it’s so fun to torture my sexy little teen body, but what happens when I finally get the opportunity to be the torturer?  What happens when I finally blossom into the living dead girl I have always wanted to be?  A huge thank you goes to Indigo, for showing me the murderous bitch I really am.  I had gotten myself into one of those situations again, where I was a damsel in distress.  I was cornered in an alley by some drunk man, and Indigo came from behind him with a dingy rag.  Within seconds he was laying on the ground, out like a light.  She told me she helped me because I reminded her of herself, big tits and one hell of an attitude.  She asked if I wanted to have some fun with the dirt bag, and I was so in.  I helped her drag his limp body too and from the car.  We had him in a secluded cabin in the woods.  She told me normally she likes to do the torturing herself, but this time she would settle for watching.  I chained him up spread eagle, I wanted to wait until he woke up, but Indigo really wanted to get her hand on him.  He woke up the her carving a permanent smile on to his smug face.  Watching someone else cry and scream in agony was such a turn on!  Then it was my turn.  I grabbed the dullest knife Indigo had, and began sawing off his tiny little cock.  By the time I was done with that Indigo had enough of his screaming, and ripped out his tongue with a pair of pliers.  I went around to the back, and decided that his asshole needed to be a little bigger.  It felt so good watching the knife tear through his flesh, making his ass gape wide open.  I shoved his limp, bloody, stump of a cock into his newly extended ass hole.  Indigo was kind enough to teach me how to sew, his ass shut that is.  Then we slit his throat, and fucked in his pool of blood.  Biggest orgasm I have ever had!

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What Some Candy Little Bitch?

Taboo phone sex

So many juicy little cunts out there, so little time to fuck with them.  What is it with them and candy? How utterly stupid can you be to put yourself in danger over some fucking candy? It happens, a lot more than what you may think.  It makes for easy pickings.  The trick to it working is that you can’t look like a fucking weirdo, or creeper when offering.  Plus, you never approach, you let them come to you. I’ll give you a for instance …

I was waiting for my bus when I pulled out some hard candy.  I wasn’t thinking anything of it.  I noticed a little one with their Mother watching me.  I smiled, they smiled back.  I saw the Mom look at me and I said, “I think they want a piece of my candy.”  The Mom and I made some small talk then she let me give the little snot a piece.  Then the Mom’s phone rang, you know how people get when they are on their phones, they pay no attention. I started talking to the sticky faced shit seated next to me.  The whole time the Mom never looked back at us.  I waited for about ten minutes then I did what any self respecting twisted deviant minded woman would do.  I asked “Miss Sticky Face” if she wanted more candy.

You should of seen the look on her face.  It was pure joy, and I couldn’t wait to smash it off that tiny head of hers.  I put my hand out, she took it.  As we made our way around the corner the Mom was still on the phone, laughing.  I wondered if she would be laughing that hard when the newspapers reported finding the mangled body of her little bitch.

Babysitter Phone Sex Slut From Hell

babysitter phone sex

They were just victims of your babysitter phone sex calls. I knew just where to find my delicious rugrats to torture and fillet! I didn’t think our call would make my pussy so wet for young sweet twat. I lusted after brat blood and I couldn’t stop the craving after you told me about the slumber party at your daughters’ house with your sweet fat cunny of a granddaughter and her tiny fuck toy friends.  I had babysat for her friend and you and I  had played together with older teens before. I knew you could satisfy my pussy with blood and the horrific screams of these little. I had you meet me at the basement door and gave you the chloroform.  When I had the signal my pussy was wetting my black silk murder day panties. I ran after you with my blade out and snatched two beautiful Bebes and hauled them out to the van. Of course, you had your Granddaughter out cold and put them all in the trunk.

We made quick work at the dungeon as I invited My boy toy accomplice to join the cherry popping of fresh ripe youngins. I made sure I got to eat each little twat before and after each of you came in holes so small they ripped within seconds. I rode little faces as I stabbed each over and over. I minced the little bitches up and began my sweet and sour fillets of young flesh. So yummy eating the evidence. Of course, I left your grandebebe alive and I will keep her in a cage so You can come to finish destroying her. An evil heartless Bitch always has to have something to keep them coming back for more. I have plenty to feed her to keep her alive. I will have to disappear for a while from this town but I will leave a trail of tiny destroyed tots and women in my wake as I slaughter my way around the world.

Torture Sex Awaits You

Torture sex

You have no idea the torture sex that awaits you. You are going to wish you had of killed me when you had the chance. You broke into my apartment and knocked me out. You hog tied me and forced me to suck your cock until you shot your hot jizz down my throat. You even taunted me and told me that Daddy couldn’t save me. But guess what mother fucker Daddy is here now.

Daddy and I are going out on the prowl to find your ass. Once we find you we are going to make you strip naked. Then once we tie you up the fun will begin. I plan on making small cut marks all over your body. Watching you bleed and hearing you scream will give me so much sexual gratification. When I get bored with that, I plan on shoving various objects up your ass such as Corona 12fl oz bottle, cucumber, and finally a pineapple. I plan on fucking your ass until it is raw and blood is running down your legs. I want to hear you begging me to stop. Begging me to have mercy on your pathetic sorry ass.

Accomplice phone sex

I plan on sitting back and watching as my Daddy forces his big thick cock down your throat causing you to gag. My pussy will be getting soaking wet as he face fucks you. Making you suck on his hard cock until he drops a load in your sleazy mouth. I am going to taunt you just like you taunted me. No one will be able to save your sorry worthless ass. Then when I finally bore with you I will cut your cock off with a jagged rusty knife and shove it down your throat. I will sit back and fuck my wet pussy enjoying every minute of you bleeding to death.